Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb

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Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb SiteIcon.png
Coordinates X: -860, Z: -4900
Suggested Level 86
Reward As follows:
Monsters Flesh Eater [Lv. 86]
Dart Flinger [Lv. 38]
Dart Flinger [Lv. 88]
Dune Beast [Lv. 92]
Hidden Wall Trap [Lv. 86]
Whirlwind Beast [Lv. 90]
Saltrot Slavedriver [Lv. 91]
Shambler [Lv. 88]
Dustlion [Lv. 42]
Dust Devil [Lv. 90]
Dustling [Lv. 88]
Sandshifter [Lv. 87]
Locust Swarm [Lv. 87]
Dune Gladiator [Lv. 90]
Dune Raiser [Lv. 90]
The Hungry [Lv. 90]
Boss Corrupted Hashr [Lv. 95]
Battle 85%
Puzzle 0%
Parkour 15%

This dungeon has a non-corrupted variant; see Sand-Swept Tomb.

The mysterious tomb lied buried in the sand before Humans ever arrived into the desert from Fruma. Although uncovered, the tomb contains lethal secrets.

- WynnCraft Help Guide


This is the corrupted version of the Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon. It is mechanically identical but has a "corrupted" design, mobs of a higher level and better rewards. It can be accessed by entering its portal at The Forgery.

A list of the items you can purchase with the rewards from this Dungeon can be found on the Dungeon Merchant page.


Room 1


  • ???: The fool re--rns... The c-ge s--ll clai- you too.

The first room consists of a fighting challenge. When you stand on the pressure plate, you will activate three waves of mobs that spawn every fifteen seconds. The final wave consists only of one miniboss, which drops a token that can be used to enter the next room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FleshEater(CSST).png Flesh Eater 86 6000 Melee - ✤ Weak
❋ Def
- First Room
First Wave
DartFlinger(CSST1).png Dart Flinger 38 460 Ranged - ✤ Dam - First Room
Second Wave
DartFlinger(CSST2).png Dart Flinger 88 7700 Ranged - ✤ Dam - First Room
Second Wave
DuneBeast(CSST).png Dune Beast 92 31000 Melee Pull ✤ Dam
✤ Def
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token First Room
Third Wave

Room 2

In the second room, you must run down the hallway as ranged mobs appear in the walls and shoot at you. When you press the button at the end, it will open the large wooden trapdoor near the middle of the hallway, which you must run back to.
You must then jump down and run through another hallway with ranged mobs attacking you to advance to the next room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
HiddenWallTrap(CSST).png Hidden Wall Trap 86 Invulnerable Ranged - - - Second Room

Room 3


  • ???: The glo--ous sands run red... I c--not understand i-. I cannot understand y-u.
  • ???: Yet... New p-wer runs forth at my f-ngert-ps. I may yet save this wre--hed land...

The third room is another fighting challenge. You will be teleported to a randomly selected room where you will fight one of four sets of monsters to gather tokens to advance to the next room. The selected room is randomized for each player, so you may end up fighting alone even if you are in a party.

In this room, you will have to survive three waves of mobs each containing a miniboss, spawning every 15 seconds, and collect a token from the miniboss in the third wave. It is possible to step on the pressure plate again and spawn more mobs during the third wave, so be careful.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WhirlwindBeast(CSST).png Whirlwind Beast 90 26000 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- 1 Token Room
First Wave, Third Wave
FleshEater(CSST).png Flesh Eater 86 6000 Melee - ✤ Weak
❋ Def
- 1 Token Room
First Wave
SaltrotSlavedriver(CSST).png Saltrot Slavedriver 91 33000 Ranged Heal ❉ Weak
✤ Def
- 1 Token Room
Second Wave
Shambler(CSST).png Shambler 88 18000 Melee - - - 1 Token Room
Second Wave
Dustlion(CSST).png Dustlion 42 31000 Burst Ranged Pull, Teleport ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token 1 Token Room
Third Wave

In this room, you will have to kill 6 Dust Devils while being swarmed by Dustlings.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DustDevil(CSST).png Dust Devil 90 15500 Melee Vanish ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token
4 Dustlings
6 Tokens Room
Dustling(CSST).png Dustling 88 9000 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
- 6 Tokens Room,
Dust Devil

In this room, you will have to kill 15 slowly spawning token mobs while being attacked constantly by hidden wall traps, so you will have to either dodge the attacks or use some form of healing.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LimestoneJackal(CSST).png Limestone Jackal 89 9300 Melee Charge - Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token 15 Tokens Room
HiddenWallTrap(CSST).png Hidden Wall Trap 86 Invulnerable Ranged - - - 15 Tokens Room

