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☍ Damage ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
♥ Defence ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
➵ Range ■ ■ ■ ■
⊛ Spells ■ ■ ■ ■
Difficulty ★ ★ ★
Weapon Relik
Donor-Exclusive Reskin Skyseer
The Shaman benefits from powerful buffs, displacement, and crowd-control abilities at the cost of low defences. Using spell combinations, they can aggressively engage large amounts of enemies or simply sit back and support their team.
~ Official website

The Shaman is one of the five playable classes in Wynncraft and uses a Relik as its weapon. Its base resistance is 60%, making the Shaman the least tanky class in the game. However, the Shaman excels at crowd-control due to its high area damage and mob control, and can provide valuable support to itself and others with healing and damage boosts.


The Shaman's main attack fires three bolts, one going straight and the others going to the sides, each dealing 33% of the main attack's damage. The bolts spread out over a distance, so enemies close up take the most damage.

The Shaman's first spell, Totem, provides area damage, buffs the damage of nearby players (35% damage buff to the player holding the totem, and a 15% damage buff to allies), and can even heal players once upgraded. Totem is the Shaman's most vital spell, as the class's second and third spell require an active totem to function. The totem has a 30 second duration that despawns once it runs out of time. Some Major IDs can affect the way the Totem spell works, too.

The Shaman's second spell, Haul, is a mobility tool that launches the player towards their totem. At higher levels, its cost becomes very cheap which makes it good for spell cycling, spamming certain spells in a repeated pattern, and the spell can damage and knock upwards nearby enemies where you land.

Its third and most powerful spell, Aura, fires a wave of particles out from the totem that damages anything in its path in a circle around the totem. Mobs hit by Aura will be pulled towards the totem, barring mobs with Knockback Crowd Control Immunity. This covers a very large horizontal area and can even trap mobs at higher levels, making them unable to escape.

Finally, the Shaman's fourth spell, Uproot, is a ranged blast that can pull enemies toward you, freeze them, and even reposition your totem. Its final upgrade, at level 66, allows it to push entities instead as well as refresh the timer of your totem.

Base Resistance

All classes in Wynncraft have a different base resistance value that affects how much damage they take. The Shaman, having a base resistance of 60%, means that it will take 40% more damage from all attacks.

The Shaman's low base resistance is made up for by its extensive crowd control and range, constant healing, and high damage.





Base Resistance 70% 100% 80% 100% 60%
Damage Taken Takes 30% more damage Takes neither more or less damage Takes 20% more damage Takes neither more or less damage Takes 40% more damage

Main Attack

The Shaman's main attack fires three bolts in a frontal arc, each bolt dealing 33% of the main attack's damage, after all damage-boosting calculations. Like other classes' main attacks, the bolts can pierce through mobs and deal damage to multiple enemies. Enemies up close will be hit by more bolts and suffer more damage, while enemies further away will only take 33% of the damage. The bolts go through blocks and have a range of ~30 blocks. Attacking again while an attack is already out will cause the older attack to disappear.

Identifications like life steal and mana steal are also affected by the nature of the Shaman's main attack, reducing the chance to activate to only 33% of the original chance to activate, per bolt. Hitting the same mob with multiple bolts will each have a chance to trigger life steal and mana steal individually.

Attack Speed Regular Trigger Chance for Life and Mana Steal Shaman Trigger Chance for One Bolt
Super Fast 7.8% 2.6%
Very Fast 10.7% 3.57%
Fast 13.3% 4.43%
Normal 16.3% 5.43%
Slow 22.2% 7.4%
Very Slow 40.2% 13.33%
Super Slow 65.4% 21.8%

