Ability Tree

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Clicking on the icon will open your class's ability tree.

The Ability Tree allows players to customise their character using Ability Points to select from the 70+ total upgrades for each class. Each class has a different, but similarly structured tree, allowing players to follow one of the class' Archetypes or use a mixture of abilities. The ability tree can be accessed in the compass menu in-game.


The fourth page of the Warrior ability tree, with abilities selected.
For more information on the contents of each class's Ability Tree, see their individual pages: Archer, Warrior, Mage, Assassin, and Shaman.

All ability trees share the same basic structure. Abilities in the tree are connected to each other, and only abilities connected to the ones you already have can be obtained. You can obtain abilities that are below or to the side of the ones you have unlocked, but you cannot traverse back up the tree in order to gain an ability.

Some abilities also come with certain requirements that must be met in order to be unlocked. Some have prerequisite abilities that must be unlocked before you can gain the next ability, while others require you to have a certain amount of abiliites in an archetype, and some may have both.

Below the tree, your current number of Ability Points is displayed, as well as your class's three archetypes. You can click on the Ability Points orb to be taken to the tree reset menu, which allows you to reset your Ability Tree.

Ability Points

Ability Points, frequently abbreviated as AP, are earned by the player when they level up to certain levels. The player starts with 1 point at level 1, and reaches a maximum of 45 points at level 104.

At lower levels, you gain an Ability Point every 1-2 levels, slowing down at higher levels.

Combat Level Total Ability Points
1 1
2-3 2
4-5 3
6-7 4
8-9 5
10-11 6
12 7
13-14 8
15-16 9
17 10
18-19 11
20-21 12
22 13
23 14
24-25 15
Combat Level Total Ability Points
26-27 16
28-29 17
30-31 18
32-33 19
34-36 20
37-38 21
39-40 22
41-43 23
44-45 24
46-47 25
48-49 26
50-51 27
52-53 28
54-55 29
56-57 30
Combat Level Total Ability Points
58-59 31
60-61 32
62-63 33
64-66 34
67-69 35
70-72 36
73-75 37
76-79 38
80-83 39
84-87 40
88-91 41
92-95 42
96-99 43
100-103 44
104-106 45


The ability tree reset menu.

While you are editing your Ability Tree, when you unlock a new ability, you can undo that action by right-clicking the ability as long as you haven't closed out of the tree menu. Once you've closed out of the menu, you can no longer quick-undo any abilities you took.

Ability Shards can be spent to completely reset your Ability Tree. It takes 3 shards to do so, and you must be in a town or other safe area. Once the three shards have been spent, you can freely edit your Ability Tree, adding and removing abilities at no penalty, until you leave the safe area or log out of that class. You can travel between your Housing and the town without losing the ability to edit your tree as well.

