L'ordre du Grook

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L'ordre du Grook CBQuestIcon.png
Informations sur la quête
Longueur Long
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
Emplacement Ile des Mages
Province Océan
Niveau 59
Starter NPC Seasum
Récompenses As follows:

L'ordre du Grook est une quête longue de niveau 59 qui commence sur l'île des mages, qui est apparue dans l'update 1.19.


L'ordre du Grook nous fait passer par l'école de magie pour en apprendre davantage sur la magie. La prémisse ressemble vaguement à celle de Harry Potter.

La chose la plus importante à noter lorsque vous faites la quête l'Ordre du Grook est que les récompenses à l'achèvement de la quête dépendent des matériaux que vous achetez au début de votre séjour à Grookwarts. Vous aurez le choix entre cinq baguettes et entre cinq tomes. Les récompenses sont les suivantes :

Bâton Récompense Livre Récompense
Bâton de chêne Pas de Récompense Le tome de la magie de la nature 10 BE
Bâton de phœnix d'Avo Draoi Fair L'apprentissage d'Exal 14 BE
Bâton en os Dragon's Eye Bracelet L'apprentissage du mage 34 BE
Bois du ciel de Rukh Renda Langit Les anciens savoirs 10 BE
Bâton de bouleau mort-vivant Pas de Récompense Le Tome de magie ancienne 24 BE

Note: Il est recommandé de choisir la baguette "Avo Phoenix Wand", la baguette "Dragon Bone Wand" ou la baguette "Sky Wood Rukh Wand". Il est également recommandé de choisir le tome Enseignements d'un sorcier. Il est recommandé de ne pas choisir la classe de feu, parce que la classe de feu a un pépin qui fait que les boules de feu se frappent entre elles ou contre les murs ou le sol et que vous devez recommencer.

Étape 1

» Parlez à Seasum dans une tour sur Mage Island.

  • Seasum: Ugh... Je ne veux vraiment, vraiment, vraiment pas y aller...
  • Seasum: Hé, qui êtes-vous ?
  • Seasum: Vous n'avez... pas de manières ? ! Juste entrer en courant dans la maison de mes parents comme ça ! Bon sang !
  • Seasum: Je devrais... Hmm... Eh bien... peut-être...
  • Seasum: Oh, je sais ! Tiens, va vite dans ma chambre, et prends la lettre qui est là-dedans.
  • Seasum: Ramène-la moi après, je veux m'assurer que c'est la bonne.

Étape 2

» Procurez-vous l'invitation de l'école dans la salle Seasum et apportez-la à Seasum.

  • Seasum: Oui, c'est la bonne lettre. J'espère que t'aimes l'école !
  • Seasum: Mes parents étaient super excités quand cette lettre a volé dans ma chambre, mais l'école magique semble si ennuyeuse...
  • Seasum: Je ne veux même pas apprendre la magie ! Je veux juste écrire mes histoires et jouer à des jeux. Tu peux y aller à la place.
  • Seasum: Je sais que la photo sur la lettre est de moi, mais tu peux...
  • Seasum: Tu peux dire que t'as eu une poussée de croissance ! Euh, ça devrait marcher, je pense !
  • Seasum: Maintenant vas-y, tu devrais sortir avant que mes parents te voient. Je ne veux pas qu'ils découvrent que j'ai donné cette lettre...
 La lettre dit de rencontrer un capitaine de bateau sur les quais brisés à côté du Seaskipper, et "d'avoir la foi". Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?

Étape 3

» Parlez au capitaine du navire-école sur la jetée à côté du capitaine du Seaskipper.

  • Capitaine de bateau: Hé ! Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ? Ce quai est cassé.
  • Capitaine de bateau: Oh, un étudiant, dites-vous. N'es-tu pas un peu vieux pour apprendre les connaissances magiques fondamentales ?
  • Capitaine de bateau: Eh bien, si je pouvais voir votre lettre d'invitation, alors ?
  • Capitaine de bateau: ...Hm. Ce...wow, vous avez vraiment l'air très différent de la photo. Vous avez une nouvelle coupe de cheveux ?
  • Capitaine de bateau: Eh bien, ne me jugez pas ! Continuez à marcher jusqu'au bout du quai. Ayez la foi !

Étape 4

» Montez à bord du navire.

  • Capitaine de bateau: Bon tout le monde. Prêts pour une expérience magique ?
  • Boat Captain: Nous nous dirigeons vers le Nexus. On vous a dit où aller. Si vous avez oublié, demandez à vos camarades !
  • Capitaine de bateau: Si jamais vous avez besoin de revenir ici, retournez sur le quai. Bonne chance, maintenant !

Étape 5

» Suivez les enfants jusqu'à l'école.

  • Etudiant: à travers le mur, c'est ça ? J'espère que mon uniforme ne sera pas sali.

Étape 6

» Parlez à Cidre sur l'île de l'école.

