Wynn Province

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Wynn Province TerritoryIcon.png
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Wynn Province was the first province and continent released in-game.

The Wynn Province is the first province that the player encounters. Currently, there are 8 major settlements: Ragni, Detlas, Nemract, Almuj, Rymek, Nesaak, Lusuco and Troms, along with a number of islands near the Ocean. The province also has connection to the Silent Expanse through a mine. The province is still vastly undiscovered, with only very few brave souls going out and exploring it. From dark mystic forests to large colorful canyons and winding rivers, the province sustains a vast diversity of locations and enemies as well.


Before the portal

Long before the humans ever arrived to Wynn, the Olm lived in the province. At first, they lived in the Silent Expanse, but they were captured by the powers of Dern, and their lands were claimed. Later on, the Olm escaped Dern and fled to the Time Valley. There, they had constructed many structures, including the Temple of Time. It is uncertain whether Time Valley was already built before the Olm fled the Silent Expanse. Even there, the unnamed Dern Beast was able to track them down, and the Olm had to flee once again.[1] From then on, their history is not clear, and many theories have been made on it.

Sometime before the Frumans first colonized Wynn, a massive empire ruled in the Desert.[2] It fell in 1400BP, when the Emperor's son Hashr murdered the Emperor, and laid a curse on the desert, which buried the empire under the sand.[3]

At an unknown date after or while the Olm fled, the humans of Fruma colonized Wynn.[4] The province became human-dominated, mainly agricultural.[5] At around 800BP, the humans discovered the Silent Expanse through the Abandoned Mines, which had now been overtaken by Dern.[6][7] They found four very powerful crystals there, which were the same ones WynnExcavation hunts for in present time.[7] Once the humans realized that they had stumbled upon the powers of Dern itself, they barricaded themselves in as a final act to protect Wynn.[8]

Then, in 0 AP, emerald miners mined deep in central Wynn Plains. This time, it was not the powers of darkness that they found, but the Corruption. After accidentally opening the Nether Portal, the province was attacked by the corrupted and cursed to a seemingly eternal war, the Corruption War.[5]

After the portal

The first person to ever enter the portal was a simple leader of a mining team, who later became the Corrupter of Worlds, an extremely dangerous and fast corrupted monster. Once he returned, he personally slayed his entire mining team, and thousands more.[9]

Second human who entered the portal, and came back as a powerful monster was Bak'al.[10] Unlike the Corrupter or Worlds and most other corrupteds, he kept his intelligence becoming the leader of the corrupted armies. With the undeads under his command, many towns were destroyed with ease for hundreds of years. He was also skilled in using magic, particularly fire magic.[11]

The first city to be destroyed by the corrupted was Ancient Nemract. Even though it was considered one of the sturdiest fortresses in all of Wynn, the thousands of undead caught them off guard and took over the city.[12][13]

At this time, Fruma cut all ties with Wynn in fear of the monsters. It became an enclosed province, and not much of it has been heard since.[5]

In 78 AP, the citizens of Detlas moved to the cities of Ragni and Troms, as the numbers of undead were increasing to dangerous numbers.[14]

Much later, somewhere around 550-570 AP, a magic user known as Marius Twain gathered a group of orphans born with magic in the Nesaak region, and raised them to be the Twains, protectors of the province and very skilled mages.[15] One of their most known deeds was finally trapping the Corrupter of World with a magic seal.[16] The Twains didn't last forever though, as when Marius died in 570 AP, the remaining Twains broke out into a fight during the funeral and went on their on ways.[17]

Theorick Twain defended Nesaak for another dozen years. He had a plan to destroy the corruption by stepping inside the Portal, but it completely backfired, turning Theorick into a very powerful and dangerous corrupted. As a final act to stop himself from destroying Wynn, he froze all of Nesaak Forest and trapped himself inside the Ice Barrows.[10]

In 831 AP, Troms faced a devastating attack, nearly destroying the fortress. It is assumed that this was also the attack where General Skien was betrayed and lost the battle. Being on its knees, Troms sought help from the dark shaman Slykaar, who would become the city's protector. Slykaar required human sacrifices, which the people of Troms still reluctantly gave for his magical protection.[18]

Some years later, in 854 AP, Ragni also faced an attack of the undead. During the siege, Bob was born in the sewers of Ragni. His mother, who was not originally from Ragni, died to childbirth and Bob was adopted. At age 12, he left on a 20-year long quest to learn the ways of the Assassin, Archer, Mage and Warrior. When he made it to Troms, the people of the city instantly discarded Slykaar for the new, pure hero.[19] Just as Bob had finished his training by 886 AP, Bak'al breached through Nivla Woods and headed straight to Ragni.[20] At the gates of the city, Bob faced off against Bak'al on the Emerald Trail, finally defeating him. Bak'al fled the battle after being beaten by Bob, and nothing has been heard of him since. Now that he had been finally dealt with, the human population of Wynn began to recover at last.[21]

In 900 AP, the waves of the Ocean were calmed, and humans began colonization there. At the same time, the Villagers of Gavel sailed to Wynn in search of a cure for the Decay.[5] They founded Maltic, the first Villager-owned settlement in Wynn.[22] The humans and villagers formed an alliance, which would go on to save the province. Fruma finally opened its borders to Wynn, and offered their support in the form of new recruits.[5] A hundred years later, in 1000 AP, another set of brand new recruits is sent to Wynn. Among these recruits is the player.

