Wildcat Hunter

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Wildcat Hunter
Type Hostile Mob
Level 31
Health 460
AI Type Ranged
Abilities Backstep
CBCaveIcon.png Lion's Lair

Wildcat Hunters are Hostile Mobs found in the Lion's Lair CBCaveIcon.png Cave.


Wildcat Hunters are ranged enemies that that fire projectiles from a distance. If their target is outside of a certain range, these mobs will move towards it. When the player gets too close, these mobs will leap backwards a short distance.


Wildcat Hunters can drop Normal Items, Unidentified Items, Emeralds, Powders, and Potions of Healing.


Wildcat Hunters can appear in the Lion's Lair CBCaveIcon.png Cave northeast of Bremminglar.

Lion Lair
Location: 768, 93, -2211
Mobs Savannah Snake • Trained Lion Cub (Lv. 30) • Trained Lion Cub (Lv. 33) • Savannah Sniper • Lion Trainer • Wildcat Hunter • Lion Poacher • Lion Master • Pride Male Lion
Info Located in the northern part of the Savannah. The lair consists of a very large cave with many tunnels and lots of loot.
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Table data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WildcatHunter.png Wildcat Hunter 31 460 Ranged Backstep - - Lion's Lair