  • Cidre: Bonjour les nouveaux élèves ! Par ici !
  • Cidre: Bienvenue sur l'île de Grookwarts ! Je vais guider et aider tous les nouveaux étudiants.
  • Cidre: Donc vous aurez tous deux bons, et avec eux vous devrez acheter une baguette et un livre ou tome.
  • Cidre: On trouve tout ici autour des docks. Le choix de vos matériaux est très important, alors achetez ceux qui vous parlent !
  • Cidre: Quand vous aurez fini, rencontrez Mlle Una aux portes d'entrée !

Étape 7

» Achetez une baguette chez le marchand de baguettes et un livre chez le marchand de livres magiques, puis parlez à Uma.
Note : Le choix de la première ou de la dernière baguette offerte par le commerçant n'entraînera aucune récompense pour l'accessoire légendaire à la fin de la quête.

  • Una: Okay, petits Grooks!
  • Una: Il me semble que vous ayez tous vos matériaux en ordre. Vous êtes maintenant libre d'entrer dans Grookwarts et de commencer vos leçons.
  • Una: La porte est juste derrière moi. Entrez !

Étape 8

» Assistez au dîner de bienvenue à Grookwarts.

  • Étudiant: Chut, chut ! Le discours va bientôt être prononcé !

  • Étudiant: Vite, prenez place ! Le banquet va commencer d'une seconde à l'autre !

  • ??? : ' Les enfants magiques de Wynn et Gavel... Nous vous accueillons ici, dans notre académie de foire.
  • Etudiant: Oh wow, le directeur ! Je ne l'ai même pas vu entrer !
  • Etudiant: Uhm...Je ne le vois pas du tout, en fait...
  • Directeur: Eh bien, j'espère que vous me voyez maintenant, vous tous. Oh quelle belle participation cette année !
  • Directeur: Excusez-moi, je ne peux pas résister à un peu de théâtre. Mais maintenant, il est temps d'écouter et d'apprendre, petits Grooks.
  • Directeur: Nous connaissons les mages et les savants, L'ordre des Grooks, nous sommes heureux de vous voir tous ici. Que vous soyez jeunes d'esprit, assoiffés de curiosité...
  • Directeur: ...ou de vieux bonnets cherchant à affiner leurs connaissances, tous ceux qui cherchent à apprendre la magie sont les bienvenus ici. Nous attendons voir de belles choses venant de vous.
  • Directeur: Maintenant, passons aux affaires. Vous allez rédiger vos horaires pour le semestre. Regardez sur votre papier et écrivez à quelles classes vous souhaitez participer.
  • Directeur: Vous devrez choisir quatre classes, une pour chaque catégorie. Les catégories sont : Magie élémentaire, Magie pratique, Créatures magiques et Types de magie.
  • Headmaster: Le planning se trouve en fin de tableau. Ne vous inquiétez pas, il n'y a pas de limite à la taille des classes. Si vous souhaitez le prendre, vous pouvez le prendre.

Étape 9

» Choisis tes classes.

Étape 10

» Parlez au guide fantôme et assistez aux cours que vous avez choisis (le guide fantôme vous conduira à chaque cours) :

  • Guide fantôme : Je vous conduirai à vos classes, tout le monde ! Parlez-moi quand vous serez prêt à partir.

  • Guide fantôme : Okay petits Grooks ! Votre premier cours commence dans une minute. Suivez-moi !
  • Guide fantôme : Voici les classes élémentaires. Entrez. Votre voyage magique commence vraiment ici !


  • Professeur: Maintenant, vous tous. Assis. Écoutez.
  • Professeur: La Terre est un élément de grande puissance. Polyvalente et omniprésente, presque comme l'air.
  • Professeur: Le tonnerre fournit la force... La Terre fournit une puissance pure. La différence... La force choisit son propre chemin. La puissance est une force, dirigée.
  • Professeur: La Terre est aussi la Terre elle-même. La pierre, le métal, les arbres et le sol. Les arbres se balancent dans le vent, mais ne se cassent pas. et les montagnes ne s'effritent pas.
  • Professeur: Les Touroto, qui ont marché dans la magie terrestre, sont presque invincibles pour tous sauf pour eux-mêmes. C'est une preuve de la force de la terre.
  • Professeur: Les Doguns... Ils étaient les maîtres de la terre, et du feu aussi, façonnant les cavernes à leur gré... Et maintenant, presque éteints. Un crime terrible...
  • Professeur: Mais nous les honorerons, et nous irons de l'avant. Nous frapperons la terre et la revendiquerons comme nôtre.
  • Professeur: Le tome dirige la force de la terre. Prends-le et utilise-le pour briser les pierres que j'invoque.
  • Professeur: Les parties les plus sombres des pierres sont les points faibles. Trouve-les et apprends la puissance de la terre.
  • }Pour compléter le Puzzle, vous devez faire un clic droit avec le tome sur les blocs de pierres infestés de chacune des 3 pierres données. Le premier nécessite 17 blocs, le second 26 et le troisième 56. Lorsque toutes les pierres infestées sont détruites, cliquez avec le tome sur n'importe quelle partie de la pierre pour la détruire. Vous pouvez avoir 105 secondes pour détruire toutes les pierres ou vous devrez réessayer.
  • Professeur: Tu connais la puissance de la terre, petit oisillon. Il n'y a rien de plus pour vous ici. Vas-y.