Ability Tree

Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT
Summon a Totem that damages enemies around it every 0.4s.
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 12% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 6%)
  • ( Air: 6%)
Duration: 30s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
You can adjust the trajectory of your Totem's placement by looking up or down.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Relik Proficiency I
Double your Main Attack's beam speed and increase your damage when using a relik.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Totem
Reduce the Mana cost of Totem.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Totemic Smash
Your Totem will deal damage where it lands.
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Fire: 30%)
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Distant Grasp
Reduce your Main Attack's spread, and increase its beam speed by +33%.
Unlocking will block:
- Hand of the Shaman
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Leap towards your Totem.
Mana Cost: 15
Ability Points: 1
If you have multiple Totems active, Haul will send you towards the most recent one you summoned.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Hand of the Shaman
Your Main Attack will emit +2 extra beams.
(Increases your overall damage by +66%)
Unlocking will block:
- Distant Grasp
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 20% per beam. The damage of each beam still remains at 33%, allowing you to deal 166% damage with a single Main Attack.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT
Emit a rapid projectile that will explode and knock enemies away.
(Hold shift to pull instead)
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 80%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
  • ( Thunder: 20%)
Range: 18 Blocks
Area of Effect: 5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Haul
Reduce the Mana cost of Haul.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Haul
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT
Radiate an aura from your Totem that damages enemies.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 180% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Aura has a cylindrical hitbox that is 32 blocks tall, reaching 16 blocks above and below.
If you have multiple Totems active, an Aura will be cast from each one of them.
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 5.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 1.png
Nature's Jolt
Hitting the ground after using Haul will deal damage around you.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 90%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Haul
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shocking Aura
Aura will travel faster and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +20% (of your DPS)
  • ( Thunder: +20%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Flaming Tongue
Uproot becomes lashing flames, which hit 3 times but will not explode or knock back enemies.
  • Total Damage: -50% (of your DPS, for Uproot, per hit)
  • ( Damage: -15%)
  • ( Earth: -30%)
  • ( Thunder: -15%)
  • ( Fire: +10%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 1.png
Increases Uproot's and Haunting Memory's range. Hitting Totem with either will reset its duration.
Range: +6 Blocks
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 1.png
Rain Dance
While mid-air, your Totem will leave a streak of rain that damages enemies under it every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Duration: 6s
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Line-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Casting Totem repeatedly will spawn more streaks of rain, but mobs can only be damaged by one streak at a time.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Puppet Master
Your Totem will summon 1 Puppet every 3s (Max 3). They throw knives at nearby enemies every 0.5s.
  • Total Damage: 20% (of your DPS, per knife)
  • ( Damage: 16%)
  • ( Earth: 2%)
  • ( Air: 2%)
Duration: 30s
Range: 16 Blocks
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Totem
Min. Summoner Archetype: 3
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will spawn Puppets. However, having more Totems does not increase the maximum amount of Puppets you can have.
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Lunatic
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Lunatic.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Aura is decreased and you gain a damage bonus at the cost of reduced resistance.
Mana Cost: -30%
🛡 Effects: +35% Damage Bonus to Self
-20% Resistance Bonus to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 2
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Ability 3.png
Sacrificial Shrine
Your Totem will siphon 2% of your Health every 0.4s and transfer it into a Blood Pool.
Aura will use 15 points of Blood Pool to deal +35% damage and heal all allies.
Total Heal: 25% (of your max health)
Unlocking will block:
- Regeneration
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Totem
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 3
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will drain siphon your health. Additionally, casting Aura will spend 15% of your Blood Pool for each of your Totems, and each boosted Aura will heal allies.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Enemies hit by Nature's Jolt will be slowed down.
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Nature's Jolt
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Aura
Reduce the Mana cost of Aura.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uproot
Reduce the Mana cost of Uproot.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Once Aura reaches its maximum range, it will bounce back and deal its effects a second time.
Sacrificial Shrine will heal 40% less health.
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
When an Aura boosted by Sacrificial Shrine rebounds, it will heal and do damage a second time, at no additional Blood Pool cost.
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
More Puppets I
Increase your maximum Puppets by +1.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Ability 2.png
Haunting Memory
When you switch Masks, throw your previous one forwards. If it hits an enemy, it will attach for a short time and debuff them. You will not receive the effects of your Mask until it returns.
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 130%)
Range: 14 Blocks
🛡 Effects: -15% Damage Bonus to Enemies (from Lunatic)
-15% Resistance Bonus to Enemies (from Fanatic)
+30% Slowness to Enemies (from Coward)
Duration: 4s
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Totem
Increase your Totem's area of effect.
Area of Effect: +4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Blood Connection
If you are outside of your Totem's range, Haul will teleport you to it.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Haul
If you have multiple Totems active, Haul will send you towards the most recent one you summoned, teleporting you if you are outside that Totem's range.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Exploding Puppets
When your Puppets have 3s left, they will charge towards enemies at high speed and explode.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Fire: 50%)
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Hymn of Hate
While wearing the Mask of the Lunatic, killing an enemy with Aura will cast a new Aura at its location, dealing -50% of its damage.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
If you have Sacrificial Shrine, the additional Auras will attempt to spend 15% of your Blood Pool to boost its damage from 50% to 75% and heal players. The heal amount is not affected by Hymn of Hate.
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Hitting enemies with Uproot or Haunting Memory will inflict them with Whipped. Your Summons will focus Whipped enemies and deal additional damage to them.
🛡 Effect: +20% Damage Bonus to Summons
Duration: 10s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 0.png
More Puppets II
Increase your maximum Puppets by +2.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: More Puppets I
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Fanatic
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Fanatic.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Totem is decreased and you gain a resistance bonus at the cost of reduced walk speed.
Mana Cost: -65%
🛡 Effects: +35% Resistance to Self
