The Ultimate Weapon

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The Ultimate Weapon CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Medium
Difficulty Medium
Location Light Forest
Province Gavel
Combat Level 75
Starter NPC Dodegar Bandysnoot
Reward As follows:

The Ultimate Weapon is a long level 75 quest located in the Light Forest which requires you to gather a specific amount of items for Dodegar Bandysnoot.


Dodegar Bandysnoot, a swordsmith hobbit, wants to create the "ultimate weapon" by gathering various resources in which he tasks the player in doing this for him.

Stage 1

» Speak to Dodegar Bandysnoot at [-987, 42, -4593].



  • Dodegar: I'm glad you came along, I could do with a little help if you're not too busy.
  • Dodegar: I'm Dodegar Bandysnoot, the world famous Hobbit swordsmith! Perhaps you've heard of me?
  • Dodegar: No? Oh... Well, I've had an idea about how I could make the best weapon that the world has ever seen!
  • Dodegar: But, I need some help getting the special resources to make it.
  • Dodegar: You'll help?! Excellent! We shall gather enough resources to make one for each of us!
  • Dodegar: So firstly, I need some living wood for the handle, [1 Enchanted Stick] should be enough.
  • Dodegar: The wood sprites located across the river to the west, in a big tree trunk, have magical properties! The handle can then mold to the user's hand! One shouldn't be too hard to come across!
  • Dodegar: I hope you are prepared, this will be your best quest yet!

Stage 2

» Collect [1 Enchanted Stick] from Wood Sprites at [-1073, 47, -4619] and return them to Dodegar

  • These must be the Wood Sprites Dodegar was talking about...

The Enchanted Stick has a 5% drop chance from the Wood Sprites.


  • Dodegar: Wow! You got the wood I needed, thanks!
  • Dodegar carefully grabs the piece of wood and begins carving.
  • Dodegar: While I'm making the handle, could you help me with the blade?
  • Dodegar: Since we want this weapon to be as good as possible we need to find some sacred Hobbit metal!
  • Dodegar: The hobbit village, The Shiar, is really close! Follow the southern road. My brother Gogedar should be there!

Stage 3

» Dodegar needs [1 Sacred Hobbit Metal] from the Shiar at [-937, 46, -4540]


  • Gogedar: My brother you say... Trying to create a weapon...
  • Gogedar: Hmmm...
  • Gogedar: Oh he needs Sacred Hobbit Metal!?
  • Gogedar: Hmm...!
  • Gogedar: Sorry can't help you. I don't really know what that is.
  • Gogedar: Maybe ask our cousin, Togedar?

Stage 4

» Find Togedar in the Shiar.


  • Togedar: Dodegar? Does not really ring a bell I'm afraid.
  • Togedar: Oh! Gogedar's brother, why didn't you tell me that.
  • Togedar: Sacred Hobbit Metal... This is a metal forged by master blacksmith hobbits within our village. It is a bit expensive to get by but holds great potential, if used properly.
  • Togedar: Oh. You need a piece?
  • Togedar: I don't have any. Maybe ask my nephew's brother Alegdar?

Stage 5

» Find Alegdar in the Shiar.


  • Alegdar: Oh?
  • Alegdar: I actually don't know much about... anything.
  • Alegdar: I kind of just... stand around here.
  • Alegdar: Everyone I have ever met just calls me annoying and useless. So I decided to stop trying.
  • Alegdar: You know, life is hard. We all just have to fight through, and then eventually, we might become happy.
  • Alegdar: Right sorry... Ask Balegar for any information. He is way smarter.

Stage 6

» Find Balegar in the Shiar.


  • Balegar: My cousin's nephew's dad has had a rough year... I feel bad for him.
  • Balegar: Oh well!
  • Balegar: I have nooooo clue about that metal. I heard it was just a valuable as a normal rock.
  • Balegar: Maybe my cousin Reyoretrsed knows anything about it.

Stage 7

» Find Reyoretrsed in the Shiar.


  • Reyoretrsed: Reyoretrsed? That's me!
  • Reyoretrsed: You are wondering how my name is pronounced? What a rude question.
  • Reyoretrsed: Ray-ore-tree-sed, obviously. What is a human doing here?
  • Reyoretrsed: You are wondering if I have Sacred whatever metal?
  • Reyoretrsed: I'm 7. Now if you excuse me, I am busy standing still. Go bother Richard or something.

