Shapes in the Dark

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Shapes in the Dark CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
Plunge yourself into a darkness darker than darkness, and let unspeakable things reveal themselves to you.
Coordinates X: ?, Y: ?, Z: ?
Suggested Level 101
Required Quest A Journey Beyond
Length Short
Difficulty Hard
General Information
Time 4m
Wave Amount 6
Mobs Silhouettes (Lv. 100)
Ominous Figures (Lv. 103)
Eerie Outlines (Lv. ?)
Boss Looming Presence (Lv. ?)
300,000 XP
Dizzying Void
Unsettling Void
Tol Rune
Eldritch Outlook Key

Shapes in the Dark is a World Event found in the Ruined Olmic City.


6 waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • ?
  • Wave 2:
    • ?
  • Wave 3:
    • ?
  • Wave 4:
    • ?
  • Wave 5:
    • ?
  • Wave 6:
    • ?

Throughout the event, the player is blinded. To counteract this, however, is the fact that all of the mobs present in this event have an outline. The Looming Presence must be killed in order to successfully end the World Event.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Silhouette.png Silhouette 100 ? ? ? - - Shapes in the Dark
OminousFigure.png Ominous Figure 103 ? ? ?
- Shapes in the Dark
File:EerieOutline.png Eerie Outline ? ? ? ? ? - Shapes in the Dark
File:LoomingPresence.png Looming Presence ? ? ? ? ? - Shapes in the Dark