Major regions and territories

The Province of Wynn is a vast area, encompassing a large variety of large regions and territories. And being so vastly uncharted, it is very likely that even more remain outside of the provinces current boundaries, past the impassable mountain barrier that surrounds the known world.

Wynn Plains

The Wynn Plains are a very large area in central Wynn consisting of multiple minor regions. They are the first major region of the Wynn Province which the player encounters.

  • Ragni Outskirts (Lv. 1) - Located west of Ragni is an unnamed mountainous region referred to as the Ragni Outskirts, it serves as a tutorial and early training ground for players entering the game, introducing concepts such as identifying, spells and combat. The valley is very lush and colorful, with waterfalls flowing down from the mountains.
  • Emerald Trail (Lv. 1-10) - The main road adventurers take from Ragni to Detlas, the Emerald Trail is one of the most visited areas in Wynn. However, several corrupteds have also invaded the trail, being the first threat adventurers may face.
  • Maltic Plains (Lv. 1-10) - The Maltic Plains are one of the two main breadbaskets in Wynn, the other being the Detlas Suburbs. Within the plains are the eponymous town founded by the Villagers, the Katoa Ranch, one of the largest farms in Wynn, and the Decrepit Sewers, a former prison-turned refuge for Ragni's citizens in one of the most brutal corrupted raids.
  • Coastal Trail (Lv. 1-20) - Wynn's Northern region consists primarily of the Coastal Trail, a far extending region encompassing the towns of Nemract and Maltic. Most of the region is well explored, though many areas remain uncolonized. The long coastline contains many relics of the past, including shipwrecks and hidden caves filled with loot and ruins.
  • Nivla Woods (Lv. 5-15) - All who wish to travel from Ragni to Detlas must pass through the Nivla Woods, the largest forest in Wynn. However, not all those who do make it out alive. Survivors tell tales of giant spiders that feast on unwary travelers who get lost in the woods. A main checkpoint on the trail from Ragni to Detlas is the vibrant and lively Alekin Village.
  • Detlas Suburbs (Lv. 5-10) - The largest grassland in the province contains the great city of Detlas at its center. Despite having a large population, growing every year as more and more villagers leave Maltic and other towns in search of jobs, most of the suburb region remains unsettled. The plains also provide a great location for growing apples and raising livestock, much of which is done in Detlas' suburban region.
  • Black Road (Level 10-15) - A trail starting east of Detlas, the Black Road is a region infested with fungal beings. At the end of the road is the town of Ternaves, notable for having the only Horse Merchant in Wynn. There is also the hut of a mysterious scientist, Dr. Essren, alongside a notable feature of corruption's spread, a Lava Spring.
  • Mount Wynn (Lv. 10-20) - One of the tallest mountains in the world, Mount Wynn is a dormant volcano which hosts lava that is said to possess unique magical properties. However, it has also been infested with the spiders of Nivla, some of which have harnessed its power for themself.
  • Little Wood (Lv. 15-20) - A quiet area of Wynn found in between the Pigmen's Ravine and Time Valley, the Little Wood is a secluded forest that has been affected by Time Valley's bizarre effects on time. The only residence within the area is one belonging to a person called Martyn.
  • Savannah (Lv. 15-25) - Travelers heading east of the Detlas Plains will eventually find themselves in the Savannah, a hot and dry region home to a vast number of wild ocelots. These deadly cat-like animals are capable of tearing an unprepared adventurer to shreds. In the northern-most area of the Savannah, there is a small tribal town called Bremminglar, home to a healer named Nami, alongside a sorcerer named Wedyf.
  • Pigmen's Ravine (Lv. 15-25) is a little area to the south of Ragni. It is populated by pigmen and villagers in Ravine Village. There is also a passage to Troms, though it can only be used by the citizens of Troms.
  • Nemract Marsh (Lv. 20-25) - Found at the end of the Coastal Trail, the Nemract Marsh has several undeads that roam the area. There are two smaller regions within the marsh, Ancient Nemract and Saint's Row, both found to the east of the poor and underdefended eponymous town.
  • Pirate Bay (Lv. 20-25) - A bay found east of the Nemract Marsh, the bay has been infested with pirates. The main flagship of this area is the ship that has crashed and molded into the cliffside.
  • Time Valley (Lv. 20-30) - A place south of the Emerald Trail, several mysterious ruins are found within this valley. Adding to their mystery, some relics in this valley have an effect on time, warping it in mysterious ways. The western-most point of the valley has the Door of Time, giving those who enter it the ability to go to the past, though they'll be sent back to the future as if they had never been in that time. Alongside the mysterious door is also a dungeon found in the center of the large Sanctuary Bridge, the Timelost Sanctum, forever trapped in the past until the spell is undone. Some poorer residents of Wynn have also made a residence here known as Tempo Town.
  • Nether Plains (Lv. 25-30) - South of the Roots of Corruption, the Nether Plains are similar to other plains found within Wynn, the only difference being the notably stronger influence of Corruption. A certain village has also succumbed to the milder effects of Corruption, rendering those who reside within going mad.
  • Abandoned Mines (Lv. 25-30) - These mines were long abandoned some time after the Corruption infected the area. Those who mined in the area, and even some of the objects, have become infected and show hostility towards the player. However, there is also a more mysterious force found deep within the mines, the influence of which can be found directly south of it.
  • Roots of Corruption (Lv. 25-30) - Also known as the Nether Basin, this is the origin of the millenia-long issue of Corruption, and is where the Corruption is the most concentrated. Found at the end of the roots is the massive and imposing Corruption Portal.

