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Indicates a Dungeon

Dungeons are areas that are leveled playing zones with separate stages. Dungeons varying in difficulty can be found around the Wynncraft map. Dungeons mainly combine parkour, combat and other varying mechanics to challenge players. At the end of each dungeon, there is a boss that when killed will complete the dungeon and reward the player. The reward for completing a dungeon differs per each dungeon, but each will give you armor, weapons, experience, and emeralds which will be scattered in piles around the entrance of the dungeon, alongside Token items and Fragments that can be exchanged for the "main rewards" of the dungeon at a Dungeon Merchant. Dungeons are meant to be achievements for appropriate level players.


Keys which can be obtained by killing specific Key Guardians are needed to enter the dungeons or using dungeon bombs. Key Guardians are rare enemies which spawn in areas of a similar level to the dungeon and are guaranteed to drop 1 Dungeon Key for their corresponding Dungeon.

Dungeon Level Requirements

Corrupted Dungeons can be accessed 5 levels below their suggested level. For example, Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins can be challenged starting at level 89.

List of Dungeons

Icon Name Level Location Associated Quest Boss
DecrepitSewersIcon.png Decrepit Sewers 9 -919 -1883 The Sewers of Ragni Witherhead
InfestedPitIcon.png Infested Pit 18 -171 -1820 Arachnids' Ascent Arakadicus
UnderworldCryptIcon.png Underworld Crypt 24 227 -1950 The Dark Descent Charon
TimelostSanctumIcon.png Timelost Sanctum 27 -262 -1045 TBA Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
Sand-SweptTombIcon.png Sand-Swept Tomb 36 1409 -1830 Kingdom of Sand Hashr
IceBarrowsIcon.png Ice Barrows 45 117 -667 Fate of the Fallen Theorick
UndergrowthRuinsIcon.png Undergrowth Ruins 54 -660 -835 Corrupted Betrayal Slykaar
GalleonsGraveyardIcon.png Galleon's Graveyard 63 -583 -3468 Redbeard's Booty The Mutineers
(Argus, Karkun, and Martim)
Captain Redbeard
DecrepitSewersIcon.png Corrupted Decrepit Sewers 70+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Witherhead
InfestedPitIcon.png Corrupted Infested Pit 74+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Arakadicus
LostSanctuaryIcon.png Corrupted Lost Sanctuary 78+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Garoth
UnderworldCryptIcon.png Corrupted Underworld Crypt 82+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Charon
Sand-SweptTombIcon.png Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb 86+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Hashr
Corkusdungeonlogosmall.png Fallen Factory 90 -1675 -2600 The Envoy Part II Wynnston
Antikythera Supercomputer
IceBarrowsIcon.png Corrupted Ice Barrows 90+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Theorick
UndergrowthRuinsIcon.png Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins 94+ -860 -4900 None Corrupted Slykaar
GalleonsGraveyardIcon.png Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard 98+ -860 -4900 None The Corrupted Mutineers
(Corrupted Argus, Corrupted Karkun, and Corrupted Martim)
Corrupted Captain Redbeard
EldritchOutlookIcon.png Eldritch Outlook 101 -1310 -777 A Journey Further The Eye

Removed Dungeons

Removed Content
The following page contains information about content that no longer exists in Wynncraft as of update 1.14.1 and has been archived for historical purposes.

1.14.1 'The Gameplay Update', completely overhauled the existing dungeons in the Wynn Province; a list of the legacy dungeons which have since been replaced can be found below..

Main Dungeons

Icon Name Level Location Boss Reworked into...
SkeletonDungeon.png Skeleton Dungeon 9 -916 -1888 Witherhead Decrepit Sewers
SpiderDungeon.png Spider Dungeon 18 -171 -1820 Arakadicus Infested Pit
AnimalDungeon.png Animal Dungeon 24 -263 -1045 Lava Cow Lost Sanctuary
ZombieDungeon.png Zombie Dungeon 27 230 -1951 Charon Underworld Crypt
SilverfishDungeon.png Silverfish Dungeon 36 1400 -1840 Sand-Witch Sand-Swept Tomb


Minidungeons were added to the game in the 1.13 Wynnter Update. These were marked by a unique statue above the entrance, and gave a smaller reward than regular dungeons. There were three minidungeons around Wynn, each with their own boss, emerald rewards and XP rewards, similar to main dungeons. Additionally, each minidungeon rewarded the player one area-specific Junk Item too. The Ice Minidungeon was found in the southeast corner of Nesaak Forest, the Ocean Minidungeon was found in the ocean just south of the volcano islands, and the Jungle Minidungeon was found in the jungle, on the road to Troms. These dungeons no longer exist as "Minidungeons"; as of the 1.17 Dungeons and Discovery update, all of them have been reworked into proper dungeons.

