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4 Of the 5 types of weapons — spears, wands, bows,daggers, and reliks (added in 1.19; not included in the image).

Weapons are items used to damage mobs and players.



✤Neutral|✤Earth|✦Thunder|❉Water|✹Fire|❋Air Damage: [Number]-[Number]

| Lv. Min: [Number]
| Str|Dex|Intel|Def|Agil Min: [Number]

+[Number]|-[Number] [Identification]

[Number/Number] Slots
Depressing|Normal|Unique|Rare|Legendary|Fabled|Mythic|Set Item


Players can get weapons from looting chests. As with other level-based items, the level requirements of weapons found in loot chests will tend to be around the level of nearby mobs, or around the player's level if there are no mobs nearby. Players can also get weapons from mob drops. The higher the level of the mob, the higher average weapon level it will drop. Holding and wearing items with the Loot Bonus identification can increase the chance of finding more weapons from loot chests and mob drops.

Weapons can also be bought from Weapons Merchants and Dungeon Merchants, crafted by weaponsmithing and woodworking, and obtained by breaking pots and trading.


Each class has its own type of weapon.


Main article: Bow

Bows are weapons used by archers and hunters.


Main article: Spear

Spears are weapons used by warriors and the knights.


Main article: Wand

Wands are weapons used by mages and the dark wizards.


Main article: Dagger

Daggers are weapons used by assassins and the ninjas.


Main article: Relik

Reliks are weapons used by shamans and the skyseers

Attack Speed

There are 7 different attack speeds for weapons: Super Fast, Very Fast, Fast, Normal, Slow, Very Slow, and Super Slow. The attack speed of a weapon is shown in its description. The exact values are as follows (hits per second):

  • Super Fast: 4.3
  • Very Fast: 3.1
  • Fast: 2.5
  • Normal: 2.05
  • Slow: 1.5
  • Very Slow: 0.83
  • Super Slow: 0.51


There are 7 rarities of weapons: Normal, Unique, Rare, Legendary, Fabled, Mythic, and Depressing. The rarity of a weapon is shown in its description and can also be determined by the color of its name.

Normal Weapons

Main article: Normal

Normal weapons have white names, and generally deal much lower damage compared to rarer weapons. They are the most common of the item types and do not have identifications. They can be bought at Weapons Merchants, dropped by mobs, and found in loot chests.

Unique Weapons

Main article: Unique

Unique weapons have yellow names and the words "Unique Item" in their lore. Unique items are identified at the identifier for Emeralds. They are more common than rare and legendary weapons, but rarer than normal weapons. They can be obtained through mob drops or loot chests. Some are available at Weapons Merchants, but are more expensive than normal weapons.

Rare Weapons

Main article: Rare

Rare weapons have magenta names, and "Rare Item" in their lore. They also need to be identified, and may have slightly better identifications and elemental power than a Unique. These items are more common than legendary items, but rarer than unique or normal items. They can be obtained through mob drops or loot chests. They are rarely available at Weapons Merchants, and they are more expensive than normal or unique items.

Legendary Weapons

Main article: Legendary

Legendary weapons are light blue in color, and have "Legendary Item" in their lore. Most Legendaries have a very unique backstory located in the lore, to note their role in history. Legendary weapons are in a high tier, being rarer than rare weapons but more common than mythic weapons. They have some of the best identifications and elemental power in the game. They are either dropped by mobs or found in loot chests.

Fabled Weapons

Main article: Fabled

Fabled items are red in color and have "Fabled Item". Most of them has unique lore to them. They are between Legendary and Mythic items in terms of power and rarity.

Set Weapons

Main article: Set Items

Like other Set Items, Set Weapons provide special bonuses when multiple pieces of equipment from the same set are used.

Mythic Weapons

Main article: Mythic

Mythic weapons are dark purple in color, and have "Mythic Item" in their lore. Mythics are the rarest weapons and have some of the best identifications and elemental power known. Due to their nature, they have a backstory located in the lore. There are very few mythic weapons for each class, and they have a very low drop rate.

Depressing Weapons

See also: Bob's Lost Soul

Depressing Weapons can be obtained by doing challenges found throughout the Nesaak Forest. They can also be dropped by Ragni Plains and Nesaak Forest mobs.

Icon Item Name Damage Min. Level Challenge to Obtain

Depressing Spear 0-1 1 Lynx Cave at 170, 58, -925

Depressing Stick 0-1 1 Teleporter Puzzle at 20, 68, -901

Depressing Bow 0-1 1 Miniboss at -205, 69, -920

Depressing Dagger 0-1 1 Parkour at -35, 70, -655


Unidentified weapons have to be identified with emeralds using the Item Identifier before being used. Players also need to meet the class requirement and all the minimum level requirements of a weapon in order to use it.

Weapons can be used to deal melee and spell damage to mobs and players. Players can also receive identification bonuses from the weapon that they are holding.


  • The highest amount of damage possible in a single hit is done by using Cataclysm (update: probably Divzer, as it has higher base damage) combined with Pandemonium. This is done by using Vanish and then waiting for Pandemonium's major ID to cast meteor, resulting in the highest damage in a single hit possible without powder specials.
  • The spell that does the most damage is the Archer's arrow storm, potentially being able to do over 200k damage in a spell while using Grandmother, even without critical hits affecting any arrows. Next, is Divzer, at about 100k. This is followed by the Assassin's Smoke Bomb, which can potentially do 68k damage while using Cataclysm. Following that is the Assassin's Multihit, which can potentially do up to 53k Damage, once again using Cataclysm.
  • The approximate melee damage per second of a weapon can be calculated as follows:
    Formula: [(Min. Damage + Max. Damage) / 2] × Attack Speed
    Example: Infused Hive Spear (250-400 damage, Normal Attack Speed) — [(250+400)/2]×2=650 Damage per second (DPS)