The Qira Hive

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The Qira Hive CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Hard
Location The Qira Hive
Province Gavel
Combat Level 80
Starter NPC Yansur
Reward As follows:

The Qira Hive is a long level 80-101 special quest in which the player goes through six different divisions, the first five representing each element and the last division representing Qira’s boss room. This quest will take not the standard amount of time to finish, but rather it is to be completed as the player levels since each division is based around certain levels (look in the Hive Shop to see what levels you should challenge each division at). This quest is Gavel's version of the Tower of Ascension, a quest in the Wynn Province. It takes place in the Canyon of the Lost, specifically in The Qira Hive.

Starting the Quest

Yansur is the NPC who starts and ends the quest, and provides the main dialogue. You must talk to him after each division to receive your reward.


  • Yansur: I see another lost soul has found their way to The Qira Hive!
  • Yansur: I can't say I am overwhelmed by your appearance. Here, the birth of many powerful and magical monsters take place.
  • Yansur: Gavel's governments can not stop Mistress Qira. I doubt you can either.
  • Yansur: If you want to meet her, you will have to defeat each division of her army.
  • Yansur: Although powerful, she is not without honour. After every floor you complete, you will receive a token for a reward from the shop. Good luck, adventurer-
  • ????: Excuse me, but aren't you forgetting some things, Yansur?
  • Yansur: Wh- Oh, Mistress, am I? My apologies...
  • Qira: You will be disciplined later...fine. Consider yourself honoured to have even a moment of my time, adventurer. Allow me to explain in further detail, my glorious Hive.
  • Qira: As Yansur explained, if you wish audience with me, you must prove yourself worthy of my presence by defeating each division of my personal army.
  • Qira: It consists of five main divisions, each one based around a particular element. Thunder, Air, Earth, and so on. Clearing one will unlock the next for you to face.
  • Qira: To pass a floor of the division, defeat my forces and put the catalysts they drop into the collector. You will need five catalysts to pass a floor.
  • Qira: After nine floors of normal troops, you will face a Division Leader. These exceptionally powerful members of my army will be fought alone, and you will only need one catalyst from them to pass.
  • Qira: The Thunder Division will be your first challenge. I do hope you will be entertaining to watch...

The Thunder Division


  • Qira: Begin, the Thunder Division! Strike quickly and move on, for those within will warp your very mind should you stray for too long!


  • ????: Heeheehahaaah! I see you! You humans have such easily influenced minds, but I'll settle for beating you within an inch of your life! Come through, come through!!!


  • Psychomancer: Feh, you're no fun, you little cheater! I was supposed to beat you, not the other way around!
  • Psychomancer: I hate you so much. Just get out and talk to that idiot servant already!!


  • Yansur: You have completed the Thunder floor? How surprising. They were some of Mistress Qira's earliest successes.
  • Qira: How was your first taste of the Hive? Your battle against the Psychomancer was quite the spectacle to behold, heheheh...
  • Yansur: I agree, Mistress. As promised, here is a Thunder Voucher.
  • Yansur: Take it to the shop to claim your prize. It is located at the base of the Hive. The servant there will have important information for you regarding your prizes.
  • Yansur: I doubt you are still worth Mistress's time, however. She has much to tend to here, as you might guess.
  • Yansur: She made a deal with Gavel's people long ago, after they foolishly attempted to lay siege to our Hive.
  • Yansur: She could continue her unethical and possibly evil work...and in return, she would allow the people of Gavel to remain undisturbed by her.
  • Yansur: Next you must tackle the Air division, featuring some of her tougher creations.

The Air Division


  • Qira: Begin, the Air Division! Fight freely with the wind, for the coming storm shall claim you for my own if you cannot spread your wings here!


  • ????: Well, nice work getting this far! Don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna pull my punches here, okay? I'm rooting for you, so let's have fun with this! Come on through!


  • Gale: Heehee, maybe I didn't need to hold back after all? You did really well, really well!
  • Gale: A lot of people say I'm the roughest we have to offer, so you've got this! I'm sorry you have to go talk to Yansur of all people now, though.