  • Professeur: Hee hee, prenez place, prenez place, PRENEZ. VOTRE. SIÈGES. Un merveilleux lot d'étudiants enthousiastes aujourd'hui !
  • Professeur: Presque aussi merveilleux que les pouvoirs du Tonnerre ! L'énergie ! Une énergie pure, non concentrée ! Dévastation, désolation, industrialisation toutes semblables !
  • Professeur: Oui, oui ! Tonnerre est technique et polyvalent ! Peu fiable pour tous ceux qui ne savent pas s'y fier, pour ceux qui ont la dextérité de la main et de l'esprit !
  • Professeur: Mais malheur, malheur, le tonnerre est injurié, injurié ! L'énergie pure n'a pas de morale ! Si elle est utilisée pour le bien, oui oui, ho hum, mais si elle est utilisée pour le mal, oh, brûlez la sorcière ! Brûlez, brûlez ! Le mal, disent-ils ! Pah !!
  • Professeur: Toutes les magies ne sont pas alignées avec des concepts idiots comme la moralité. Ils sont le chaos à l'état pur ! Mais le tonnerre, l'élément d'énergie et de force, semble si facile à utiliser pour le mal...
  • Professeur: Et le mal l'a trouvé, l'a trouvé ! CORRUPTION !! DÉMONS ! ! Forces anathématiques pour nous, mais connaissant les voies de la force et donc, du tonnerre ! Si terrible, terrible, et les mages du tonnerre craignent, craignent...
  • Professeur: Et puis, puis ! Jour joyeux, les Corkiens sont arrivés avec leurs merveilleuses machines, et leur électromagie ! Tonnerre maîtrisé, tonnerre apprivoisé ! La merveille de tout cela !
  • Professeur: L'électromagnétique fait tourner les manivelles, les engrenages, le métal, donne aux pierres le pouvoir de PENSER et de PLANIFIER ! Un incontournable de chez les Corkiens, et un splendide, splendide développement réintroduit !
  • Professeur: Et ainsi, vous verrez par vous-mêmes ! L'électromagnétique à l’œuvre ! Vous allez contrôler le tonnerre et l'électricité, et faire plier les machines à votre monde aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui, en ce jour choquant !
  • Professeur: Le mécanisme est derrière moi maintenant ! Montez, montez ! Voyez la puissance du tonnerre, enchaîné par nos caprices, n'est-ce pas, <pseudo> ?
  • Pour compléter le puzzle, vous devez transférer l'énergie du tonnerre de la "bobine Tesla" de départ à celle qui se trouve de l'autre côté de la pièce.

Au début, vous devez attendre que l'énergie progresse vers la deuxième "bobine" mobile, puis vous devez déplacer la première à la troisième position, laisser l'énergie se déplacer vers le poteau à la troisième position, déplacer le poteau à la deuxième position à la quatrième position, etc.}

  • Professeur: Whee hee hee ! Tonnerre apprivoisé, tonnerre enchaîné, et vos ailes magiques libérées par des concepts aussi mesquins, <pseudo> ! Quel spectacle !
  • Professeur: Elargissez vos connaissances toujours plus, plus loin ! Votre tâche est terminée, terminée, et votre prochaine attend !


  • Professeur: Aah, wow ! Tout le monde est arrivé vite...
  • Professeur: Bienvenue, B-bienvenue. La classe de l'élément eau est... certainement intéressante, j'espère... Parce que l'eau ne concerne pas seulement, eh bien, l'eau...
  • Professeur: C'est aussi l'élément o-de la connaissance, et de la pure magie. L'eau est une sorte de défaut magique, si vous voulez. Si elle n'est pas centrée sur un élément ou un autre, la magie finit par être basée sur l'eau
  • Professeur: L'apprentissage de l'élément eau et l'élargissement de vos horizons peuvent vous permettre de jeter des sorts plus facilement... M- Mieux contrôler le flux de la magie, vous voyez.
  • Professeur: La plupart des créatures aquatiques sont liées à l'eau, bien que les créatures qui vivent dans des environnements glacés ou enneigés soient, trop... souvent, elles sont également liées à l'air, mais pas toujours.
  • Professeur: En outre, de nombreux objets sacrés sont enchantés par la magie de l'eau... Q-quelque chose sur le fait que c'est un type d'énergie pure, je crois.
  • Professeur: Enfin, les capacités de guérison sont renforcées par la magie de l'eau. Le simple fait de bien connaître la magie n'aide pas, mais le fait d'avoir des artefacts chargés avec de la magie de l'eau peut augmenter les capacités de guérison.
  • Professeur: J-juste, pour votre test, j'ai...euh, un...un test. Si vous voulez l'essayer d'abord, montez et commencez.

Eau Puzzle

  • Enseignant: Bon travail là-bas ! J'espère que ce n'était pas trop ennuyeux de parler... Tu peux y aller maintenant.
  • Professeur: M-Maintenant, C'e...C'est qui le suivant ? Et... il fait vraiment froid ici pour vous tous aussi ? Ou, c'est juste moi ?


