The Heartwood

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The Heartwood CBCaveIcon.png
At [-625, 66, -289] you will find heartwood and roots of a tree that once was.
Coordinates X: -625, Y: 66, Z: -289
Suggested Level 69
Difficulty Hard
Length Medium
Estimated Time 1m
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 3x Tier 1 [✫✫✫]
1x Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫]
1x Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫]
Mobs Rot-Borers (Lv. 75)
Electrogaea Apparitions (Lv. 66)
Teaka Wraiths (Lv. 67)
Ironwood Guards (Lv. 69)
Suspicious Spots (Lv. 68)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+15000 XP

The Heartwood is a Cave found in the Dernel Jungle.


The cave immediately starts off with a split path, the left one being labeled as dangerous and the right one not having any whatsoever. The left path immediately starts off with a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest. A Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest found across a pond. The left path ends with a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest being found on the top of a mushroom. The right path simply leads to the point where both paths converge. Once Ironwood Guards start to appear, a Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest can be found on top of a mushroom. There will be a seal at the end of the room, which requires 4 Ironwood Hearts to open, dropped from the aforementioned mob. The final room of the cave has several Ironwood Guards and Electrogaea Apparitions; 3 of the latter must be slain to open a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Rarely, a Suspicious Spot will spawn at the end of the cave.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ElectrogaeaApparition.png Electrogaea Apparition 66 2198 Jumper - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
? The Heartwood
TeakaWraith.png Teaka Wraith 67 2020 Melee - ✤ Weak
❋ Dam

Lost Talisman
The Heartwood
IronwoodGuard.png Ironwood Guard 69 7450 Melee Flamethrower ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def

Ironwood Heart

Ironwood Chips
The Heartwood
Rot-Borer.png Rot-Borer 75 2970 Melee Charge ✤ Dam ? The Heartwood
SuspiciousSpot.png Suspicious Spot 68 50 None - -
Jungle Jet Shard

Jungle Pearl Shard

Jungle Turquoise Shard

Jungle Jade Shard

Jungle Topaz Shard
Dernel Jungle


  • Despite there being green particles around the flower wand at the end, it is not an interactable object.