The Claim to Heroism

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Limited Time Event: This article covers an event that lasted for a limited period of time before ending.
The event's content will no longer be accessible after it has ended, but collectibles and cosmetics earned by the player will persist.

The Claim to Heroism is a 6 player free-for-all which turns into a 1v5 minigame located in the Talespun Citadel. It was available as part of the Festival of the Heroes between 22nd March, 2024 to 14th April, 2024.

Before the Minigame

The resting area for the Claim to Heroism is the Talespun Citadel. Inside the citadel are merchants which you can buy items from and a Party Finder to help form a group of 6 players, as well as a stats board for you to see your Games Played, Games Won, Win Streak, Points Scored, Total Kills, Total Deaths, and your Total Runes. There is also a betting board that gives information on the minigame.

You need to be in a party of 6 players before you can begin. Once you have, each player will start the game on their own separate teams, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

Resource Phase

The Resource Phase is the first part of the minigame being a free-for-all, lasting 15 minutes with the goal to ascend. To ascend, a player will have to kill 6 players, slay 3 bosses, and gather 60
Talespun Essence, 8 HeartoftheOutlands.png Hearts of the Outlands, 8 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stones, 6
Citadel's Whispers, and 3
Ruptured Times. Any resources spent on upgrades or weapons will still count towards ascension. All players start with the Squire Blade weapon. Once the phase has 10 minutes left on the timer, resources will be more abundant by a factor of 1.5x what they normally are, and once there are only 5 minutes left on the clock, all resources are doubled.

Resources can be spent on songs and weapons. Songs function essentially as upgrades, granting perks that apply to you throughout the game as a normal player. Weapons take up an inventory slot and have special abilities that can be casted by sneaking and clicking. However, weapons also have the caveat of only having charges instead of a constant infinite use and also have longer cooldowns than the Squire Blade. Once a weapon has ran out of charges, it will be unusable for a while.

During the Resource Phase, everyone can fight each other. Players have 2 HP without upgrades. If a player dies, then they lose a third of their resources, and if the player died to another player, then the resources lost go to the killing player. To prevent resources from being taken from you, run back to your castle to safely deposit them, where they will be secured as yours. However, there are safe areas where PvP is turned off, these being the inside of each player's castle, only accessible to the respective player, and the top of the central tower, being accessible to everyone serving as a place to get weapons. Resources are not deposited from going to the central safe zone. The central tower is also the only place where a player can ascend to heroism.

The phase ends once a player ascends to heroism. If 15 minutes have passed without a player ascending, then players will only have the meet the main requirements with the resources no longer being necessary. If no one has ascended within the 2 minute timeframe, the game will automatically end. Once a player ascends, they will have to choose between 2 heroes out of the below 3.


For details on the attacks, see the Weapons section of this page.

TheClaimtoHeroismLariIcon.png Lari, the Pulse of Radiance

  • Total HP: 45
  • Base Speed: Level 3
  • Passive: Rejuvenation: The hero naturally regenerates 20% of any damage they take over 20 seconds.
  • Main Attack: Light's Will
  • Special Attack: Orphion's Grace

TheClaimtoHeroismTisaunIcon.png Tisaun, Defender of the Citadel

  • Total HP: 45
  • Base Speed: Level 3
  • Passive: Perseverance: The hero gains cooldown reduction and range increase per % health lost, up to 60% each.
  • Main Attack: Sweeping Slash
  • Special Attack: Martial Trance

TheClaimtoHeroismSiegfriedIcon.png Siegfried, the Hero of Gavel

  • Total HP: 4
  • Base Speed: Level 4
  • Passive: Resurrection: Instead of dying, the hero becomes invulnerable for 3 seconds. Gain a +5% Cooldown reduction forever, and +2 Damage and +1 Speed for 6 seconds. This can be used up to 8 time total.
  • Main Attack: Dazzling Slash
  • Special Attack: Starpower Strike

Hero Phase

The Hero Phase starts with the hero being locked in their castle for 20 seconds, while each of the players are now put on the same team. The players now respawn in the center instead of at their own castle, and their goal is to kill the hero before they destroy all the other castles. The hero is now constantly marked with a quest beacon and no longer benefits from songs or weapons. However, they now also have the benefit of immense HP, insanely powerful attacks, and is no longer attacked by bosses. The hero's goal is to destroy every other castle.

