Creeper (Realm of Light)

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Creeper (Realm Of Light)
Type Hostile Mob
Level 73
Health 2200
AI Type Melee AI
Elemental Properties

Creepers (Realm Of Light) are a Hostile Mob found in The Realm of Light.


Creepers are a melee enemy that follow the player and try coming into contact with them.

Creepers deal
Earth and
Water damage.

After some time, Creepers will perform the Self-Destruct spell, gaining extra movement speed and exploding after a delay, dealing heavy damage to the player if they are nearby.


Creepers can drop the following items when defeated:

Illuminated Spirit [✫✫✫]
Tier 0 Crafting Ingredient
-2% to -1% Stealing
+1 Dexterity
-40 Durability
Crafting Lv. Min: 75
  • Jeweling
more info...

Organic Explosive [✫✫]
Tier 2 Crafting Ingredient
+90 to +100 Health
+6% to +8% Exploding
-88 Durability or -350s Duration
+8 Defense Min.
Crafting Lv. Min: 77
  • Jeweling
  • Cooking
more info...

Creepers may additionally drop Normal Items, Unidentified Items, Emeralds, Powders, and Potions of Healing.


Creepers spawn all throughout the The Realm of Light.

The Realm of Light
-833, 65, -6106
Wynncraft Map

Table data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Creeper(RealmofLight).png Creeper (Realm of Light) 73 2200 Melee AI Self-Destruct


Illuminated Spirit

Organic Explosive
The Realm of Light