  • Yansur: Hrm, perhaps we have underestimated you. The creations of Air have defeated thousands, particularly-
  • Qira: Hush, Yansur. Not a word about her.
  • Yansur: ...yes. Here is the promised Air Voucher.
  • Yansur: The shop has your reward prepared. If you have not talked to the servant at the shop, do so next you go there.
  • Yansur: You still have a long way to go. It is not easy to gain an audience with Mistress Qira.
  • Yansur: Your next objective is to clear the Earth division. Some of the most powerful, raw creatures ever hatched.

The Earth Division


  • Qira: Begin, the Earth Division! You must withstand both sheer force and deadly toxins! Be quick on your feet, or you will return to the dust of the earth!


  • Seems you can move on... All you hear is a bloodcurdling roar. What lies ahead...?


  • Well, now that you've destroyed that terrible thing, it seems prudent to tell Yansur and get your Earth Voucher.


  • Yansur: Creatures of the earth were not enough for you... Mistress's most rawly powerful... Destroyed.
  • Qira: Managed to defeat Genesis, hm? It is normally the end of most... Interesting.
  • Yansur: Well, here is your Earth Voucher.
  • Yansur: The shop has your reward prepared. If you have not talked to the servant at the shop, do so next you go there.
  • Yansur: It is impressive to see how far you have come. Many have failed at this point.
  • Yansur: It is of no consequence, however, for the Water division is your next challenge. I am sure you will not succeed.

The Water Division


  • Qira: Begin, the Water Division! If you will not withstand the crashing waves, the creatures that lurk within shall ensure you never emerge from the abyss!


  • ????: You have been judged worthy enough to face me in combat. However, I know your strength, and I do not believe it enough to defeat me. Come forth now. Make your attempt to prove me wrong.


  • Oceanic Judge: Seems my judgment was incorrect. In this case, however, it is refreshing to see.
  • Oceanic Judge: Continue forwards, honourable human. Perhaps your intellect and respect will rub off on that insufferable Yansur.


  • Yansur: Impossible. Not even the most tactically advanced monsters could defeat you.
  • Qira: I must admit I am impressed; the Judge is ruthless...perhaps he needs further tweaking?
  • Yansur: ...Here's the Water Voucher you're expecting.
  • Yansur: The shop has your reward prepared. If you have not talked to the servant at the shop, do so next you go there.
  • Yansur: We are intrigued by your determination... But we are not worried. We do not expect you to make it past the next floor.
  • Yansur: Now you must face some of the toughest creatures of Mistress Qira's imagination!
  • Yansur: You must now face the division of Fire, and it will be sure to burn you.

The Fire Division


  • Qira: Begin, the Fire Division! Summon your courage, and brave the heat of the volcanoes and blow away in the breeze!


  • ????: Impressive, making it this far. I am your final test. Let us fight fairly, then. An honourable end to your challenge is only fitting, whether that be triumph or defeat. Come forward and face me.


  • Solar Vanguard: Defeat feels strange, after so long. You fought valiantly, and with great zeal, however. It would be a lie to say I am disappointed. Impart these traits onto Mistress's servant, if you would, and claim your final prize.
  • Solar Vanguard: All that is left is to talk to Mistress's servant, and claim your final prize. Surely he will not be as great an obstacle as I was.


  • Yansur: This is unprecedented. You have defeated some of the most recent and powerful creations.
  • Qira: Even downed the Vanguard...? My word...
  • Yansur: Here you are then, the Fire Voucher!
  • Yansur: The shop has your reward prepared. If you have not talked to the servant at the shop, do so next you go there.
  • Yansur: This is unorthodox, as no one has made it this far. But I suppose this means that you have earned an audience with-
  • Qira: Allow me to stop you there, Yansur. I wish to make an exception for this challenger.
  • Qira: You have intrigued me, adventurer...and I want to put you to the truest test.
  • Yansur: Hah! Incredible! Mistress wishes to battle you herself! You astound me.
  • Yansur: Be warned, however. This will be your toughest battle yet. Mistress Qira is the most feared being in Gavel.
  • Yansur: You will die...but consider it the greatest honour to die by her hand.
  • Qira: I await you in my chambers...

