Fire Fletchette

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Fire Fletchette
Type Hostile Mob
Level 20
Health 100
AI Type Ranged
Elemental Properties
Weakness Water
Damage Fire
Defense Fire
Location Raging Tower (From Fire Flaks (Phase 3))

Fire Fletchettes are the final form of the Fire Flak, the level 20 miniboss found atop the Raging Tower.


This section is transcluded from Fire Flak § Combat. (edit)

The Fire Flak has a total of four phases. All four forms deal Fire damage, have defense against Fire attacks, and are weak to Water damage. However, in its first phase, it has only 10 health and does not actually attack at all, despite appearing hostile. The second phase spawns and the fight truly begins once the first is killed.

Each of the three successive forms possesses 90 health per mob, and each is a ranged enemy that attacks at a difference, though their exact styles vary. The second phase attacks by shooting large bursts of projectiles all at once, with long pauses between attacks. This can be dangerous at close range and difficult to avoid, but the pillar in the center of the arena can offer some cover.

After killing the second form, it splits into two third-form Fire Flaks. In this phase, they use regular ranged attacks, simply shooting one projectile at a time (although you should still be careful, now that you are being attacked by two enemies at once). Upon being killed, each of the third-form Fire Flaks splits into two more Fire Fletchettes, which fire projectiles at a slower rate.

The 8 individual Fire Flaks spawned during this fight possess a collective total of 640 health. There are no other minions involved in this fight, but the splitting mechanic and the boss' wide range of attack styles can make it extremely chaotic. The Fire Flaks can also damage each other, however, so keeping them close together and in each other's way can make them easier to take on.


This section is transcluded from Fire Flak § Loot. (edit)

The Fire Flak is required to be defeated in order to access a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest at the top, although only 2 Fire Fletchettes of its last form need to be defeated in order to unlock it.

The Fire Flak has no special drops of its own, though each individual form can drop Normal Items, Unidentified Items, Emeralds, Powders, and Potions of Healing.


Fire Fletchettes do not spawn naturally, but are instead created by a Fire Flak's third phase being defeated.

This section is transcluded from Fire Flak § Location. (edit)

The Fire Flak is located at the top of the Raging Tower in the Detlas Suburbs.

Raging Tower
Location: 143, 66, -1697
Mobs Smolder • Slag Coat • Cinder • Fire Flak
Info Located in the Detlas Suburbs.

Table data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FireFlak.png Fire Flak
(Phase 1)
20 10 None - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
1 Fire Flak (Phase 2) Raging Tower
FireFlak.png Fire Flak
(Phase 2)
20 90 Burst Ranged - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
2 Fire Flaks (Phase 3) From Fire Flak (Phase 1)
FireFlak.png Fire Flak
(Phase 3)
20 90 Ranged - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
2 Fire Fletchettes (Phase 4) From Fire Flak (Phase 2)
FireFletchette.png Fire Fletchette 20 100 Ranged - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
- Raging Tower:
From Fire Flaks (Phase 3)