-35% Walk Speed to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 3
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Ability 1.png
Vengeful Spirit
Your Totem will give all players in its range a damage bonus.
🛡 Effect: +20% Damage Bonus to Allies
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Switching between Masks 2 times will give you 30 Mana.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Double Totem
Increase your maximum Totems by +1. Totem and Aura will do 40% less damage.
Regeneration and Sacrificial Shrine will heal 40% less health.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Min. Summoner Archetype: 2
Having multiple Totems active will change the ways your spells work: Haul will send you towards the most recently summoned Totem, and Aura will emit a wave from all of your Totems at once.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Totem
Reduce the Mana cost of Totem.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Storm Dance
Enemies hit by Aura will be pulled towards your Totem.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Air: +30%)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Blood Moon
For every 1% Soul Point Regen you have from items, gain +5/3s Life Steal. (Max +1000/3s)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Every 0.4s, your Totem will heal every player within its range.
Total Heal: 1% (of your max health)
Unlocking will block:
- Sacrificial Shrine
Ability Points: 2
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will heal players, stacking if a player is nearby multiple Totems at once.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Haul
Reduce the Mana cost of Haul.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Haul
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Aura
Reduce the Mana cost of Aura.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Totemic Shatter
While wearing the Mask of the Fanatic, your Totem will shatter upon impacting the ground, rapidly triggered 8s worth of its effects.
Regeneration will only heal 50% of its usual amount.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Twisted Tether
When hitting an enemy with your Main Attack, use 1 point of Blood Pool to add Tethered to them.
Tethered enemies will take damage for every 2% Health you lose. (Max 20%)
  • Total Damage: 35% (of your DPS, per 2% health)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Range: 24 Blocks
Duration: 5s
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 7
Health lost from getting hit, triggering negative life steal, and Sacrificial Shrine will all damage Tethered enemies.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Totem
Increase Totem's damage.
  • Total Damage: +4% (of your DPS, per tick)
  • ( Damage: +4%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Masquerade will trigger after -1 less Mask switch. Reduces mana bonus by -10.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Masquerade
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 6
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Crimson Effigy
Hitting your Totem with Uproot or Haunting Memory will summon an Effigy that will attack enemies and push them towards your Totem.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 75%)
  • ( Water: 25%)
Duration: 60s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Summoner Archetype: 8
Effigies can attack mobs every 0.3s, and can follow them at a speed of 10 blocks per second.
Branch 0.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Coward
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Coward.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Haul is decreased and you gain walk speed at the cost of reduced damage.
Mana Cost: -50%
🛡 Effects: +80% Walk Speed to Self
-10% Damage Bonus to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 7
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Fluid Healing
Increases Aura's healing by +0.3% for every 1% Water Damage Bonus you have from items.
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Ability 1.png
Maddening Roots
Uproot will slow down enemies.
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Coward
When switching to the Mask of the Coward, damage and knock nearby enemies away.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 200%)
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Coward
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 7
Ability 2.png
Blood Rite
When any player takes damage within your Totem's range, 35% of the damage taken proportional to your maximum health is added to your Blood Pool.
(Max 10 points per hit)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 9
Health that you lose to Sacrificial Shrine will be affected by Blood Rite, essentially increasing your Blood Pool gain by 35%.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
More Effigies
Increase your maximum Effigies by +1.
  • Total Damage: -20% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -10%)
  • ( Water: -10%)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Crimson Effigy
Min. Summoner Archetype: 8
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Fanatic
When switching to the Mask of the Fanatic, you and your allies are given a temporary resistance buff. (8s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: 70% Resistance Bonus to Allies
Duration: 3s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 10
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Tether
Increase Twisted Tether's damage.
  • Total Damage: +15% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +15%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Twisted Tether
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Triple Totem
Increase your maximum Totems by +1. Totem and Aura will do 50% less damage.
Regeneration and Sacrificial Shrine will heal 50% less health.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Double Totem
Having multiple Totems active will change the ways your spells work: Haul will send you towards the most recently summoned Totem, and Aura will emit a wave from all of your Totems at once.
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Invigorating Wave
Aura will temporarily increase your Summons' attack speed. Players hit will gain +5 Mana.
🛡 Effect: +30% Attack Speed to Summons
Duration: 2.5s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Min. Summoner Archetype: 3
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Seeking Totem
While wearing the Mask of the Fanatic, your Totem will move towards you, unless you are within its range.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Frog Dance
When wearing the Mask of the Coward, Haul will bounce you off of the ground 3 times at an increasing speed and will deal damage to nearby enemies.
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 110%)
  • ( Water: 40%)
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Coward
If you have Nature's Jolt, it will only trigger after you land from the last leap from Frog Dance.
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Ability 3.png
When you or your Summons kill an enemy, gain +1 Max Puppets for 15s. (Max +8)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Min. Summoner Archetype: 12
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Lunatic
When switching to the Mask of the Lunatic, reduce the defenses of nearby enemies. (8s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: -15% Resistance Bonus to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Blood Sorrow
Uproot will spend 70 points of Blood Pool to cast a destructive beam that chains between enemies and allies, and damages enemies every 0.2s.
(You cannot use your Main Attack, Aura, or Uproot while in this state)
You and any allies within the beam will receive +2% Overhealth per hit. Bonus health decays over 10s.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Water: 20%)
Duration: 4s
Range: 24 Blocks
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 12
While casting Blood Sorrow, you cannot use your Main Attack or Aura, but you can use Totem and Haul freely.
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uproot
Reduce the Mana cost of Uproot.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
After saving 200 Mana from your Masks' mana reductions, switching Masks will cause you to become Awakened for 20s, giving you the upsides of all Masks at once with no downsides.
Switching to an attached Mask while Awakened will immediately recall the Mask back to you.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 12