Master Division


  • Qira: So, you've arrived. You have proven yourself very capable... I am looking forward to this bout! Let's dance, mortal!!


  • Qira: You...ahaha...I like you. You're capable enough... perhaps we could be allies in the future...
  • You defeated Qira! All that's left to do is to tell Yansur!

Finishing the Quest


  • Yansur: How cowardly! After defeating so many in the Hive, and receiving such praise, you've the gall to upstand Mistress's request?
  • Yansur: I had begun to think highly of you, but after such a disgusting display-
  • Qira: They defeated me, Yansur.
  • Yansur: Wha...that- No, that can't possibly be correct, you are-
  • Qira: You question your mistress? I have nothing to gain from lying to you about this. And there is no shame in admitting defeat.
  • Yansur: ...Masterful...Have we been cooped up in this Hive so long that our army is outdated?
  • Yansur: To be defeated by a human of Wynn... I am not sure whether to be disappointed or amazed. Our ultimate challenge has been bested.
  • Qira: It is simply a testament to their strength. I will prepare a special reward for them to mark the occasion.
  • Yansur: Here is your voucher, then. The back room in the shop will have your rewards. If you still have not talked to the servant at the shop...well. You should know by now.
  • Yansur: Mistress...if I may tell the tale? She was once called upon to help stop the decay of the forest.
  • Yansur: With her boundless knowledge and magic, she surely could have cured it. But she declined.
  • Yansur: She instead chose to create, obsessed with preparing for some sort of war.
  • Yansur: Mistress never elaborated, but it seems like she knows something we don't.
  • Qira: It is as I have always told you. The darkness is coming...but if you Wynn folk are all as strong as you have proven yourself to be, we may just be able to beat it back. Honour to you, warrior of Wynn.


There are a total of 5 division containing 10 levels (9 normal rooms and one boss room), with the 6th division being a single battle against Qira herself. For the first 5 divisions, you collect 5 tokens from killing the mobs on that level. Then, you talk to the token collector to proceed. At the boss room, you must collect one token from the boss to finish the division.

Most enemies in the Hive, particularly the bosses, tend to have pronounced elemental defenses and weaknesses. For example, Solar Vanguard is practically immune to Fire, Thunder, and Air damage, but has a massive Water weakness.

Spawn rates generally cap at 2 or 3 mobs per room, and often there is a gap between clearing out those 2-3 before the next few spawn. Regular mobs in the earlier divisions often use only one or two spells, but higher-level mobs - particularly in the Water and Fire divisions - often use multiple spells that synergize with their attack modes.

Thunder Division

The Thunder Division, ranging from level 80-83, represents the Thunder element and is the first division. Enemies here have a wide variance of attack abilities, often with high damage ranges.
A full list of the mobs in the thunder division can be found here.

Air Division

The Air Division, ranging from level 84-87, represents the Air element and is the second division. Enemies here tend to move very quickly, despite having below-average damage.
A full list of the mobs in the air division can be found here.

Earth Division

The Earth Division, ranging from level 88-91, represents the Earth element and is the third division. Enemies here generally do not move fast, but hit extremely hard. Don't get caught.
A full list of the mobs in the earth division can be found here.

Water Division

The Water Division, ranging from level 92-95, represents the Water element and is the fourth division. Enemies here often have tricky gimmicks, such as shooting invisible projectiles or sudden shifts in ability.
A full list of the mobs in the water division can be found here.

Fire Division

The Fire Division, ranging from level 96-99, represents the Fire element and is the fifth division. The enemies here are extremely powerful in all regards. Prepare your gear accordingly.
A full list of the mobs in the fire division can be found here.

Master Division

The Master Division, which is recommended for people who are level 100+, is the final division. This is a boss battle, and not like the last floor in Tower of Ascension where bosses from previous floors spawn alongside the final boss. It is advisable to bring some teammates along as it will be a tough battle against Qira, Mistress of the Hive.
A full list of the mobs in the master division can be found here.


