Payment Day

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Payment Day

Item Information
Item Spear
Class Warrior/Knight
Min. Level 84
Rarity Legendary
Powder Slots 2 ()
Obtain Lootrunning
Base Damage
Attack Speed Slow (-1)
Neutral 100-100
Earth 150-250
Average DPS 450
Strength Min: 60

Payment Day is a level 84 Legendary Spear. It can be obtained exclusively from the Lootrunning Reward Chest.


It costs 438 Emeralds to identify Payment Day.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Defense   ~  +8
 Loot Bonus   +6%  +26%
 Slow Enemy   +2%  +6%
  Main Attack Damage   +52  +228
 % Fire Damage   +6%  +26%
