Sky Islands Exploration

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Disambig.svg This article is about the lootrun that takes place in the Sky Islands.. For the lootrun that takes place in the Silent Expanse, see Silent Expanse Expedition.
Sky Islands Exploration CBLootrunCampIcon.png
The base camp for this lootrun.
Suggested Level 96
Lootrun Chief
X: 1034, Y: 135, Z: -4419
Required Quests One Thousand Meters Under
Recipe for Disaster
Required Caves Angel Falls
Lamprophis Lair
Mycolite Mountain
Overgrown Rubble
Sky Shroom
The Donjon
Windwalker Temple
Forgotten Excavation
Scarred Ingress
Azurite Island
Ovine Spire
Lootrun Info
Min. Challenges 4
Total Starting
Starting Timer 6:00
Mob Scaling
(per Challenge)
+15% Mob Damage
+55% Mob Health
Daily Bonuses +100 Lootrun XP
+5 Reward Pulls
+1 Reward Reroll

The Sky Islands Exploration is a Lootrun based in the Sky Islands, with some parts taking place above the clouds, in space, or in The Void. The camp is found slightly to the south of Ahmsord.

A unique mechanic for this lootrun are Throwclouds, pink clouds that launch you an incredibly far distance when you step on them.

Spelunk Challenges

Angel Falls

Inside this cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that is opened by killing 4 nearby mobs, while the other end has a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that is found in a room after the Angel of Agony is killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
YouthfulAngel(CrawlAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Crawl -

- Angel Falls
YouthfulAngel(RangedAI).png Youthful Angel
97 8000 Ranged -

- Angel Falls
AngelOfAgony.png Angel of Agony
(Phase 1)
96 20000 Rapid Ranged Vanish


Furious Angel of Agony (Phase 2) Angel Falls
FuriousAngelOfAgony.png Furious Angel of Agony
(Phase 2)
97 20000 Charge Multihit
Heavy Pull


Enraged Angel of Agony (Phase 3) From Angel of Agony (Phase 1)
EnragedAngelOfAgony.png Enraged Angel of Agony
(Phase 3)
98 30000 Ranged Heavy Push
Arrow Storm


Outraged Angel of Agony (Phase 4) From Furious Angel of Agony (Phase 2)
OutragedAngelOfAgony.png Outraged Angel of Agony
(Phase 4)
99 40000 Melee Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Slowness



Angelic Blasting Gel
From Enraged Angel of Agony (Phase 3)

Lamprophis Lair

At the end of this cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 5 nearby mobs to be killed to open it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TerraLamprophis.png Terra Lamprophis 95 6800 Melee -


- Lamprophis Lair
TerraChanneler.png Terra Channeler 95 6800 Burst Ranged Arrow Storm
- Lamprophis Lair

Mycolite Mountain

At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 5 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Mycolite(Level94).png Mycolite
(Level 94)
94 7760 Melee - -
Brown Mushroom
Mycolite Mountain
Mycolite(Level96).png Mycolite
(Level 96)
96 9000 Melee - -
Red Mushroom
Mycolite Mountain
AngelOfConflict.png Angel Of Conflict 98 9430 Crawl Multihit

- Mycolite Mountain
SnowMycolite.png Snow Mycolite 96 10760 Melee Heal - - Mycolite Mountain

Overgrown Rubble

At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Cave Treguard to be killed to open it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SkyIvy.png Sky Ivy 92 6105 Crawl -


- Overgrown Rubble
StoneCutterMole.png Stone Cutter Mole 94 9096 Neutral Melee -
- Overgrown Rubble
CaveTreguard.png Cave Treguard 96 12664 Melee Multihit

- Overgrown Rubble

Sky Shroom

After the Skyshroom is killed, some parkour will open the way to a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SkyshroomEnthusiast.png Skyshroom Enthusiast
(Phase 1)
96 1000 Neutral Melee -
Riled Skyshroom Enthusiast (Phase 2) Sky Shroom
RiledSkyshroomEnthusiast.png Riled Skyshroom Enthusiast
(Phase 2)
96 8500 Melee Heavy Arrow Storm
- From Skyshroom Enthusiasts
Skyshroom.png Skyshroom 99 220000 Melee -
- Sky Shroom

The Donjon

Halfway through this cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 15 Castle Vampyrs to be killed in order to open it. At the end of this cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Malfunctioning Totem to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CastleVampyr.png Castle Vampyr 97 15250 Charge
Knockback Immune - - The Donjon
ExplodingSeedPod.png Exploding Seed Pod 95 42500 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Explode