Stage 8

» Find Richard in the Shiar.


  • Richard: I've been trying to tell you that I have what you need.
  • Richard: You humans really need to practice your communication skills, please.
  • Richard: Anyway, here. Take it! This metal is just a scam anyway, nothing special with it.

Stage 9

» Return to Dodegar with the metal.


  • Dodegar: I hope it wasn't too much of an issue to get!
  • Dodegar takes the piece of metal and starts welding it.
  • Dodegar: ... I forgot a step. I can't attach a blade without a binder material.
  • Dodegar: I need the nectar of a native flower of the forest to attach it. [1 Diplacus Aurantiacus] would do the trick.
  • Dodegar: Finding the flower can be rather difficult, here's a riddle on how to find it.
  • Dodegar: On the side of a hut, hidden inside a hole. Resting in a forest of light, without plight. Whatever that would mean.

Stage 10

» Find the Diplacus Aurantiacus by following the riddle to [-980, 38, -4571].

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DiplacusAurantiacus.png Diplacus Aurantiacus 75 1 None - -
Diplacus Aurantiacus
Light Forest Cave

When you pick up the item, Dodegar will then run up to you.


  • Dodegar: Hold up! This feels waaay, toooo easy.
  • Dodegar: If I'm going to give you this amazingly, incredible, showstopping, crazy item particulary for free, you need to at least work for it!
  • Dodegar: Give me that!
  • [-1 Diplacus Aurantiacus]
  • Dodegar: Let me just...

Dodegar will then start to build a trench. After a while, he reveals his parkour course to you.

  • Dodegar: This looks so much better! Anyway, bring me that flower now!

You have to kill the mob again and then go through the parkour.

Stage 11

» Talk to Dodegar with the Diplacus Aurantiacus.


  • Dodegar: Took you a while, did it not?

Dodegar takes the sticky flower from your hands and starts attaching the pieces.

  • Dodegar: It's starting to look pretty amazing! Just like it's supposed to I'm sure!
  • Dodegar: Maybe this will actually work out. Either way, last ingredient we need!
  • Dodegar: So to finalize and apply some magical properties to this uniquely amazing item we need something known as Luster Blood.
  • Dodegar: The only known creature in the west, probably in the whole world, if I'm being frank, is known as the Glow Dust Leaf Beetle of the Underworld, not sure where the name comes from.
  • Dodegar: I happen to know that this beetle lives in a cave in the eastern ravine thingy! If you walk straight east, you should stumble upon it, I promise!
  • Dodegar: Oh! Almost forgot to mention, about 2000 Luster Blood is probably enough.

Stage 12

» Find the cave at [-834, 27, -4628] and bring back [2000 Luster Blood] and bring it back to Dodegar.

  • ???: Do not step any closer... Or I will be forced to obliterate you!
  • Since when do Beetles talk...

The cave is fairly simple, there is just some parkour and then there will be the mob at the end of the tunnel.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GlowDustLeafBeetleoftheUnderworld.png Glow Dust Leaf Beetle of the Underworld 77 10000 Crawl Charge
Heavy Charge
Crate of 2000 Luster Blood Glow Dust Cave
  • You should return to Dodegar with the blood, he should be nearby.


  • Dodegar: The final component! It is finally here!
  • Dodegar smears the weapon with the glowing blood.
  • Dodegar: Oh my Orphion!
  • Dodegar: Do you see how it's glowing, sparkling and... and radiating!
  • Dodegar: You don't? Uhm... maybe you need glasses humie.
  • Dodegar: As promised! Here you go! Always happy to practice the art of weapon creation.



  • This quest was changed twice over Wynncraft's history. See The Ultimate Weapon (1.20) for the original version of this quest.
    • The first version of this quest was added in the 1.14 Gavel Expansion. It was simply meant to be a parody of fetch quests, which had an increasingly absurd amount of items needed for the quest, being 10 Wood Scrap, 20 Gollier Iron, 50 Soft Whetstone, and 100 Royal Bug Blood in that order.
    • This quest was updated in the 1.18 Economy Update, which made the items requested to just 17 Gollier Iron, 30 Soft Whetstone, and 24 Royal Bug Blood.
    • The third and current version, now expanding its parodies to some other features within MMORPGs, such as quests that are just visiting several NPCs, overhyped items, and absurdly long monster names.