The Desert

The Desert is the second major region that the player encounters in the Wynn Province. It is located east of the Wynn Plains.

  • Almuj Desert (Lv. 30-35) - A large sandy region found east of the Savannah, the Almuj Desert marks the end of the Wynn Plains and the start of new regions. Several bandits have took up residency here, alongside the residents of the eponymous opulent town. Mysteriously, there are several ancient ruins found all throughout the region, belonging to a civilization lost to history.
  • Rymek Mesa (Lv. 35-40) - The Rymek Mesa is notably more dangerous than the desert, being noticeably hotter, as well as having some more dangerous beasts. Despite the dangers, a notable amount of gold can be found within the mesa, which invites even more bandit activity than in the desert. The bandits have became so accustomed to the mesa that they even founded their own town, Rymek.

Nesaak Tundra

The Nesaak Tundra is a frozen land south of the Wynn Plains. It is also the third major region in the Wynn Province that the player goes to.

  • Nesaak Tundra (Lv. 40-45) - In contrast to the desert being one of the hottest areas in Wynncraft, the frigid Nesaak Tundra is notable for being significantly less corrupted than other areas. This is due to the ice found in the area slowing the Corruption's spread. The fishing town of Nesaak is found here, alongside a tomb dedicated to Bob, the Hero of Wynn. Despite how frigid the area is, it wasn't always this way, as the land was inherited by Theorick Twain, a powerful yet bitter cryomancer, who would freeze this entire region to prevent it becoming corrupted.
  • Ice Canyon (Lv. 45-50) - The Ice Canyon is even colder than the Nesaak Tundra, as well as having even more vicious beasts. Theorick's mansion can be found here, alongside a mysterious tower known as the Tower of Ascension, drawing its power from the mysterious crystal at the top. The small town of Lusuco is also found here, and going through a secret passage will bring you to North Lusuco where the Wynnter Fair is celebrated.
  • Twain Lake (Lv. 45-50) - A noticeably lusher area than the Nesaak Tundra, the Twain Lake is infested with several spirits. An excavation site can be found here, alongside the original residence of the Twain family, the House of Twain. Behind it is the Twain Graveyard, where the spirits are the most restrained.


The jungle is the fourth and final major region in the Wynn Province. It is a colorful and thick area full of some of the province's more dangerous enemies.

  • Troms Jungle (Lv. 50-60) - One of the most dangerous places in the province, the Jungle is home to a variety of deadly creatures that are known to mutilate any adventurer that dares to cross them. Yet despite the area's danger, 3 settlements can be found scattered throughout, namely the major city of Troms, the Iboju Village, and a small settlement by the Great Bridge.
  • Dernel Jungle (Lv. 60-70) - However dangerous the Troms Jungle may be, its dangers are nothing compared to the overgrown Jungle of Dernel. Here lies a perilous land of wild beasts and strange powers at work, from ancient magics to creatures of corruption. Others explain the presence of ancient ruined temples and even a huge manor located in the western portion of the Jungle.


  • Wynn (Ƿ) is a letter from the Old English alphabet, and the equivalence to the modern letter "W". In Wynncraft's early stages of development, the project was referred to by "W" as an abbreviation for "world".
