Old Snow Armour

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The following page contains information about content that no longer exists in Wynncraft as of update 1.14 and has been archived for historical purposes.

Old Snow Armour
Render Snow Armour.png
Item Leather Armour (
Type Special Armour
Obtain Snow Armour Merchant
Usage Worn as Armour

Old Snow Armour could only be purchased from the Snow Armour Merchant, which resided in an icy cave within the Nesaak Forest, near the path leading to the Ice Canyon. It was removed in the 1.14 Gavel Update.


The old Snow Armour set was composed of the following pieces:

Icon Armour Piece Cost Lv. Min. Def. Avg. Identifications

Snow Helmet
36 Emerald Blocks
45 50
  • Health Regen: 0.4
  • Spell Damage: 6%
  • XP Bonus: 5%
  • Loot Bonus: 5%

Snow Tunic
1 Liquid Emerald

Snow Pants
56 Emerald Blocks

Snow Boots
44 Emerald Blocks


  • The level minimum to wear the armour was level 45.
  • The total defense for the armour was 200.
  • It costed 675 Emeralds (10 EB + 35 Emeralds) to fully identify each item
  • See Snow Armour for the new set.