Timelost Sanctum

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Disambig.svg This article is about the current version of this dungeon. For the legacy version, see Lost Sanctuary.
Timelost Sanctum CBDungeonIcon.png
Coordinates X: -262, Z: -1045
Minimum Level 22 (Will be 26[1])
Suggested Level 27
Dungeon Info
Difficulty Medium
Monsters List of Mobs
Boss Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum (Lv. 40)
Rewards As follows:

Enter a dungeon trapped in time, forever preserved in a moment of perfection. Complete its challenges in any order, which become more difficult as the spell is disrupted and the sanctum is pulled closer to the present day.[2]

The Timelost Sanctum, subtitled "Trapped in an era long past...", is a level 27 Dungeon found below the seal at the center of the Sanctuary Bridge in Time Valley. Unlike other dungeons, which do not make players return to rooms, this dungeon makes players return to the hub room, which progressively deteriorates as it is drawn closer to the present.

The Timelost Sanctum was added in Version 2.0.3, replacing the dungeon previously found in Time Valley, the Lost Sanctuary.

Hub Room

Timelost Sanctum
Trapped in an era long past...


  • ???: ⍑ᔑᓭ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷ𝙹リᒷ ᒷリℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ᒷ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭᔑリᓵℸ ̣ ⚍ᒲ? ╎ ↸╎↸ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リꖌ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖ╎リ↸╎リ⊣ᓭ ∴𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᔑꖎꖎ𝙹∴ ᒷリℸ ̣ ∷|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᔑリ||𝙹リᒷ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᓭ╎↸ᒷ. ∷ᒷ⍊ᒷᔑꖎ ||𝙹⚍∷ᓭᒷꖎ⎓, ╎リℸ ̣ ∷⚍↸ᒷ∷!

In the room, there is a main objective in the center of the room, destroy the 5 Temporal Anchors that appear throughout the dungeon to access the Inner Sanctum. There are 4 challenges available from the start, these being the Cathedral, Courtyard, Observatory, and Research Lab.

After First Room


  • ???: ᔑリ ᔑリᓵ⍑𝙹∷ ⍑ᔑᓭ ⎓ᔑꖎꖎᒷリ... ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ↸𝙹╎リ⊣? ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭᔑリᓵℸ ̣ ⚍ᒲ ᓵᔑリリ𝙹ℸ ̣ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ᓭ⚍ᓵ⍑ ᓵ𝙹ꖎꖎᔑ!¡ᓭᒷ. ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᓵᔑリ ᓭℸ ̣ ╎ꖎꖎ ʖᒷ ∷ᒷ!¡ᔑ╎∷ᒷ↸.
  • ???: ↸𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ∴ᔑリ↸ᒷ∷ ⎓⚍∷ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷, ╎リℸ ̣ ∷⚍↸ᒷ∷, ╎ ∴╎ꖎꖎ ↸ᒷᔑꖎ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ||𝙹⚍ ᓭ⍑𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ꖎ||! ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᒲ⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖌᒷ !¡∷╎𝙹∷╎ℸ ̣ ||.

After Second Room


  • ???: 𝙹⍑ ⎓𝙹∷ ⍑ᒷᔑ⍊ᒷリ'ᓭ ᓭᔑꖌᒷ- You haven't understood a word I said, have you? What an unrefined way of speech. Now, if you have intruded here, surely you must know who you are angering.
  • Garoth: I am Garoth, master of the temporal arts, the greatest mage to have ever lived! And, if you do not cease your disruption, you will learn firsthand why I have earned these titles.

After Third Room


  • Garoth: You. Do you understand the gravity of what you are doing? What you have done? If the sanctum falls apart, it will pull the both of us into the infinite abyss beyond!
  • Garoth: I have expended a great deal of my strength to keep this spell from shattering, and yet you continue to work directly against me! Do you have a death wish!?