- The Donjon
StickySpitter.png Sticky Spitter 95 350000 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
- - The Donjon
MalfunctioningTotem.png Malfunctioning Totem 100 170000 Burst Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Arrow Storm
Heavy Explode



- The Donjon

Windwalker Temple

In a hidden room on the left branch of this cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires 3 Sylphid Statues to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SylphidGatekeeper(Phase1).png Sylphid Gatekeeper
(Phase 1)
99 4600 None -


Sylphid Gatekeeper (Phase 2) Windwalker Temple
SylphidGatekeeper(Phase2).png Sylphid Gatekeeper
(Phase 2)
100 34460 Ranged Heal



Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidGhost.png Sylphid Ghost 96 5670 Charge Heavy Teleport



Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidObserver.png Sylphid Observer 100 42150 Melee (Stationary) Flamethrower



Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidServant.png Sylphid Servant 98 11230 Rapid Ranged -



Ghostly Plume

Sylphid Crystal
Windwalker Temple
SylphidStatue.png Sylphid Statue 99 13000 None -

- Windwalker Temple

Forgotten Excavation

In the boss arena is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Excavated Golem to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ExcavatedGolem.png Excavated Golem 99 163,800 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Charge
Ore Grenade


- Forgotten Excavation

Scarred Ingress

At the halfway point of this cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Primordial Earth miniboss to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Abiogen.png Abiogen 94 10300 Charge Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist


- Scarred Ingress
LeylineElemental.png Leyline Elemental 91 9800 Melee -


- Scarred Ingress
GeologicalAnomaly.png Geological Anomaly 94 11000 Crawl Knockback Immune


- Scarred Ingress
PrimordialEarth.png Primordial Earth 98 31700 Ranged Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm



- Scarred Ingress

Azurite Island

In the cave part of this cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Absurd Azurite to be killed to open it. In the house part of this cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Bijou Bandit to be killed to open it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GemAberrant.png Gem Aberrant 93 8000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune


- Azurite Island,
Azurite Hollow
CrystallineIrregularity.png Crystalline Irregularity 94 8800 Ranged (Flying) - - Azurite Island,
Azurite Hollow
AbsurdAzurite.png Absurd Azurite 96 80000 Melee (Stationary) Explode
- - Azurite Island,
Azurite Hollow
BijouBandit.png Bijou Bandit 99 55000 Burst Ranged Wave


- Azurite Island,
Bijou Hideout

Ovine Spire

On the path to the spire there will be a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Dust Devil Ovis to be killed in order to open it. At the top of the spire there will be a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Heat Lightning Caprine to be killed in order to open it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Thunder-ChargedGoat.png Thunder-Charged Goat 96 10025 Charge -


Storm Horn

Calmed Thunder
Ovine Spire
RainCloudRam.png Rain Cloud Ram 97 8275 Ranged Slowness


Storm Horn
Ovine Spire
CirrostratusSheep.png Cirrostratus Sheep 98 8500 Melee -

? Ovine Spire
PastorisCanor(Level94).png Pastoris Canor
(Level 94)
94 37000 Support Slowness Immune

? Ovine Spire
DustDevilOvis.png Dust Devil Ovis 99 57200 Crawl Slowness Immune
Arrow Storm


? Ovine Spire
NimbusLamb.png Nimbus Lamb 94 5375 Melee
Knockback Immune

? Ovine Spire
PastorisCanor(Level95).png Pastoris Canor
(Level 95)
95 64000 Support Slowness Immune

? Ovine Spire
HeatLightningCaprine.png Heat Lightning Caprine 100 130000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Flamethrower


? Ovine Spire

Slay Mobs Challenges

Angelic Site

The Angelic Site is a Slay Mobs challenge that spawns several Angels and other holy creatures. If you camp, then Holy Runes will begin to spawn. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 3 Angels of Splintering
    • 2 Angels of Restoration
  • Wave 2:
    • 2 Holy Phoenixes
    • 2 Angels of Splintering
    • 2 Angels of Restoration
  • Wave 3:
    • 2 Holy Phoenixes
    • 2 Angels of Restoration
    • 2 Divine Paladins
  • Wave 4:
    • 6 Angels of Restoration
    • 2 Divine Paladins

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:HolyPhoenix.png Holy Phoenix 92 ? Charge Knockback Resist



- Sky Islands Exploration
Angelic Site
AngelofSplintering.png Angel of Splintering 95 ? Melee Heavy Charge



- Sky Islands Exploration
Angelic Site
AngelofRestoration.png Angel of Restoration 96 ? Ranged Heal



- Sky Islands Exploration
Angelic Site
File:DivinePaladin.png Divine Paladin 98 ? Melee Knockback Immune



- Sky Islands Exploration
Angelic Site
HolyRune.png Holy Rune 99 50,000 Melee
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Flamethrower


- Sky Islands Exploration
Angelic Site

Debris of Furcation

The Debris of Furcation is a Slay Mobs challenge entered by going into a waterfall that leads to the void. You will end up on a Void Island and you will have to slay each of the rounds of mobs.

