Lighthouse Keeper

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Lighthouse Keeper
NPC Info
X: -471 Z: -2082
Species Human
Location Coastal Trail

The Lighthouse Keeper is the resident of the lighthouse northeast of Maltic on the Coastal Trail.


Before breaking the Lighthouse Beacon

On your first conversation:

  • Lighthouse Keeper: Gah! Who're you? Ya can't just barge in lik' that!
  • Lighthouse Keeper: Huh, would'ya look at that. Ye're a soldier from Ragni, aren't ya? Well, ask away.
    • [1] Hello!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Oh, uh, mo'in?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Takin' a li'l break out here? That's quite alright.
    • [1] Hello again![1]
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Ye're an odd one, soldier.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: ...Fancy some tea?
    • [2] What can I find around here?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: 'Round here, huh?
        • If Maltic's Well hasn't been completed:
          • Lighthouse Keeper: Well, there's Maltic close by. Whenever I pass by, I always catch 'em ramblin' about some witch?
        • If Maltic's Well has been completed:
          • Lighthouse Keeper: I s'pose there's Maltic, the nearby village. They've been pretty happy about Ragni dealing with some witch problem they had.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: What else..? Lemme think...
      • Lighthouse Keeper: I hope ye don't mind the seagulls, 'cause ye'll be hearing them a lot here. And stay clear, if ye're below them when they fly, they won't spare ye!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: I reckon this coast is one of the safer place in this province. 'Doesn't have as many undeads as, well... Everywhere else.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Oh, right, there's that floatin' island over yonder. You can see it from here, so that's neat.
    • [2] A floating island?[2]
      • Lighthouse Keeper: A, ye, the island. Been there since the dawn of time, I presume.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: I don't think anyon' truly knows what it's doin' here, but it's there for sure.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: If anythin', people speculate it came from the Sky Islands, a faraway region in the province of Gavel.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: The place is supposedly filled with massive floating islands. Lotta magic in action, I'm sure.
        • If you are below level ???:
          • Lighthouse Keeper: Who knows, maybe someday ye'll have business there!
        • If you are at least level ???:
          • Lighthouse Keeper: Lookin' at ye, though, you seem to have a lotta magical gear. Have ye been there by chance?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Anyway, regardin' the island, no one knows how it got here. I doubt it'll move much, even if the world ends.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Not much else to say 'bout it, I'm afraid.
    • [3] Your stairway is broken.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: And ye think I don't know 'bout it?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Ye well, no one's gon' pay to fix it anytime soon, so for now I just make do.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: But if ye tripped on the way here, ye're not ready for what comes next. Better hone these skills.
    • [4] Goodbye!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Stay safe out ther', soldier. I appreciate the company.

On subsequent conversations:

  • Lighthouse Keeper: So, whaddya want?
    • The previous dialogue options will then appear.

After breaking the Lighthouse Beacon

On your first conversation:

  • Lighthouse Keeper: ..Did ye do something to my lighthouse? WHAT was that noise?!
  • Lighthouse Keeper: So???
    • [1] Hello!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: ...Mo'in?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Ye heard that noise, right?!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Maybe the sea's playin' tricks on me again...
    • [2] Sorry.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: What... What do ye mean "Sorry"?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Did ye break my lighthouse?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Now it's just a house!! And here I thought this week was gonna be peaceful...
    • [3] A seagull crashed into the light.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: What?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Listen here, soldier.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: This here's my job.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: A seagull would NOT have that much destructive power.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Ye broke something, didn't ye?
    • [4] Ragni will cover the cost.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: What even happened?
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Oh well, as long as someone's fixin' it.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Light's been dimmer these days, so maybe it needed replacin'.
      • Lighthouse Keeper: Just leave, soldier.
    • [5] Goodbye!
      • Lighthouse Keeper: H-Huh? Goodbye? Wait, no, ye're responsible aren't ye? Hey, ye stay here! Ye're in trouble, soldier!!
      • You walk away...

On subsequent conversations:

  • She doesn't want to talk to you right now.


  1. Replaces option [1] after saying "Hello!"
  2. Replaces option [2] after asking "What can I find around here?"