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Item Lore
"With the hot, dry winds from the Roots and the cold, wet winds from Nesaak, these houses rot faster than you can blink." -Viraex, Elkurn Citizen
Item Information
Item Golden Helmet
Min. Level 27
Rarity Unique
Powder Slots 1 ()
Tag Untradable
Obtain Dungeon Merchant
(Timelost Sanctum)
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +170
Intelligence Min: 12

Brise is a level 27 Unique Helmet. It can be purchased from the Dungeon Merchant at the entrance to the Timelost Sanctum Dungeon.


Brise can be bought from the Timelost Sanctum Dungeon Merchant for 2
Garoth's Writings, and is pre-identified.

Identification Preset Value
 Intelligence   +5  
 Mana Regen   +6/5s 
 % Spell Damage   +15%