If you are detected camping, then some more Plummeted Angels will spawn. Void Barnacles serve as a natural anti-camp mechanic. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 6 Taken
    • 3 Invalids
  • Wave 2:
    • 4 Invalids
    • 1 Plummeted Angel
    • 3 Broken Sculptures
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Taken
    • 2 Plummeted Angels
    • 1 Rescinded Matter
  • Wave 4:
    • 6 Taken
    • 4 Invalids
    • 1 Rescinded Matter

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Taken.png Taken 89 9,600 Melee -
- Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation
Invalid.png Invalid 95 12,000 Charge Knockback Immune
- - Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation
PlummetedAngel.png Plummeted Angel 97 13,000 Ranged
Knockback Resist

- Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation
VoidBarnacle.png Void Barnacle 97 19,000 Burst Ranged
Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm



- Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation
BrokenSculpture.png Broken Sculpture 100 20,000 Melee Heavy Charge
Heavy Wave
Heavy Explode

3 Rogue Fragments Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation
RogueFragment.png Rogue Fragment 25 7,000 Retreat
- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet,
from Broken Sculptures,
from Colossi Fabrications
RescindedMatter.png Rescinded Matter 110 70,000 Melee
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Explode


- Sky Islands Exploration
Debris of Furcation

Floating Aerie

The Floating Aerie is a Slay Mobs challenge that is started on a boulder before you are launched up into the air onto a large ring of boulders. Several avian creatures will spawn in waves. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 2 Conniving Corvids
    • 2 Ahms Raptors
    • 1 Ahms Swooper
  • Wave 2:
    • 4 Ahms Raptors
    • 2 Ahms Swoopers
    • 1 Thunderbird
  • Wave 3:
    • 2 Ahms Raptors
    • 4 Thunderbirds
    • 1 Apollo Greatbird
  • Wave 4:
    • 4 Conniving Corvids
    • 2 Ahms Swoopers
    • 1 Apollo Greatbird

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ConnivingCorvid.png Conniving Corvid 89 9,000 Melee
Knockback Immune



- Sky Islands Exploration
Floating Aerie
AhmsRaptor.png Ahms Raptor 91 6,740 Charge
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration
Floating Aerie
Thunderbird.png Thunderbird 95 8,340 Melee
Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm


- Sky Islands Exploration
Floating Aerie
AhmsSwooper.png Ahms Swooper 97 6,000 Charge
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration
Floating Aerie
ApolloGreatbird.png Apollo Greatbird 100 32,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Flamethrower



- Sky Islands Exploration
Floating Aerie

Raiders' Plaza

The Raiders' Plaza is a Slay Mobs challenge found in the Raiders' Port. If you are camping in this challenge, several Mini Airships will spawn. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 2 Skyraider Hustlers (Lv. 93)
    • 4 Skyraider Hustlers (Lv. 95)
  • Wave 2:
    • 2 Trained Hounds
    • 6 Skyraider Hustlers (Lv. 95)
  • Wave 3:
    • 3 Trained Hounds
    • 2 Skyraider Hustlers (Lv. 93)
    • 1 Bewildering Loot
  • Wave 4:
    • 4 Trained Hounds
    • 4 Skyraider Hustlers (Lv. 95)
    • 2 Bewildering Loot

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:TrainedHound.png Trained Hound 90 ? Charge ? - - Sky Islands Exploration
Raiders' Plaza
File:SkyraiderHustler(Level93).png Skyraider Hustler
(Level 93)
93 ? Rapid Ranged ? - - Sky Islands Exploration
Raiders' Plaza
File:SkyraiderHustler(Level95).png Skyraider Hustler
(Level 95)
95 ? Charge Charge
- Sky Islands Exploration
Raiders' Plaza
File:BewilderingLoot.png Bewildering Loot 100 20,700 Charge Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge


- Sky Islands Exploration
Raiders' Plaza
File:MiniAirship.png Mini Airship 100 98,100 Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Flamethrower



