Confectionary Merchant

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Confectionary Merchant
Type Ingredient Merchant Merchant
Location Letvus Airbase
Coordinates X: -252, Z: -4955

The Confectionary Merchant (nicknamed the Candyman by the Souvenir Sweater Merchant) is a merchant that sells candy, which are used as Crafting Ingredients in Crafting. Since it provides medium-level ingredients for a consistent and cheap price, the Confectionary Merchant is a very useful tool for those looking to level up their crafting professions.


The Confectionary Merchant is located in the central stall of the Letvus Airbase.

Letvus Airbase
-251, 57, -4954
Wynncraft Map


Confectionary Merchant Trades
Price Product
Sugar Stick
Big Jawbreaker
Cocoa Caps
Licorice Ropes
Candy Button
Wybel Taffy
1 IceCreamSandwich.png Ice Cream Sandwich
1 LetvusDelight.png Letvus Delight

Festival of the Blizzard

Confectionary Merchant
NPC Info
X: 448 Z: -1540
Species Villager
Location Detlas

The Confectionary Merchant appears in Detlas for the 2022 Festival of the Blizzard by the Souvenir Sweater Merchant. He sells Peppermint Melts, Chocolate Coins, and Jumpin' Jellybeans.


First Conversation

  • Confectionary Merchant: Oh, hello there! Merry Craftmas, and hello- Ehm, wait a moment, I already said hello.
  • Confectionary Merchant: Goodness, this is such a different atmosphere to the shop at the Airbase, I'm getting tonguetied!
  • Confectionary Merchant: Haha, well, what can you do? Even if I get my tang tongueled every so often, I'll still do my best to make this Craftmas season sweet.
  • Confectionary Merchant: Though, I, heh, do believe I miss having my shop inside, it is... VERY cold out here!