The Ability Tree for the Shaman features three archetypes: the Summoner, the Ritualist, and the Acolyte.

The Summoner archetype can summon a multitude of Totems, Puppets, and Effigies to handle enemies. It can single out enemies with Bullwhip and even increase its single-target DPS even more with Invigorating Wave. The Summoner also has access to Regeneration to heal itself and allies, boosted by its multiple Totems.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Damage: High
  • Defense: Medium
  • Range: Medium
  • Speed: Medium

The Ritualist archetype swaps between different Masks in different situations and gains different bonuses for doing so. It can grant itself a huge damage boost, greatly increase its resistance, and gain a large amount of mobility with each Mask. Its final ability, Mask of the Awakened, allows you to get the bonuses from all Masks at once.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Damage: High
  • Defense: Medium
  • Range: Low
  • Speed: High

The Acolyte archetype sacrifices its own health to power its other abilities using Blood Pool, allowing it to heal itself and others and deal a high amount of damage. Through Sacrificial Shrine, the Acolyte loses health while near its Totem, but can then heal the health back with Aura, along with a damage boost. The Acolyte can also Tether itself to enemies to make them take damage when it loses health, as well as grant overhealth to allies with Blood Sorrow.

  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Damage: High
  • Defense: Low
  • Range: Medium
  • Speed: High


  • The Shaman was added in the Silent Expanse Update, being the first class added since Wynncraft's inception more than six years prior.
  • The Shaman is the first class to have an Attribute rating of zero.
  • The Shaman is the first class to have spells dependent on/able to interact with another spell.
  • Its re-skin is the Skyseer Available to [HERO] and higher.