  • Teacher: Good to see a decent turnout this year for my class. Too dangerous, pah! You can take this just fine.
  • Teacher: Anyways. The fire element class. Many misunderstand just what fire stands for... but after today, you will leave with courage in your hearts.
  • Teacher: Fire is, of course, related to physical fire, magma, etcetera. A burning torch is a source of fire magic, but that is not the only source of it.
  • Teacher: Courage, bravery, and defensiveness are also tied to the fire element. Those stalwart and selfless, willing to sacrifice themselves for others.
  • Teacher: In addition, water is tied to healing magic, fire is tied to self-healing. Regenerative capacity if you will. Many fire-based artifacts heal the user passively.
  • Teacher: And while they are on the verge of extinction after the war in the Molten Heights, the Dogun species used to embody fire and earth magic alike. It is a shame what happened to them.
  • Teacher: Unfortunately, it is also notable that corrupted creatures are often connected to fire, by nature of the corruption seeming to bring heat wherever it goes...
  • Teacher: But aside from that, onto our practical test. You will all come up to me, starting with <player name>, and hone courage. I will be lobbing fireballs at the wall behind you.
  • Teacher: You will need to destroy the fireballs before they hit the wall, by attacking them directly. If you are hit, it counts as a failure. Now. Let's get started, <player name>.
  • Teacher: Are you ready? Summon your bravery.
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Fire Puzzle.
The teacher will throw fireballs at you, you must hit them without letting any hit you or the wall behind you. Part one is 1 fireball, part two is 3 fireballs, and part 3 is five fireballs.
  • Teacher: Well done , fledgeling Grook! Continue to sharpen your instincts. You'll be a fine hero someday, I am sure of it.
  • Teacher: Dismissed, <player name>. You may leave. Now do I have any volunteers for the next round...?


  • Teacher: Arright class, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish, so everyone, take your seats! You'll be getting up soon enough anyways!
  • Teacher: Movin' right along. Air! You're breathing it, we're surrounded by it, but ain'tcha know what it's all about yet, so pay attention.
  • Teacher: Air is an element of freedom! speed, wind and agility. if you're trained well with agility, attacks'll seem like they just phase through ya!
  • Teacher: But over and above that, 'cause of air's ever-presence, it's one of the most versatile kinda magic in existence. People use it in all sorts of ways.
  • Teacher: Over in Gavel, the Bantisu Air Monks have managed to extend their sight by the wind! They use it to help guide folks who get lost in that canyon over there.
  • Teacher: Many winged sorts a'creatures are tied to air, but not all of them. Some magic users just straight-out float! Now wouldn't that be nice, eh?
  • Teacher: Due to their tenuous physicality, souls and spirits are also often related to air magic. Make ya wonder if you could just blow ghost out of the window!
  • Teacher: And finally, some old, old tales tell of a woman who crossed the sea before it was calmed using air magic to fly. 's just an old legend, but an interesting one.
  • Teacher: Now onto the practical test! It's time to get those bones a-shakin'! You'll be running an obstacle course I have set up, but with a twist.
  • Teacher: Everyone up to the table! You'll need this feather with ya to get through.It'll help you jump higher!
  • Teacher: The goal is to grab three crystal balls I put in the obstacle course. once you found 'em, bring 'em back to me.
  • Teacher: The course is behind me. Shake a leg now!

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Air Puzzle.
There is a parkour you need to do to collect 3 pearls.
  • Teacher: Lessee here, one, two, three, yes indeedy! You got through that pretty quick!
  • Teacher: Now, if you'll just hand me back that feather ya got there...
  • Teacher: ...then you'll be all done! Congrats, little fledge, you've finished this class! Now get on along to your next one!

Stage 11

Practical Magic:

  • Ghost Guide: Moving swiftly on, the next class is just across the way. Follow me!

Magical Materials

  • Teacher: Alright everyone. Take a seat but don't get comfy. You'll be getting up soon. Hope you brought your reading glasses
  • Teacher: See, I'll just be giving you short primer, then sending you out for the practical exercise, Since I have all this written down already.
  • Teacher: The basis of this class is that many materials, whether you know it or not, are inherently magical in some way or another. If you want to be artificer, you need to know how each one works.
  • Teacher: Thankfully, the field of artifice is very popular one, so there's a wealth of knowledge out there on magical materials and how to use them efficiently.
  • Teacher: Heck, Wynn soldiers are cobbling together rings out of copper and old spider silk, so you know this sort of thing is easy to get to. Tough to master, though!
  • Teacher: For those intimidated, you don't need much crafting knowledge for this class; you'll be reading up on everything you need to know in the back.
  • Teacher: You all be crafting a magical amulet using different items. I've stockpiled in the back; everyone will be crafting a different kind of necklace.
  • Teacher: Here's a note on what you should craft. Once you have the materials you think you need, come to the crafting table. It's enchanted, and will craft the item for you if you have what you need.
  [+1 Recipe]
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Magical Materials.
Collect all the ingredients from the back room and then right click on the crafting table in the main room. If you are determined to do it the right way, the recipe is: White Meteor shard + Quartz Battery + Crate of Avo Binding/Wheat Magical Binding (they give the same item)
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the text from the Magical Materials library.
Magical Materials

Chapter 1 - A Primer

  Artifice is, to simplify, the art of creating magical materials. This book will teach you about various magical materials and methods of crafting your own artifacts.

