Spider Cave

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The following page contains information about content that no longer exists in Wynncraft as of update 1.18 and has been archived for historical purposes.

Spider Cave CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Short
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
Location Nivla Woods
Province Wynn
Combat Level 5
Starter NPC Hatath
Reward As follows:

Spider Cave was a short level 5 quest in the Nivla Woods. 注:已在1.18更新中被移除。


Hatath is in need of some Saccharum and he sends the player down into a spider infested cave to retrieve some.

Stage 1

» Talk to Hatath in Nivla Woods.

 Location   Spider Cave   X   -317  Y   70  Z   -1594  Wynncraft Map 


  • Hatath: Hello there, young traveler! I can see that you are looking for a challenge.
  • Hatath: Well I got one for you. You see, I am looking for a specific plant named "Saccharum"
  • Hatath: I've heard that this cave may contain some! Unfortunately, it is infested by spiders.
  • Hatath: I am not strong enough to risk this. Could you explore this cave and bring me [3 Saccharum] as soon as you can?

Stage 2

» Bring back 3 Saccharum to Hatath, that appears at the bottom of the cave.

Stage 3

» Bring 3 Saccharum to Hatath


  • Hatath: Yes, this is exactly what I wanted!
  • Hatath: Thank you for you help. Here, take these emeralds, you deserve them.

Related deleted content


  • Hatath
    • Starting NPC of the quest who needs the player to get a plant called Saccharum.
    • Dialogue after you finish the quest:
      • "Thank you again for your help!"


  • Spider Cave
    • Cave full of spiders where Saccharum is located