Qira, Mistress of the Hive

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So, you've arrived. You have proven yourself very capable... I am looking forward to this bout! Let's dance, mortal!!
~ Qira

Qira, Mistress of the Hive
Type Quest Boss
Level 150
Health 360,000
AI Type Support
Abilities Flamethrower, Heal, Teleport, Wave, Web, Drone Summon, Eldritch Force Strike
Elemental Properties
Damage Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Defense Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Location The Qira Hive: Master Division
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Immunity
Blindness Resistance
Slowness Resistance
Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 2)

Qira, Mistress of the Hive
Type Quest Boss
Level 150
Health 360,000
AI Type Melee
Abilities Multihit, Heavy Pull, Teleport, Vanish, Web, Eldritch Force Strike, Eldritch Bombardment
Elemental Properties
Damage Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Defense Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Location The Qira Hive: Master Division, From Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 1)
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Resistance
Blindness Resistance
Slowness Immunity
Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 3)

Qira, Mistress of the Hive
Type Quest Boss
Level 150
Health 500,000
AI Type Ranged
Abilities Meteor, Heavy Pull, Teleport, Web, Drone Summon, Eldritch Force Strike, Eldritch Bombardment, Eldritch Storm
Elemental Properties
Damage Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Defense Water Thunder Earth Air Fire
Location The Qira Hive: Master Division, From Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 2)
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Resistance
Blindness Immunity
Slowness Resistance

Master Catalyst


Qira, Mistress of the Hive is the final boss of The Qira Hive, as well as the owner of the eponymous Qira Hive. She is an extremely tough opponent, recommended to be fought only at Lv. 96 or higher.


Qira alternates strategy in between phases, and can freeze unwary players with her signature attack (shared with only two other beings): a ring of cobwebs. She has very high elemental defense in every element, so it is recommended to focus on single element or purely neutral damage when preparing fight against her. A large portion damage comes from Qira's drones, which appear as spiders. Getting caught in webs and being swarmed may mean the end of the fight. Qira also has four custom spells of her own.


Drone Summon

Qira will summon 10 Hive Drones, having 2 of each element.

Eldritch Force Strike

Based on the Psychomancer's Force Strike, the player is tracked multiple times on differing timers, first being 3 seconds tracked with a 3 second cooldown until an explosion, then a 5 second track followed by a 7 second cooldown until an explosion. Explosions occur in a 4-block radius, dealing 2000 Damage in all elements each, as well as 2000 Neutral Damage as well, giving you -5 Mana Regen and -5 Mana Steal for 30 seconds if caught in the explosion.

Eldritch Bombardment

Based on the Spirit of Gale's Aerial Bombardment, two large areas of the arena are chosen at random (One is horizontal, the other vertical), and after 3 seconds, the areas are bombarded with projectiles for 7 seconds, with damage being dealt every half a second. If you are caught in the projectile bombardment, 10% of your current HP along with 1% of your Max HP is dealt to you as damage.

Eldritch Storm

Based on the Oceanic Judge's Typhoon, three whirlwinds will appear around the middle of the arena and slowly orbit, although unlike Typhoon, they don't spiral outwards. If caught in a whirlwind, they deal 500 Damage in all elements each and 3% of your Max HP as damage per every 0.75 seconds you are within a whirlwind's vicinity. A whirlwind has a 4-block radius being the area of effect.


Phase 1

In this phase, Qira has 375000 HP. Qira in this phase will have a Support AI, meaning she will follow and aim towards minions. Due to this, it is very easy to dodge her attacks. However, she is unable to damage the hive drones. In addition to her signature spider web attack, she uses Heal, Heavy Flamethrower, Wave and Heavy Push. Focus on damaging her, as failure to deplete her health quickly will result in your effort being for naught from her heal. Qira will also have two unique custom spells, being Drone Summon and Eldritch Force Strike, and they will be cast in the following pattern:

  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Drone Summon

The spell chain is based on a timer of 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 15 seconds, and then 30 seconds, 30 seconds, 15 seconds.

Phase 2

In this phase, Qira has 375000 HP, not unlike the first. Qira switches to using melee attacks. Keep her away at all costs, and be wary of her spider web spell. She will have no trouble at all hitting you while you are immobilized. Additionally, if you are too far away, she may use a Heavy Pull spell. Alternatively, she will utilize Heavy Teleport. Always pay attention to her position, as she is able to use Vanish. Under similar circumstances, she can punish you with Heavy Multihits. Qira will no longer use Drone Summon during this phase, but will instead have the Eldritch Bombardment spell instead. The spell chain is as follows:

  • Eldritch Bombardment
  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Eldritch Bombardment
  • Eldritch Bombardment
  • Eldritch Force Strike

The spell chain is based on a timer of 20 seconds, 20 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds, 15 seconds.

Phase 3

This is Qira's final form. Her HP is upped to 500000. She will act very similarly to the original Qira as she has a Ranged AI. Along with her signature attack, she can use Teleport and Heavy Pull to decrease your distance from her. However, don't get too close, as she can use Meteor as well. Pay attention to the ground, watch to see if she casts a spell, and pray that groups of drones don't swarm you. Qira will regain her Drone Summon spell and gains her fourth and final spell, Eldritch Storm. The spell chain is as follows:

  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Eldritch Bombardment
  • Eldritch Force Strike
  • Eldritch Bombardment
  • Drone Summon

The spell chain is based on a timer of 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase1).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 1)
150 360,000 Support Flamethrower
Drone Summon
Eldritch Force Strike
✹ Dam
✹ Def
Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive:
Master Division
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase2).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 2)
150 360,000 Melee Multihit
Heavy Pull
Eldritch Force Strike
Eldritch Bombardment
✹ Dam
✹ Def
Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 3)
The Qira Hive:
Master Division,
From Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 1)
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase3).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 3)
150 500,000 Ranged Meteor
Heavy Pull
Drone Summon
Eldritch Force Strike
Eldritch Bombardment
Eldritch Storm
✹ Dam
✹ Def

Master Catalyst

The Qira Hive:
Master Division,
From Qira, Mistress of the Hive (Phase 2)


Qira will say various lines of dialogue throughout her fight, with different lines at different phases. Some lines are said in a set pattern before changing to random lines from a pool of generic ones. Unlike her death dialogue, she will repeat these lines even if the player has already completed the Qira Hive.