  Magical artifacts are nearly as common as pebbles on the roadside, even moreso in Gavel. Often referred to as Relics, these items were made independently of each other...

  ...but tend to follow a similar structure. Magic can only be focused in certain ways, after all. Many reliquary items are outdated by today's standards, though theorists are baffled by...

  ...the presence of such relics in Wynn. Magically-gifted individuals were not present for hundreds of years after the deaths of the Twains.

  Some surmise that other entities than humans are responsible for their creation, which is supported by the presence of large amounts of artifacts in the Time Valley and Almuj regions.

  A good place to start with crafting is in the humble necklace, and for that you would need string and magical materials. Even the string is relevant to the magical crafting process, however.

  Derived from processed crops, ones such as Barely, Rye, or native Wynnic crops are less effective than Gavellian crops such as Hemp.

  In particular, the feathery structure of Sorghum, also known as Avo leaf, is very conducive towards the channeling of magical energy.

  An exception to this rule is with the recently dubbed "Decay Root" derived from Gavellian plants sapped of their magical energy. Decay Root absorbs magic and can leave sources completely drained.

Chapter 2 - Magical Foci

  Most magic items require a "focus" in order to draw out and direct their magical energies. Many items are usable as foci, but certain items have been found to be far more effective than others.

  Jewels and precious stones are easy to channel magic through, and thus are often used in conjunction as basic foci. Certain gems have inclination towards specific elements...

  ...most often indicated by the color of the gem, but all are applicable for general purposes.

  A less common type of focus is found in the form of Runes. They are a magical unknown, for all intents and purposes, with each specific rune seeming to have a different magical inclination.

  Only five types of Runes have ever been found, and after a disastrous attempt at combining Runic power, horrifically powerful Rune Guardians have begun to appear in Gavel to guard them.

  Due to this, the remaining stockpile of Runes continues to dwindle as they are used and sold between their holders, or hoarded by the wealthy.

Chapter 3 - Quartz

  Quartz is a versatile magical material useful in nearly any magical item in some fashion.

  Due to its natural ability to passively absorb magical energy, it is a phenominally [sic] applicable material for magical batteries or storage.

  Magical marvels such as the electromagic generator in Llevigar are powered primarily by quartz and related materials.

  However, it has its limits. While it is effective at storing energy, it can only store a finite amount.

  Overloading quartz with magical energy can cause it to create magical discharge, which can overcharge nearby quartz as well, causing violent chain reactions.

Chapter 4 - Stabilizers

  Magical stabilizers do as they state, stabilize magical energy. Though materials such as quartz and runes are useful, misuse can result in disaster for the user.

  Thus, stabilizers are a necessity for creating safe-to-use magical items. In the past, these manifested as massive chains of quartz batteries or wasteful use of metals such as gold or silver.

  Recently however, a material called Lodestone was discovered. It actively stabilizes influxes of magical energy far more efficiently than jewels or precious metals.

  However, it has the side effect of leaching excess magic into the environment into a raw form. It is theorized that the presence of Lodestone in Gavel has...

  ...contributed heavily to the diverse flora and fauna of the region; the magic energy influenced evolution in ways that areas like Wynn have not seen.

Chapter 5 - Elemental Powders

  Powders, while simple in actual structure, are often misunderstood except by enchanters and artificers.

  Being made of specific blends of various items with magical ties to elements, certain powders are easier to create than others. Magical plants are easier to grind down than magical minerals, for instance.

  After each item is ground to dust, enchanters purify the blend to remove extraneous aspects, leaving only the pure elemental powder in its wake.

  Items more heavily attuned to a specific element will create a stronger blend of powder, but even items with the slightest connection to an element can conceivably be used to create a powder.

  To apply powders to items in a refined way, one must either incorporate the mix into the base construction of an item, or utilize the energies within for an enchantment.

  Merely sprinkling powders over other things will not generate any magical effects, although some artists are known to use powders to make brilliant colors of paint, strangely.

Chapter 6 - Cosmic Unknowns

  Cosmic Magic is being studied presently by magical experts. There are few conclusive truths of cosmic energies, one such being that it is only found in things fallen from the sky.

  The meteors and comets that have fallen are difficult to study, as not only does each color or type of fallen meteor appear to have different magical effects on its environment...

  ...but many types of meteor have been found to induce a creeping insanity in those exposed to it for extended periods. Three initial cosmic researchers fell prey to this effect.