The hero destroys each castle by passively being there, and has to be there for 20 seconds. The hero will be drained of their health if they do not attack a castle within a minute. Once every other castle has been destroyed or if the hero has been slain, the game ends with Talespun Memories being rewarded.

The amount of Talespun Memories rewarded are as follows:

  • 4 are obtained from simply playing the game.
  • You get an extra Talespun Memory for every position you hold on the leaderboard, these being the most player kills, most damage done to the Hero, most Mob kills, most Boss kills, and the most Deaths.
  • 2 are rewarded if you ascend.
  • 2 are rewarded if you win the game.
  • The amount of Talespun Memories rewarded is halved if you are inactive.


MusicIconGrey.png Song of Agility Effect: -30% Weapon Recharge Time +1 Speed Level -30% Weapon Recharge Time +1 Speed Level
Cost: 5
Talespun Essence
Talespun Essence
1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands
Talespun Essence
2 HeartoftheOutlands.png Hearts of the Outlands
Talespun Essence
3 HeartoftheOutlands.png Hearts of the Outlands
Ruptured Times
MusicIconYellow.png Song of Fortitude Effect: +5 Weapon Charges +5 Weapon Charges +1 Max Health -3 seconds Respawn Time
Cost: 5
Talespun Essence
Talespun Essence
1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone
Talespun Essence
1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands
1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone
Talespun Essence
2 HeartoftheOutlands.png Hearts of the Outlands
2 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stones
Ruptured Time
MusicIconGrey.png Song of Power Effect: +10% Weapon Range

-10% Weapon Cooldown

+10% Weapon Range

-10% Weapon Cooldown

+10% Weapon Range

-10% Weapon Cooldown

-20% Weapon Cooldown for 3s when hit
Cost: 5
Talespun Essence
Talespun Essence
Citadel's Whisper
Talespun Essence
2 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone
Citadel's Whisper
Talespun Essence
2 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stones
Citadel's Whispers
Ruptured Time
MusicIconGreen.png Song of Glory Effect: +1 Speed for 10 seconds on kill +1.5x Resource Stealing +1 HP per 15 seconds Health Regen N/A
Cost: 5
Talespun Essence
1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands
1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stones
Talespun Essence
1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands
1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone
Citadel's Whisper
Talespun Essence
1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands
1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone
Citadel's Whisper
Ruptured Time


Item Base Cooldown Recharge Time Main Attack Special Attack Lore Notes

Squire Blade
1 second -
(Infinite Charges)
Damage: 1 HP
Performs a 1 block-wide slash out 5 blocks from the user.
- Greatness must be sought, not found. Every player starts with this weapon.
Seraphim Bow.png Thymele, the Arrow 1.5 seconds 20 seconds Cost: 2 Charges
Damage (Player): 1 HP
Damage (Mob): 3 HP
Fires an arrow out 16 blocks from the user.
Cost: 2 Charges
Damage (Player): 1 HP
Damage (Mob): 5 HP
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
Fires 8 arrows in an arc out to a range of 8 blocks.
At the center of it all, he could only watch. He would not let this rest. He would make it right. Whatever it took, whatever it cost. A Thymele is a place for sacrifice in Greek theaters.
Seraphim Spear.png Anagnorisis, the Spear 1.5 seconds 20 seconds Cost: 1 Charge
Damage (Player): 1 HP
Damage (Mob): 3 HP
Performs a 1.5 block-wide slash out 8 blocks from the user.
Flying Charge
Cost: 2 Charges
Damage: 1 HP
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
Launches the user forward 12 blocks, damaging all enemies in their path.
A blaze of glory, a dream of more. Finally, it was within reach. Finally, he could have it all. An Anagnorisis is the point in a story when a main character discovers the true nature of a character.
SeraphimDagger.png Hamartia, the Shadow 2.5 seconds 20 seconds Cost: 1 Charge
Damage (Player): 1 HP
Damage (Mob): 3 HP
Performs a spin attack with a radius of 4 blocks.
Cost: 1 Charge per 1 second
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Max Duration: 8 seconds
The user turns invisible and gains +2 Speed levels until they attack. This move does not trigger the base weapon cooldown.
What, then, was an end so crystal clear? An end expected, an end for three. It could only ever end this way. A Hamartia is a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero.
Seraphim Wand.png Catharsis, the Caster 1.5 seconds 20 seconds Cost: 1 Charge
Damage (Player): 1 HP
Damage (Mob): 2 HP
Fires a beam out 12 blocks from the user which passes through blocks.
Cost: 2 Charges
Damage (Player): 3 HP
Damage (Mob): 5 HP
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
Calls forth a dark meteor which damages all enemies within 6 blocks.
As it finally took him, he only felt relief. It was done, then. His part was over. He could rest. Catharsis is the process of releasing strong emotions, leading to relief.
Lari'sStave.png Call of the Lightseeker - - Light's Will
Damage: 1 HP
Cooldown: 1 second
Fires a piercing beam out 12 blocks from the hero. This attack has a 20% chance to instantly recharge.
Orphion's Grace
Damage: 1 HP
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Creates a 10 block radius gleaming sigil which damages all players within every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.
- This weapon can only be obtained if you are the hero playing as Lari.
Tisaun'sGreatsword.png Unity's Sovereign - - Sweeping Slash
Damage: 1 HP
Cooldown: 1.5 seconds
Attacks all players within 2 blocks, then performs a 3 block-wide slash out 8 blocks from the hero.
Martial Trance
Damage: Varies
Cooldown: 20 seconds
For 4 seconds, reduce weapon cooldowns by 25% and parry all attacks. Damage is dealt to the attacker regardless of distance.
- This weapon can only be obtained if you are the hero playing as Tisaun.
Siegfried'sSword.png Pride of the Populace - - Dazzling Slash
Damage: 1 HP
Range: 6 Blocks
Cooldown: 1 second
Leaps forward and performs a swift set of slashes.
Starpower Strike
Damage: 1 HP
Area of Effect: 4 blocks (Circular)
Effects: +40% Slowness to Target for 4 seconds, +1 Speed Level to self for 4 seconds
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Performs a spin attack, then slams into the ground.
- This weapon can only be obtained if you are the hero playing as Siegfried.