Icon Name Level Location Boss Reworked into...
IceDungeon.png Ice Mini-Dungeon 40 177 -655 Abominable Snowman Ice Barrows
OceanDungeon.png Ocean Mini-Dungeon 50 -589 -3464 Kraken Galleon's Graveyard
JungleDungeon.png Jungle Mini-Dungeon 60 -666 -829 Slyyam Undergrowth Ruins

In the 1.14 Gavel Expansion, there were four element-based dungeons around the Canyon of the Lost in Gavel. There were mini-dungeons corresponding to each element except for Thunder. These dungeons were later removed with the intent of being replaced with 'The Mortal Mountain' dungeon, which was later cancelled.

Icon Name Level Location Boss
DungeonIcon.png Earth Mini-Dungeon 85 640 -4270 The Mammoth
DungeonIcon.png Water Mini-Dungeon 85 610 -5075 Belua the Unquenchable
DungeonIcon.png Fire Mini-Dungeon 85 410 -5160 Reborn Earth
DungeonIcon.png Air Mini-Dungeon 85 285 -4705 Whispering Djinn

Legacy Post-1.14.1 Dungeons

These dungeons were all reworked entirely in various updates following the Gameplay Update.


Icon Name Level Location Associated Quest Boss Version Updated
Sand-SweptTombIcon.png Sand-Swept Tomb (1.17) 36 1409 -1830 Kingdom of Sand Hashr Version 1.17
DungeonIcon.png Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb (1.17) 86 -860 -4900 None Corrupted Hashr Version 1.17
UndergrowthRuinsIcon.png Undergrowth Ruins (1.18) 54 -660 -835 Corrupted Betrayal Slykaar Version 1.19
GalleonsGraveyardIcon.png Galleon's Graveyard (1.20) 63 -583 -3468 Redbeard's Booty Redbeard Version 2.0
LostSanctuaryIcon.png Lost Sanctuary 24 -262 -1045 Studying the Corrupt Garoth Version 2.0.3


1.14.1 The Gameplay Update Dungeon Scroll Merchants added
Dungeon scrolls are bought with dungeon fragments, and do not need a Soul Point to use
All dungeons renamed and reworked
Mini-Dungeons do not exist anymore; they are now full dungeons
Each dungeon now has a certain theme and a special gimmick
Dungeons bosses now have a strategy to defeat them
Key Guardians now spawn close to dungeons for obtaining keys, and the old method of obtaining them has been removed
Dungeons give a lot more XP, and give special tokens for obtaining items from the Dungeon Shops. There are two types of tokens: A boss token, and a dungeon fragment.
Added Corrupted Dungeons, which are modified versions of existing dungeons, only harder
Corrupted Decrepit Sewers, Corrupted Infested Pit and Corrupted Lost Sanctuary were added
Keys are obtained from mixing two items at The Forgery in Gavel
1.16 The Corkus Update Fallen Factory was added
Corrupted Underworld Crypt and Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb were added
1.18 The Economy Update Corrupted Ice Barrows dungeon was added
Sand-Swept Tomb and its Corrupted version were reworked
Token Hoppers were replaced with Token Collectors
1.19 The Silent Expanse Update Undergrowth Ruins was reworked
Corrupted Undergrowth Ruins was added
Eldritch Outlook was added
1.20 Gavel Reborn The Forgery reworked
2.0 Spellbound Galleon's Graveyard was reworked
Version 2.0.1 Charon's fight in the Underworld Crypt was reworked
Corrupted Charon's fight in the Corrupted Underworld Crypt was reworked
Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard was added
Version 2.0.3 Lost Sanctuary was replaced with the Timelost Sanctum