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Template-info.svg Documentation

This template creates a table to display all the information of an item.

Different sections of info will be displayed or not depending on the type value passed into the template, reflecting how different item types have different info layouts in-game.

Like other templates, this template uses Template:Crafting/data to generate identifications. Do not pass units or labels when passing ID values, such as "/4s" and "%". Values must be written with a "/" separating the min and max value. For example: +4/+6, +0/+10, -5/-0, -10/-10, and +5/+5 are all valid.

See subtemplates:


| name =
| icon =
| type = 
| level = 
| tier = 
| rarity =
| attack_speed = 
| damage_neutral = 
| damage_earth
| health = 
| defense_earth =
| powder_slots =
| professions =
| strength_min =
| health_bonus =
| raw_health_regen = 
| %_health_regen = 
| mana_regen =
| life_steal = 
| mana_steal = 
| xp_bonus = 
| loot_bonus = 
| loot_quality =
| stealing = 
| soul_point_regen =
| thorns =
| reflection = 
| poison =
| exploding = 
| strength = 
| dexterity = 
| intelligence = 
| defense = 
| agility = 
| walk_speed = 
| attack_speed_bonus = 
| %_melee_damage =
| raw_melee_damage =
| %_spell_damage = 
| raw_spell_damage = 
| earth_damage = 
| thunder_damage = 
| water_damage =
| fire_damage =
| air_damage =
| earth_defense =
| thunder_defense = 
| water_defense =
| fire_defense =
| air_defense = 
| sprint_regen =
| %_spell_cost_1 =
| %_spell_cost_2 =
| %_spell_cost_3 =
| %_spell_cost_4 =
| raw_spell_cost_1 =
| raw_spell_cost_2 =
| raw_spell_cost_3 =
| raw_spell_cost_4 =
| jump_height =
| effectiveness_left = 
| effectiveness_right =
| effectiveness_above = 
| effectiveness_under = 
| effectiveness_touching = 
| effectiveness_not_touching = 
| durability =
| duration =
| charges =
| strength_min =
| dexterity_min = 
| intelligence_min = 
| defense_min =
| agility_min =
  • name - the name of the item
  • icon - the item's icon when viewed in the inventory. Can put either a Template:ItemIcon transclusion or a file for custom heads.
  • type - the base type of the item. Accepts spear, bow, wand, dagger, relik, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, ring, bracelet, necklace, and ingredient.
  • level - the combat level minimum of the item
  • tier - Ingredient only. The number of stars, or tier, the item has.
  • rarity - Weapon, armour, and accessory only. The rarity of the item. Uses Template:Rarity.
  • attack_speed - Weapon only. The attack speed of the weapon.
  • damage_neutral, damage_earth...air - Weapon only. The range of damage the weapon deals of that element.
  • health - Armour and accessory only. The health the item grants.
  • defense_earth...air - Armour and accessory only. The elemental defense the item grants.
  • powder_slots - Weapon and armour only. The number of powder slots the item has.
  • professions - Ingredient only. The professions in which the ingredient can be used in.
  • strength...agility_min - the skill point minimum of the item.
  • (identifications) - the idenfications of the item. See Template:Crafting/data for more info on formatting.


| name = Melted Steel
| type = ingredient
| tier = 0
| level = 89
| water_damage = -8/-6
| fire_defense = +4/+8
| durability = -47
| defense_min = +12
| professions = armouring,weaponsmithing

Melted Steel [✫✫✫]
Tier 0 Crafting Ingredient
-8% to -6%
Water Damage
+4% to +8%
Fire Defense
-47 Durability
+12 Defense Min.
Crafting Lv. Min: 89
  • Armouring
  • Weaponsmithing
| name = Sweden
| icon = {{ItemIcon|relik_air1}}
| type = relik
| rarity = unique
| attack_speed = Normal
| damage_neutral = 21-28
| damage_air = 21-28
| level = 28
| agility_min = 14
| powder_slots = 1
| agility = +7/+7
| walk_speed = +4/+18
| reflection = +4/+18
| jump_height = +1/+1

Unique Relik
Normal Attack Speed

Neutral Damage: 21-28

Air Damage: 21-28
Class Req: Shaman/Skyseer
Combat Lv. Min: 28
Agility Min: 14
+7 Agility
+4% to +18% Walk Speed
+4% to +18% Reflection
+1 Jump Height
[0/1] Powder Slots
| name = Villager Mail
| icon = {{ArmourIcon|chestplate|villager mail}}
| type = chestplate
| rarity = set
| health = 140
| level = 26
| powder_slots = 1
| loot_bonus = +3/+13
| xp_bonus = +2/+7

Villager Mail
Set Chestplate
❤ Health: 140
Combat Lv. Min: 26
+2% to +7% XP Bonus
+3% to +13% Loot Bonus
[0/1] Powder Slots
| name = Call to Concord
| icon = {{AccessoryIcon|bracelet_fire2}}
| type = Bracelet
| rarity = legendary
| health = 625
| defense_earth = 10
| defense_fire = 25
| defense_air = 25
| level = 64
| defense_min = 40
| %_health_regen = +5/+20
| defense = +5/+5
| soul_point_regen = +2/+7
| reflection = +3/+17
| thunder_damage = -10/-6

Call to Concord
Legendary Bracelet
❤ Health: 625

Earth Defense: 10

Fire Defense: 25

Air Defense: 25
Combat Lv. Min: 64
Defense Min: 40
+5% to +20% Health Regen
+2% to +7% Soul Point Regen
+5 Defense
+3% to +17% Reflection
-10% to -6%
Thunder Damage

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.