Emblem of the Spirits

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Discontinued Content
This article covers an item that can no longer be obtained, but still exists in-game for players who have it.

Emblem of the Spirits

Type Untradable
Obtain Festival of the Spirits
(Guiding of the Spirits)
Usage Collectible
"As time moves on, those who once felt tied to this land drift from it. It's only natural, after all. One can't live forever."
Thank you for participating in the [year] Festival of the Spirits!

The Emblem of the Spirits is an exclusive item obtainable during the annual Festival of the Spirits, which most recently ran from 13th October through 5th November, 2023. In 2023, the Emblem was given by The Guide after finding and returning the first lost soul from Alekin Village to Detlas as part of the Guiding of the Spirits activity.


  • 2021

  • 2023


In 2021, when spoken to after exorcising 5 spirits, the Guide had the following dialogue:

  • The Guide: ...Ah. There you are. I would like to speak with you, hero.
  • The Guide: You have now guided 5 spirits to their home. You have done quite well.
  • The Guide: would like to give you this. A reminder of your work here.
  • [+1 Emblem of the Spirits]

Additionally, this item had special dialogue if you showed it to The Envoy before the end of the festival:

  • The Envoy: Oh! So you've helped the Guide with their task, have you? That's good of you.
  • The Envoy: They won't say so directly, but they've been a touch nervous about this event of ours. Guiding spirits can be a difficult task.
  • The Envoy: You seem to have it covered, though! Keep it up.

Festival of the Blizzard

If you had previously obtained it, the Emblem could also be shown to The Traveler during the 2021 Festival of the Blizzard:

  • The Traveler: ...Spirits? I've certainly seen my fair share of those on my travels... Though, nothing on the scale of what you've described.
  • The Traveler: It's strange, how these people you've met can appear and disappear overnight. I can't say I've ever heard of this group, though that's not saying much...
  • The Traveler: Ah. Either way, if what you say is true, they don't seem hostile. Just strange. Much like myself, maybe?
  • The Traveler: I'll keep thinking! Maybe I'll be able to come up something, even despite my poor memory.

After 25th December, 2021, if you held both the Emblem of the Bonfire and the Emblem of the Blizzard in addition to the Emblem of the Spirits, the Traveler had further dialogue:

  • The Traveler: Right! Ah, I think I have something. It's not very clear, but... Something.
  • The Traveler: The two emblems you showed me... And the one I offered you, as well. They're important, I believe. A way to...
  • The Traveler: You mentioned two figures, but there was a third. I can't quite recall what he looked like, but he... Hm.
  • The Traveler: I can't remember... Whatever happened... it wasn't his fault. You have to let him know it wasn't his fault.
  • The Traveler: We weren't meant to be here, but we are, and... And I'm not sure why. I don't know what it means, yet.
  • The Traveler: There's not much time left. Soon, I'll have to go, and I can't tell you more. I'll... forget again.
  • The Traveler: And, ah... There's more ahead. But I can't be here for it. It's your path to take, and your choices to make.


  • This item was first available in the 2021 Festival of the Spirits, and was subsequently made available again in 2023.
    • In 2021, it could be obtained from the Guide after guiding and returning a total of 5 spirits to Detlas.
  • The Emblem given out in 2021 used a necklace icon (
    ). It was changed to the current icon in 2023 so it could be stacked like the other festival emblems.