In this room, you will be swarmed by dozens of mobs falling from the ceiling very quickly, but none of them are particularly strong, so they can be killed using area of effect attacks.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Sandshifter(CSST).png Sandshifter 87 8100 Melee - ❉ Weak
✤ Def
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token 30 Tokens Room
LocustSwarm(CSST).png Locust Swarm 87 6200 Melee - ❋ Weak Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token 30 Tokens Room

Room 4

The fourth room is a parkour challenge. Similarly to the third room, there are multiple possible parkours, and you will be sent to one randomly.


In this parkour, you have to go straight across a large chamber with mostly normal parkour across nether brick and wooden platforms, however, the wooden platforms will collapse soon after you land on them.

In this parkour, you simply have to parkour up to the top of the room, going around the edges, across nether brick platforms and up the occasional ladder.

In this parkour, you simply have to parkour, from the bottom of the room, around a few of the short towers to reach an exit in the side of the room.

In this parkour, you have to parkour across the pillars in the room. Halfway through, you will pass through a mirror which also functions as a checkpoint, and you will have to do the same parkour as in the first half, but reversed. This parkour is noticeably longer than the other three, but is also the simplest.

Room 5

In the fifth room, after you step on the pressure plate, you have to survive a horde of constantly spawning monsters for 60 seconds until a door opens leading to the next area.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DuneGladiator(CSST).png Dune Gladiator 90 9600 Melee - - - Fifth Room
DuneRaiser(CSST).png Dune Raiser 90 10550 Ranged - - - Fifth Room
Shambler(CSST).png Shambler 88 18000 Melee - - - Fifth Room
DartFlinger(CSST2).png Dart Flinger 88 7700 Ranged - ✤ Dam - Fifth Room
FleshEater(CSST).png Flesh Eater 86 6000 Melee - ✤ Weak
❋ Def
- Fifth Room

Room 6

While crossing the sixth room, the ground will crumble beneath you in the middle area (found behind a "RUN" sign), but it is easy to outrun. However, it begins to fall very quickly, so it can be difficult to get large parties across quickly. If you fall, you will be teleported to a room with a large number of hostile mobs, and you have to bring three of their tokens to a door to get back to the main room and try again. Once you have made it to the end, you can enter the boss room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheHungry(CSST).png The Hungry 90 9600 Melee Charge ✤ Weak Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Token Sixth Room
Underneath Floor

Boss Room


  • Hashr: I w-ll rule the red -ands with this p-wer under my c--tr-l!

The boss of this dungeon is Corrupted Hashr, and the fight is nearly identical to the original Sand-Swept Tomb boss fight. His first phase is weaker than the other two and is fought in the upper section of the boss room. When it is defeated, the floor will break, revealing his second phase below the original room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CorruptedHashr(Phase1).png Corrupted Hashr (Phase 1) 100 100000 Melee Multihit - Corrupted Hashr (Phase 2) Boss Room
Upper Area
CorruptedHashr(Phase2).png Corrupted Hashr (Phase 2) 110 325000 Melee Multihit, Charge, Pull ✦ Dam Corrupted Hashr (Phase 3) Boss Room
Lower Area
CorruptedHashr(Phase3).png Corrupted Hashr (Phase 3) 110 175000 Melee Multihit, Charge, Vanish ✦ Dam
44 Emeralds

Corrupted Hashr's Bone

3 Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragments
Boss Room
Lower Area

Dungeon Merchant

The Dungeon Merchant in front of the Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb sells:

Dungeon Merchant Trades
Price Product
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Uth Belt
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Dust Skaters
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Dune Storm
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Golden Scarab
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Lion's Pelt
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Hashr's Bone
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragment
Dungeon Teleport Scroll
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragment
Emerald Block
Gathering Axe T10
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragment
Emerald Block
Gathering Pickaxe T10
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragment
Emerald Block
Gathering Scythe T10
Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb Fragment
Emerald Block
Gathering Rod T10


  • This dungeon (usually abbreviated as CSST for simplicity) is commonly used as a popular endgame grinding spot, done in massive parties with double experience and free dungeon entrance bombs bought by the party's leader from the Wynncraft Store.
  • In the 1.18 update, both the corrupted and normal sand-swept tomb dungeons were changed to be longer and have randomized rooms, making them harder to do in parties.