Phase 1

15 seconds:

  • Qira: Many have made it this far. None have succeeded- not against me.

45 seconds:

  • Qira: Oh? You look surprised! Is it a wonder that the creator may be able to use powers of those she has created?

60 seconds:

  • Qira: Yes, I am responsible for the state of all those who fight in this Hive. Wondrous, is it not?

90 seconds:

  • Qira: That is a minute and a half you have survived in this battle. So many have failed by this point. You look promising, then...

120 seconds:

  • Qira: Endurance is not enough to best me, however... I am certain you are aware of this.

135 seconds:

  • Qira: So let us see if you can break me down. Take the first step in this waltz of the damned.

Once 165 seconds have elapsed in the fight, Qira will say any of the following lines in a random order until she transitions into her second phase.

  • Qira: What shall be the end of you here? Myself, or my wonderful little creations?
  • Qira: Go on, Wynn warrior! Dance for me!
  • Qira: Come now, pick up the pace. We are here to battle, not participate in a marathon.

Phase 2

Phase transition:

  • Qira: Aha! So you can crack my defenses...then let me see what you are made of up close, Wynn warrior.

20 seconds:

  • Qira: Do not presume I am limited to merely one trick. My knowledge surpasses the barriers of reality itself.

40 seconds:

  • Qira: To balance life itself with the power I require of my army is a delicate art. Every single creation must be perfect.

55 seconds:

  • Qira: Some must be reined in, some must be adjusted as time goes on... But there is beauty in iteration.

75 seconds:

  • Qira: I could compare the methods and rituals I use to the choreography of a dance... But that would be reaching, wouldn't it?

95 seconds:

  • Qira: No, calling it art is far more apt. Art through adversity, perhaps.

110 seconds:

  • Qira: But combat- Now this is truly a dance. And like this, I shall take the lead!

Once 140 seconds have elapsed in the fight, Qira will say any of the following lines in a random order until she transitions into her third phase.

  • Qira: To have seen you fought against the best my Hive had to offer was entertaining... To see you in person is another prospect entirely.
  • Qira: Do not make me cast you aside. Your armor would catch a pretty penny for scrap... But it would be a waste.
  • Qira: Are you overwhelmed? Do you fear me?

Phase 3

Phase transition:

  • Qira: There have been scarce few to push me to this point... I will not stop, however. You have not won yet, Wynn warrior!

15 seconds:

  • Qira: I must admit my pleasure seeing you last this long- It is a refreshing change of pace.

35 seconds:

  • Qira: But all things can be improved. Everything can be iterated upon and made stronger... And that includes you.

50 seconds:

  • Qira: Practice, rigorous training, magical equipment... And have you not gained all of these from my glorious Hive?

70 seconds:

  • Qira: Our work is exhaustive, and we must be tireless in our preparations. And so...I extend my invitation to all adventurers.

90 seconds:

  • Qira: Come and break yourselves upon my creations! Find the limits of your power- so we may also find ours.

105 seconds:

  • Qira: So that I may eliminate all weaknesses from my army- for the enemy shall prey upon all it can find.

125 seconds:

  • Qira: All is fair in love and war, as it is said. But we of the Hive shall emerge victorious.

140 seconds:

  • Qira: This leaves you. And you must ask of yourself what your breaking point is. Is it here, in my clutches?

160 seconds:

  • Qira: Will it be elsewhere, to some unknown horror? Will you succumb to your own despair?

180 seconds:

  • Qira: Are you bound my your limitations? Or will you continue to fight, Wynn warrior? Answer me!!

Once 195 seconds have elapsed in the fight, Qira will say any of the following lines in a random order until her defeat.

  • Qira: Is your power given, or wielded? Will you abuse it, or make use of it?
  • Qira: Power begets the attention of madness. Can you endure its pull?
  • Qira: Will you find a cause nobler than yourself, and dedicate your life to it?
  • Qira: Will you fear the end, or seek to rewrite fate?
  • Qira: Will you give your heart in vain to those you cannot save?


  • Qira only decides to fight the player because they apparently impressed her with their skills venturing through the rest of the Hive.
  • She was at one point asked to eliminate the Decay, but refused to do so.
  • On legendary island, Dr. Legendary wanted to replicate her as the final battle in his island but she refused and said that if he does so, death would be one of the best options for him.
  • In earlier drafts of The Qira Hive (Quest), Qira was a male sorcerer, however it was decided that her gender would be changed as to add more variety to characters. This transition may be part of the lore in game, with Qira the character initially being Male and later choosing to be Female, however there isn't enough evidence to prove or disprove this.
    • Salted jokingly suggested that she would have both male and female sexual organs , making her Intersex, though the canonicity of his is incredibly dubious, and should be considered a joke over a fact.
  • Qira uses the Inhibitor chestplate to dampen her powers. You can get it from Qira, although it has a very low drop rate being 0.04%.
  • Despite Qira Gavel not being her name, some residents of Gavel think that's what Qira's full name is. Qira herself has shown annoyance over this moniker.[1]
  • Some of Qira's lines she says during her fight are pulled from the fight with Eclipse from Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch[2].

Notes & References