A Marauder's Dues

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A Marauder's Dues CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Medium
Location Canyon of the Lost
Province Gavel
Combat Level 83
Starter NPC Norsten
Reward As follows:

A Marauder's Dues is a long level 83 quest within the Canyon of the Lost.


The player finds out that Norsten is being controlled by Dramele, who sees him through a crystal orb, and to vanquish Norsten of his controllant.

Stage 1

» Talk to Norsten.

  • Norsten: ...ugh. Disgusting. Utterly disgusting. I've had just about enough of your kind here. Humans...
  • Norsten: Dreadfully drab, always getting in the way, wriggling through our province like worms! You're no heroes, you're pretenders!!
  • Norsten: Oh, you want through here? Well, I'm the gatekeeper. Let's call my toll...the abandonment of your ridiculous little heroics...and all your money besides. Sound fair?
  • Peli: Aha, Norsten my boy! We've been worried sick, it's been a week. What is it you're doing so far out into the canyon?
  • Norsten: Wha- Who are you, and who gave you permission to use my toll road?! And can't you see I'm busy?
  • Peli: Norsten?? Don't you recognize your own grandfather? What's that strange look in your eyes, and what's this about a toll road?
  • Norsten: You're nothing to me at your age. I only care about what the young can do for me...and about the fee you're neglecting, you shriveled old fruit!
  • Peli: What's gotten into you? Such a polite man, acting this way to your elders... Human, have you any idea what's-
  • Peli: ...oh no. Oh, say it isn't so, is that what's happening? Is it HIS fault?
  • Peli: Up there, on the cliff- that tower! The scourge of the canyon...has he truly returned? Has he...taken my grandson?!
  • Norsten: ...heh. Haaaaahahahaha!!
  • Norsten: My reputation, even after all this time, still precedes me!! Indeed, old man, I have taken your grandson as my puppet!
  • Norsten: What should I care about the facade? For a hundred and fifty years I've stolen the vitality of others to maintain my beauty, and your grandson will be no different.
  • Peli: Miserable dastard!! Cold-water eel!! Human, you must help, you MUST! I beg you, please, seek the sorcerer and save my poor Norsten!!
  • Peli: The southwest mountains have a shortcut past the bandits, time is of the essence!
  • Norsten: A veritable army fell before my magic! The bandits pay their tribute to my grace and obey my orders! You're as mad as I am called if you think one human can get through.
  • Norsten: I'll leave you a corpse, a husk! A withered pile of dust- or perhaps I'll take YOU as a slave too, human! So what will it be? Run...or face me?

Stage 2

» Go up the path to the wizard's tower, at [258, 79, -4934].

  • ???: Hoho... The worm comes wriggling in, it seems. What a horrid thing you are. Mismatched armor, courage of a fool all over your face... Inelegant and UGLY!!
  • ???: At least the last ones to face me had some coordination, and the sense to hide themselves. Come further and you'll share their fate!!
  • ???: ..rrgh! The tunnels! Once again, humans try so hard to spoil my fun... But do you really think you've evaded me?
  • ???: You can never understand. The beauty of one like myself cannot be transient, it must be everlasting! I will never succumb to my mortality!
  • ???: As a matter of fact...you humans ARE good for one thing. Drab as you are, you're lively. So consider this an honor!

Three crystals will appear beside the player, before sending you to an orange room.

  • ???: HAAAAAhahahaha!! Instead of destruction, I'll leave you trapped in this illusion, and chip away at your ugly mind until nothing remains. You'll join the rest who've prolonged my life!

Stage 3

» Escape the illusion.
To get out of the orange room, there will be a fake wall at the eastern end. Your objective is to find three crystals. The first challenge in the magenta room has you doing parkour on white blocks. Right-clicking the gray blocks will temporarily change the configuration of the white blocks. After getting to a pink room, there will be a crystal at the end of the parkour, which must be right-clicked to be destroyed.

After destroying the first crystal, you will then be in a lime room.

  • ???: I'll take pleasure in peeling away your most formative memories first- W-wait, what's this giant blank spot? It's interfering with my spell...!!
  • A shard of the crystal seems to have remained behind. Maybe you can use this to escape!
  • [Right Click] with the shard to change what is real and what is fake.

Crystal Shard is used so when right-clicked will change the state of yellow and purple blocks. When a block is an illusion, it will be there visually but does not exist physically, and when a block is real, you can use it physically. Eventually, after completing the parkour in another orange room, the second crystal must be destroyed.