Following Conversations

  • Confectionary Merchant: Why, hello again! Staying warm out here? Why not have a Craftmas treat to warm your heart?
  • Confectionary Merchant: Or, is it maybe that you have some questions for me?
    • [1] So what have you got for sale?
      • Confectionary Merchant: I've got all sorts of holiday treats to tantalize your taste buds! My most popular three are Chocolate Coins, Peppermint Melts, and Jumpin' Jellybeans!
      • Confectionary Merchant: Peppermint Melts are [2 Emerald Blocks] a pack, Chocolate Coins [4 Emerald Blocks], and Jumpin' Jellybeans [8 Emerald Blocks].
      • Confectionary Merchant: So, which would you like? Take your time, I'm sure everything looks appetizing!
        • [1] I'll have a pack of Peppermint Melts. [2 EB]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Here you are then! Enjoy the candies, and spread some Craftmas cheer for me!
          • [+16 Peppermint Melts]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • All the dialogue options from before will be here, except the last option which is replaced. If you continue to purchase his candies, the options reappear with the following dialogue.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Would you like anything more today?
                • If you purchase an item from him the third time, the dialogue options appear with this line of dialogue:
                  • Confectionary Merchant: Feel like stocking up? These make perfect gifts for friends and family!
                    • Purchasing an item for the fourth time and onwards brings up the following dialogue:
                      • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • [4] That's all for now.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Well, thank you very much for your patronage!
              • Confectionary Merchant: If your sweet tooth starts aching, come around again, I'll be happy to serve!
        • [2] I'll have a case of Chocolate Coins. [4 EB]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Here you are then! Enjoy the candies, and spread some Craftmas cheer for me!
          • [+16 Chocolate Coins]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • All the dialogue options from before will be here, except the last option which is replaced. If you continue to purchase his candies, the options reappear with the following dialogue.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Would you like anything more today?
                • If you purchase an item from him the third time, the dialogue options appear with this line of dialogue:
                  • Confectionary Merchant: Feel like stocking up? These make perfect gifts for friends and family!
                    • Purchasing an item for the fourth time and onwards brings up the following dialogue:
                      • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • [4] That's all for now.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Well, thank you very much for your patronage!
              • Confectionary Merchant: If your sweet tooth starts aching, come around again, I'll be happy to serve!
        • [3] I'll have a bag of Jumpin' Jellybeans. [6 EB]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Here you are then! Enjoy the candies, and spread some Craftmas cheer for me!
          • [+16 Jumpin' Jellybeans]
          • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • All the dialogue options from before will be here, except the last option which is replaced. If you continue to purchase his candies, the options reappear with the following dialogue.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Would you like anything more today?
                • If you purchase an item from him the third time, the dialogue options appear with this line of dialogue:
                  • Confectionary Merchant: Feel like stocking up? These make perfect gifts for friends and family!
                    • Purchasing an item for the fourth time and onwards brings up the following dialogue:
                      • Confectionary Merchant: Are you in the mood for anything else?
            • [4] That's all for now.
              • Confectionary Merchant: Well, thank you very much for your patronage!
              • Confectionary Merchant: If your sweet tooth starts aching, come around again, I'll be happy to serve!
        • [4] I'll need some more time to think.
          • Confectionary Merchant: Oh, that's perfectly fine by me. The chill really knocks the thoughts right out of my head too.
          • Confectionary Merchant: Just come back whenever you've warmed up to an option!
    • [2] How have sales been since you got here?
      • Confectionary Merchant: Oh, they've been positively preposterous. Everyone is in the mood for sugary things around this season!
      • Confectionary Merchant: I keep fearing I might run out of stock! It just wouldn't do to have people go without at this time of year though.
      • Confectionary Merchant: I'm doing my best to keep up with demand, but this sure outpaces the daily sales at my usual spot.
    • [3] So you work in an airbase?
      • Confectionary Merchant: Yes indeedy! I work in the Letvus Airbase in Cinfras, a little candy shop there. If you're ever in the area, drop by, won't you?
      • Confectionary Merchant: Lots of people come in to buy a pick-me-up on their way on and off flights- I just can't bear seeing crabby commuters.
      • Confectionary Merchant: Eheh, sometimes I think I give away too many free samples, but so long as it brightens someone's mood it's all worthwhile.
      • Confectionary Merchant: I've actually been getting a good deal of business from Wynn soldiers like you, as a matter of fact. I can't tell you how many Candy Buttons I've sold!
      • Confectionary Merchant: They're always so dour, though... You know, all business, give me my sugar fix then go, and I do wish I knew how to cheer them up.
      • Confectionary Merchant: You know, I see the T-Shirt guy and his daughter make you Wynn folk crack smiles every so often...
      • Confectionary Merchant: I might have to ask him for some advice one of these days! He did invite me here, so surely he'd spare a joke or two.
    • [4] What's the history between you and the T-Shirt guy?[1]
      • Confectionary Merchant: Oh, right. One of these days I really ought to bother to learn his name... But the T-Shirt guy is an absolutely lovely fellow!
      • Confectionary Merchant: I'd say we're two sides of the same coin- We both want to make people happy- Him through corny jokes, me through sweets.
      • Confectionary Merchant: We met incidentally at the Juggler's Tavern, and...well, he was black-out drunk. I don't drink, I just like the atmosphere.
      • Confectionary Merchant: His daughter came to get him, but couldn't get him up, so I helped her drag the poor fellow back to his house.
      • Confectionary Merchant: Apparently they'd just moved to Cinfras, and he got a bit too deep in his mug celebrating the move. It was quite late, and he was not a thin man.
      • Confectionary Merchant: She let me sleep over at the house that night. I figured I'd help him through his hangover the next day, but he was perfectly fine!
      • Confectionary Merchant: Since then, we got to talking. We'd go out to the tavern some nights, and I always make sure he doesn't drink so much.
      • Confectionary Merchant: It was a lovely thing to see him set up his business in the airbase, it means we get to see each other more often.
      • Confectionary Merchant: Though, I have to think it would be nice if the rest of his family dropped by more often. I saw them at a family gathering they invited me to once.
      • Confectionary Merchant: You should ask him that story, he's much better at storytelling than I am, really, but his family... Golly, they're all cards!
      • Confectionary Merchant: Yes, he loves complimenting his daughter's sense of humor, but she definitely got it from her mom and pop. And...well, the whole family, too.
    • [5] You've got some competition down the road.
      • Confectionary Merchant: Well gosh, it's not really competition. They're from Wynn, after all- If anything, I'm the one edging in on their turf.
      • Confectionary Merchant: But I'm not here to turn this into a contest, after all. It's the season of giving! Generosity and camaraderie!
      • Confectionary Merchant: Say, maybe I'll go over there and see if I can exchange recipes with them sometime. Always good to expand my culinary horizons!
    • [6] Are you participating in the gift-giving?[2]
      • Confectionary Merchant: Yep, and that reminds me. I've been saving some Letvus Delights for the occasion! So here- on the house.
      • [+1 Letvus Delight]
      • Confectionary Merchant: I hope it lights your day, and merry Craftmas again!
    • [7] Just saying hello.
      • Confectionary Merchant: Perhaps another time then. Enjoy the festival, will you?


  1. This option appears once you've asked him "So you work in an airbase?"
  2. This option disappears once selected.