List of ability trees

Ability archer.png
Arrow Bomb
Click Combo: LEFT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Shoots a long-ranged arrow that explodes and deals high damage over a large area. (Self-damage for 10% of your DPS)
Mana Cost: 45
  • Total Damage: 180% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 160%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Range: 26 Blocks
Area of Effect: 4.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Bow Proficiency
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a bow.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +6 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Bomb.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Heart Shatter
Hitting a mob directly with Arrow Bomb will shatter its heart and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +100%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Double Shots
Doubles your Main Attack arrows and reduces their damage. (Harder to hit distant enemies)
Main Attack Damage: -30% (per arrow)
Unlocking will block:
- Power Shots
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 50% per arrow.
Branch 0.png
Ability archer.png
Click Combo: LEFT - LEFT - LEFT
Throw yourself backward to avoid danger. (Hold shift while escaping to fast-fall)
Mana Cost: 20
Ability Points: 1
Escape can only be used once while in the air. After being cast, you have to get near the ground in order to get launched again.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Power Shots
Your Main Attack arrows have increased speed and knockback.
Unlocking will block:
- Double Shots
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 2.png
Ability archer.png
Arrow Storm
Click Combo: LEFT - RIGHT - LEFT
Shoots a stream of 8 arrows, dealing significant damage to close mobs and pushing them away.
Mana Cost: 35
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Thunder: 10%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Arrow Storm pushes the player back a small amount per arrow fired.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Escape
Reduce the Mana cost of Escape.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability archer.png
Arrow Shield
Click Combo: LEFT - LEFT - RIGHT
Forms a shield around you that deals damage and knocks mobs away when they touch it. (2 charges)
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 90%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Area of Effect: 2.3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 60s
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Windy Feet
Casting Escape grants a speed buff to you and nearby players.
🛡 Effect: +20% Walk Speed to Allies
Duration: 120s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 5.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Nimble String
Doubles the firing of Arrow Storm and shoots +6 arrows per stream.
  • Total Damage: -10% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -5%)
  • ( Thunder: -5%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Arrow Rain
When Arrow Shield loses its last charge, spew 150 arrows around you to rain down on enemies.
  • Total Damage: 250% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Air: 100%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Mobs can only take damage from 1 arrow maximum from Arrow Rain.
Guardian Angels will trigger Arrow Rain when all your angels run out of shots.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Bryophyte Roots
Hitting an enemy with Arrow Storm will create an area of effect that slows them down and deals damage every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Earth: 20%)
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 5s
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Min. Trapper Archetype: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Fire Creep
Arrow Bomb will leave a trail of fire for 6s (3s Cooldown). Enemies that walk into it take damage every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Duration: 6s
Ability Points: 2
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Phantom Ray
Condense Arrow Storm into a single ray that damages enemies 10 times per second.
Mana Cost: -5
  • Total Damage: 30% (of your DPS, per hit)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Water: 5%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Duration: 1.2s
Unlocking will block:
- Nimble String
- Windstorm
- Arrow Hurricane
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Ability 0.png
Triple Shots
Triples Main Attack arrows but they deal -20% of normal Main Attack arrow damage.
Main Attack Damage: -20%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Double Shots
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 33% per arrow.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Hitting an enemy will give you a brief buff of +3% Walk Speed (Max +70%). -10% of the bonus decays every second.
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Guardian Angels
Your Arrow Shield arrows turn into sentient bows that attack nearby enemies up to 8 times each. (Arrow Shield will no longer knock mobs away)
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Range: 6 Blocks
Duration: 60s
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 3
Each angel targets mobs independently and fires every 0.6s.
More Shields will increase the amount of angels from 2 to 4.
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Basaltic Trap
When you hit the ground with Arrow Bomb, leave a Trap that damages enemies. (Max 2 Traps)
  • Total Damage: 250% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 190%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
  • ( Fire: 30%)
Range: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Area of Effect: 7 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 2
Traps have a 1.5s arming time where they cannot be detonated. Traps automatically detonate after 30s.
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
When hitting an aggressive enemy 5+ blocks away, gain +1 Focus. (Max 3, 1.1s Cooldown)
(Focus resets if you miss once)
Damage Bonus: +15% (per Focus)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Phantom Ray only needs to hit a mob at least once to grant Focus. If no mobs are hit at all, it counts as a miss.
Arrow Bomb must hit a mob directly to grant Focus. Otherwise, it counts as a miss.
Call of the Hound does not grant Focus.
Abilities such as Arrow Rain, Escape Artist, Shrapnel Bomb, and Grape Bomb, must have all their projectiles hit a mob or otherwise count as a miss.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Arrow Storm will shoot +1 stream of arrows and +2 extra arrows per stream.
  • Total Damage: -10% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -9%)
  • ( Thunder: -3%)
  • ( Air: +2%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Storm
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Storm.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Arrow Bomb pulls enemies toward you. If a Trap is nearby, it will pull them towards it instead.
Increase Heart Shatter's damage.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +40%)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
More Shields
Gives Arrow Shield and Guardian Angels +2 extra charges. Reduces Guardian Angels' damage.
  • Total Damage: -18% (of your DPS, for Guardian Angels, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -13%)
  • ( Air: -5%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Patient Hunter
Your Traps will deal +20% more damage for every second they're active (Max +100%).
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Grappling Hook
When casting Escape, throw a hook that pulls you when hitting a block. If you hit an enemy, pull them towards you instead. (Escape will not throw you backward anymore)
Range: 30 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Escape Artist
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
More Focus
Increase your maximum Focus by +2.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Focus
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stormy Feet
Windy Feet will last longer and grant a stronger speed buff.
🛡 Effect: +20% Walk Speed to Allies
Duration: +60s
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Windy Feet
Ability 2.png
Call of the Hound
Arrow Shield will summon a Hound that will attack and drag enemies towards your traps.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
Vision: 18 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 60s
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
The Hound's attacks will not grant you Focus.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Leap forward when you double jump. (2s cooldown)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 4
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
For every 1% Walk Speed you have from items, gain +1 Raw Spell Damage (Max 100).
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Bouncing Bomb
Arrow Bomb will bounce once when hitting a block or enemy.
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 3
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Ivyroot Mamba
Bryophyte Roots summons a Snake after disappearing that will spit weakening venom at aggressive enemies. (Max 1)
Enemies will be weakened for 1.5s.
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Earth: 20%)
🛡 Effect: -15% Damage Bonus to Enemies
Vision: 12 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 18s
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bryophyte Roots
Min. Trapper Archetype: 3
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Twain's Arc
