Lists of mobs/Almuj Desert

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Almuj Desert. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Surface Mobs

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShiftingSandpile(Normal).png Shifting Sandpile 30 1 Melee AI - -
Soft Sand (Guaranteed)

Desert Fossil
One of the following:
Almuj Desert
SandyScarab.png Sandy Scarab 31 320 Melee AI - -
Mashed Insect

Scarab Husk
Almuj Desert
From Sandy Scarabs Hiding In Sand
From Shifting Sandpiles
SandyScarabHidingInSand.png Sandy Scarab Hiding In Sand 31 320 Melee AI -


Soft Sand (Guaranteed)
1 Sandy Scarab
From Shifting Sandpiles
SandshornSkeleton.png Sandshorn Skeleton 32 275 Ranged AI -

Gritty Rocks

Sandy Bonemeal

Dry Bone
From Shifting Sandpiles
Ruins at 1389, 99, -2001
GrittyZombie.png Gritty Zombie 33 750 Melee AI - -
Gritty Rocks
From Shifting Sandpiles
Ruins at 1389, 99, -2001
Salt-Soaked Skeleton.png Salt-soaked Skeleton 34 1200 NeutralRanged AI - -

Dry Bone
From Shifting Sandpiles
Scarab.png Scarab 30 300 Crawl AI - -
Mashed Insect

Scarab Husk
Almuj Desert
Cave at 1339, 75, -1703
SandCrawler.png Sand Crawler (Lv. 31) 31 315 Crawl AI - -
Crawler Web

Crawler Eye
Almuj Desert
SandCrawler(Level33).png Sand Crawler (Lv. 33) 33 355 Crawl AI - -
Crawler Web

Crawler Eye
Almuj Desert
OasisLeech.png Oasis Leech 31 330 Melee AI -

- Lake at 1305, 72, -1863
Lake at 1175, 77, -2137
Lake at 1400, 83, -2100
Lake at 1473, 95, -2134
Lake at 1391, 87, -1917
RiverLocustSwarm.png River Locust Swarm 30 210 Retreat AI -

Mashed Insect
Almuj Great River
Rattlesnake.png Rattlesnake 30 210 Berserk AI - -
Cracked Skin

Snake Scale
Entrance to Sand-Swept Tomb
Mine at 1470, 89, -2195
TerracottaSoldier.png Terracotta Soldier 32 350 Melee AI -

Terracotta Chunk
Around Desert Royal Residence
1124, 76, -2055
1291, 77, -1706
BringerofRedSands.png Bringer of Red Sands 34 280 Ranged AI -


Scalding Sand
Around Desert Royal Residence
1100, 82, -2063
1291, 77, -1706
DesertCamel.png Desert Camel 32 245 Melee - - - Desert
DryZombie.png Dry Zombie 34 440 Melee - -
Cracked Skin
Almuj Desert
PresocietalStonewalker.png Presocietal Stonewalker 35 1275 Crawl AI Charge


Terracotta Chunk

Stonewalker Core
1090, 74, -1905
1135, 75, -2188
1448, 84, -2145
DireSubaltern.png Dire Subaltern 35 425 Charge AI Multihit


Chain Loop

Sharp Edge
1090, 74, -1905
1135, 75, -2188
1448, 84, -2145
ShadowSpearsBandit(Melee).png Shadow Spears Bandit 33 260 Melee - - Bandit's Set Invaded Barracks
Cave at 1340, 31, -1550
ShadowSpearsBandit(Ranged).png Shadow Spears Bandit 33 260 Ranged - - Bandit's Set Invaded Barracks
Cave at 1340, 31, -1550
Betrayer.png Betrayer (Melee) 35 1155 Melee AI -

- Pyramid at 1300, 78, -2000
Betrayer(Beserk).png Betrayer (Beserk) 35 1155 Beserk AI - - - Pyramid at 1300, 78, -2000
RatMan.png Rat Man 35 950 Ranged AI Arrow Storm

- Pyramid at 1300, 78, -2000
TheCurse.png The Curse 37 2780 Charge AI Arrow Storm
Heavy Charge



- Pyramid at 1300, 78, -2000
Zebra.png Zebra 30 300 Scared - - - Almuj Great River

Cave Mobs

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AncientHusk.png Ancient Husk 30 915 Melee AI - - - Mountainside at 1424, 106, -1902
SandSlinger.png Sand Slinger 32 790 RapidRanged AI Push - - Mountainside at 1424, 106, -1902
SandJuggler.png Sand Juggler 34 215 Ranged AI -