This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Hive Grounds. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Hive Shockdrone.png Hive Shockdrone 100 - - - ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- The Qira Hive (Entrance)
Hive Blinkdrone.png Hive Blinkdrone 100 - - - ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- The Qira Hive (Entrance)
Hive Crushdrone.png Hive Crushdrone 100 - - - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- The Qira Hive (Entrance)
Hive Wavedrone.png Hive Wavedrone 100 - - - ✦ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
- The Qira Hive (Entrance)
Hive Flaredrone.png Hive Flaredrone 100 - - - ✹ Dam
✹ Def
- The Qira Hive (Entrance)
Hive Webdrone.png Hive Webdrone 100 - Melee - ✦ Def - The Qira Hive
HiveDroneling.png Hive Droneling 79 4550 Melee - ✦ Dam - The Qira Hive
HiveScuttler(Level80).PNG Hive Scuttler 80 4750 Melee - - - The Qira Hive
HiveScuttler(Level81).PNG Hive Scuttler 81 4900 Melee - - - The Qira Hive
YoungHiveDrone.png Young Hive Drone 82 5050 Melee - ✦ Dam - The Qira Hive
Hive Servant.png Hive Servant 80 - - - - - Servant's Quarters
Tamed Hive Scuttler.png Tame Hive Scuttler 80 - Melee - - - Servant's Quarters
EclecticSentry.png Eclectic Sentry 110 54500 Rapid Ranged AI Heal

- Cave at 413, 135, -5645
The Qira Hive (Location)

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Thunder Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Elecculent.png Elecculent 80 17600 Ranged - ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
❉ Def
Thunder Catalyst I The Qira Hive
ShambaBandia.png Shamba Bandia 81 18300 Melee Multihit ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst II The Qira Hive
AkanHaram.png Akan Haram 81 18300 Melee Pull
Heavy Weakness
❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst III The Qira Hive
VoidArtisan.png Void Artisan 82 19000 Melee Charge
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst IV The Qira Hive
Shrieker.png Shrieker 83 19700 Ranged Vanish
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst V The Qira Hive
Lamigeist.png Lamigeist 84 20300 Melee Push
❉ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst VI The Qira Hive
HuwaKamBali.png Huwa Kam Bali
(Phase 1)
84 20300 Ranged Flamethrower ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst VII
Huwa Kam Bali
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
HuwaKamBali(Phase2).png Huwa Kam Bali
(Phase 2)
84 4000 Melee - ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Huwa Kam Bali
(Phase 1)
AllicioBishop.png Allicio Bishop 85 21000 Ranged Teleport ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst VIII The Qira Hive
Incarnate.png Incarnate 86 25750 Melee Charge ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst IX The Qira Hive
Psychomancer.png Psychomancer 95 150000 Ranged Teleport
Clone Trap
Force Strike
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Thunder Catalyst X The Qira Hive

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Air Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MistStarling.png Mist Starling 86 22350 Melee Vanish ✦ Weak
❉ Dam
✤ Def
Air Catalyst I The Qira Hive
RamZephyria.png Ram Zephyria
(Phase 1)
87 23500 Melee Pull
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✤ Def
Ram Zephyria
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
RamZephyria(Phase2).png Ram Zephyria
(Phase 2)
87 10000 Melee Heal ❋ Dam
✤ Def
Air Catalyst II Ram Zephyria
(Phase 1)
StarChaser.png Star Chaser 87 23500 Melee Charge ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Air Catalyst III The Qira Hive
StridingAce.png Striding Ace 88 24000 Melee - ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
Air Catalyst IV The Qira Hive
LeannanSidhe.png Leannan Sidhe 89 25000 Ranged Weakness ✤ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
Air Catalyst V The Qira Hive
NimbusStrafer.png Nimbus Strafer 90 25000 Ranged Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
Air Catalyst VI The Qira Hive
Celestivael.png Celestivael 90 25000 Ranged Teleport
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✦ Def
Air Catalyst VII The Qira Hive
WindcutHarpy.png Windcut Harpy 91 26700 Melee Teleport
✦ Weak
❋ Dam
✤ Def
Air Catalyst VIII The Qira Hive
StormyKnight.png Stormy Knight 92 34450 Melee Flamethrower
✤ Weak
❋ Dam
✦ Def
Air Catalyst IX The Qira Hive
SpiritofGale.png Spirit of Gale 101 210000 Ranged Charge
Arrow Storm
Aerial Bombardment
Sonic Boom
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✦ Def
Air Catalyst X The Qira Hive