If you have 2+ Focus, holding shift will summon the Twain's Arc. Charge it up to shoot a destructive long-range beam.
(Damage is dealt as Main Attack Damage)
  • Total Damage: 220% (of your Main Attack Damage)
  • ( Damage: 220%)
Range: 64 Blocks
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Focus
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 4
Twain's Arc cannot be used while you have a weapon powder special charged. Shift-clicking will activate the powder special instead.
It takes 2s to charge the Twain's Arc.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Rocket Jump
Arrow Bomb's recoil is increased, and its self-damage is reduced to 1%.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Bomb
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Scorched Earth
Fire Creep becomes much stronger.
  • Total Damage: +15% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +10%)
  • ( Fire: +5%)
Duration: +2s
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Fire Creep
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
More Traps
Increase the maximum amount of active Traps you can have by +2.
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Refined Gunpowder
Increase the damage of Arrow Bomb.
  • Total Damage: +50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +50%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Fierce Stomp
When using Escape, hold shift to quickly drop down and deal damage.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 120%)
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Shield
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Shield.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Better Arrow Shield
Arrow Shield's radius, knockback, and damage is increased.
Guardian Angels' damage is increased.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS, for Arrow Shield)
  • ( Damage: +40%)
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
  • Total Damage: +3% (of your DPS, for Guardian Angels, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: +3%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Shocking Bomb
Arrow Bomb will be unaffected by gravity and increase its explosion damage.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
  • ( Thunder: +20%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Bomb
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 4
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Leap
Reduce Leap's cooldown by -1s.
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Leap
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Homing Shots
Your Main Attack arrows will follow nearby enemies and will be unaffected by gravity.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Mana Trap
Each of your Traps will give you 0.5 Mana per second and 10 Mana when they explode.
Mana Cost: +10
Range: 16 Blocks
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 6
Each Trap will turn blue when you are close enough to receive Mana from it. You must be within range of the Trap to receive both passive Mana and the Mana on explosion.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Storm
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Storm.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Phantom Ray will increase its damage by +10% everytime you do not miss with it. (Max +70%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Phantom Ray
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
Better Guardian Angels
Your Guardian Angels gain increased range and can shoot +4 extra arrows before disappearing.
Range: +2 Blocks
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Guardian Angels
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Escape Artist
When casting Escape, release 100 arrows towards the ground.
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Thunder: 50%)
Unlocking will block:
- Grappling Hook
Ability Points: 1
Mobs can only take damage from 1 arrow maximum from Escape Artist.
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Murder Flock
Basaltic Trap summons a Crow upon detonation that will peck at aggressive enemies. (Max 2)
Enemies will be distracted for 0.2s.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
🛡 Effect: Blindness to Enemies
Vision: 18 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 12s
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Min. Trapper Archetype: 5
Ability 2.png
If you do not damage an enemy for 4s or more, your next successful hit will deal +60% damage and add +1 Focus.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Focus
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Phasing Beam
Twain's Arc charges 20% faster, and can now pierce through up to 5 enemies, dealing reduced damage after piercing.
(Damage is dealt as Main Attack Damage)
  • Total Damage: -110% (after piercing)
  • ( Damage: -110%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Twain's Arc
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
When any of your projectiles miss, gain +0.08 Mana.
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Shrapnel Bomb
Arrow Bomb's explosion will fling 15 shrapnel, dealing damage in a large area.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS, per shrapnel)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Escape
Reduce the Mana cost of Escape.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Shield
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Shield.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Hook
Increase your Grappling Hook's range, speed, and strength.
Range: +8 Blocks
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Grappling Hook
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Coursing Restraints
Shocking Bomb will temporarily shock enemies, reducing their defenses. (12s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: -X% Resistance Bonus to Enemies
Duration: 6s
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Shocking Bomb
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Arrow Hurricane
Arrow Storm will shoot +2 extra streams of arrows.
  • Total Damage: -5% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -3%)
  • ( Thunder: -1%)
  • ( Air: -1%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 10
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Tangled Traps
Your Traps will be connected by a rope that deals damage to enemies every 0.2s.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 20%)
  • ( Air: 20%)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
The rope connects Traps in the order that they were placed in.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Beast Lore
Increase your maximum Snakes by +1.
Increase your maximum Crows by +2.
Increase the damage of your Hound.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +40%)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Call of the Hound
Min. Trapper Archetype: 7
Ability 3.png
Crepuscular Ray
If you have 5+ Focus, casting Arrow Storm while 4+ blocks above the ground will make you levitate and shoot 20 homing arrows per second until you run out of Focus.
While in this state, you will lose 1 Focus per second.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Water: 10%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 10
You have free creative mode flight while using Crepuscular Ray. You can swap off of your weapon to end Crepuscular Ray early.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Allows you to place +6 Traps, but with reduced range and damage.
  • Total Damage: -50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -50%)
Area of Effect: -1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Min. Trapper Archetype: 11
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
All-Seeing Panoptes
Your bows from Guardian Angels become all-seeing, increasing their range, damage, and letting them shoot up to +4 times each.
  • Total Damage: +7% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: +2%)
  • ( Fire: +5%)
Range: +4 Blocks
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Guardian Angels
All-Seeing Panoptes makes angels lock onto the first target in range. They will continue to fire on the target from unlimited range until the target dies or the angel runs out of shots.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Patient Hunter
Your Traps will deal +20% more damage for every second they're active (Max +100%).
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Ability 2.png
Grape Bomb
Arrow Bomb will throw 2 additional smaller bombs when exploding.
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
If you have Basaltic Trap, Grape Bomb's smaller bombs will place Traps if they land on blocks.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
More Focus
Increase your maximum Focus by +2.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Focus
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
If you do not get hit for 4+ seconds, become immune to self-damage and Arrow Storm loses its recoil.
(Agility dodging counts as not getting hit)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Geyser Stomp
Fierce Stomp will create geysers, dealing more damage and pushing enemies away vertically.
  • Total Damage: +80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +50%)
  • ( Water: +30%)
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Fierce Stomp
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Snow Storm
Enemies near you will be slowed down.
🛡 Effect: 30% Slowness to Enemies
Range: 3 Blocks
Ability Points: 2
Branch 0.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Bomb.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1