  • ???: Ugh, barely any memories to remove, hardly any personality... How much of a dull gray slate are you...and how is that making this more difficult?!

You will then be sent to another lime room where there will be pink blocks that travel in a snake-like manner. After completing the parkour, you will then be sent to a blue room, where all of the previous mechanics come into play to reach the third and final crystal.

Stage 4

» Run away and confront the wizard.

  • ???: You escaped?! ...hmph. I suppose that trick works better for blinding a platoon than a person. When you only need to focus on what YOU see...rrgh.
  • ???: Fine...you've forced my hand. I must sweep you aside, you so-called hero! Never darken my door again! Cease to exist!!

A large purple mass will appear behind you, and you must run away from it. Once you have ran away from it, climb up the tower where the wizard is.


  • Dramele: GAH!
  • Dramele: Ugh, what was it that raisin of a man said- Miserable runt?! Cold-water eel?! More fitting names for you than me!!
  • Dramele: ...fine. The defenses of my tower were absolute enough that I never needed to defend myself inside. I should have taken you more seriously from the start.
  • Dramele: It's been so long since I've faced a threat, and now that you're here- RRGH! How could a HUMAN get the best of me?
  • Dramele: Me, who holds control over every bandit in the canyon...! How dare you embarrass me so!
  • Dramele: Well, fine. You've got me dead to rights. I'll give up the blasted binding gem. Who knows if most of the bandits will return to normal, after so long...
  • Dramele: ...but Norsten? He'll barely be affected. Bring it to him and he'll be freed, loath as I am to let him go.
  • Dramele: Here...
  • Dramele: HA! I still get the last laugh! Even at my most vulnerable I have gracefully outwitted you! As if I would really surrender to a human.
  • Dramele: Those souls are mine to control, you hear me? Mine to bind!! Mine to drain dry of vitality!! Mine to OWN!! HehehaHAAAAA!!
  • Dramele: And if you jump in after it? You'll be truly trapped- a dimension of my own making, filled with volatile magical waste! You'll never be seen again!
  • Dramele: In other words... You. Lose.

Jump into the hole right below Dramele's tower. You will end up in a strange dimension after you get in the hole.

Stage 5

» Find a way out of the strange dimension.

  • There's the strange gem Dramele threw away... You should take it with you, he said it would save Norsten.

Right-click on the
Strange Gem to pick it up. A nauseating aura will be applied to you, and then several Magical Disturbances will spawn.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SuppressingMagicVortex.png Suppressing Magic Vortex 83 35,000 Rapid Ranged
Knockback Immune
- - Strange Dimension
FlowingMagicVortex.png Flowing Magic Vortex 83 35,000 Melee Teleport



- Strange Dimension
BlazingMagicVortex.png Blazing Magic Vortex 83 35,000 Charge Heavy Explode


2 Flaming Vortices Strange Dimension
File:FlamingMagicVortex.png Flaming Magic Vortex 83 100,000,000 Charge Self-Destruct

2 Smouldering Vortices From Blazing Vortex
File:SmoulderingMagicVortex.png Smouldering Magic Vortex 83 100,000,000 Charge Self-Destruct

- From Flaming Vortices
DisturbingMagicVortex.png Disturbing Magic Vortex 83 35,000 Melee Flamethrower
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Teleport


- Strange Dimension
AbsorbingMagicVortex.png Absorbing Magic Vortex 83 50,000 Melee -


- Strange Dimension
HealingMagicVortex.png Healing Magic Vortex 83 35,000 Support Heavy Heal


- Strange Dimension

After you have defeated all of the Magical Disturbances, a puzzle will appear.

  • Although the strange beings are now gone, some parts of them were left behind. They look very unstable.
  • Perhaps if you combine them in the right way you can cause an explosion and escape.
  • Goal: Get 100 Explosive Power by combining the 6 different cores in the grid made of green particles.
  • Right Click a core to select it, the Right Click one of the 6 green spots in the grid to place it there.
  • Each core gains and loses explosive power based on its position in the grid, and what cores it's touching. Each core touches the cores that are above, below, and next to it.
  • Remember, you need to get 100 Explosive Power! If you need a hint, click on Hints and Rules and select "I want a hint."

Stage 6

» Find a way out of the strange dimension.

