Island Worker

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Island Worker
NPC Info
X: Varies Z: Varies
Species Human
Location Isles of Fiction

Island Workers are NPCs who can be found throughout the Isles of Fiction, both on the central island and on the outer isles themed after the four Festivals. They wear the same uniform as the Festival Workers at the Festival of the Heroes, and were apparently hired by Aster to take care of the shops, amenities, and decorations on the isles.


Central Isle

  • Island Worker: Oh, hello! If you're looking for something, I can't help you right now. It's my day off!
  • Island Worker: I'm just taking some time to relax before I need to get back to work.

Bonfire Isle

  • Island Worker: Hm hm hm... Oh, hello there! Don't mind me, I'm just over here keeping the bonfire going!
  • Island Worker: We're not allowed to let it go out, so it needs more wood pretty regularly! Even though I'm pretty sure it's a magical fire...
  • Island Worker: Oh, but that doesn't matter much. I enjoy the work here! It's nice and peaceful.

Spirit Isle

  • Island Worker: I, ah–... Hello! Welcome to the– the Isles of Fiction!
  • Island Worker: ...This place gives me the creeps. N-nobody likes working here! Any– and I mean, ANY of the other islands would have been better...
  • Island Worker: B-but no, SOMEONE has to k-keep an eye on the ghosts. And guess who g-got unlucky this time!
  • Island Worker: ...D-don't tell anybody I was complaining... please...

Blizzard Isle

  • Island Worker: Brr... Goodness, it's cold out here. I m-must say, this island is... n-not my favorite position.
  • Island Worker: B-but someone has to keep an eye on t-things! And today that s-someone is me. Unfortunately.

Heroes Isle

  • Island Worker: Mmn. All seems in order over here. Oh, you there! I haven't seen you around before.
  • Island Worker: A newcomer to the Isles? Well, pleasure to meet you. I can't talk much though, I have a good deal more equipment to check up on.
  • Island Worker: Just try not to mess with anything while you're over here! That would make my job harder.