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Earth Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Ambertoise.png Ambertoise 92 28625 Melee Charge ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
Earth Catalyst I The Qira Hive
SuburPencari.png Subur Pencari 93 29500 Melee Multihit ✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Earth Catalyst II The Qira Hive
Humbark.png Humbark 93 29500 Ranged Heavy Weakness ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
Earth Catalyst III The Qira Hive
MouldedCrack.png Moulded Crack
(Phase 1)
94 30500 Melee Self-Destruct
✤ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
Earth Catalyst IV
Moulded Crack
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
MouldedCrack(Phase2).png Moulded Crack
(Phase 2)
94 15245 Melee Slowness ✤ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
- Moulded Crack
(Phase 1)
SilencingSluagh.png Silencing Sluagh 95 31400 Melee Meteor ✹ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Earth Catalyst V The Qira Hive
JangwaGrowth.png Jangwa Growth
(Phase 1)
96 32500 Ranged Heavy Slowness ✤ Dam
✤ Def
Earth Catalyst VI
Jangwa Growth
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
Jangwa Growth
(Phase 2)
JangwaGrowth(Phase2).png Jangwa Growth
(Phase 2)
96 Invulnerable - Heavy Slowness
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Jangwa Growth
(Phase 1)
Jangwa Growth
(Phase 1)
ElderOak.png Elder Oak 97 33500 Ranged Teleport
✦ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Earth Catalyst VII The Qira Hive
BeetleCrusader.png Beetle Crusader 97 33500 Melee Multihit
❉ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
Earth Catalyst VIII The Qira Hive
Golemlus.png Golemlus 98 45000 Melee Push
✦ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Earth Catalyst IX The Qira Hive
Genesis-Revorse.png Genesis-Revorse 107 280000 Melee Charge
Quaking Ground
Collapsing Arena
Full Collapse
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Earth Catalyst X The Qira Hive
Genemorph(Phase1).png Genemorph
(Phase 1)
98 15000 Melee Charge
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
Genemorph(Phase2).png Genemorph
(Phase 2)
98 15000 Melee Charge
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Genococoon Genemorph
(Phase 1)
Genecocoon.png Genecocoon 98 Invulnerable - Self-Destruct ✤ Dam ✦ Def Genemorph
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
(Phase 2)

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Water Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AbyssNavigator.png Abyss Navigator 98 35875 Melee Teleport
❋ Weak
❉ Dam
✦ Def
Water Catalyst I The Qira Hive
AquaNishati.png Aqua Nishati 99 37000 Ranged Charge ✦ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
Water Catalyst II The Qira Hive
Symphonia.png Symphonia 99 37000 Ranged Heavy Slowness
Heavy Weakness
✦ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
Water Catalyst III The Qira Hive
PristineMaiden.png Pristine Maiden 100 38000 Melee Pull
❉ Dam
❉ Def
Water Catalyst IV The Qira Hive
MarineLamptern.png Marine Lamptern 101 39250 Ranged Teleport
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Water Catalyst V The Qira Hive
BlackLure.png Black Lure 102 40500 Melee Charge
✦ Weak
❉ Dam
✤ Def
Water Catalyst VI The Qira Hive
GuardianMerman.png Guardian Merman 102 40500 Melee - ✦ Weak
❉ Def
Water Catalyst VII The Qira Hive
CalatanthSoldier.png Calatanth Soldier 103 41700 Melee Multihit ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Water Catalyst VIII The Qira Hive
HailstoneLamina.png Hailstone Lamia 104 56000 Ranged Arrow Storm ✦ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
Water Catalyst IX The Qira Hive
OceanicJudge.png Oceanic Judge 113 350000 Ranged Wave
Counterspell Debuff
Counterspell Retaliation
Ocean's Fury
✦ Weak
❉ Dam
✤ Def
Water Catalyst X The Qira Hive

