Trained Lion Cub

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Trained Lion Cub
Type Hostile Mob
Level 30
Health 300
AI Type Melee
Elemental Properties
Damage Thunder
Location Lion's Lair

Lion Fang

Trained Lion Cubs are a Hostile Mob found in the Lion's Lair.


Trained Lion Cubs are a melee enemy that follow the player and deal damage on contact.

Trained Lion Cubs deal Thunder damage with their attacks.


Trained Lion Cubs can drop the following ingredients when defeated:

Lion Fang [✫✫]
Tier 1 Crafting Ingredient
+4 to +6 Main Attack Neutral Damage
+6 to +8 Neutral Spell Damage
-38 Durability
Crafting Lv. Min: 28
  • Tailoring
  • Jeweling
more info...

Trained Lion Cubs may additionally drop Normal Items, Unidentified Items, Emeralds, Powders, and Potions of Healing.


Trained Lion Cubs can be found inside the Lion's Lair, near the Savannah and Almuj Desert.

Lion Lair
Location: 771, 67, -2199
Mobs Snake • Lion Trainer • Trained Lion Cub • Lion Master • Pride Male Lion
Info Located in the northern part of the Savannah. The lair consists of a very large open cave with many tunnels. The blood trail in one of the tunnels leads to the exit.
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Table data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TrainedLionCub.png Trained Lion Cub 30 300 Melee - ✦ Dam
Lion Fang
Lion's Lair
