Troll Burrows

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Troll Burrows CBCaveIcon.png
A large gathering of trolls are peacefully minding their business a bit too close to Thesead at [858, 80, -5198].
Coordinates X: 858, Y: 80, Z: -5198
Suggested Level 80
Difficulty Easy
Length Medium
Estimated Time 50s
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
Mobs Troll Miners (Lv. 82)
Troll Sharpshooters (Lv. 82)
Troll Protectors (Lv. 82)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+250000 XP

The Troll Burrows are a Cave found in the Canyon of the Lost near Thesead.


The cave is mostly a straightforward path to the end. After a while, there will be some parkour, followed by the first trolls appearing. At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 17 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TrollMiner.png Troll Miner 82 5050 Melee - - - Troll Burrows
TrollSharpshooter.png Troll Sharpshooter 82 5050 Ranged - - - Troll Burrows
TrollProtector.png Troll Protector 82 6000 Melee Push - - Troll Burrows