- Sky Islands Exploration
Empty Nest,
Raiders' Plaza

Kandon-Beda Beanstalk

There will be a beanstalk which takes you into the sky for this challenge. Several mobs will spawn in waves, which are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 6 Cirrus Fae
    • 2 Stormy Cumulopuffs
  • Wave 2:
    • 4 Cirrus Fae
    • 2 Stormy Cumulopuffs
    • 1 Thundercloud
  • Wave 3:
    • 8 Cirrus Fae
    • 2 Thunderclouds
    • 2 Strong Breezes
  • Wave 4:
    • 6 Cirrus Fae
    • 2 Stormy Cumulopuffs
    • 3 Strong Breezes

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CirrusFae.png Cirrus Fae 90 8,000 Jumper Charge

- Sky Islands Exploration
Kandon-Beda Beanstalk
Thundercloud.png Thundercloud 96 12,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm

- Sky Islands Exploration
Kandon-Beda Beanstalk
StormyCumulopuff.png Stormy Cumulopuff 98 18,000 Burst Ranged Arrow Storm
Heavy Charge


- Sky Islands Exploration
Kandon-Beda Beanstalk
StrongBreeze.png Strong Breeze 100 28,000 Charge Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge


- Sky Islands Exploration
Kandon-Beda Beanstalk

Slay Target Challenges

Astralaus' Comet

As you go onto the rock near Astraulus' Tower, the mage of the eponymous tower will say one the following lines:

  • Astraulus: Hey! It's you! Get out of here, these are my moonsalts!
  • Astraulus: What're you doing back here!? Off with you, pest!
  • Astraulus: You’re back again? Alright! Back to the stars, then!

You will then be rocketed into space as you then fight waves of mobs until you fight the Darkness Between The Stars. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 2 Cosmic Weirds
    • 1 Glaciated Weird
    • 1 Ion Fiend
  • Wave 2:
    • 2 Cosmic Weirds
    • 2 Ion Fiends
    • 1 Sublimated Stardust
  • Wave 3:
    • 1 Glaciated Weird
    • 3 Ion Fiends
    • 2 Sublimated Stardusts
  • Wave 4:
    • 2 Sublimated Stardusts
    • 1 Darkness Between The Stars
  • Wave 5:
    • 4 Micrometeorites
  • Wave 6:
    • 5 Micrometeorites
  • Wave 7:
    • 6 Micrometeorites

If you are detected camping, more Micrometeorites will spawn.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CosmicWeird(Level95).png Cosmic Weird 95 11,650 Melee
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet
IonFiend.png Ion Fiend 95 15,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm



- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet
SublimatedStardust.png Sublimated Stardust 97 19,000 Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune

- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet
GlaciatedWeird.png Glaciated Weird 98 25,600 Rapid Ranged
Knockback Immune



- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet
DarknessBetweenTheStars.png Darkness Between The Stars 125 155,000 Melee
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Explode
Heavy Pull
Heavy Meteor


- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet
Micrometeorite.png Micrometeorite 80 9,000 Charge
Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist

- Sky Islands Exploration
Astralaus' Comet

Colossus Islet

The Fractured Sentinel must be killed in order to complete this challenge. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 4 Angry Agates
    • 2 Shocking Sapphires
    • 1 Enraged Agate
  • Wave 2:
    • 3 Angry Agates
    • 1 Shocking Sapphire
    • 1 Colossi Fabrication
  • Wave 3:
    • 2 Shocking Sapphires
    • 2 Colossi Fabrications
  • Wave 4:
    • 2 Colossi Fabrications
    • 1 Fractured Sentinel
  • Wave 5:
    • 12 Rogue Fragments

If you are detected camping, even more Angry Agates and Shocking Sapphires will spawn, alongside Enraged Agates.

Rarely, a Colossi Countenance will spawn in the first wave.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AngryAgate.png Angry Agate 90 10,000 Charge
Knockback Immune

- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet
ShockingSapphire.png Shocking Sapphire 95 14,000 Melee
Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet
ColossiFabrication.png Colossi Fabrication 100 20,000 Melee Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode

4 Rogue Fragments Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet
RogueFragment.png Rogue Fragment 25 7,000 Retreat
- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet,
from Broken Sculptures,
from Colossi Fabrications
FracturedSentinel.png Fractured Sentinel 130 260,000 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode


- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet
EnragedAgate.png Enraged Agate 100 140,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Explode
Heavy Flamethrower


- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet
ColossiCountenance.png Colossi Countenance 110 85,000 Rapid Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Malicious Beam