The Cathedral is fairly simple, with the only completion requirement being to kill the Temporal Anchor. The Anchor in the Cathedral has significantly more health than the others, however, and will summon Rogue Star mobs throughout the arena as it is damaged.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:DevoteeConstruct.png Devotee Construct
(Level 27)
27 200 Ranged -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (1st Version)
File:LivingRelic.png Living Relic
(Level 27)
27 235 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (1st Version),
Courtyard (1st Version)
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 30)
30 150 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (1st Version)
File:TemporalAnchor(Cathedral).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 30)
30 2000 None Rogue Star Burst - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (1st Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:DevoteeConstruct.png Devotee Construct
(Level 28)
28 215 Ranged -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version)
File:LivingRelic.png Living Relic
(Level 29)
29 275 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version),
Courtyard (2nd Version)
HadronMortar(Lv28).png Hadron Mortar
(Level 29)
29 685 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version),
Courtyard (2nd Version)
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 31)
31 160 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version)
File:TemporalAnchor(Cathedral).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 32)
32 2500 None Rogue Star Burst - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:DevoteeConstruct.png Devotee Construct
(Level 29)
29 235 Ranged -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version)
File:CrumblingRelic.png Crumbling Relic
(Level 30)
31 400 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version)
HadronMortar(Lv28).png Hadron Mortar
(Level 3)
30 735 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version),
Courtyard (3rd Version)
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 32)
32 175 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version)
File:TemporalAnchor(Cathedral).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 34)
34 3000 None Rogue Star Burst - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MisfiredHadronMortar(Lv32).png Misfired Hadron Mortar
(Level 31)
31 800 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version)
File:CrumblingRelic.png Crumbling Relic
(Level 33)
33 465 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version),
Ruined Hub
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 33)
33 185 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version)
TimelostVisage(Lv34).png Timelost Visage
(Level 33)
33 1120 Melee Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version)
DesertedTheory(Lv35).png Deserted Theory
(Level 34)
34 2600 Rapid Ranged Heavy Teleport


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version)
File:TemporalAnchor(Cathedral).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 36)
36 3500 None Rogue Star Burst - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version)



The Courtyard has four sections which are opened after slaying various waves of mobs. The first section is opened after killing an Animated Fountain, followed by the second requiring a Hadron Mortar to be killed, and the third also requires a Hadron Mortar to be killed. The final section requires a Defense Construct to be killed to open the path to the Temporal Anchor.

In the fourth version of this room, the third section's miniboss is replaced with a Deserted Theory.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:LivingRelic.png Living Relic
(Level 27)
27 235 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (1st Version),
Courtyard (1st Version)
File:GroundskeeperConstruct.png Groundskeeper Construct
(Level 28)
28 385 Melee Charge
- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version)
HadronMortar(Lv28).png Hadron Mortar
(Level 28)
28 635 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version)
AnimatedFountain(Lv30).png Animated Fountain
(Level 29)
29 550 Ranged Wave


- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version)
File:DefenderConstruct(1stRoom).png Defender Construct
(Level 30)
30 1900 Melee Knockback Resist



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv30).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 30)
30 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version),
Research Lab (1st Version),
Observatory (1st Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:LivingRelic.png Living Relic
(Level 29)
29 275 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version),
Courtyard (2nd Version)
File:GroundskeeperConstruct.png Groundskeeper Construct
(Level 29)
29 385 Melee Charge
- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version)
HadronMortar(Lv28).png Hadron Mortar
(Level 29)
29 635 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (2nd Version),
Courtyard (2nd Version)
AnimatedFountain(Lv30).png Animated Fountain
(Level 30)
30 585 Ranged Wave


- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version)
File:DefenderConstruct(2ndRoom).png Defender Construct
(Level 31)
31 2085 Melee Knockback Resist



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv30).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 32)
32 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version),
Research Lab (2nd Version),
Observatory (2nd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
HadronMortar(Lv28).png Hadron Mortar
(Level 30)
30 735 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (3rd Version),
Courtyard (3rd Version)
AnimatedElemental.png Animated Elemental 31 640 Ranged Wave
Arrow Storm



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version)
File:CrumblingRelic.png Crumbling Relic
(Level 31)
31 400 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version)
TimelostVisage(Lv34).png Timelost Visage
(Level 32)
32 1040 Melee Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version)
File:DefenderConstruct(3rdRoom).png Defender Construct
(Level 32)
32 2250 Melee Knockback Resist



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv30).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 34)
34 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version),
Research Lab (3rd Version),
Observatory (3rd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MisfiredHadronMortar(Lv32).png Misfired Hadron Mortar
(Level 31)
31 800 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version)
DisruptedElemental(Lv33).png Disrupted Elemental
(Level 32)
32 700 Burst Ranged Wave
Arrow Storm



