Time Valley

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Time Valley RegionIcon.png
The ruins in Time Valley
Discovery Lore
The ruins here have been present longer than the portal. Only one person alive today understands this strange place. Time acts strangely here and it's apparent that whoever made them were not human.
Coordinates X: -475, Z: -1236
Access Points Little Wood and Pigmen's Ravine to the west and northwest
Nivla Woods to the north
Suggested Level 25
Quest Starts Deja Vu (Started at the Homeless Mayor), Creeper Infiltration (Started in Tempo Town)
Involved Quests Fate of the Fallen, Tempo Town Trouble (Started at Tyko)
Type/Biomes Valley
Monsters Hostile Mobs (Wynn)
Other Information
The area was previously Pig Valley

The Time Valley is a large region east of the Pigmen's Ravines and southwest of Nivla Woods. There are lots of grand, ancient ruins in the area and a huge door, the Door of Time. The valley borders Little Wood on the west and a river flows west to east through it. This area also connects to the Elkurn Fields.

South of Time Valley is the Sanctuary Bridge, containing the Timelost Sanctum, a dungeon that is forever preserved in the past, requiring you to break the Temporal Anchors to pull it to the present.


Time Valley was one of many places across Wynn where an ancient species called The Olm resided.[1] Several tools within the valley, such as a Rusty Shovel were infused with time magic by runes imprinted onto its handles.[2] One of the most significant cases where time magic is used is with the Door of Time and Temple of Time, allowing one to travel back in time to a certain point in history and leave once their task was finished without affecting the timeline in any way.[3] Some creatures were sealed in day-long loops that allow themselves to constantly be troublesome called Time Troubles.[4]

However, an accident happened involving the use of time magic, and started to cause time to go awry.[2] Some Olm fled to a land which will or has fallen to darkness, most perished in the accident, though one has had their body able to be reanimated through time going back to how they were in their dying moments.[1] Most notably, however, one Olm named Garoth chose to stay within the valley out of stubbornness, and as such created the Timelost Sanctum, a pocket dimension-like area that is constantly in a moment of perfect stasis held by Temporal Anchors. Due to the passage of time not affecting the sanctum, Garoth is still one of the very last Olm to survive to the present day.[5] Few Olm survived the cataclysm, with most creatures and areas being twisted and lost among time. Some Olm that perished still have their presences linger throughout.[6]

A long time after, Humans would start to make settlements within the valley. A man named Martyn would oversee the valley, somehow being able to know of its strange magic, while also allowing some humans to reside there.[4][2] One such person that Martyn watches over in the valley is Asher, who is often involved in cases which causes him to become detached from where he was in the timeline through paradoxes relating to him dying in the past.[2] More recently is the establishment of the poor slum-like settlement of Tempo Town. Most residents there are homeless and have recently been plagued by a certain Time Trouble, causing some to travel as far as Nemract to seek out help.[4]

Points of Interest


  • Door of Time and the Temple of Time - An ancient structure of the Olm, this temple can transport people back in time to experience what happened, though they cannot change the past.[3]

World Events

  • Dark Deacons - A mysterious cult is gathering inside a cave, whispering furtive secrets and dark incantations.


  • Mossy Grotto - An elegant little Grotto full of life and danger.
  • Corrupt Time Warp - Enter an old Time Valley Temple and experience the effects of the corrupted crystal.
  • Vortex Complex - Enter this deep and confusing complex and find what treasures lie within.
  • The Sacrificial Altar - Dark Cultists have gathered around an Altar in a cliffside cave.
  • Time Valley Aquifer - Some dangerous fauna can be found in this aquifer.
  • The Alcazar - A massive fortification built into the mountains of Time Valley.



