Elie's Diary

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Elie's Diary

Type Untradable
Obtain Skyraider Elie
Usage On use, read a random diary entry.
It's sealed with a stamp resembling an honorary badge of the Skyraiders.

Elie's Diary is a book belonging to Skyraider Elie. It can be acquired by talking to Elie at Letvus Airbase after completing the level 98 Quest Royal Trials, and telling her that you have become the Queen of the Skyraiders; she hands the Diary over along with 48
Emerald Blocks and 8000 Experience Points. It is involved in the Suspicious Egg mystery.

When used, the Diary provides a random excerpt from a long list of diary entries written by Elie. Known entries are included below.

List of Entries

Day Entry
Day 5  •  Hmph– so tired of all this paperwork, when do we get to go on the ship?
 •  At this rate I'll be a professional study bug at best, hopefully I can get my report done for next week.
 •  I should probably get some sleep, feels like I've been awake for two whole days!
Day 12  •  Physics, physics, physics– what on earth does this have to do with airships?
 •  Hmm– I guess it does make some sense, after all these things can't just happen overnight.
 •  Maybe I'll just sit tight and go through this again, last thing I need is failing that test.
Day 24  •  I passed! No way, no way, no way– I knew that I could do it!
 •  Who would've thought that getting this license was gonna be so complicated.
 •  I'm just glad that the hard part is out of the way, I hope we get to see the airships soon!
Day 30  •  I can't wait anymore– these people can't be serious at all!
 •  Hmm– I overheard some of the ladies talking about the airships they have at Letvus today.
 •  I wonder if they're any good compared to the ones around the base, maybe I should find out for myself!
Day 46  •  Agh! I went to the Letvus Airbase today, I just hope nobody saw me sneak out of the base this morning.
 •  There were so many people there! Uh– should probably stay away from the inn though– those creeps were weird.
 •  Oh– and don't even get me started about the ships! They are no joke, even to Skyraider standards!
Day 55  •  I've got to think of a better plan about getting to Letvus more secretly.
 •  I can't be risking just being seen out in the open at the dawn of day.
 •  Even just getting there from the base feels like forever!
Day 67  •  Just thought of an excellent plan! Okay– so what if I just left really early?
 •  That way everybody would be sleeping and nobody would know that I'm not there!
 •  Well, as long as I make it back in time for class– this is gonna be tricky.
Day 84  •  They finally took us onto the airship today– it feels like that took forever!
 •  I was starting to think that they completely forgot about that part.
 •  Anyways– you wouldn't believe how big they are from the inside! Oh– and it's all in the sky!
Day 92  •  I needed some textbooks from the library today and I found this cool book talking about an emblem!
 •  Something about them being exceedingly rare and only given out to the most valiant raiders.
 •  Hmmm– you'd probably have to do something really courageous to get one of those.
Day 100  •  A whole one hundred days of training! Where do I even start?
 •  I've learned so much in just a few months– aerodynamics, airflow, piloteering and even balloons!
 •  Gosh– to somebody who doesn't know anything about airships I probably sound like a complete nerd.
Day 112  •  We got to ride the airship today! The strong winds nearly blew me away, it was quite the whirl!
 •  So much fun– I love the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair, mmmmm!
 •  If only I didn't have to wear this silly hat all the time– ugh.
Day 152  •  Ooooh! We got our first lesson on using the spyglass during expeditions today!
 •  It was so neat looking and made all these cute noises! I'll have to save up some emeralds so I can afford one.
 •  She also mentioned that they get jammed up every once in a while, how does that work?
Day 224  •  Okay– this is so weird, so today our professor gave us some eggs!?
 •  She said something will hatch out of it as long as I keep it with me all day long.
 •  Does she think that I have the time of day to be spending hatching some egg– yuck!
Day 240  •  Oh great Gavel! The suspicious egg, it hatched!!
 •  Awwww– look at how adorable she is, I think I'll name her Perry.
 •  All that walking around ended up being worth it after all!