Magmastream Core

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Magmastream Core CBBossAltarIcon.png
Discovery Lore
Leading to the very heart of the tallest Volcano Isle, this tunnel almost feels alive– Magically-charge lava flows like a bloodstream around you. Small crystals are visible within the lavastreams on occasion.
Coordinates X: -1026, Z: -3658
Suggested Level 60
Quest Required None
Items Required 6 Mineral Cinders
Altar Info
Monsters Convec Monocytes
Boss Vulcor Adrenophage
Rewards May include the following:

Powerful sources of magic change their surroundings in unexpected ways. In some cases, it can feel like the land is a vessel for the 'life' of magic.


Volcanic Isles
-1026, 95, -3658
Wynncraft Map

The Magmastream Core is a Boss Altar added in the 1.20 Gavel Reborn update located inside the largest Volcano in the main island of the Volcanic Isles.
To get to the altar, go to the opening in the volcano opposite the Seaskipper at [-1015, 39, -3600]. Then, facing into the volcano, follow the path to the left, which will take you up the volcano's exterior until you reach a small room in the volcano containing the altar.


To access the arena, you must pay a tribute of 6 Mineral Cinders to the altar, a common drop by mobs in the Volcanic Isles.


Vulcor Adrenophage
Level 65
Health 100,000 (Total)
AI Type Melee
Elemental Properties
Weakness Air Water
Damage Fire Earth
Defense Fire
  • Something's dropping from the ceiling!

The Vulcor Adrenophage is the boss of the Magmastream Core. It is a melee enemy.

The boss does not have too much HP for a Boss Altar boss, and acts more as a mobile glass cannon. Most of the time it will spam Charges and Heavy Charges to dash around the arena, with it occasionally attacking by using Explosions and Flamethrowers. It does not have Crowd-Control-Immunity, which means that it can be affected by the knockback and slowing, stunning, trapping, etc. effects of spells like Ice Snake, Uppercut and Aura.

The minions of the battle, the Convec Monocytes, also move around using Charges and Heavy charges, and deal a decent amount of damage with their Flamethrowers. At maxium, there can only be a couple of these minions in the arena, so one should not fear of them swarming them over time.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:VulcorAdrenophage(Phase1).png Vulcor Adrenophage
(Phase 1)
65 20000 Melee AI Charge
Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Dam
Vulcor Adrenophage
(Phase 2)
Magmastream Core
File:VulcorAdrenophage(Phase2).png Vulcor Adrenophage
(Phase 2)
65 30000 Melee AI Charge
Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Dam
Vulcor Adrenophage
(Phase 3)
Magmastream Core
File:VulcorAdrenophage(Phase3).png Vulcor Adrenophage
(Phase 3)
65 50000 Melee AI Charge
Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Dam

144 Emeralds

Resistant Strain

Scuttling Syenite

Thermal Replication

Capsid Frame

Crystal Coil

Phage Pins
Magmastream Core
ConvecMonocyte.png Convec Monocyte 60 8800 Charge AI Charge
Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Magmastream Core


  • Going for a more offensive playstyle instead of a defensive one is a good idea.
  • When the boss disappears into the sky, that means that it is currently flying with Charges, and you should take cover for when it lands.
  • The boss can lag people with weaker devices because of all the models, so killing the minions first is a good idea, although they do respawn.
  • Having a lot, or at least some Earth and Fire defense will help a lot in this fight.


  • This boss's shape is based on Bacteriophages that exist in the real world.