Ability warrior.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT
Violently bash the ground, dealing high damage in a large area.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 180% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
Range: 3 Blocks
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Bash
Reduce the Mana cost of Bash.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Spear Proficiency I
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a spear.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +1 Block
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Double Bash
Bash will hit a second time at a farther range.
  • Total Damage: -40% (of your DPS, per bash)
  • ( Damage: -40%)
Range: +3 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
For every 1% or 1 Raw Main Attack Damage you have from items, gain +2% Walk Speed. (Max +20%)
Damage Bonus: +5 (Raw)
Unlocking will block:
- Tougher Skin
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 1
The +5 damage bonus from Vehement essentially acts as +5 Main Attack Damage and +5 Spell Damage IDs.
Branch 0.png
Ability warrior.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Charge forward at a high speed. (Hold shift while charging to cancel)
Mana Cost: 25
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Tougher Skin
Harden your skin and gain +5% Base Defence.
For every 1% or 1 Raw Health Regen you have from items, gain +10 Health. (Max +100)
Unlocking will block:
- Vehement
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 2.png
Ability warrior.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT
Hurls enemies upwards and deals massive damage.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 280% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 200%)
  • ( Earth: 40%)
  • ( Thunder: 40%)
Range: 5 Blocks
Area of Effect: 1-3 Blocks (Cone-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Uppercut's hitbox has a horizontal angle of 100° in front of the player.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Charge
Reduce the Mana cost of Charge.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability warrior.png
War Scream
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT
Emits a roar that deals damage, pulls nearby enemies, and gives you and nearby players resistance.
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 75%)
  • ( Fire: 25%)
🛡 Effect: 20% Resistance Bonus to Allies
Duration: 30s
Area of Effect: 12 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Heavy Impact
After using Charge, violently crash down onto the ground and deal damage on landing.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 5.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Quadruple Bash
Bash will cast 4 times consecutively at double the speed.
  • Total Damage: -20% (of your DPS, per bash)
  • ( Damage: -20%)
Range: +6 Blocks
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bash
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Mobs hit by Uppercut will explode mid-air and receive additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +80%)
  • ( Thunder: +20%)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Flyby Jab
Damage enemies in your way when using Charge.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Air: 20%)
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Flaming Uppercut
Uppercut will light mobs on fire, dealing damage every 0.6s.
  • Total Damage: 50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Fire: 50%)
Duration: 3s
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uppercut
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Half-Moon Swipe
Uppercut will deal a footsweep attack at a longer and wider angle.
Mana Cost: -5
  • Total Damage: -40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -70%)
  • ( Water: +30%)
Range: +1.5 Blocks
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uppercut
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 1
Half-Moon Swipe increases the horizontal angle of Uppercut from 80° to 100°.
Ability 0.png
Iron Lungs
War Scream and Air Shout will deal more damage.
  • Total Damage: +60% (of your DPS, for War Scream)
  • ( Damage: +30%)
  • ( Air: +30%)
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS, for Air Shout)
  • ( Damage: +15%)
  • ( Air: +15%)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: War Scream
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
After casting 3 different spells in a row, your next spell will cost 1 Mana.
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 3
The spell that's cast with Generalist's cost reduction counts towards the next cost-reduced spell.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Air Shout
War Scream will fire a projectile that can go through walls and deal damage multiple times.
  • Total Damage: 50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Range: 32 Blocks
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: War Scream
Air Shout's projectile damages mobs every 0.1s.
Ability 3.png
Mantle of the Bovemists
When casting War Scream, create a holy shield around you that reduces all incoming damage by -70% for 3 hits. (25s Cooldown)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: War Scream
Min. Paladin Archetype: 3
Losing a charge of Mantle of the Bovemists will reduce incoming damage for an additional 0.5s after getting hit.
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Bak'al's Grasp
Casting War Scream will make you Corrupted. (15s Cooldown)
(Shift + War Scream to cancel)
While Corrupted, you lose the ability to heal, and every 2% of Health you lose will grant you +4 Raw Damage. (Max +120)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: War Scream
Min. Fallen Archetype: 2
The raw damage bonus from essentially acts as +X Main Attack Damage and +X Spell Damage IDs.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Spear Proficiency II
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a spear.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +1 Block
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uppercut
Reduce the Mana cost of Uppercut.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
During Charge, you can steer and change direction.
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Mobs damaged by War Scream will only target you for 8s. (10s Cooldown)
Reduce the Mana cost of War Scream.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 2
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Precise Strikes
+15% Critical Hit Damage
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Gain a 30% chance to take no damage and instantly attack back when dodging an enemy attack with Agility.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Thunder: 20%)
  • ( Air: 20%)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Countering an attack also causes you to take no damage from that attack.
Ability 2.png
If you receive a hit that's less than 5% of your max HP, gain 10 Mana. (1s Cooldown)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 3
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Enraged Blow
While Corrupted, every 1% of Health you lose will increase your damage by +1.5%. (Max +80%)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bak'al's Grasp
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Flying Kick
Hitting mobs with Charge will halt your momentum and knock them away.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Water: 20%)
  • ( Air: 30%)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 1
You can charge past mobs without hitting them with Flying Kick by looking away or upwards.
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Mantle
Add +2 additional charges to Mantle of the Bovemists and reduce its cooldown by -5s.
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Mantle of the Bovemists
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Sacred Surge
Gain the ability to unleash a Sacred Surge. Whenever any of your spells or abilities are triggered, increase your holy power by 1%.
Bash and Uppercut will spend 15% of Sacred Surge to smite hit enemies with holy energy, dealing extra damage.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Thunder: 20%)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 4
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Increase your chance to attack with Counter by +30%.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Counter
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Intoxicating Blood
After leaving Corrupted, gain 5% of the health lost back for each enemy killed while Corrupted.
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bak'al's Grasp
Min. Fallen Archetype: 5
Branch 1.png
Branch 6.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper War Scream
Reduce the Mana cost of War Scream.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cleansing Breeze
Charge will cleanse you of all negative effects and fire, as well as any allies you pass through. (3s Cooldown)
Area of Effect: X Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Bash