- Cave at 1030, 63, -2173
SpinySkeletonGuard.png Spiny Skeleton Guard 35 520 Neutral AI - - - Cave at 1030, 63, -2173
GreedyMiner.png Greedy Miner 37 720 Neutral AI -
- Cave at 1339, 75, -1703
Mine at 1444, 86, -2212
Mine at 1144, 74, -1861
File:EmeraldKnivesBandit(Ranged).png Emerald Knives Bandit (Ranged) 35 425 Ranged AI - - - Cave at 1339, 75, -1703
EmeraldKnivesBandit(Melee).png Emerald Knives Bandit (Melee) 36 460 Melee AI - - - Cave at 1339, 75, -1703
QuicksandCarversBandit(Level33).png Quicksand Carvers Bandit (Ranged) 33 525 Ranged AI - - Bandit's Set 975, 62, -2110
QuicksandCarversBandit(Level34).png Quicksand Carvers Bandit (Melee) 34 1050 Melee AI - - Bandit's Set 975, 62, -2110
SpiritedDust(Big).png Spirited Dust (Big) 33 500 ? -
Air: Weakness
2 Spirited Dust (Small) 1000, 70, -1700
SpiritedDust(Small).png Spirited Dust (Small) 33 100 ? -
Air: Weakness
- 1000, 70, -1700
From Spirited Dusts (Big)
DesertCrawler.png Desert Crawler 33 340 Melee AI -

Mashed Insect
Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
DeathWorm.png Death Worm 33 265 Ranged AI -


Snake Scale
Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
SandGolem(Melee).png Sand Golem (Melee) 34 400 Melee AI -
- Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
1000, 70, -1700
SandGolem(Ranged).png Sand Golem (Ranged) 34 400 Ranged AI -
- Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
1000, 70, -1700
CrystallizedScarab.png Crystallized Scarab 34 400 Ranged AI - -
Mashed Insect

Crystal Dust
Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
CrystallizedMiner.png Crystallized Miner 35 1275 Melee AI Pull


Crystal Dust
Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
CrystalFanatic.png Crystal Fanatic 35 410 Melee AI Heavy Slowness -
Crystal Dust
Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
HiddenBandit.png Hidden Bandit 35 420 Melee AI Vanish - 1 Dynamite Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
Dynamite.png Dynamite 36 150 None AI Self Destruct


- From Hidden Bandits
CrystalFanaticLeader.png Crystal Fanatic Leader 35 4000 Melee AI Multihit - - Cave at 1120, 74, -2180
SandstormVandalsBanditBruno.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Bruno
36 700 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditMichelle.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Michelle
36 1200 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditJoe.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Joe
36 1800 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditKnox.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Knox
36 1150 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditHilda.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Hilda
36 1450 ? Arrow Storm - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditDaniel.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Daniel
36 1700 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsBanditGertrude.png Sandstorm Vandals
Bandit Gertrude
36 1400 ? - - - 1430, 84, -2023
SandstormVandalsLeaderRandall.png Sandstorm Vandals
Leader Randall
39 72000 ? Multi Hit

Earth: Defence

Water: Weakness

Air: Defence


Randall's Leg Plating
Bandit's Set
1430, 84, -2023
AngeredBedouin.png Angered Bedouin 35 424 Melee AI - - - Mountainside at 1358, 134, -2332
TinyCaveSlime.png Tiny Cave Slime 28 220 Jumper -

- Gooey Slime Cave
SlimyOvergrowth.png Slimy Overgrowth 30 290 Ranged Knockback Immune

- Gooey Slime Cave
CaveSlime(Level32).png Cave Slime 32 520 Jumper -

- Gooey Slime Cave
GooeySlime(Level35).png Gooey Slime
(Level 35)
35 850 Jumper -



Slimey Goo
2 Gooey Slimes (Level 30)
Gooey Slime Cave
GooeySlime(Level30).png Gooey Slime
(Level 30)
30 300 Jumper -



Slimey Goo
From Gooey Slimes (Level 35)
Alkaslime.png Alkaslime 34 2500 Jumper Heavy Explode



2 Concentrated Alkaslimes Gooey Slime Cave
Offshoot at 1110, 42, -1935
ConcentratedAlkaslime.png Concentrated Alkaslime 32 1050 Jumper Blindness Immune
Heavy Explode



- From Alkaslimes
ToxicDrip.png Toxic Drip 34 7600 Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge

1 Toxic Venter Gooey Slime Cave
Offshoot at 1110, 42, -1935
ToxicVenter.png Toxic Venter 34 7600 Burst Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm


- From Toxic Drips
BattleBeetle.png Battle Beetle 30 1,350 Melee -

- Fallen Passage
Harvestman.png Harvestman 31 1,350 Melee -

- Fallen Passage

Town Mobs

Town Mobs are mobs that spawn within settlements found across the map. Most are passive but in some towns the residents can be Neutral.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Almuj Citizen
30 26,000 Passive - - - Almuj
Almuj Citizen
30 22,000 Passive - - - Almuj
File:AlmujGuardGolem.png Almuj Guard Golem 40 ?
Guard - - - Almuj
AlmujSoldier.png Almuj Soldier 40 12,000
Ally - - - Almuj
File:TamedOcelot(Sitting).png Tamed Ocelot
25 200 None - - - Almuj
File:TamedOcelot(Walking).png Tamed Ocelot
25 20 Scared - - - Almuj
File:Sandy.png Sandy 30 3,500 Protect - -
Wybel Fluff
House at 930, 75, -2035
Hungry Almuj Citizen 20 26,000 Passive - - - Almuj Slums
File:AlmujSlumsWatch.png Almuj Slums Watch 30 ?
Ally - - - Almuj Slums
File:PetRat.png Pet Rat 33 ?
Guard - - - Almuj Slums
File:Rat(Lv33).png Rat 33 300 Scared - - - Almuj Slums
Excavator.png Excavator 31 7,000 Passive - - - WynnExcavation Site A
Desert Settler 25 20,000 Passive - - - Settlements on the Almuj Great River

Rare Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WaywardVagabond.png Wayward Vagabond 36 3300 Neutral AI Heal -
Cracked Skin

Crawler Web

Gold Bar

Gritty Rocks

Chain Loop

Crystal Dust


Sharp Edge

Spark of the Oasis
Almuj Desert
WitheredQuasinobility.png Withered Quasinobility 36 1400 NeutralRanged AI Pull



Red Shale

Burial Talisman

Pokey Cactus

Spirograph Tablet

Weathered Idol
Almuj Desert
ShiftingSandpile(ShinestingScorpion).png Shifting Sandpile (Shinesting Scorpion) 30 1 Melee AI - - Shinesting Scorpion

Soft Sand (Guaranteed)
Almuj Desert
ShinestingScorpion.png Shinesting Scorpion 37 1500 Retreat AI Multihit


Shinesting Scorpion Tail (Guaranteed)

96-109 Emeralds
Shifting Sandpile
LimestoneMachination.png Limestone Machination 37 4750 Crawl AI Heavy Charge




Gritty Rocks

Red Shale

Ancient Panel

Pokey Cactus

Spirograph Tablet

Limestone Core
Almuj Desert

Key Guardians

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Sand-SweptTombKeyGuardian.png Sand-Swept Tomb Key Guardian 42 2100 RapidRanged AI -
8 Horrors

Tomb Key
Horror(Level35).png Horror 35 55 Melee AI - - - From Sand-Swept Tomb Key Guardians

Special Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
EmeraldImp(NivlaWoods).png Emerald Imp 1 50 Scared - - A variable amount
Nivla Woods
Detlas Suburbs
Almuj Desert
Rymek Mesa
Nesaak Tundra
Troms Jungle
EarthPowderSpirit.png Earth Powder Spirit 1 60 None - -
Earth Powder I

Earth Powder II

Earth Powder III
Wynn Province
ThunderPowderSpirit.png Thunder Powder Spirit 1 60 None - -
Thunder Powder I

Thunder Powder II

Thunder Powder III
Wynn Province
WaterPowderSpirit.png Water Powder Spirit 1 60 None - -
Water Powder I

Water Powder II

Water Powder III
Wynn Province
FirePowderSpirit.png Fire Powder Spirit 1 60 None - -
Fire Powder I

Fire Powder II

Fire Powder III
Wynn Province
AirPowderSpirit.png Air Powder Spirit 1 60 None - -
Air Powder I

Air Powder II

Air Powder III
Wynn Province
MamaZomble(Level36).png Mama Zomble 36 11,000 Burst Ranged Pull
Rotten Flesh

Mama Zomble's Memory

Emerald Blocks
Almuj Desert
RelicGuardian(Level30,Neutral).png Relic Guardian
(Helmet, Phase 1)
30 105 Neutral Melee - - Relic Guardian (Helmet, Phase 2) Almuj Desert
RelicGuardian(Level30,Hostile).png Relic Guardian
(Helmet, Phase 2)
30 1,850 Melee Pull


Relic Helmet Relic Guardian (Helmet, Phase 1)