Weapons progressively increase in cost. Below is a list of each of the prices:

  • 1st Weapon:
    • 8 Talespun Essence
    • 1 Heart of the Outlands
  • 2nd Weapon:
    • 16 Talespun Essence
    • 2 Hearts of the Outlands
    • 2 Spellwound Stones
    • 1 Citadel's Whisper
  • 3rd Weapon:
    • 24 Talespun Essence
    • 4 Heart of the Outlands
    • 4 Spellwound Stone
    • 2 Citadel's Whispers
  • 4th Weapon:
    • 32 Talespun Essence
    • 6 Hearts of the Outlands
    • 6 Spellwound Stones
    • 4 Citadel's Whispers
    • 2 Ruptured Times


All regular mobs each have 1 HP. Their regular variants drop 2
Talespun Essence. Bookworms and Graphomaniacs will follow the player while Little Myths and Outlandish Fables act like passive mobs.

Image Name HP Behavior Base Drops Locations
OutlandishFable.png Outlandish Fable 1 Wanders the area. Does not attack players. 2
Talespun Essence
Throughout the arena.
Graphomaniac.png Graphomaniac 1 Wanders the area and follows nearby players. 2
Talespun Essence
Throughout the arena.
LittleMyth.png Little Myth 1 Wanders the area. Does not attack players. 2
Talespun Essence
Throughout the arena.
Bookworm(TheClaimtoHeroism).png Bookworm 1 Wanders the area and follows nearby players. 2
Talespun Essence
Throughout the arena.
FableoftheOutlands.png Fable of the Outlands 1 Wanders the area. Does not attack players. 1 HeartoftheOutlands.png Heart of the Outlands In the outer ring of the arena.
SpellwoundManiac.png Spellwound Maniac 1 Wanders the area and follows nearby players. 1 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stone In the outer ring of the arena.
MythoftheCitadel.png Myth of the Citadel 1 Wanders the area. Does not attack players. 1
Citadel's Whisper
In the outer ring of the arena.
TimewornWyrm.png Timeworn Wyrm 1 Wanders the area and follows nearby players. 1
Ruptured Time
In the outer ring of the arena.
TotemoftheOutlands.png Totem of the Outlands 6 Aura: The Totem will summon a ring of white particles at the edge of the stump before closing in on the totem. Once the particles have all converged at the totem, the inside of the stump will kill players. 2 HeartoftheOutlands.png Hearts of the Outlands Six spawn in wooden stumps in the outer ring.
RuinousDefender.png Ruinous Defender 10 Rush: Telegraphed by a line of white particles, the Ruinous Defender will teleport in the direction of the particles, killing anyone caught within its attack. 2 SpellwoundStone.png Spellwound Stones Four spawn in guard towers outside the central tower.
VoiceoftheCitadel.png Voice of the Citadel 15 Heavenly Strike: The Voice of the Citadel will target the player with a circle of white particles appearing where the player is. The boss will then lock down on the location, striking the area killing any player caught within. 2
Citadel's Whispers
Two spawn on platforms east and west of the tower.
TimewornRemnants.png Timeworn Remnants 20 Does not move, attack, or retaliate. 2
Ruptured Time
One spawns below the central tower.


