Dejected Identifier

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Dejected Identifier
NPC Info
X: 414 Z: -1530
Location Detlas

The Dejected Identifier is presumably the former Identifier of Detlas, who has since been replaced. He appears during the Festival of the Heroes and expresses great discomfort at constantly being kicked out of his stand in the center of Detlas. He can be found at the bar in Detlas


  • Dejected Identifier: Sniff...weep weep...
  • Dejected Identifier: The indignity of it all. These festival people...their hearts are colder than this drink...
  • Dejected Identifier: Forever and a day moving my identifier's stall... I- I just couldn't stand it! I had to quit!
  • Dejected Identifier: Identifying is all I know how to do!! What am I supposed to do with my life now?!
  • Dejected Identifier: Go away! Leave me to cry into my Nemract Whiskey...weep weep...