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (4th Version)
File:CrumblingRelic.png Crumbling Relic
(Level 33)
33 465 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version),
Ruined Hub
TimelostVisage(Lv34).png Timelost Visage
(Level 33)
33 1120 Melee Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version)
DesertedTheory(Lv35).png Deserted Theory
(Level 34)
34 2600 Rapid Ranged Heavy Teleport


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version)
File:CrumblingDefenderConstruct.png Crumbling Defender Construct
(Level 33)
33 2425 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge



- Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (4th Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv30).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 36)
36 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version)



The Observatory is a parkour sequence to climb to the top. Eventually, you will come across a Temporal Anchor.

The Observatory's parkour changes in varying ways depending on how the dungeon is completed:

  • The first version will have orderly parkour with nothing amiss.
  • The second version will have disorderly parkour with the Observatory in a somewhat degraded state.
  • The third version will have parkour on the outside among the cosmic mist before approaching the Temporal Anchor. It is now also starting to become overgrown with plant life.
  • The fourth version will replace the Temporal Anchor's usual resting spot with a Deserted Theory, which flees when approached. Parkour now has to be done up the telescope and along more cosmic mist before the Temporal Anchor is reached.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TemporalAnchor(Lv34).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 30)
30 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version),
Research Lab (1st Version),
Observatory (1st Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TemporalAnchor(Lv34).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 32)
32 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version),
Research Lab (2nd Version),
Observatory (2nd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TemporalAnchor(Lv34).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 34)
34 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version),
Research Lab (3rd Version),
Observatory (3rd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DesertedTheory(Lv35).png Deserted Theory
(Level 34)
34 - Flee -


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv34).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 36)
36 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version)

Research Lab


In the Research Lab, both Stabilizers must be disabled by killing 10 mobs around each stabilizer.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ContainmentUnit(Lv28).png Containment Unit
(Level 27)
27 700 None Knockback Immune

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (1st Version)
ResearchFabrication(Lv29).png Research Fabrication
(Level 28)
28 255 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (1st Version)
OlmicPylon(Lv32).png Olmic Pylon
(Level 30)
30 435 Ranged Knockback Immune - - Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (1st Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv36).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 30)
30 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (1st Version),
Research Lab (1st Version),
Observatory (1st Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ContainmentUnit(Lv28).png Containment Unit
(Level 28)
28 760 None Knockback Immune

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (2nd Version)
ResearchFabrication(Lv29).png Research Fabrication
(Level 29)
29 275 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (2nd Version)
OlmicPylon(Lv32).png Olmic Pylon
(Level 31)
31 480 Ranged Knockback Immune - - Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (2nd Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv36).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 32)
32 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (2nd Version),
Research Lab (2nd Version),
Observatory (2nd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FaultyUnit.png Faulty Unit 29 820 None Knockback Immune

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (3rd Version)
ResearchFailure.png Research Failure 30 325 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (3rd Version)
OlmicPylon(Lv32).png Olmic Pylon
(Level 32)
32 520 Ranged Knockback Immune - - Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (3rd Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv36).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 34)
34 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (3rd Version),
Research Lab (3rd Version),
Observatory (3rd Version)

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RuinedUnit(Lv31).png Ruined Unit
(Level 30)
30 880 None Knockback Immune
Rogue Star Summon

- Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (4th Version)
RuinousFailure(Lv31).png Ruinous Failure
(Level 31)
31 355 Melee -

1 Compromised Processor Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (4th Version)
CompromisedProcessor(Lv31).png Compromised Processor
(Level 31)
31 320 None Explode


- Timelost Sanctum
From Ruinous Failures
OverchargedPylon(Lv33).png Overcharged Pylon
(Level 33)
33 560 Burst Ranged Knockback Immune - - Timelost Sanctum
Research Lab (4th Version)
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 33)
33 185 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version)
DesertedTheory(Lv35).png Deserted Theory
(Level 34)
34 2600 Rapid Ranged Heavy Teleport


- Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version)
TemporalAnchor(Lv36).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 36)
36 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Courtyard (4th Version),
Research Lab (4th Version),
Observatory (4th Version)

Ruined Hub


After all 4 rooms have been completed, the hub has become completely ruined by being pulled to the present. The final Temporal Anchor rests in the center of the room.

