Remikas' Authority

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Remikas' Authority

Item Lore
This plain-looking silver bracer is one of the last surviving heirlooms of the first Gavellian king, to be passed down to his heirs. The shimmering metal is said to contain Remikas' soul within it.
Item Information
Item Bracelet
Min. Level 66
Rarity Legendary
Obtain Dungeon Drop
Forgery Reward
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +350
Earth 20
Thunder 20
Water 20
Fire 20
Air 20
Defense Min: 60

Remikas' Authority is a level 66 Legendary Bracelet. It can rarely be obtained as a drop upon completing the Galleon's Graveyard or Corrupted Decrepit Sewers Dungeons, as well as occasionally from the Forgery Chest, which is unlocked for players who have completed multiple Corrupted Dungeons in a row at the Forgery.

Remikas' Authority provides Elemental defenses and boosts to all five skills, primarily focused around Defense.


It costs 352 Emeralds to identify Remikas' Authority.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +3
 Dexterity   ~  +2
 Intelligence   ~  +3
 Defense   ~  +6
 Agility   ~  +2
