Old Man

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Disambig.svg This article is about the NPC in Hollow Serenity. For another old man who watches over Time Valley, see Old Man Martyn. For another Old Man who is a prospector, see Jankan.
Old Man
NPC Info
X: -645 Z: -5167
Species Villager
Location Dark Forest Village
Quest Involved Hollow Serenity

The Old Man, real name Lokno, is the eldest resident of the Dark Forest Village, involved in the level 73 Quest Hollow Serenity. He is found in his house in the northwest corner of the village, and is the only inhabitant to remember a man named Garvan who once lived nearby. During the quest, he directs the player to Garvan's abandoned laboratory, on the hill west of the village.

In conversation, the Old Man discusses the history of the village, including its deep-rooted Monarchist sentiments even after the overthrow of Gavel's monarchy 250 years ago.


Before & during the quest

  • Old Man: You're new... we don't see a lot of youngsters around these days... especially humans.
  • Old Man: How can I help you?
    • [1] Goodbye.
    • [2] What's your name?
      • Old Man: Very on the nose, whippersnapper. My name is Lokno. I'm what's left of this town during its olden days...
      • Old Man: Mhm. This village... has definitely seen better days. This Decay stuff has ruined us, just take a look around! Nothing here has been suitable for living for over 50 years...
    • [3] What's this village like?
      • Old Man: Hah... well, right now, it's a crowd of shacks, but before the Decay came along, we used to do great...
      • Old Man: We always had enough food to go around, we could sell off what we didn't need to eat, and everything was thriving.
      • Old Man: My great-grandmother, Aki, always told me stories about this place. Our little village. I wish I could have been around to live in it then.
      • Old Man: She was always convinced though... that if the rightful rulers of Gavel returned, all of these issues could easily be squashed.
      • Old Man: To be honest... I believe the same. The government has abandoned us. So... why not bring back the old one?
      • Old Man: I may not be the most religious villager around here, but it would feel more right to be ruled by someone who has the heavens' approval.
    • [4] Do you have any rumors to share?
      • Old Man: Nope. I don't deal with that kind of stuff, bahaha! Sorry human; you're out of luck.
    • [5] Do you know anyone by the name of Garvan?[1]
      • Old Man: G... Garvan... yes. I know that name.
      • Old Man: He isn't here, though. I don't know his whereabouts, what he's doing, or if he's even alive. He's... just nonexistant.
      • Old Man: I don't know why you're chasing after him, but... if you want a place to start, look at the abandoned laboratory on top of that hill, just west to the of here.
      • Old Man: Fair warning, though... My great-grandmother is the only reason I know about him, and even then... she was always put off by him, and told me to stay away from him. I'd be wary, if I were you.
      • Old Man: Or don't. He sounds like a nice man. You're strong, as well. I'm sure you'll be fine.

After the quest

If you told the ghost of Katarin Faltach that Eileen was suffering, upon returning to his village, the village is destroyed and almost every resident will be dead, except the Old Man, who you can still talk to, found in the house at -642, -5133.

Told Katarin that Eileen is suffering

  • Old Man: ...I-I-I... T-They're a-all...
  • Old Man: O-Oh g-grook... I-I'm the o-only one l-left...
  • Old Man: I'm s-sorry, human, j-just... G-give me a m-moment to l-let me get my b-bearings...
  • Old Man: ...What do you want?
    • [1] Goodbye.
    • [2] What happened here?[2]
      • Old Man: I'm not even sure what to say. Not much happened after we last talked, but at one point... The entire forest began to shake. Like a battle between two enormous powers.
      • Old Man: I don't know much magic myself, but even I could feel all of that. Not to mention, I heard explosions coming from the old manor.
      • Old Man: Then, it all went quiet. A few moments later, we heard a bloodcurdling scream come from the manor, and soon after... that thing appeared.
      • Old Man: It looked like... the spirit of a woman? All I know is that it was furious, and was dead set on killing everybody here.
      • Old Man: I managed to hide, though. T-The others were too damn worried about me being too old to help. So... I just watched from afar.
      • Old Man: After a while... it all went quiet. I could hear that spirit wandering around the village. She was searching for something. W-Whispering something about her 'daughter'.
      • Old Man: And then she too disappeared. W-When I finally came out... Oh g-grook... S-she d-didn't even leave them in one piece...
    • [3] ...I'm sorry.[2]
      • Old Man: ...Y-You say that as if you were responsible for this, human... I don't need any apologies. This wasn't your fault.
      • Old Man: I j-just wish that thing would at least have shown the respect to let me give m-my friends the f-funeral they deserved. I c-can't send them off to the afterlife in good health without that...
    • [4] Where will you go now?[2]
      • Old Man: ...I don't know. I just don't know.
      • Old Man: I can't go to Lexdale, because those loonies will just kick me out for being an outsider. I can't afford to live anywhere else, though...
      • Old Man: B-but I can't stay here... After t-today it's too dangerous. And too many bad memories linger here now.
    • [5] The Faltach Manor is safe to enter now.[3]
      • Old Man: ...Huh? W-What do you mean?
      • Old Man: ...So, that Garvan was really alive?? And h-he caused something to happen at the manor?
      • Old Man: Y-You killed him?!? S-so that must have been where that scream came from. His dying breaths, huh?
      • Old Man: W-well... I suppose I could check the manor out, if it's really safe to be around. Hah... maybe I can finally make a decent living there after all these years.
    • [6] ...Just tell him the truth.[4]
      • Old Man: Y-you... c-caused this???
      • Old Man: I... N-No...
      • Old Man: G-Grook, t-this m-must be a nightmare, it h-has to be... I-I can't... n-no...
      • Old Man: *hic* T-This... c-can't be happening. I-It can't. I-It just c-can't...
      • The Old Man's face has contorted with anguish. He's murmuring something to himself, and won't respond to any of your attempts to get his attention.}}


  1. Available while investigating the village during Hollow Serenity.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 This dialogue option is unlocked after speaking to the Old Man for the first time.
  3. This option can be selected after selecting options 2, 3, and 4.
  4. This option can be selected after selecting all of the above options. Once you select this, however, you will no longer be able to talk with the Old Man.