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Fire Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FlameDancer.png Flame Dancer 104 44500 Ranged Charge ❉ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
Fire Catalyst I The Qira Hive
Fyrovern.png Fyrovern 105 45600 Melee Charge
✦ Weak
✹ Dam
❋ Def
Fire Catalyst II The Qira Hive
TikiWela.png Tiki Wela 105 45600 Melee Meteor ❉ Weak
✦ Dam
✹ Def
Fire Catalyst III The Qira Hive
IgnisHelm.png Ignis Helm 106 47000 Melee Flamethrower
❉ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Fire Catalyst IV The Qira Hive
CoronaEmber.png Corona Ember 107 48500 Ranged Flamethrower
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Fire Catalyst V The Qira Hive
CinderHusk.png Cinder Husk 108 50000 Ranged Charge
❉ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
Fire Catalyst VI The Qira Hive
MoltenWillow.png Molten Willow 108 50000 Ranged Pull
❉ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
Fire Catalyst VII The Qira Hive
Ferus.png Ferus 109 51250 Melee Self-Destruct
❉ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
Fire Catalyst VIII The Qira Hive
Magmorous.png Magmorous 110 72600 Melee Charge
❉ Weak
✹ Dam
✤ Def
Fire Catalyst IX The Qira Hive
SolarVanguard(Phase1).png Solar Vanguard
(Phase 1)
120 300000 Melee Flamethrower
Searing Ground
Magma Pillar
❉ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Solar Vanguard
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
SolarVanguard(Phase2).png Solar Vanguard
(Phase 2)
120 300000 Melee Pull
Searing Ground
Magma Pillar
❉ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Fire Catalyst X The Qira Hive

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/The Qira Hive § Master Division. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase1).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 1)
150 375000 Ranged Explosion
Drone Summon
Eldritch Force Strike
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 2)
The Qira Hive
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase2).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 2)
150 375000 Melee Explosion
Eldritch Force Strike
Eldritch Bombardment
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 3)
The Qira Hive
Qira,MistressoftheHive(Phase3).png Qira, Mistress of the Hive
(Phase 3)
150 500000 Ranged Teleport
Drone Summon
Eldritch Force Strike
Eldritch Bombardment
Eldritch Storm
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Master Catalyst

The Qira Hive
HiveDrone(Air).png Hive Drone
100 9000 Melee Vanish ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- The Qira Hive
HiveDrone(Earth).png Hive Drone
100 18000 Melee Charge ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- The Qira Hive
HiveDrone(Thunder).png Hive Drone
100 18000 Melee Multihit ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- The Qira Hive
HiveDrone(Water).png Hive Drone
100 18000 Melee Wave ✦ Weak
❉ Dam
❉ Def
- The Qira Hive
HiveDrone(Fire).png Hive Drone
100 27000 Melee Flamethrower ❉ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
- The Qira Hive


  • The XP reward of the Qira Hive quest scales with your level and as it is supposed to be finished at around level 95-100. You will get significantly less XP if you finish it at level 80.
  • If you can't find The Hive, you should walk down the trail outside of Thanos, where you should go down straight down from there and then you should take a left and you should find it.


  • This quest has a total of 64 stages, making it the second-longest quest in the game, behind the Tower of Ascension. The stages follow this structure:
    • First Stage:
      • Talk to Yansur at [372, 66, -5501] and begin the Hive Challenge
    • Per Division:
      • Prepare to enter the {Element} Division
      • Collect 5 {Element} Catalyst Y (9 times per set)
      • Defeat {Division Leader} and collect 1 {Element} Catalyst X
      • Talk to Yansur to receive your prize for overcoming the {Element} Division
    • After Defeating the Solar Vanguard:
      • Talk to Yansur to receive your prize for overcoming the Fire Division and complete the Hive Challenge
      • Prepare to enter the chambers of Mistress Qira
      • Defeat Qira, Mistress of the Hive and collect 1 Master Catalyst
      • Talk to Yansur and truly complete the Hive Challenge
  • The Catalyst Collectors have their own action dialogue, being: "The mysterious box accepts your tokens. You're free to move on to the next room."
  • The Oceanic Judge is the mob in the Water Division with the lowest Water Defense as all other mobs have a Water Defense of 99.999