Increase the damage of Bash.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +30%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Boiling Blood
Bash will leave a puddle of boiling blood after its first explosion, slowing down and damaging enemies on it every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Fire: 5%)
🛡 Effect: 20% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Ability Points: 2
The area of the blood is the same size as your Bash. Abilities like Massive Bash or Thunderclap that increase your Bash's size will also increase the size of the puddle of blood.
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
War Scream becomes deafening, increasing its duration and granting players a damage bonus.
Mana Cost: +10
🛡 Effect: 20% Damage Bonus to Allies
Duration: +15s
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: War Scream
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Enemies thrown into walls from Flying Kick will explode and receive additional damage.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Fire: 50%)
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Flying Kick
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 4
Ability 3.png
Rejuvenating Skin
For any damage you take, regenerate 30% of the damage over the next 30s.
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 5
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Afer being hit by Fireworks, enemies will crash into the ground and receive more damage.
  • Total Damage: +100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +80%)
  • ( Earth: +20%)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Fireworks
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Uncontainable Corruption
Reduce the cooldown of Bak'al's Grasp by -5s and increase the Raw Damage gained for every 2% of Health lost by +1.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Bak'al's Grasp
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Radiant Devotee
For every 4% Reflection you have from items, gain +1/5s Mana Regen. (Max +10/5s)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Whirlwind Strike
Uppercut will create a strong gust of air, launching you upward with enemies. (Hold shift to stay grounded)
  • Total Damage: +10% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -20%)
  • ( Air: +30%)
Area of Effect: X Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Range: +1 Blocks
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uppercut
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 6
Uppercut now hits in a circle around you and can reach enemies vertically.
Whirlwind Strike's vertical launch can only be used once in the air. After being cast, you have to get near the ground in order to get launched again.
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Mythril Skin
Gain +5% Base Resistance and become immune to knockback.
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 6
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Armour Breaker
While Corrupted, losing 30% Health will make your next Uppercut reduce enemies' defense stats.
🛡 Effect: -30% Resistance Bonus to Enemies
Duration: 8s
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bak'al's Grasp
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shield Strike
When Mantle of the Bovemist loses all of its charges, deal damage around you for each mantle lost.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS, per mantle lost)
  • ( Damage: 70%)
  • ( Thunder: 30%)
Area of Effect: 5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mantle of the Bovemists
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Sparkling Hope
Deal damage to all nearby enemies every time you heal for 5% of your max health.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Thunder: 20%)
Area of Effect: 6 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
You do not need to heal for 5% of your max health at once; it can be over time and in smaller increments. Sparkling Hope will trigger when the total amount healed reaches 5%.
Ability 2.png
Massive Bash
While Corrupted, every 3% of Health you lose will increase Bash's area of effect by +1 Block. (Max +10 Blocks)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Fallen Archetype: 7
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
War Scream will ripple the ground and deal damage to enemies 3 times over a large area.
  • Total Damage: 50% (of your DPS, per ripple)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Earth: 10%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Area of Effect: 12 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Each ripple occurs every 0.5s and is centered on your current position.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Spirit of the Rabbit
Reduce the Mana cost of Charge and increase your Walk Speed by +20%.
Mana Cost: -5
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Charge
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 5
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
While Corrupted, if your attack speed (affected by IDs) is Slow or lower, hitting an enemy with your Main Attack will add +4% Corruption to your Corrupted bar. (2s Cooldown)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Fallen Archetype: 5
Bonus Corruption gained from Massacre will count towards abilities such as Enraged Blow, Armour Breaker, and Massive Bash, without the need to take damage.
Ability 0.png
Axe Kick
Increases the damage and Mana cost of Uppercut.
Mana Cost: +15
  • Total Damage: +150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +150%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Bash will buff the positive IDs of yourself and allies. (15s Cooldown)
(Tomes are excluded, as well as XP Bonus, Loot Bonus, Loot Quality, Gather XP Bonus, and Gather Speed Bonus)
🛡 Effect: +20% ID Effectiveness to Allies
Duration: 8s
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 3
The ID Effectiveness boost rounds down for most IDs. Radiance can boost other IDs such as Loot Bonus, Loot Quality, and bonus stats from and Charms. Radiance will not boost Gathering XP, Gathering Speed, and Mastery Tomes.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Bash
Reduce the Mana cost of Bash.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper War Scream
Reduce the Mana cost of War Scream.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Damaging enemies will inflict them with +5 Discombobulated. (Max 100)
You will deal +1 neutral and elemental damage to enemies for every Discombobulated they have. -5 of the bonus decays every second.
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 11
The damage added by Discombobulate is called Additive Base Damage, and works similarly to elemental masteries. See the Damage Formula page for more detail.
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
After casting War Scream, envelop yourself with a vortex that damages nearby enemies every 0.5s.
  • Total Damage: 25% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 10%)
  • ( Fire: 5%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Duration: 20s
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Enraged Blow
Increases the cap of Enraged Blow by +60%.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Enraged Blow
Ability 1.png
Bash will cast centered at the player's position at double the speed and with an increased area of effect.
  • Total Damage: +25% (of your DPS, per bash)
  • ( Thunder: +25%)
Area of Effect: +3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Battle Monk Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Bash
Min. Battle Monk Archetype: 8
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Second Chance
Keeps you alive with 30% of your Health remaining after receiving a fatal blow. (10m Cooldown)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Paladin Archetype: 12
Will not trigger when you die using the /kill command.
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Blood Pact
If you do not have enough mana to cast a spell, spend health instead.
(0.4% Health per Mana)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Fallen Archetype: 10
Spending your Health with Blood Pact cannot kill you and will only leave you at 1 HP.
Branch 0.png
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Reduce Blood Pact's Health cost.
(0.25% Health per Mana)
Fallen Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Blood Pact
Ability 2.png
Brink of Madness
You gain a +40% Resistance buff if your health is at 25% or less.
Ability Points: 2
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uppercut
Reduce the Mana cost of Uppercut.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Ability 1.png
When you receive a fatal blow, all nearby allies become invincible.
🛡 Effect: Invincibility to Allies
Duration: 3s
Area of Effect: 12 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Paladin Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Will trigger when you survive a fatal blow from Second Chance as well as when you die.

