Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South)

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Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South) CBLootrunCampIcon.png
The base camp for this lootrun.
Suggested Level 87
Lootrun Chief
X: 578, Y: 79, Z: -5017
Required Quests A Marauder's Dues, The Canyon Guides, The Lost, Beyond the Grave
Required Caves Voltaic Crag, Rocky Peril, Seismic Bore Hole, Chiseler's Cavern, Demolition Derby, Burning Delve, Runaway Fleris Cranny
Lootrun Info
Min. Challenges 4
Total Starting
Starting Timer 4:00
Mob Scaling
(per Challenge)
+15% Damage
+50% Health
Mobs See list of mobs

The Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South) is a Lootrun based in the southern area of the Canyon of the Lost. The camp is found on the outskirts of Thesead and requires all caves in that region to be completed alongside A Marauder's Dues, The Canyon Guides, The Lost, and Beyond the Grave.

All of the mobs' HP is their base HP, and it will increase further in the lootrun.

Spelunk Challenges

Voltaic Crag

At the end of the cave is a Voltaic Seal which must be killed in order to open a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
VoltaicAnimant(Level81).png Voltaic Animant
(Lv. 81)
81 4,900 Ranged -



Energetic Aura
Voltaic Crag
VoltaicAnimant(Level82).png Voltaic Animant
(Lv. 82)
82 5,050 Melee -



Energetic Aura
Voltaic Crag
File:VoltaicCraig.png Voltaic Craig 83 14,900 Melee
Blindness Immune



? Voltaic Crag
VoltaicSeal.png Voltaic Seal 89 40,000 Neutral Ranged
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune

Slowness Immune
Heavy Explode


- Voltaic Crag

Rocky Peril

At the end of the cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires around 8 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:RockBat.png Rock Bat 84 10,400 Melee -


- Rocky Peril
File:RockHunter.png Rock Hunter 86 7,500 Crawl Meteor


- Rocky Peril
File:Volcannibal.png Volcannibal 87 7,800 Berserk Melee -


- Rocky Peril

Seismic Bore Hole

At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires the Seismic Seal to be defeated.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GnomishArchaeologist.png Gnomish Archaeologist 80 6,025 Neutral Melee - - - Seismic Bore Hole entrance
EarthBorerBeetle.png Earth Borer Beetle 84 14,000 ? -



Earthly Aura
Seismic Bore Hole,
Ruff & Tumble,
from Rock Bagworms
RockBagworm.png Rock Bagworm 86 17,500 Rapid Ranged Self-Destruct


4 Earth Borer Beetles Seismic Bore Hole
SeismicSeal.png Seismic Seal 89 95,200 Neutral Melee
Knockback Immune

Blindness Immune

Slowness Immune
Heavy Meteor


- Seismic Bore Hole

Chiseler's Cavern

At the end of the cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires around 9 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DestroyedGargoyle.png Destroyed Gargoyle 82 19,000 Crawl - - - Chiseler's Cavern
CavernGargoyle.png Cavern Gargoyle 87 18,000 Gargoyle -

- Chiseler's Cavern

Demolition Derby

At the end of the cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires around 1 mob to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CaveHobgoblin.png Cave Hobgoblin 82 6,650 Melee -

- Demolition Derby
HobgoblinDemolition.png Hobgoblin Demolition 82 7,125 Ranged Self-Destruct


Demolition Derby
HobgoblinMiner.png Hobgoblin Miner 83 9,950 Ambush Multihit


- Demolition Derby

Burning Delve

At the end of the cave is a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires around 9 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BurntElefolkWarrior.png Burnt Elefolk Warrior 87 4,200 Strafe Melee -


- Burning Delve
Dementor.png Dementor 88 2,500 Strafe Melee -


- Burning Delve
BurningSoul.png Burning Soul 89 4,500 Strafe Melee -


- Burning Delve

Runaway Fleris Cranny

At the end of the cave is a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest that requires around 15 nearby mobs to be killed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CanyonFleris.png Canyon Fleris 84 10,400 Jumper -


Burning Soul
WarmFleris(Ingredient).png Warm Fleris

Molten Heights Gate,
Thanos surroundings,
Runaway Fleris Cranny
MoltenMan.png Molten Man 85 16,300 Melee -




Lava Essence

Magmatic Skin

Burning Soul
Molten Heights Gate,
Runaway Fleris Cranny
MagmaticShambler.png Magmatic Shambler 87 7,500 Melee Flamethrower



Hardened Magma
Thanos surroundings,
Runaway Fleris Cranny

Slay Mobs Challenges

The Armory

The Armory takes place in an ancient, unattended forge of some peoples long gone, buried beneath the canyon by the passage of time. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 14 Ancient Attendants
    • 2 Plagence Crystals
  • Wave 2:
    • 8 Ancient Attendants
    • 2 Leytech Gargoyles
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Leytech Gargoyles
    • 2 Gigas Golems
  • Wave 4:
    • 2 Plagence Crystals
    • 2 Gigas Golems
    • 1 Awakened Sentinel

