Windwalker Temple

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Windwalker Temple CBCaveIcon.png
A large tree has grown out of the hillside at [1358, 121, -4745].
Coordinates X: 1358, Y: 121, Z: -4745
Suggested Level 96
Difficulty Easy
Length Short
Estimated Time 45s
Involved Lootrun Sky Islands Exploration
General Information
Type of Cave Normal
Loot Chests 1x Tier 3 [✫✫✫]
Mobs Sylphid Gatekeepers (Lv. 99-100)
Sylphid Ghosts (Lv. 96)
Sylphid Servants (Lv. 98)
Sylphid Statues (Lv. 99)
Sylphid Observer (Lv. 100)
First-Time Clear Rewards
+700000 XP

The Windwalker Temple is a Cave found in the Sky Islands. It is one of the caves that must be completed in order to unlock the Sky Islands Exploration Lootrun.


The start of the cave has two Sylphid Gatekeepers standing guard. Continuing into the temple will be a central room with a Sylphid Observer alongside 3 branches. The left branch has a hidden room with a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 3 nearby Sylphid Statues to be killed. Each branch has a Sylphid Statue that can be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SylphidGatekeeper(Phase1).png Sylphid Gatekeeper
(Phase 1)
99 4600 None - ✤ Weak
✹ Dam
❋ Def
Sylphid Gatekeeper (Phase 2) Windwalker Temple
SylphidGatekeeper(Phase2).png Sylphid Gatekeeper
(Phase 2)
100 34460 Ranged Heal ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✦ Def

Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidGhost.png Sylphid Ghost 96 5670 Charge Heavy Teleport ✽ Dam
❋ Def

Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidObserver.png Sylphid Observer 100 42150 Melee (Stationary) Flamethrower
❋ Dam
✽ Def

Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidServant.png Sylphid Servant 98 11230 Rapid Ranged - ✽ Dam
❋ Def

Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidStatue.png Sylphid Statue 99 13000 None - ❋ Def - Windwalker Temple