Chorus Balloon

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Discontinued Content
This article covers an item that can no longer be obtained, but still exists in-game for players who have it.

Chorus Balloon

Type Rare
Obtain Festival of the Heroes
(Balloon Merchant)
Usage Summons a persistent balloon that follows you.
It's quite durable. Worryingly, it feels like a real chorus flower.

The Chorus Balloon is a Rare item obtainable during the annual Festival of the Heroes, which most recently ran from 22nd March through 14th April, 2024. It was sold by the Balloon Merchant in the northwestern quarter of Detlas during the festival, at a cost of 16
Golden Festival Coins each, equivalent to a total of 1024
Silver Festival Coins.

When used, the Chorus Balloon summons a small chorus flower-design balloon that will follow you around for the next 5 minutes. Unlike the other Balloons sold by the Balloon Merchant, the Chorus Balloon is not consumed on use, and can be re-summoned for free after it disappears.

Hovering Chorus Balloon


  • This item was first available in the 2022 Festival of the Heroes, and was subsequently made available again in 2023 and 2024.