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On the Wynncraft server, there are different ranks that players can have.

Purchasable Ranks

These are ranks that can be bought for real money on the website's store at https://store.wynncraft.com/. Below is a table detailing the perks of each rank. Ranks further to the right have all the same perks as those to the left of it.

Price (In USD) $8.99 $27.99[1] $59.99[2] $170.99[3]
Chat Tag [VIP] [VIP+] [HERO] [|CHAMPION|]
Access to the VIP Plaza Subforum
& VIP Room in Discord
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Login Notification Yes Yes Yes Yes
Daily Mob Totems 2 4 6 8
Daily Crates None 1 Tier 1 Crate 1 Tier 2 Crate 1 Tier 2 Crate
Reskinned Classes Hunter, Knight Hunter, Knight, Ninja, Dark Wizard Hunter, Knight, Ninja, Dark Wizard, Skyseer Hunter, Knight, Ninja, Dark Wizard, Skyseer
Lobby Flight & No Invisibility Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reskinned Class Icons Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 3
Access to /sign[4] Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access to /rename[5] No Yes Yes Yes
Access to /changetag[6] No Yes Yes Yes
Guild Territory Map Icon No Yes Yes Yes
Access to /relore[7] No No Yes Yes
Customizable Character Nickname No No No Yes
Class Slots +3 (9 Total) +5 (11 Total) +8 (14 Total) +8 (14 Total)
Market Slots +5 (10 Total) +5 (10 Total) +10 (15 Total) +10 (15 Total)
Access to the Jukebox Feature[8] No Yes Yes Yes
Access to the HERO Beta No No Yes Yes
Access to /switch[9] No No Yes Yes
Instant Class Deletion No No No Yes
Class Backups No No No Yes
Bomb Bell[10] No No No Yes
Placement of Merchant Booths[11] No No No Yes
Access to Reserved Slots[12] No No No Yes
Ability to rename Pets Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ability to summon 3 Pets at once No Yes Yes Yes
Pet Max Level 20 20 20 100
Housing Islands +1 (2 Total) +2 (3 Total) +3 (4 Total) +4 (5 Total)
Misc. Bucket Pages +2 (4 Total) +4 (6 Total) +6 (8 Total) +8 (10 Total)
Region Limit +5 (10 Total) +25 (30 Total) +55 (60 Total) +55 (60 Total)
NPC Limit 0 (10 Total) +10 (20 Total) +20 (30 Total) +50 (60 Total)
More Housing Music No Yes Yes Yes
Ability to have guests visit your house when offline No Yes Yes Yes
Access to the Blueprint Tool No No Yes Yes
Access to the Replication Tool No No Yes Yes
Access to the Build Stand NPC No No No Yes
Permanent Merchant Booth on Housing Island No No No Yes
    1. $19 if you are a VIP.
    2. $51 if you are a VIP, $32 if you are a VIP+.
    3. $147 if you are a VIP, $136 if you are a VIP+, and $86 if you are a HERO.
    4. Sign your name on Crafted items.
    5. Renames your Crafted Item.
    6. Allows you to change your rank appearance in chat to a lower rank.
    7. Adds or changes the item lore of a Crafted Item.
    8. Allows you to listen to any song in the OST wherever you want.
    9. Allows you to swiftly change worlds without going through the lobby.
    10. Notifies you when a bomb is thrown in a world.
    11. A temporary booth will be set up in an area which will sell items you are selling on the Trade Market.
    12. Allows you to join a world that's already full.
  • Other Ranks


    [Media] is granted to those who record and post Wynncraft videos on YouTube or stream Wynncraft.

    Staff Ranks

    These are various people who have been appointed by the owners to help on the server and on the forums. You can see the full list of the staff here.


    Moderators, have the [Mod] tag in chat. have an orange name. If you need help or if you have a problem, you can ask them either in game or on the forums.


    Admins have the [Admin] tag in chat. Admins are either the owners or developers of Wynncraft.


