Sandy Scarab Hiding In Sand

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Sandy Scarab Hiding In Sand
Type Hostile Mob
Level 31
Health 320
AI Type Melee AI
Elemental Properties
Weakness Air
Defense Earth

Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand are a Hostile Mob created by Shifting Sandpiles found in the Almuj Desert.


Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand are a melee enemy that follow the player and deal damage on contact. On death, they spawn 1 Sandy Scarab.

Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand take extra damage from Air attacks and take less damage from Earth attacks.

They have no abilities.


Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand can drop the following ingredients when defeated:

Guaranteed Drop

Soft Sand [✫✫✫]
Tier 0 Crafting Ingredient
-3% to -2% Walk Speed
+1% Main Attack Damage
-24 Durability
Crafting Lv. Min: 30
  • Weaponsmithing
more info...

Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand may additionally drop Normal Items, Unidentified Items, Emeralds, Powders, and Potions of Healing.


Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand can be created when a Shifting Sandpile is defeated. They do not spawn naturally.

Almuj Desert
1119, 67, -1969
Wynncraft Map

Table data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShiftingSandpile(Normal).png Shifting Sandpile 30 1 Melee AI - -
Soft Sand (Guaranteed)

Desert Fossil
One of the following:
Almuj Desert
SandyScarabHidingInSand.png Sandy Scarab Hiding In Sand 31 320 Melee AI - ❋ Weak
✤ Def

Soft Sand (Guaranteed)
1 Sandy Scarab
From Shifting Sandpiles
SandyScarab.png Sandy Scarab 31 320 Melee AI - -
Mashed Insect

Scarab Husk
Almuj Desert
From Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand
From Shifting Sandpiles