- Sky Islands Exploration
Colossus Islet

Phantasmic Field

The Phantasmic Field is a Slay Target challenge that takes place in The Void. The fourth wave of mobs will spawn a double boss fight against the Immaterial Phantasm and the Corporeal Splinter. As you fight against the mobs, several pieces of junk from above will fall down into the arena, telegraphed by a shadow appearing where it will fall. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 6 Sorrows
    • 3 Eidolons of Contrition
  • Wave 2:
    • 6 Sorrows
    • 3 Eidolons of Contrition
    • 3 Eidolons of Regret
    • 1 Medusozoa
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Eidolons of Contrition
    • 4 Eidolons of Regret
    • 2 Medusozoas
  • Wave 4:
    • 1 Eidolon of Contrition
    • 1 Eidolon of Regret
    • 1 Immaterial Phantasm
    • 1 Corporeal Splinter
  • Wave 5:
    • 12 Sorrows

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Sorrow.png Sorrow 90 7,000 Charge -
- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field
EidolonofContrition.png Eidolon of Contrition 99 9,100 Melee Vanish


- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field
EidolonofRegret.png Eidolon of Regret 99 9,200 Ranged Teleport


- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field
Medusozoa.png Medusozoa 100 11,000 Rapid Ranged
Knockback Resist


- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field
ImmaterialPhantasm.png Immaterial Phantasm 130 200,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field
CorporealSplinter.png Corporeal Splinter 135 160,000 Charge Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Wave
Heavy Teleport


- Sky Islands Exploration
Phantasmic Field

Destroy Challenges

Colossi Rune

The Colossi Rune is the only destroy challenge in this lootrun. It takes place on a small island at the surface of the Sky Islands.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:ColossiRune.png Colossi Rune - 500,000 Destroy Objective - - - Sky Islands Exploration,
Colossi Rune
File:OdiousOpal.png Odious Opal 95 19,000 Melee
Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration,
Colossi Rune
ShatteredSpawn.png Shattered Spawn 97 18,700 Crawl
Knockback Immune


- Sky Islands Exploration,
Colossi Rune
File:FossilizedDragonling.png Fossilized Dragonling 98 20,500 Melee Charge


- Sky Islands Exploration,
Colossi Rune

Defend Challenges

Wybel Satellite

As you have fallen down into the lower Sky Islands onto the Wybel Island, a UFW will come assist you when their satellite is under threat.

After the satellite has been defended, the UFW will descend and deploy a trampoline to help you get back up.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WybelSatellite.png Wybel Satellite - ? Defend Objective - - - Sky Islands Exploration,
Wybel Satellite
FlyingSkyBeaver.png Flying Sky Beaver 94 11,000 Charge
Knockback Immune

- Sky Islands Exploration
Wybel Satellite
NestingPigeon.png Nesting Pigeon 97 13,000 Charge
Knockback Immune

- Sky Islands Exploration
Wybel Satellite
File:Treeter.png Treeter 104 31,000 Charge Blindness Immune
Heavy Multihit


- Sky Islands Exploration
Wybel Satellite
UFW.png UFW 140 530,000 Guard
Knockback Immune

- Sky Islands Exploration
Wybel Satellite

Scared Wybel

The Scared Wybel is a defend challenge found at the surface of the Sky Islands. Several Wybel carnivores will appear and threaten to eat the terrified creature.

If you are detected camping, then several Wybeleaters will begin to spawn and deal more damage to the Wybel.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:ScaredWybel(SkyIslandsExpedition).png Scared Wybel - ? Defend Objective - - - Sky Islands Exploration,
Scared Wybel
Fluffmuncher.png Fluffmuncher 90 7,100 Jumper -


- Sky Islands Exploration
Scared Wybel
Fuzzcruncher.png Fuzzcruncher 97 16,400 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Explode


- Sky Islands Exploration
Scared Wybel
Wybeleater.png Wybeleater 104 81,700 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Pull
- - Sky Islands Exploration
Scared Wybel

Empty Nest

The Empty Nest is a defend challenge with the objective being a bunch of dragonling eggs. More Mini Airships will spawn if you are detected camping.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:DragonlingEggs.png Dragonling Eggs - ? Defend Objective - - - Sky Islands Exploration,
Empty Nest
File:SkyraiderPoacher(Melee).png Skyraider Poacher
97 ? Melee - - - Sky Islands Exploration
Empty Nest
File:SkyraiderPoacher(Ranged).png Skyraider Poacher
97 ? Ranged ?
- Sky Islands Exploration
Empty Nest
File:MiniAirship.png Mini Airship 100 98,100 Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Flamethrower



- Sky Islands Exploration
Empty Nest,
Raiders' Plaza

Random Events


  • In the Kandon-Beda Beanstalk arena background, Farcor can be seen flying.
  • The UFW that appears in the Wybel Sattellite challenge is actually the Orange Wybel, as shown with its similar level and elemental stats.