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Item Lore
"After the Nivla forest fire, I'm glad the corrupteds haven't thought to try and burn the Detlas Suburbs." -Sergeant Klafson, Detlas Legion
Item Information
Item Ring
Min. Level 30
Rarity Legendary
Tag Untradable
Obtain Dungeon Merchant
(Timelost Sanctum)
Base Defenses
Earth +6
Thunder +2
Water +10
Fire +8
Air +4

Field is a level 30 Legendary Ring. It can be purchased from the Dungeon Merchant at the entrance to the Timelost Sanctum Dungeon.


Field can be bought from the Timelost Sanctum Dungeon Merchant for 5
Garoth's Writings, and is pre-identified.

Identification Preset Value
 % Earth Damage   +9% 
 % Thunder Damage   +8% 
 % Water Damage   +5% 
 % Fire Damage   +6% 
 % Air Damage   +7%