There will be a 2 by 3 grid with green particles where you can place the cores. To the left is a confirm button to submit your answer, and to the left is a clear mode button which can be used to remove cores from their position. On the opposite side of the area is the Hints & Rules NPC. Each Core has the following attributes:

  • Purple Core: +10 Explosive Power, x2 Power when touching blue

  • Orange Core: +5 Explosive Power, -5 Power when touching blue, +5 Power when touching purple, x2 Power when on the left

  • Blue Core: +10 Explosive Power, +5 Power when touching purple, x2 Power when on the right

  • Gray Core: +0 Explosive Power, -20 Power per core it touches that isn't rainbow

  • Green Core: +25 Explosive Power, -10 Power when touching orange, -5 Power when touching blue, -5 Power when touching purple

  • Rainbow Core: +0 Explosive Power, +20 Power when touching blue, +10 Power when touching orange, +10 Power when touching purple, +5 Power when touching green

If you fail the puzzle, you will be given a tip, such as how the total power is calculated from top to bottom for each core.

Hints and Rules NPC

  • Do you want a hint or see the rules again?
    • [1] I want a hint.
      • What core do you want a hint about?
        • [1] The Gray Core
          • The Gray Core loses a lot of Explosive Power for every core it's touching, except Rainbow. This means the best place for it is in a corner, where it's touching only 2 cores, and one of those should be the Rainbow Core, to minimize Explosive Power lost.
        • [2] The Rainbow Core
          • The Rainbow Core gets big bonuses from touching other colored cores, so its best place would be in the middle, where it touches 3 different cores.
        • [3] The Green Core
          • The Green Core begins with a lot of power, but loses power when touching some of the other cores, especially Orange.So you'll want it in a corner, where it's touching only 2 cores, and it shouldn't be touching Orange.
        • [4] The Blue Core
          • The Blue Core is pretty safe, as it doesn't lose a lot of power when touching any specific core. Rainbow also gets a ton of points from it, so ideally you'll want it on the right, touching Rainbow.
        • [5] The Orange Core
          • The Orange Core doesn't have a lot of power on its own. However, Rainbow gets a big bonus when touching it, and Green loses a lot when touching it. So you'll want it on the left, and touching Rainbow, but not Green.
        • [6] The Purple Core
          • The Purple Core is pretty safe, as it doesn't lose a lot of power when touching any specific core. Both Blue Core and Orange gain bonus when touching it, so you'll want it touching one or both of those.
        • [7] Nevermind.
    • [2] I want to see the rules of the puzzle again.
      • Goal: Get 100 Explosive Power by combining the 6 different cores in the grid made of green particles.
      • Right Click a core to select it, the Right Click one of the 6 green spots in the grid to place it there.
      • Each core gains and loses explosive power based on its position in the grid, and what cores it's touching. Each core touches the cores that are above, below, and next to it.
      • Remember, you need to get 100 Explosive Power! If you need a hint, click on Hints and Rules and select "I want a hint."
    • [3] Nevermind.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to the solution to the puzzle.
Gray Core, Green Core
Rainbow Core, Blue Core
Orange Core, Purple Core
  • [+1 Unstable Core Amalgamation]

Stage 7

» Escape the strange dimension.
After getting the
Unstable Core Amalgamation, place it in the center of the floor to the strange dimension. It will explode, allowing you to access the portal out of the dimension. You will land in front of the gate to Thesead where Peli and Norsten will be.


  • Norsten: H-how did you survive? How did you get OUT?! That pocket dimension has a one-way entrance!! I- You- I'LL DRAIN AWAY NORSTEN BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES!!
  • Peli: The scourge is angry!! Human, quickly, for him to be this upset you must have found something! Save my grandson, please!!
  • Norsten: Aguh...w-where am I? My...my throat hurts...was I screaming?
  • Peli: Oh, my poor grandson...my little Norsten is back to us! Oh, joyous day!!
  • Norsten: Back to...did something happen? I remember coming this way after a thief...and then...
  • Peli: That terrible wizard captured you in his spell when you did. It was terrible, it was- Such a hard look you had in your eyes...
  • Peli: But this human, this hero... They have bested the scourge of the canyon! They managed to save you from such evil!
  • Norsten: ...I barely remember anything. Just...feelings of anger, and...disgust, I suppose, but... You wouldn't lie to me Grand-Peli.
  • Norsten: Thank you, human- Hm? What's all this money doing in my pockets? I didn't bring my pouch out with me to chase the thief, but...! So much money!
  • Peli: Ill-gotten gains from the scourge's sham of a toll-road scheme, no doubt. I think that human could put that money to fine use, what say you, my boy?
  • Norsten: Of course! Here. And don't worry about the gate. It's supposed to be open for anyone, so use it as you like.