Ability mage.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT
Summon a slow but powerful meteor from the sky, dealing massive damage over a large area.
Mana Cost: 50
  • Total Damage: 400% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 330%)
  • ( Earth: 70%)
Range: 18 Blocks
Area of Effect: 5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Meteor has an auto-aim radius of 2 blocks where the meteor will automaticaly lock onto an enemy's position instead of where you aimed at.
It takes 2.5s for the meteor to land after being cast.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Wand Proficiency I
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a wand.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +2 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Meteor
Reduce the Mana cost of Meteor.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shooting Star
Drastically increase the speed of your Meteor ability.
Ability Points: 1
Shooting Star doubles the speed of Meteor, making it only take 1.25s for the meteor to land.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Wand Proficiency II
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a wand.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +2 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Wisdom
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability mage.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Instantly teleport in the direction you're facing.
Mana Cost: 25
Range: 16 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Teleport's distance decreases the more you aim vertically up or down; at most, you can teleport 6 blocks upwards and 3 blocks downwards.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
For every 2% or 2 Raw Spell Damage you have from items, gain +1/5s Mana Regen. (Max +5/5s)
Unlocking will block:
- Wand Proficiency II
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 0.png
Ability mage.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT
Heals you and nearby allies in a large area around you.
(When healing others, you can't heal more than 30% of their max health)
Mana Cost: 35
Total Heal: 15% (of your max health)
Range: 5 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Heal does not instantly restore health but rapidly heals over 1s. Recasting Heal while healing is already in progress will cancel the previous heal.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Teleport
Reduce the Mana cost of Teleport.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability mage.png
Ice Snake
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT
Summon a fast-moving ice snake that damages and slows enemies.
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 70%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Range: 18 Blocks
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 7.png
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Wind Slash
When using Teleport, slash through the air and deal damage to enemies you pierce.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 75%)
  • ( Air: 25%)
Area of Effect: 1.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Teleport
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
After casting Meteor, summon 3 lightning strikes and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: 45% (of your DPS, per strike)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Thunder: 15%)
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Unlocking will block:
- Ophanim
Ability Points: 2
Each lightning strike counts as a hit for Arcane Transfer's Mana Bank and will trigger Breathless's Winded damage bonuses.
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Burning Sigil
Meteor and Ophanim will leave a sigil of fire on the ground that damage enemies every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Fire: 15%)
Area of Effect: 7 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 5s
Ability Points: 2
Damage from Burning Sigil does not count for Arcane Transfer's Mana Bank and does not trigger Breathless's Winded damage bonuses.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Heal emits a strong light, damaging nearby enemies.
Arcane Transfer will damage nearby enemies when transferring 30+ Mana.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 70%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Heal
Sunshower's damaging range is the same as your healing range. Larger Heal will increase the size of Sunshower's damaging area as well.
Orphion's Pulse will trigger Sunshower's damage on each pulse in addition to the initial cast.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Meteor
Increase the damage of Meteor.
  • Total Damage: +120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +90%)
  • ( Earth: +30%)
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Meteor
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 2
Does not affect Ophanim in any way.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Your Main Attack will add +1 Winded to enemies you hit. (Max 10, 0.5s Cooldown)
Ice Snake will deal additional damage to enemies for every Winded they have.
  • Total Damage: 15% (of your DPS, per Winded)
  • ( Damage: 10%)
  • ( Water: 5%)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Ice Snake
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 3
Winded decays from mobs over time. 1 Winded is lost every 5s.
The extra damage from Winded is not directly added onto the original spell but is instead a separate instance of damage. Elemental defenses will affect both the original and Winded hits, and each hit can crit independently of each other.
Ability 3.png
When casting Meteor, instead summon 2 orbs of light with 200 Health that will attack when you use your Main Attack.
When they damage an enemy, they lose 20% of their Health. They can be healed back.
Mana Cost: +30
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 90%)
  • ( Thunder: 15%)
  • ( Water: 15%)
Range: 22 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Psychokinesis
- Thunderstorm
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Meteor
Min. Light Bender Archetype: 2
Healing the orbs will contribute to effects that require you to heal health, like Fortitude, Lightweaver, and Sunflare.
The orbs' damage will be boosted on Winded enemies if you have Breathless.
The color of the orbs indicates their current health: blue means above 70% HP, yellow means 50%-70% HP, and red means 50% HP or lower.
Ophanim's orbs also lose health at a rate of 1% HP per second even if they aren't attacking.
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Arcane Transfer
Meteor and Ice Snake will add +5 Mana to a Mana Bank for every aggressive enemy you hit.
Heal will now transfer the contents of your Mana Bank into usable Mana instead of healing.
Unlocking will block:
- Larger Heal
- Orphion's Pulse
- Timelock
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Heal
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 2
The base size of your Mana Bank is 60 Mana. Further abilities can increase this.
Arcane Transfer also completely removes the Mana cost of casting Heal.
Thunderstorm's lightning strikes count as Meteor hits for adding Mana to your Mana Bank.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Heal
Reduce the Mana cost of Heal.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Heal and Arcane Transfer will purify you of all negative effects and fire. (3s Cooldown)
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Sentient Snake
Ice Snake will follow the direction you're facing and move with you, allowing you to control it.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
  • ( Water: +10%)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Ice Snake
Branch 2.png
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Eye Piercer
Teleport will blind enemies, confusing them for a brief period of time.
🛡 Effect: Blindness to Enemies
Duration: 1s
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Teleport
Ability 1.png
Meteor and Ophanim will deal additional damage to enemies for every Winded they have.
  • Total Damage: 30% (of your DPS, per Winded)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Earth: 5%)
  • Total Damage: 10% (of your DPS, with Thunderstorm, per Winded)
  • ( Damage: 8%)
  • ( Earth: 2%)
  • Total Damage: 4% (of your DPS, with Ophanim, per Winded)
  • ( Damage: 3%)
  • ( Earth: 1%)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Windsweeper
Breathless's damage boost will trigger each time you hit a Winded mob with Meteor, Thunderstorm, or Ophanim.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Heal
Increase your Heal's range.
Range: +2 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Arcane Transfer
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Heal
Also increases the damaging area of Sunshower.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Mana Bank
Increase your maximum Mana Bank by +30.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arcane Transfer
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Ice Snake
Reduce the Mana cost of Ice Snake.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Healing 120% of your Max Health within 10s will make your next Heal apply a damage bonus to all nearby allies. (15s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: 60% Damage Bonus to Allies
Duration: 5s
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Light Bender Archetype: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Teleport
Reduce the Mana cost of Teleport.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
When your Mana Bank reaches 30, your Main Attack explodes upon impact with enemies.
(Damage is dealt as Main Attack Damage)
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your Main Attack Damage)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 4
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Teleport will trigger 2 times in quick succession.
Range: -4 Blocks
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Teleport
The second teleport happens 0.5s after the first, and you can quickly adjust your facing direction to change the direction you teleport in.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
Healthier Ophanim I
Increase the health of Ophanim's orbs by +800 and reduce the damage they take when attacking by -5%.
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Ophanim
This brings the total health of Ophanim's orbs to 1000, and the damage they take when attacking to -15% of their HP.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Snake Nest
Ice Snake will summon 3 snakes.
  • Total Damage: +50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +35%)