  • Outlandish Fable from Claim to Heroism has some resemblance to a SPROUT MOLE from OMORI.
  • Voice of the Citadel from Claim to Heroism, though visually dissimilar, has an attack based off the Virtues from ULTRAKILL. Both are immobile angels that produce a circle of light that trails after the player before casting down a beam of light, even bearing similar sound effects for when the beam appears.
  • Equipment both from the minigame and able to be purchased with the minigame's currency hold several references:
    • Thymele refers to a podium in the center of an orchestra pit in which the character Dionysus would stand.
    • Anagnorisis is the point in a story, typically a theatrical performance, where a character discoveries the true nature of themselves or another character.
    • Hamartia is a word in Greek Tragedy referring to a hero's downfall.
    • Catharsis is the relief of unleashing repressed - typically negative - emotions.
  • When killing another player, several unique kill messages show up:
    • Woe, <Player Killed>! Claimed by the devilry of <Killing Entity>!
    • "O! I am slain!" Cries <Player Killed>, behind the curtain cut through by <Killing Entity>.
    • Death boldly leads <Player Killed>'s path, and <Killing Entity> ushers it on!
    • <Player Killed> hath fallen in honorable battle against <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> tried to surrender- <Killing Entity> took their life regardless.
    • <Player Killed> fought with vigor, and fell to <Killing Entity>'s might.
    • <Player Killed> layeth ever after mute, silenced by <Killing Entity>.
    • Hark! <Player Killed> hath been slain by <Killing Entity>.
    • Thy valiance, <Player Killed>, hath been cut short by <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> knoweth the taste of defeat, by <Killing Entity>'s hand.
    • Angels weepeth for <Player Killed>, defeated by <Killing Entity>.
    • A hero's life, ended! <Player Killed> hath fallen to <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> hath been smitten by the holy force of <Killing Entity>!
    • <Player Killed>, cut down by <Killing Entity>- the war rageth!
    • <Player Killed>'s tale endeth here, by the hand of <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> hath visions of the reaper, summoned by <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> could not withstand the overwhelming power of <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed> is headed for what layeth beyond, thanks to <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed>'s tombstone must be prepared- <Killing Entity> hath willed it.
    • What, you <Player Killed>! <Killing Entity> stabs them.
    • <Player Killed> found their own end, brought by <Killing Entity>.
    • <Player Killed>, thine flame of life be snuffed out by <Killing Entity>!
    • <Player Killed> hath been struck down, with all of <Killing Entity>'s hatred!
    • <Player Killed> died, <Killing Entity> killed them, I can't keep up with this medieval nonsense...
    • <Player Killed> broke prime directive and has been beamed up by <Killing Entity>.
      • This line is a reference to Star Trek.
    • <Player Killed>'s life hath been taken by <Killing Entity>'s wrath.
    • <Player Killed> hath been lanced though by <Killing Entity>.
    • Alas, poor <Player Killed>! Thine life, ended by the fool <Killing Entity>!
    • <Player Killed> is fortune's fool! Then <Killing Entity> defies you, stars.
    • <Player Killed> now liveth only in the annals of history- the culprit, <Killing Entity>!
    • <Player Killed> faltered in the struggle against <Killing Entity>, and hath fallen.
  • The Claim to Heroism has its own unique theme made by Texilated titled "Seize Your Moment".
  • In the central tower, a Salted head is hidden above the Timeworn Remnants and below the Upgrade Altar.
  • Minor changes have been made to this minigame with the 2024 Festival of the Heroes:
    • Siegfried was added as a hero.
    • A short cutscene would start off a game describing and showing certain mechanics.
    • Tisaun's weapon's name and icon were changed from
      Bane of the Thousand to Tisaun'sGreatsword.png Unity's Sovereign.
    • Several upgrades and heroes were changed.
  • Siegfried's passive ability, Resurrection, is likely due to the fact that Siegfried's public appearance is really several people who played the role of Siegfried until they died.