Lists of mobs/Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South)

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South). Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Challenge Mobs

This list includes the unique mobs which appear during certain challenges that can be encountered during a South Canyon of the Lost Excursion lootrun. For more information, see this lootrun's dedicated page. Note that the mob health values listed here are base values only; during a run, mob health will increase with each challenge completed.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Bantisu Totem - 50,000 None
(Defend Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Elemental Spring
Vapour 80 ? Jumper ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Elemental Spring
Jet Stream 83 ? Strafe Melee

Knockback Immune


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Elemental Spring
Guster 87 ? Strafe Ranged

Knockback Immune


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Elemental Spring
Aerated Elemental 89 ? Melee

Knockback Immune
Heavy Wave


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Elemental Spring
CanyonTroll.png Canyon Troll 82 14,000 Melee Heavy Charge
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den
Scrag.png Scrag 84 23,000 Ranged Backstep*

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den
TreeBasher.png Tree Basher 90 31,000 Strafe Melee ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Troll Den
Absorbing Slime - 450,000 None
(Destroy Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Absorbing Slime
ParasiticSlime.png Parasitic Slime 82 ~12,600 Burst Ranged ?
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Absorbing Slime
ParasiticBalloon.png Parasitic Balloon 82 12,000 Burst Ranged
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Absorbing Slime
Spore Runner 82 ? ? ? - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove
Toxic Spitter 86 ? ?
Knockback Immune

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove
Poisonous Patriarch 92 ? ? ? - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Mycelial Alcove
AncientAttendant.png Ancient Attendant 84 ~11,500 Strafe Melee -

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
LeytechGargoyle.png Leytech Gargoyle 89 ~57,000 Gargoyle Concentrated Cacophony*

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
PlagenceCrystal.png Plagence Crystal 90 ~23,000 Melee
Knockback Immune

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
GigasGolem.png Gigas Golem 92 ~74,500 Strafe Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
AwakenedSentinel.png Awakened Sentinel 95 ~92,300 Heavy Melee
Knockback Immune
Boulder Throw*


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
The Armory
The Harvest - 50,000 None
(Defend Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
Elefolk Pillager 85 ? Strafe Ranged -


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
Elefolk Basher 88 ? Charge - - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
Elefolk Raider 90 ? Strafe Melee Heavy Charge

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Farmer's Harvest
Lithic Soma - 450,000 None
(Destroy Objective)
- - - Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rogue Intel Core
MyelinSheath.png Myelin Sheath 87 ? Charge

Knockback Immune

Blindness Resist


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rogue Intel Core
RubyHillock.png Ruby Hillock 90 ? Melee

Knockback Immune

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Rogue Intel Core
RogueFragment.png Rogue Fragment 25 ? Retreat
- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse,
from Monumyelelins
Monumyelelin 87 ~30,200 Strafe Melee Charge
Heavy Multihit

3 Rogue Fragments Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse
Thalamold.png Thalamold 87 ~24,000 Ranged Charge
Heavy Meteor

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse
DamagedNeuron.png Damaged Neuron 90 ~13,800 Jumper -

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse,
from Colossi Synapse
Colossi Synapse 110 ~203,900 Melee Summon*


- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Colossal Synapse
TrinityRaver.png Trinity Raver 95 ~29,000 ? ?

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Sorcerer's Rave
TrinityArcanum.png Trinity Arcanum 95 ~22,900 Strafe Ranged Heavy Teleport
Heavy Wave

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Sorcerer's Rave
TrinityWill.png Trinity Will 95 ~38,800 Heavy Melee Ground Pound*

- Canyon of the Lost Excursion (South):
Sorcerer's Rave