Miniquest Name Miniquest Type Min. Level Coordinates Items Required Combat XP Given Profession XP Given
Gather Barley Farming 18 -539, 101, 1306 14 Barley String or 14 Barley Grains 300 400
Gather Gold Mining 23 -424, 66, -1275 16 Gold Ingot or 16 Gold Gem 600 620


This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Time Valley § Surface Mobs. (edit)

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WildBoar(Level10).png Wild Boar (Lv. 10) 10 90 Charge - -
Boar Meat
Time Valley,
Little Wood
ValleyWanderer.png Valley Wanderer 12 175 Melee -

Drained Bone

Warped Skin

Bone Ash
Time Valley,
Little Wood
DarkCultist(Level10).png Dark Cultist
(Level 10)
10 44 Melee - - - Time Valley,
minor cave at -469, 76, -1452
DarkCultist(Level15).png Dark Cultist
(Level 15)
15 80 Melee - -
Split Essence
Time Valley,
minor cave at -584, 105, -1343
DarkCultist(Level21).png Dark Cultist
(Level 21)
21 140 Ranged Heal



Residual Spirit
Time Valley,
The Sacrificial Altar
DarkCultistSeeker.png Dark Cultist Seeker 30 1275 Melee - - - Time Valley
Sporadicavalry.png Sporadicavalry 24 265 Crawl -

Time Valley
TimelostAdventurer.png Timelost Adventurer 26 215 Melee Teleport - - Time Valley
Intermittenstallion.png Intermittenstallion 27 475 Crawl - -
Time Valley
PresenceoftheDisappeared.png Presence of the Disappeared 29 300 Melee Vanish
- Time Valley
DawnBloom.png Dawn Bloom 25 240 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune

- Time Valley
DayBloom.png Day Bloom 25 220 Ranged Knockback Immune


- Time Valley
DuskBloom.png Dusk Bloom 25 200 Burst Ranged Knockback Immune

- Time Valley
AncientGuardian.png Ancient Guardian 30 1800 Melee Heavy Charge

Infused Gold
Door of Time
ZombieMilitia(Baby).png Zombie Militia
30 70 Melee - - - Detlas Suburbs,
Time Valley,
Roots of Corruption,
Nether Plains
ZombieMilitia(Assassin).png Zombie Militia
30 100 Melee - - - Detlas Suburbs,
Time Valley,
Roots of Corruption,
Nether Plains
ZombieMilitia(Archer).png Zombie Militia
30 200 Ranged - - - Detlas Suburbs,
Time Valley,
Roots of Corruption,
Nether Plains
ZombieMilitia(Warrior).png Zombie Militia
30 400 Melee - - - Detlas Suburbs,
Time Valley,
Roots of Corruption,
Nether Plains
ZombieMilitia(Shaman).png Zombie Militia
30 550 Melee Teleport
- - Detlas Suburbs,
Time Valley,
Roots of Corruption,
Nether Plains
TimeTrouble(TimeSkipper).png Time Trouble 28 200 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
- Time Skipper,
or Wight,
or Eternal Bloom,
or Broken Olm,
or Awoken Olm
Time Valley
TimeSkipper.png Time Skipper 28 7,250 Melee Knockback Resist

TimeFragment.png Time Fragment From the Time Trouble at -454, 75, -1207
Wight.png Wight 34 6,250 Ranged Arrow Storm
Heavy Charge



TimeFragment.png Time Fragment From the Time Trouble at -410, 73, -1132
EternalBloom.png Eternal Bloom 35 9,000 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Arrow Storm


TimeFragment.png Time Fragment From the Time Trouble at -192, 67, -1324
BrokenOlm.png ʖ∷𝙹ꖌᒷリ 𝙹ꖎᒲ 35 7,500 Melee Explode
- TimeFragment.png Time Fragment From the Time Trouble at -470, 74, -1030
AwokenOlm.png ᔑ∴𝙹ꖌᒷリ 𝙹ꖎᒲ 38 7,500 Jumper Charge

TimeFragment.png Time Fragment From the Time Trouble at -500, 83, -1150
Dogo.png Dogo 20 4,500 Guard - - - Asher's house
Lobo.png Lobo 20 4,500 Guard - - - Asher's house

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Time Valley § Cave Mobs. (edit)