  • ( Water: +15%)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Ice Snake
Mobs can only take damage from 1 snake per cast, even if they are near enough to get hit by all three snakes.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
For every 5/3s Life Steal you have from items, gain +1% Spell Damage. (Max +50%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Transonic Warp
Teleport will deal additional damage to enemies for every Winded they have.
  • Total Damage: 16% (of your DPS, per Winded)
  • ( Damage: 10%)
  • ( Thunder: 3%)
  • ( Air: 3%)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Windsweeper
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 5
Transonic Warp's damage boost will trigger each time you hit a Winded mob with Teleport or Explosive Entrance, including the second teleport from Blink.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Fluid Healing
For every 1% Water Damage Bonus you have from items, buff Heal's healing power by +0.3%.
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Orphion's Pulse
Heal will trigger 2 more times, increasing your overall healing.
Pulse Self Heal: 20% (of your max health)
Delay: 1.5s (per pulse)
Unlocking will block:
- Arcane Transfer
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Heal
Min. Light Bender Archetype: 5
Like Heal, each pulse also does not instantly restore health but rapidly heals over 1s.
Each pulse occurs every 1.5s after Heal is initially cast. Recasting Heal will override previous pulses from happening.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Arcane Restoration
Pyrokinesis will add +1 Mana every 1s to your Mana Bank when hitting an aggressive enemy.
Duration: 4s
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Pyrokinesis
Hitting multiple enemies with Pyrokinesis does not increase the Mana given, and further hits will only refresh the duration.
Hitting an enemy with Pyrokinesis also adds +1 Mana to your Mana Bank instantly.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Ophanim
Increase the damage of Ophanim.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
  • ( Air: +10%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Ophanim
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
After you kill an enemy with Winded on them, the leftover Winded will spread to other nearby foes. (Max 10)
Range: 8 Blocks
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 6
All of the dying mob's Winded will be evenly divided among all mobs in range, with the remainder going to mobs randomly.
Ability 3.png
Healing 50% of your Max Health within 10s will summon a rotating orb that damages enemies upon contact. (Max 3 orbs)
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Fire: 50%)
Range: 7 Blocks
Area of Effect: 1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 20s
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Light Bender Archetype: 7
Despite having an identical appearance to Ophanim's orbs, Lightweaver's orbs have a duration and do not have health.
Lightweaver will not damage enemies that are too close or too far; they have to be directly in the path of the orbs, which are on a fixed radius of 7 blocks away from the player.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Arcane Speed
You gain a +80% speed buff for 4s after casting Heal or Arcane Transfer. (8s Cooldown)
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Heal
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Mana Bank
Increase your maximum Mana Bank by +30.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arcane Transfer
Ability 0.png
More Winded
Increase your maximum Winded by +10.
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Windsweeper
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shoot Meteor from you as a slow projectile instead of calling it from the sky.
Range: +20 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Ophanim
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Meteor
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 5
Psychokinesis essentially turns Meteor into a long-range lobbed projectile instead of delayed damage in an area. This allows Meteor to hit mobs faster if you are close and makes it easier to hit on mobs with large hitboxes.
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Ice Snake
Reduce the Mana cost of Ice Snake.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Explosive Entrance
Deal damage in an area around the location you Teleport to.
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Teleport
Explosive Entrance's damage will trigger Transonic Warp's Winded damage bonuses.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Meteor
Reduce the Mana cost of Meteor.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Chaos Explosion
When your Mana Bank reaches 120, casting Arcane Transfer will rapidly unleash the last 3 spells you've cast in order.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 8
Arcane Transfer does not count as a spell to be recast, and Chaos Explosion will just cast the next-last spell besides Arcane Transfer, and Chaos Explosion takes 0.4s to cast each spell.
Activating Chaos Explosion will still transfer your Mana Bank into usable Mana, on top of recasting spells.
Hitting aggressive mobs with Meteor and Ice Snake during Chaos Explosion will still add Mana to your Mana Bank.
Ability 2.png
Time Dilation
Creates an area of effect when sprinting that increases the walk speed of all allies the longer they run in it.
(Step out or stop sprinting to cancel)
🛡 Effect: +10% Speed Bonus to Allies (per 1s, +300% Max)
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 5
Ability 1.png
Ice Snake will add +1 Winded to enemies and deal more damage.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
  • ( Air: +20%)
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Windsweeper
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 7
Winded added from Gust shares the same 0.5s stack cooldown as your Main Attack.
Mobs hit by multiple snakes from Snake Nest will still only take damage from 1 snake and only have +1 Winded added to them.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Better Ophanim
Increase your maximum orbs from Ophanim by +1.
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Ophanim
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Arctic Snake
Ice Snake will freeze enemies for 2s.
🛡 Effect: 100% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 2s
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Ice Snake
This completely replaces the slow effect of Ice Snake. Enemies will not be slowed after the freeze expires.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Sunshower
Increase the damage of Sunshower.
  • Total Damage: +80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +50%)
  • ( Water: +20%)
  • ( Fire: +10%)
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Ophanim
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Arcane Power
Meteor and Ice Snake will add +2 Mana to your Mana Bank for each aggressive mob you hit.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arcane Transfer
This increases the Mana Bank gained from hitting mobs from +5 to +7.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
More Winded
Increase your maximum Winded by +10.
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Windsweeper
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Dynamic Faith
For every 2% Sprint you have from items, gain +1% Thunder Damage. (Max +40%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Healthier Ophanim II
Increase the health of your orbs from Ophanim by +3000.
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Healthier Ophanim I
This brings the total health of Ophanim's orbs to 4000.
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Mana Bank
Increase your maximum Mana Bank by +30.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arcane Transfer
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Enemies will deal -0.5% damage for every Winded they have.
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 5
Ability 2.png
Increase your maximum orbs from Ophanim by +3 and reduce their damage.
  • Total Damage: -30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -20%)
  • ( Thunder: -5%)
  • ( Water: -5%)
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Ophanim
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Healing 300% of your Max Health within 10s will make your next Heal give every nearby ally a temporary immunity buff. (20s Cooldown)
Range: 12 Blocks
🛡 Effect: 100% Resistance Bonus to Allies
Duration: 5s
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Light Bender Archetype: 11
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Lightweaver
Increase your maximum orbs from Lightweaver by +2.
Light Bender Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Lightweaver
Branch 6.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Arcane Overflow
Arcane Transfer will allow you to overflow your Mana over its maximum limit. (Max 400)
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arcane Transfer
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 12
Overflowed Mana decays at a rate of -5 Mana per 1s until you run out of overflowed Mana.
Mana Regen and Mana Steal IDs will not work while you have overflowed Mana.
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Holding shift and casting Heal will absorb all Winded on nearby enemies and make you Timelocked.
While Timelocked, your mana will not be depleted and you become immovable from external forces. All enemies will receive extra damage as if they had the amount of Winded you absorbed. (Max 60)
Range: 12 Blocks
Duration: +1s per 10 Winded absorbed, Max 5s)
Unlocking will block:
- Arcane Transfer
Riftwalker Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Riftwalker Archetype: 12
Becoming immovable from external forces means you become completely immune to knockback, and Teleport will deal damage as if you teleported, without actually teleporting you forward.
You cannot apply more Winded onto mobs while Timelocked, though other players can.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Heal
Reduce the Mana cost of Heal.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
If you have more than 100 Mana, casting a spell will give you +10 Mana over 5s.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Arcanist Archetype: 4
Casting multiple spells while over 100 Mana will stack the Mana gained.
Ability 0.png
Memory Recollection
Chaos Explosion will cast +2 spells.
Arcanist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Chaos Explosion