Rarely, a random event might happen which causes blue glyphs to appear on a wall and reveal an extra Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AncientAttendant.png Ancient Attendant 84 ? Strafe Melee -

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
LeytechGargoyle.png Leytech Gargoyle 89 ? Gargoyle Concentrated Cacophony*

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
PlagenceCrystal.png Plagence Crystal 90 ? Melee Knockback Immune

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
GigasGolem.png Gigas Golem 92 ? Strafe Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
AwakenedSentinel.png Awakened Sentinel 95 ? Heavy Melee Knockback Immune
Boulder Throw*


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory

Mycelial Alcove

The Mycelial Alcove takes place in an area within the Canyon of the Lost that has several mushrooms. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • ?
  • Wave 2:
    • ?
  • Wave 3:
    • ?
  • Wave 4:
    • ?

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:SporeRunner.png Spore Runner 82 ? ? ? - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove
File:ToxicSpitter.png Toxic Spitter 86 ? ?
Knockback Immune

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove
File:PoisonousPatriarch.png Poisonous Patriarch 92 ? ? ? - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove

Sorcerer's Rave

The Sorcerer's Rave takes place at the base of Dramele's tower. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 3 Trinity Ravers
    • 1 Trinity Arcanum
  • Wave 2:
    • 3 Trinity Ravers
    • 2 Trinity Wills
  • Wave 3:
    • 2 Trinity Ravers
    • 2 Trinity Wills
    • 1 Trinity Arcanum

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TrinityRaver.png Trinity Raver 95 ? Strafe Melee Heavy Charge
Heavy Multihit

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rave Slay Objective
TrinityArcanum.png Trinity Arcanum 95 ? Strafe Ranged Teleport
Heavy Wave
Heavy Charge

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rave Slay Objective
TrinityWill.png Trinity Will 95 ? Melee Lunge*
Heavy Explode

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rave Slay Objective

Troll Den

The Troll Den takes place in a cave inhabited by Trolls. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • ?
  • Wave 2:
    • ?
  • Wave 3:
    • ?
  • Wave 4:
    • ?

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CanyonTroll.png Canyon Troll 82 ? Melee Heavy Charge
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den
Scrag.png Scrag 84 ? Ranged ?

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den
TreeBasher.png Tree Basher 90 ? ? ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den

Slay Target Challenges

Colossal Synapse

The Colossal Synapse takes place at the arch west of the Canyon Colossus. The target that must be killed is the Colossi Synapse.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RogueFragment.png Rogue Fragment 25 ? Retreat
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse,
from Monumyelelins
File:Monumyelin.png Monumyelin 87 ? Strafe Melee Charge
Heavy Multihit

3 Rogue Fragments Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse
Thalamold.png Thalamold 87 ? Ranged Charge
Heavy Meteor

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse
DamagedNeuron.png Damaged Neuron 90 ? Jumper -

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse,
from Colossi Synapse
File:ColossiSynapse.png Colossi Synapse 110 ? Melee Summon*


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse

Destroy Challenges

Absorbing Slime

The Absorbing Slime takes place in an opening that involves a Villager trapped within a large slime. Several Parasitic Slimes defend it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Absorbing Slime - ? None
(Destroy Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion:
Slime Destroy Objective
Parasitic Slime 82 ? Scuttle ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion:
Slime Destroy Objective

Rogue Intel Core

The Rogue Intel Core takes place on a mound in the canyon, involving a piece of haywire ancient technology surrounded by Ruby Hillocks and Myelin Sheaths defending it.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:RogueIntelCore.png Rogue Intel Core - 450,000 Destroy Objective - - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Lithic Soma
MyelinSheath.png Myelin Sheath ? ? ? ?


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Lithic Soma
RubyHillock.png Ruby Hillock ? ? ? ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Lithic Soma

Defend Challenges

Farmer's Harvest

The Farmer's Harvest takes place in a farm near the area where Krolton was killed. Several Elefolk will try to steal the produce.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:TheHarvest.png The Harvest - 50,000 None
(Defend Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
ElefolkPillager.png Elefolk Pillager 85 ? Strafe Ranged -


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
File:ElefolkBasher.png Elefolk Basher 88 ? Charge - - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
File:ElefolkRaider.png Elefolk Raider 90 ? Strafe Melee Heavy Charge

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest

Elemental Spring

The Elemental Spring takes place in the Bantisu Air Temple. Several air and water elementals will attack the Bantisu Totem.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:BanitsuTotem.png Bantisu Totem - 50,000 None
(Defend Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Windy Pond
File:Vapour.png Vapour 80 ? Jumper ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Windy Pond
File:JetStream.png Jet Stream 83 ? Strafe Melee

Knockback Immune


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Windy Pond
File:Guster.png Guster 87 ? Strafe Ranged

Knockback Immune


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Windy Pond
File:AeratedElemental.png Aerated Elemental 89 ? Melee

Knockback Immune
Heavy Wave


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Windy Pond

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