    Tags exist to identify special players or the Content Team. The tag is after the level, the class and the guild: [Lvl/Class/Guild] [Tag]. If you don't have any tag, you will receive the tag of your rank (VIP/VIP+/HERO/CHAMPION). If you are not a VIP or higher, you will not have a tag. In-game tags may appear with stars behind them. The amount of stars represents the importance of a player within the content team. If a moderator is also a part of the content team they may also have those stars after their tag.

    Content Team

    • [WebDev]: The WebDev tag is given to the people who helped develop the website.
    • [GM]: The GM tag is given to Game Masters, the creators of items, quests, mobs, etc.
    • [Build]: The Builder tag is given to the builders who built the physical map.
    • [CMD]: The CMD tag is given to the talented command blockers who create the cutscenes and puzzles you see in-game.
    • [Hybrid]: The Hybrid tag is given to Wynncraft Hybrids; Content Team members who are both builders, GMs, or CMDs.
    • [Item]: The Item tag is given to the makers and balancers of the various weapons and armor in Wynncraft, the Item Team.
    • [QA]: The QA tag is given to the members of the Quality Assurance team, who rigorously test several upcoming things in the works.
    • [Art]: The Art tag are the artists responsible for making the several pieces of art seen across Wynncraft, as well as making the Resource Pack and skins.

    Other Tags

    • Vet: The Veteran tag is a tag given to those who had VIP before August 1, 2014 which was when the 1.12 update was released. Below are the possible appearances of the Vet tag.
      • [Vet]
      • [Vet]
      • [Vet]
      • [|Vet|]

    This will never be available for purchase or be given to anyone else.

    Forum Tags

    Forum Ranks as they appear below the avatar

    Forum Tags are shown below a player's avatar on the forums every time they post. The image on the right shows many of the forum tags that are available.

    • VIP: Given to any player who has purchased VIP rank.
    • VIP+: Given to any player who has purchased VIP+ rank.
    • HERO: Given to any player who has purchased HERO rank.
    • CHAMPION: Given to any player who has purchased CHAMPION rank.
    • Media: Given to Wynncraft content creator with the media rank.
    • Featured Wynncraftian: Every month, one active or unique member of the Wynncraft community is selected to bear this honor.
    • HIC Master: Given to YYGAYMER, the first player who completed the HIC Challenge.
    • HICH Master: Given to Linnyflower, the first player who completed the HIC Challenge with Hunted mode.
    • Admin: One of the game owners, these are the creators of Wynncraft.
    • Developer: One of the game's developers. Developers work on the server network, website and the game itself.
    • Game Developer: The game developers work on the game and are responsible for most of the features you see in-game.
    • Web Developer: The web developers keep the Wynncraft website and forums up and running smoothly. They also administer the issue tracker.
    • Support Team: Given to a staff member who deals with emails to Wynncraft Support.
    • Community Manager: Given to the managers of the community. They run the twitter, run community events, etc. They also create a connection between the staff and the community. Contact them if you feel the need to.
    • Mod Manager: One of the moderator managers. They oversee the moderation team and act as a direct link between the community and the moderation team.
    • Moderator: One of the game and forum moderators. These are the people who ensure there is no in-game cheating or hacking, and that the forums are kept tidy.
    • Trial-Mod: New moderators who are learning about moderation duties. They have the same permissions and duties as regular moderators and should be treated as such.
    • CT Manager: The managers plan out new requests for the content team and lead and oversee the CT.
    • Builder: The game builders create the world of Wynn, building houses, cities, mountains, caves, forests, ruins and everything you see.
    • GM: The Game Masters are the creators of the game quests, mobs, NPCs and items.
    • CMD: The CMD Team creates the puzzles and cutscenes you see in-game.
    • Item Team: Members of the Item Team create new items as well as balance existing ones.
    • Modeler: The modelers create armour stand decorations and models for mobs
    • ♪ Music: Given to the official composers of Wynncraft's music.
    • ✎ Artist: Given to official Wynncraft artists.
    • QA Manager: The QA managers oversee the Quality Assurance team.
    • QA: The QA Team tests new additions to the game and deals with bugs. Stands for Quality Assurance.