The Exploited

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The Exploited

Item Information
Item Dagger
Class Assassin/Ninja
Min. Level 100
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 3 ()
Obtain Dungeon Merchant
(Eldritch Outlook)
Tag Untradable
Base Damage
Attack Speed Super Fast (+3)
Neutral 15-25
Fire 45-65
Air 25-85
Average DPS 559
Defense Min: 65
Agility Min: 40
Other Information
+Greed: Picking up emeralds heals you and nearby players for 15% max health

The Exploited is an untradable level 100 Legendary Dagger. Its major id, Greed, heals the user and nearby players for 20% health for every emerald picked up.


The Exploited can be bought from the Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Merchant for 3
The Eye's Pupils, and is pre-identified.

Identification Preset Value
 Stealing   +10% 
 Walk Speed   +12% 
 % Spell Damage   -30% 
  Main Attack Damage   +135  
 Fourth Spell Cost   -15  