  Small samples and meteor shards appear generally safe, but are to be treated with the utmost care and caution. Gavellian law outlaws non-registered usage of cosmic materials.
  • Teacher: Mhm, that's the ticket, <player name>. If you're interested in learning more, you can probably find my books in most of the libraries.
  • Teacher: Your feathers are coming out just nicely, fledgeling. You can scoot off to your next class now

Magical Effects

  • Teacher: Okay class, everyone take your seats, and listen up. This class is going to be interesting.
  • Teacher: As you know, this class is all about magical effects, specifically those tied to various materials, and how they'll affect you!
  • Teacher: This is going to be hands-on learning experience, so those of you with weak constitutions may request to skip the demonstration if you're concerned for your health.
  • Teacher: If you've read my books, you know about quartz, and how dangerous could it be if overcharged. So, of course, we have overcharge sample so you can feel the signs of it.
  • Teacher: It may be explosive, but it will be in a controlled manner. The worst that'll happen to you is your face will get a bit dusty, or your glasses will fall off.
  • Teacher: Magical crystals, as we have to my left here, can be charged with all kinds of different effects. This is an incredibly valuable aspect for artificers.
  • Teacher: Depending on its formations, they can have natural effects as well. These crystals were found in Gavel's flouting islands, and... well let's say it's difficult to keep it in its case
  • Teacher: Our last sample is of cosmic materials, and if you're sickened easily, then don't examine it. Its effects are mostly unknown, but one thing's certain...
  • Teacher: ... it's dangerous to be exposed for long periods. Now, each of you will go back behind me, and examine and interact with each of the three samples provided.
  • Teacher: Once you've done so, then you can leave. Hands-on training is the best way to learn, after all.
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Magical Effects.
Walk up to each sample and click on them.
  • Teacher: Well done. How did that feel?
  • Teacher: Personally, the void sample is the most interesting to me. You may now leave this classroom.

Stage 12

Magical Creatures:

  • Ghost Guide: There's a bit of a walk to your next class. Follow me.

  • Ghost Guide: These staircases were supposed to move, but... That was too much work to put together, apparently. They're a pain to navigate, aren't they?


  • Teacher: Alright fledgeling grooks. Time to hit you all with the info you're really here for!
  • Teacher: Wybels! Pronounce like "nibble", They're rather popular pet nowadays. But you all knew that, you want to know where they came from.
  • Teacher: The explanation we got was that they lived in the Ahms region, and when it split open, they eventually burrowed into the surface of the Sky Islands.
  • Teacher: But no one KNOWS for sure. That means they. Could. Be. ANYTHING! What could lie beneath that veneer of fluff and playful demeanor?!
  • Teacher: Oh, speaking of fluff. The wooly fur never actually stops growing, ever, and neither their hooves, their horns, or their teeth. They shed often.
  • Teacher: These materials have innate magical energy to them. Stable like lodestone and reliable like quartz, but not as powerful as either. Interesting, that a fluff ball has that potential!
  • Teacher: Wybel fluff is also able to be boiled, and it terns into sticky molasses-like substance. It's used for candy, and its very popular... But it's all POISON!
  • Teacher: It's POISON I tell you! Wyble meat is horrendously inedible! It'll give the worst stomachache of your life! The candymakers are feeding us to DEATH!
  • Teacher: And the worst part is, if too much fluff gathers up in one spot, ANOTHER WYBEL APPEARS! They reproduce by budding!! Growing out of int and dust! It's a no-win game they're makin' us play!
  • Teacher: Wybels do have good use though... They can sniff out sources of cosmic energy, like a pig sniffs out truffles. Sometimes they even will try to take it home.
  • Teacher: It's also they miss it, somehow. It's almost like they might be FROM outer space! It's ALMOST like they bringing insanity-inducing things into our houses ON PURPOSE!
  • Teacher: They're here to kill us all, I swear it! How else would you explain a wybel VAPORIZING a group of poachers? Ten colors of wybel, every one of them rotten evil!
  • Teacher: Everyone says there are only nine, but WE know the truth! There's a tenth out there, an ultimately powerful one that want us all gone. Pray you never see it, kids
  • Teacher: Anyways, my lesson's safe from all of that. All you have to do is to re-order these plush Wybel toys on the stand. You'll figure out once you're there.

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Wybel Puzzle.
To complete the puzzle you have to remember the shown color combination of Wybels and after the Wybels got scrambled, you have to re-order them the way they got shown to you at the beginning. There are 3 rounds with an increasing amount of Wybels to remember. Screenshot them before the shuffle if you struggle.

  • Teacher: Alrighty, fledgeling, good job. You're armed with the REAL truth now! Go on to your next class.

Magical Species

  • Teacher: Hello, students. This is the magical creatures class, and I will be your instructor.
  • Teacher: Different species have different levels of innate magicality. This is often an invisible aspect of the species. You must never assume.
  • Teacher: To begin with, Doguns. They are ancient creatures, artificial-seeming at first. Despite this, they are highly adept at earth and fire-based magic.
  • Teacher: Able to quite literally move mountains, it is theorized that they were the one who carve out the inside of the Molten Heights into the caves we know today.
  • Teacher: Tales also tell of their utilizing demonic energy for various purposes. However, we are only able to assume their magical energy from Dwarven tales, as they are nigh-extinct
  • Teacher: Moving on. The term "Greenskins" is a catch-all for Trolls, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres and Hobgoblins. Some include Gerts into this definition, though by technicality they are separate.
  • Teacher: Though many Greenskins societies with mystical particles, the only known way for them to utilize magic is through magical artifacts. They've little magic potential.
  • Teacher: Meanwhile, Villagers are the opposite persuasion. High magical potential, often unrealized out of laziness.
  • Teacher: Humans are often thought of as magical then Villagers, due to Fruman soldiers seeming to know some magic innate, but this is untrue.
  • Teacher: Dwarves have a similar level of magicality to Humans, but like the Villagers, it often go unrealized. Their culture values physical strength more.
  • Teacher: It is theorized that the reason for this is due to their distance for demonic energies of the Doguns. They reject their magic potential often, such that it is lessening over time.
  • Teacher: Inversely, Elves have a deep connection to their magicality. Despite their reclusiveness, they are known for their open share of magicality energy within their own society.
  • Teacher: The outcast Elves of Efilim have shared their connection to what we refers to as "The Light". This connection is supposedly unfathomable, but guides them and protects them.
  • Teacher: Now, we see if you were paying attention. You will come here and order the societies I have referred to in the class from least magical, to the most.