  • Garoth: ...So, this is your decision, then? Very well. Bring the sanctum down, destroy thousands of years of knowledge... there is no stopping it now.
  • Garoth: Should you survive the oncoming collapse, I will be waiting. There will be no escape for either of us, not now. You have certainly seen to that.

After the Anchor has been slain, a 90-second survive section will begin resulting from the instability of the sanctum. Several mobs will reappear stronger than they were from when they were first encountered in the sanctum. After the 90 seconds are up, a door will fall off of its hinge, opening the way.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TemporalAnchor(Lv40).png Temporal Anchor
(Level 40)
40 500 None - - - Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
RuinedUnit(Lv31).png Ruined Unit
(Level 31)
31 960 None Knockback Immune
Rogue Star Summon

- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
RuinousFailure(Lv31).png Ruinous Failure
(Level 32)
32 415 Melee -

1 Compromised Processor Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
CompromisedProcessor(Lv31).png Compromised Processor
(Level 32)
32 345 None Explode


- Timelost Sanctum
From Ruinous Failures
MisfiredHadronMortar(Lv32).png Misfired Hadron Mortar
(Level 32)
32 870 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
File:CrumblingRelic.png Crumbling Relic
(Level 33)
33 465 Melee - - - Timelost Sanctum
Cathedral (4th Version),
Courtyard (4th Version),
Ruined Hub
DisruptedElemental(Lv33).png Disrupted Elemental
(Level 33)
33 750 Burst Ranged Wave
Arrow Storm



- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
OverchargedPylon(Lv33).png Overcharged Pylon
(Level 34)
34 600 Burst Ranged Knockback Immune - - Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
File:RogueStar.png Rogue Star
(Level 34)
34 200 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum
From Ruined Units
TimelostVisage(Lv34).png Timelost Visage
(Level 34)
34 1200 Melee Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
File:CrumblingDefenderConstruct.png Crumbling Defender Construct
(Level 34)
34 2600 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge



- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub
DesertedTheory(Lv35).png Deserted Theory
(Level 35)
35 2800 Ranged Heavy Teleport


- Timelost Sanctum
Ruined Hub

Inner Sanctum


The Inner Sanctum's first section is a prelude to Garoth, requiring some quick parkour to be done to reach the gate to Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum.

Keeper of the Sanctum
  • Garoth: Here we are, then! Perhaps I'll find one final bit of comfort in your demise before it all comes to an end.

The Inner Sanctum contains the main boss of the dungeon, Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase1).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 1)
40 8000 Ranged Push
Heavy Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum Inner Sanctum
  • Garoth: You- I will not stand for this. To think, someone like you could ever stand a chance against someone like me?!
  • Garoth: You haven't seen anything yet. ╎ ᓵᔑꖎꖎ ⚍!¡𝙹リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ !¡𝙹∴ᒷ∷ 𝙹⎓ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍑ᒷᔑ⍊ᒷリᓭ ᔑリ↸ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᔑʖ||ᓭᓭ... ᓵᔑᓭℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᓭ!¡ᒷᓵꖌ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ᒲ|| ᓭ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ !

Garoth will then perform an attack exclusive to him: The Sanctum's Collapse, causing various areas of the arena to fall.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase2).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 2)
40 - - The Sanctum's Collapse


- Timelost Sanctum Inner Sanctum
  • Garoth: ...How are you still standing? Nothing could have possibly withstood that attack... No matter. You will fall before my wrath!

Garoth's second phase will begin.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase3).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 3)
40 2250 Rapid Ranged Push
Heavy Teleport



- Timelost Sanctum Inner Sanctum

When at 500 HP, Garoth will say his final line:

  • Garoth: Why... won't... you... die!?


  • When this dungeon was released initially, there was no dungeon quest for it, nor a corrupted version.
  • The Timelost Sanctum's name is based on its predecessor, the Lost Sanctuary.
  • The Dungeon's hub room features two statues resembling the Cerberus from ULTRAKILL.
  • The strange text Garoth uses is Ancient Wynnic, which was commonly spoken by his species. However, this wiki uses the Standard Galactic Alphabet as a substitute as there is no font for Ancient Wynnic.