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Chronoshade.png Chronoshade 12 175 Melee -
- Grind cave at -370, 65, -1370
TemporalFlux.png Temporal Flux 10 850 Ranged Explosion
- Grind cave at -370, 65, -1370
ZombieBerserker.png Zombie Berserker 11 60 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Corrupted Remains
Bak'al's Destruction 1
ZombieSoldier.png Zombie Soldier 13 88 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Corrupted Remains
Bak'al's Destruction 1
SpinwarpSpider.png Spinwarp Spider 10 135 Melee Heavy Teleport -
Corrupted Ichor
Spikes at -398, 70, -1319,
spikes at -156, 67, -1458
StalkerSpider.png Stalker Spider 10 160 Melee Vanish -
Corrupted Ichor
Spikes at -80, 67, -1680,
spikes at -398, 70, -1319
DarkCultist(Level11).png Dark Cultist
(Level 11)
11 51 Melee - - - Minor cave at -469, 76, -1452
CursedCultist.png Cursed Cultist 15 1000 Crawl Slowness
Heavy Teleport


- Minor cave at -469, 76, -1452,
minor cave at -584, 105, -1343
Puffbloom.png Puffbloom 16 88 Burst Ranged -

- Mossy Grotto
Faller.png Faller 18 215 Melee - - - Mossy Grotto
StumblingFaller.png Stumbling Faller 18 107 Melee - - - Mossy Grotto
StolidRemnant.png Stolid Remnant 20 400 Melee - - - Corrupt Time Warp
AncientSentinel(Level21).png Ancient Sentinel
(Level 21)
21 210 Melee -

- Corrupt Time Warp
AncientSentinel(Level22).png Ancient Sentinel
(Level 22)
22 225 Melee Meteor


- Corrupt Time Warp
AncientWatcher(Level21).png Ancient Watcher 21 130 Ranged -


- Corrupt Time Warp
DarkCultist(Level20).png Dark Cultist
(Level 20)
20 125 Charge -
- The Sacrificial Altar
SacrificialAltar.png Sacrificial Altar 25 600 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune

1 Spirit of Vexation (Phase 1) The Sacrificial Altar
SpiritofVexation(Phase1).png Spirit of Vexation
(Phase 1)
25 1850 Crawl Pull
Heavy Teleport

2 Spirits of Vexation (Phase 2) From Sacrificial Altar
SpiritofVexation(Phase2).png Spirit of Vexation
(Phase 2)
25 925 Melee Pull
Heavy Teleport


Staff of the Dark Vexations

Mask of the Dark Vexations
From Spirit of Vexation (Phase 1)
DustSpawn.png Dust Spawn 24 200 Ranged -

- Vortex Complex
MudLurker.png Mud Lurker 25 130 Melee -

- Vortex Complex
RottenCorpse.png Rotten Corpse 25 170 Melee -

- Vortex Complex
RustedTimeTurret.png Rusted Time Turret 25 185 Ranged -


- Vortex Complex
LochJaw.png Loch Jaw 25 1500 Charge Arrow Storm

- Time Valley Aquifer
CaveCarnivore.png Cave Carnivore 23 70 Melee -
- Time Valley Aquifer
RuinKeese.png Ruin Keese 25 95 Charge - - - The Alcazar
IdleAttendant.png Idle Attendant 26 180 Melee - - - The Alcazar
FamishedSpecter.png Famished Specter 26 100 Ranged -

- The Alcazar
Groundskeeper.png Groundskeeper 28 630 Ranged Heavy Multihit

- The Alcazar
EternallySentenced.png Eternally Sentenced 27 300 Melee -
1 Hateful Skull The Alcazar
HatefulSkull.png Hateful Skull 27 150 Melee AI Self Destruct
- From the Eternally Sentenced
GrasslandsPaladin(Phase1).png Grasslands Paladin
(Phase 1)
30 1,800 Ranged Pull

1 Grasslands Paladin (Phase 2) The Alcazar
GrasslandsPaladin(Phase2).png Grasslands Paladin
(Phase 2)
30 1,600 Melee Pull


- From Grasslands Paladin (Phase 1)