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Magical Creatures Puzzle.
To complete the puzzle you have to order the magical species from least magical to most magical: Greenskins, Dwarves, Humans, Villagers, Doguns, and Elves.

  • Teacher: Well done, you got it right!
  • Teacher: Correct. <player name>, thank you for paying attention. No one ever seems to in this class. You may go.

Stage 13

Types of Magic:

  • Ghost Guide: Next class is actually rather close!
  • Ghost Guide: Just follow me.


  • Teacher: ...I was hoping for a smaller class size.
  • Teacher: Corruption is incredibly dangerous... it'll be tough to keep so many students safe. If anyone wishes to leave, you may.
  • Teacher: Now... corruption is a force of nature of... some descriptions. Yes, you heard me right. We don't actually know much about it.
  • Teacher: Even though it's plagued the Wynn province for a thousand years, the way its behaves is so alien in nature that it's nigh-impossible to study.
  • Teacher: We know it raises undead bodies... The working theory is that the more heavily injured the target is, the more susceptible they are to being corrupt.
  • Teacher: And... well, you can't exactly get more injured than "dead". Hence, the growth of zombies and skeletons and all, over in Wynn.
  • Teacher: It appears to spread by complex "root" system. A scientist from Nesaak, Orikal, has studied this. The corruption spikes appear to spread it in greater concentration.
  • Teacher: As for the effects on your person, most often paranoia and anger are seen. And that's about the only consistent thing with it; it affect everyone slightly differently.
  • Teacher: The worst part is that practically everything single thing we've touched here is conjecture and theorycrafting! The force of corruption is terrifying.
  • Teacher: The only thing we know for certain is that powerful ice-based magic can halt corruption, as seen in the Nesaak region.
  • Teacher: Now, the dangerous part. Everyone, come up past my desk here. We'll examine a corrupted creature in controlled environment.
  • Teacher: We have one in captivity, and its cage is reinforced with the strongest metals we have... so dear god let it be enough.
  • Teacher: Bringing it out now... be sure to back up. We don't want anyone caught in the crossfire here.
  • Teacher: One thing to note about undead corrupteds... they can't be cured. You can weaken them, but that's about it. ...wait...
  • Teacher: Wait, why's it spreading here? It's never done this before! E-everyone, back up, now!
  • Teacher: A-as you can see, corruption is very powerful, eheheh, c-can someone go get another teacher or something?!
  • Teacher: Wait, no! It's corroding the bars! Everyone, RUN! NOW! GET OUT OF HERE, CLASS DISMISSED!!!!
  • Teacher: GAACK! No, <player name>, I said RUN! Don't fight that thing, get OUT!

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Corruption Puzzle.
The teacher will call you up to the front and unlock a cage holding a Corrupted. The Corrupted will become enraged and you must kill it despite the teacher's wishes for you to run.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
EnragedUndead(TheOrderofTheGrook).png Enraged Undead 60 6000 Melee - Fire: Damage - Corruption Classroom
  • Teacher: Dear lord... that was awful. <player name>, I can't believe you were able to kill that thing!
  • Teacher: Class absolutely dismissed. We've got to cancel this class... it's far more dangerous for the students...

Magic of Nature

  • Teacher: Welcome in, guys and gals... we're learnin' about nature magic today!
  • Teacher: There's two main ways of usin' nature magic... Shamanism and druidism. Two sides of the same coin, man.
  • Teacher: Druidic Practices tend to deal with healing more, and nurturing. When life's created, it gives off energy... and Druids use that energy for their magic.
  • Teacher: Shamanic skills are a lot more direct, man. They take the life from other things and use that to do their stuffs. It's way more varied then Druidic magic.
  • Teacher: Each has its ups and downs, man. Druidism is chill and helpful... but you can really expand your mind with Shamanism, buddies.
  • Teacher: Either way, it's all about equivalent exchange, y'see? You can't get somethin' from nothin', man. Either make life or take life.
  • Teacher: But! It's not peaky about what life you take, man! A good shaman takes from plants and animals, not people!
  • Teacher: Don't be a Slykaar, kiddos. He asked for human sacrifices, but he lived in a jungle, man! Like, what the hey! He coulda done anything alse!
  • Teacher: Anyways, our test today, little buds, is to practice some shamanic skills. We got a sick cow in the back, and you're gonna nurse it back to health.
  • Teacher: You'll need to sacrifice some old grooks, but it has to be just the right amount, man! The practice is through the door behind me.

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains the solution of the Magic of Nature Puzzle.
The professor will ask you to kill grooks in order to resurrect a cow. You will need to kill exactly 5 grooks and then right click on the altar. Killing more or less will cause a zombie cow to attack you.
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:ZombifiedCow.png Zombified Cow 59 5500 Melee - - - Corruption Classroom
  • Teacher: Groovy work, man! You're at one with nature!
  • Teacher: Your feathers are all grown out, man! Time to head out!

Stage 14

» Finish school for the day.

  • Ghost Guide: That's all four classes! I hope you found them magically enriching! Now, off to the graduation hall!
  • Ghost Guide: It's the room all the way at the bottom of the stairs. Hurry, don't hold up the ceremony, It won't start until everyone's there.

Stage 15

» Go to the ceremony room for the Headmaster's closing speech.


  • Headmaster: Take a seat. The ceremony is starting.
  • Headmaster: And so, your teachings, or at least their basics, have ended. Your magical feathers have started to grow!
  • Headmaster: You have all been performing very well during your classes today. I've heard quite a bit of praise from the teachers being passed around.
  • Headmaster: But now, for your efforts, you shall not go unrewarded. You will leave here with more than simply knowledge.
  • Headmaster: Your tools have shaped your minds, subtle but inexorably. And so with that, what you leave with today, both in mind and in treasure, shall be different for each of you.
  • Headmaster: Let us start with <player name>. Please come up to the stage!
  • Headmaster: There's a reason I've called you up first, you know. Recall what I said about old hats earlier? Don't think we didn't notice the armor, or the weapon, or the grim countenance.
  • Headmaster: But no need to worry. Those who truly have the drive to become learned in the ways of magic, no matter who they are, will always find their way here, and be accepted.
  • Headmaster: A shame about Seasum, but not to worry. Now, hand over your materials and you'll receive your rewards.
  • Headmaster: And there you have it. Your feathers are grown, and you can spread your magical wings! Good luck on your adventures, Wynn soldier.


  • The fire puzzle has a bug where the fireballs may run into other fireballs or blocks before being launched at you. This will automatically fail you and you will have to try again.
  • If you chose the fire lesson and you keep failing, try enabling hitboxes by pressing F3 + B and focus on the hitboxes instead. Also, it is easier to hit the fireballs with your fist instead of a weapon.
  • The Wybel puzzle can bug where the textures do not render. You will need another player to get past this part by having them afk to keep the puzzle from resetting. The textures will only be rendered if you /class and re-enter the classroom. You may need to relog several times to finish the puzzle.


  • Imaxelius made this quest.
  • This quest is a reference to the fantasy book series Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
  • In the Wybels class, the teacher briefly mentions an existing 10th kind of wybel, "An ultimately powerful one that want us all gone.", possibly The Orange Wybel.
  • There is a glitch in the Wybel class that may cause the player to not see the Wybels properly. Using Minecraft version 1.12.2 fixes this issue.
  • In the Corruption Magic class, the teacher mentions Orikal from the quest The Corrupted Village as a corruption expert from Nesaak.
  • In Magical Materials class, the teacher mention the Wynn soldiers who use copper rings with spider silk, referring to basically anyone in Wynncraft who want to craft Accessories in the low level range.
  • The teacher of the Nature type magic is a hippie.
  • The Headmaster knows about the fact you switched places with Seasum and you aren't in fact, Seasum.
  • Seasum's bedroom is right under the stairs, just like in the books.
  • There is a Tier IV chest on the island of Grookwarts, Take a right when you get to Una and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs stay to the right until you run into the Door Guardian.
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DoorGuardian.png Door Guardian 60 5900 Melee Explode Water: Weakness, Damage
Air: Weakness, Damage
Thunder: Defense
- Grookwarts
  • Kill the Door Guardian then go through the door to enter the secret area. The first part is a parkour. At the end there is a sea lantern with particles. Stand on the sea lantern to be teleported to the second part. The second part consists of fighting, and if you are properly geared, it is best to just ignore the mobs and rush to the end. At the end there is another sea lantern and standing on it will take you to the tier IV chest. (there are also some Tier I & II chest around the island itself)
  • The school hold a secret: on the right side of the hall, there is a head that looks like a book. When right-clicked, bookshelves will arrange themselves to form a parkour with the candles above the dining room.
    • By right-clicking the candle at the end of the parkour, the huge shut door in the Staircase room will open, revealing some sort of jail, and very interesting fact: the order of the grook knows about the Silent Expanse and tried to learn about the environment there. the experiment failed, led to them to make sure no one shall step inside the darkness there.
      • The Forgotten Dernic Test Subject still wanders in the very room it was used to conduct experiments on.
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WeakenedDernCreature.png Weakened Dern Creature 105 31500 Melee - Water: Weakness, Damage
Thunder: Damage, Defense
Fire: Defense
- Grookwarts Eldritch Experiment Room
        • The Dernic Creature seems to be based on the Crawling Death monster from The Olmic Rune.