Ability assassin.png
Spin Attack
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT
Slashes rapidly around you, damaging enemies over a large area.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 120%)
  • ( Thunder: 30%)
Area of Effect: 4.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Despite its spinning animation, Spin Attack damages all mobs around you instantly after being cast.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Spin Attack
Reduce the Mana cost of Spin Attack.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Spin Attack
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Dagger Proficiency I
Increase your Walk Speed and Main Attack's damage by +5%.
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Double Spin
Spin Attack will activate twice, with a larger area of effect on the second hit.
  • Total Damage: -40% (of your DPS, per spin)
  • ( Damage: -40%)
Area of Effect: +2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
The second spin activates 0.4s after the first spin and has a larger area of effect than the first.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Poisoned Blade
For every 2% or 2 Raw Main Attack Damage you have from items, gain +5/3s Poison. (Max +50/3s)
Your Main Attack gains additional range.
Range: +1 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Double Slice
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability assassin.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Dash in the direction you're facing.
Mana Cost: 20
Ability Points: 1
Dash can give you a vertical launch when aimed upward. After being cast, you have to get near the ground in order to get a vertical launch again.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Double Slice
Your Main Attack will hit twice, but deal -40% damage per hit.
Unlocking will block:
- Poisoned Blade
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 0.png
Ability assassin.png
Smoke Bomb
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT
Throws a bomb that slowly emanates smoke, damaging all enemies in it every 0.5s.
Mana Cost: 35
  • Total Damage: 35% (of your DPS, per tick)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Earth: 5%)
  • ( Air: 5%)
Range: 10 Blocks
Duration: 5s
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Dash
Reduce the Mana cost of Dash.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Dash
Branch 0.png
Ability assassin.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT
Unleashes a rapid flurry of 8 hits to enemies in front of you, dealing heavy damage.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per hit)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Water: 10%)
Range: 3 Blocks (Cone-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 6.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Make Multihit a single devastating hit. If you strike an enemy from behind, it deals double the damage.
Mana Cost: -5
  • Total Damage: 250% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 200%)
  • ( Earth: 50%)
Range: 4 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Fatality
- Stronger Multihit
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Multihit
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 2
Backstab's double damage will trigger as long as you are at most 70 degrees behind the direction the mob is facing.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Multihit will deal an additional final slash.
  • Total Damage: +150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +100%)
  • ( Air: +50%)
Unlocking will block:
- Backstab
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Multihit
Ability 2.png
Dash will hide you into the shadows. (5s Cooldown)
You cannot heal or gain mana while in that state.
(Attack or get hit to cancel)
🛡 Effect: Invisibility to Self
Duration: 5s
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Dash
You have a brief period of protection where you cannot get hit out of invisibility for 1s after entering Vanish.
Swapping off of your weapon slot will also cancel invisibility. Vanish's cooldown begins after you exit invisibility.
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Sticky Bomb
Smoke Bomb will stick to enemies and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +10% (of your DPS, per tick)
  • ( Fire: +10%)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Ability 1.png
Righting Reflex
When you hold shift while airborne, slowly glide and become immune to fall damage. (Max 5s)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Surprise Strike
Your first hit after casting Vanish will deal +80% more damage.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Vanish
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 3
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Mirror Image
Summon 3 Clones after reappearing from Vanish that will follow and protect you. (15s Cooldown)
When hit, you take 60% less damage. Clones can take 2 hits before dying.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Vanish
Min. Trickster Archetype: 2
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Spin Attack will lunge you forward, deal 3 strikes and then lunge you upward.
  • Total Damage: 90% (of your DPS, per strike)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Water: 10%)
  • ( Air: 20%)
Unlocking will block:
- Echo
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 2
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Silent Killer
Reset Vanish's cooldown after killing an enemy.
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Vanish
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
Last Laugh
When you lose a Clone, it will cast Spin Attack before dying.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Mirror Image
Ability 0.png
For every 2% Stealing you have from items, gain +1/3s Mana Steal. (Max +8/3s)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Wall of Smoke
Smoke Bomb will throw +2 bombs.
  • Total Damage: -10% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -10%)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Mobs can take damage from multiple bombs if they are in range of each of them.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Increase your Walk Speed by +20% and your Jump Height by +1.
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Smoke Bomb
Increase Smoke Bomb's range and area of effect.
Range: +10 Blocks
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Shadow Travel
Increases your Walk Speed by +120% when in Vanish.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Vanish
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Multihit
Reduce the Mana cost of Multihit.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Multihit
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Dagger Proficiency II
Increase your Main Attack's range and increase the raw damage to all attacks.
Damage Bonus: +5 (Raw)
Range: +1 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
The +5 damage bonus from Dagger Proficiency II essentially acts as +5 Main Attack Damage and +5 Spell Damage IDs.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
When Clones are active, casting Multihit while holding shift will instead slay 1 Clone and teleport you forwards with a brutal fiery slash.
  • Total Damage: 400% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 360%)
  • ( Fire: 40%)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mirror Image
Ability 1.png
When hitting enemies, reduce their damage by -0.1% per hit. (Max -15%)
The debuff decays at -0.3% per second.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Smoke Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Smoke Bomb.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Blazing Powder
Spin Attack and Lacerate will blind enemies and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +20% (of your DPS)
  • ( Fire: +20%)
🛡 Effect: Blindness to Enemies
Duration: 1s
Ability Points: 2
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
You gain +0.35 Mana if you hit an enemy while airborne.
(1.25+ blocks off the ground to be airborne)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. AcrobatArchetype: 3
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Black Hole
Smoke Bomb will pull nearby enemies.
Range: 6 Blocks
Ability Points: 2
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Reduce the cooldown of all your abilities by -3s every time you get hit for less than 5% of your Max Health. (1s Cooldown)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Sandbagging can reduce the cooldown of Vanish, Mirror Image, Parry, and Satsujin.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Leap forward when you double jump. (2s Cooldown)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Ability 3.png
Flow State
Landing 60 hits without stopping for over 2s will greatly increase your damage for a short time. (10s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: +50% Damage Bonus to Self
Duration: 5s
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 5
Ability 1.png
Violent Vortex
Dealing over 1.5x of your Max Health as damage in a single hit will deal 30% of the damage to other nearby enemies. (2s Cooldown)
Area of Effect: 10 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Delirious Gas
While you're inside Smoke Bomb, increase your damage by +40% and gain Luring for 20s.
While under Luring, enemies within a 16 block radius of you will become Lured, causing them to move 30% faster and target only you.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Min. Trickster Archetype: 4
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Multihit
Increase Multihit's amount of hits by +3.
Unlocking will block:
- Backstab
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Multihit
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Smoke Bomb will add +1 Mark to enemies it hits. (Max 4, 0.4s Cooldown)
Marked enemies will take +6% damage from attacks for each Mark they have.
Marks will decay once every 10s.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 5
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Your Clones will mimic your spells and abilities, and you deal -65% of your normal damage while they are active.
Bamboozle ignores Echo's damage reduction.
Unlocking will block:
- Lacerate
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mirror Image
Min. Trickster Archetype: 6
No matter how many Clones you have active, your damage will always be reduced by -65% while at least 1 Clone is out.
Clones cannot mimic weapon powder specials.
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
After using Dash, your next Main Attack will throw 3 shurikens.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS, per shuriken)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Range: 50 Blocks
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Far Reach
Increase the range of Multihit.
Range: +2 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Multihit
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Dancing Blade
Deal damage to enemies you Dash through.
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 70%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Dash
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Increase Surprise Strike's damage by +40%.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Surprise Strike
Ability 1.png
Death Magnet
When exiting Vanish, pull all nearby Marked mobs towards where you entered Vanish.
Range: 20 Blocks
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Marked
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Dash
Reduce the Mana cost of Dash.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Dash
Ability 2.png
After dodging damage with Agility, gain a brief damage buff, and make your next spell within 1.5s free. (3s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: +30% Damage Bonus to Self
Duration: 1.5s
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 5
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Spin Attack
Reduce the Mana cost of Spin Attack.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Spin Attack
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Nightcloak Knife
If cast while in Vanish, Spin Attack will consume all Marks from nearby enemies to summon the Nightcloak Knife.
The Knife will copy your attacks on enemies near you, dealing 4% of your damage for every 1 Mark consumed. (Max 10 Marks)
Range: 6 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 40s
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Marked
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Multihit
Reduce the Mana cost of Multihit.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Multihit
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
When hitting enemies with Spin Attack, reduce the duration of your negative effects by 30% per hit and transfer them onto enemies.
Luring can be transferred to most enemies.
(Bosses and special enemies are immune)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Spin Attack
Min. Trickster Archetype: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Choke Bomb
Smoke Bomb will slow down enemies while in the smoke.
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 1s
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Wall Jump
Reduce Hop's cooldown by -1s. Using Hop into a wall will bounce you backward.
(Hold shift to cancel)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Hop
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 5
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Fatal Spin
Increases Spin Attack and Lacerate's range and damage, and adds +1 Mark to enemies hit.
  • Total Damage: +20% (of your DPS, per spin)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Marked
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 8
Ability 0.png
When entering Vanish, become immune to knockback and gain resistance for a brief moment.
🛡 Effect: +75% Resistance Bonus to Self
Duration: 0.5s
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Vanish
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
When hitting an enemy with Dancing Blade, you will deal extra damage and vault upwards, resetting Dash as if you touched the ground.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +30%)
  • ( Air: +10%)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Dancing Blade
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Lacerate
Lacerate will deal +1 slash.
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Lacerate
Ability 0.png
Stronger Vortex
Increase Violent Vortex's damage by +40% and increase the damage requirement to be 2.5x your Max Health.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Violent Vortex
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
After killing an enemy, gain +5 Mana for each leftover Mark it had.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Marked
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Smoke Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Smoke Bomb.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Smoke Bomb
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Blade Fury
While using Multihit on an enemy, lock their position in front of you.
Multihit gains extra damage and can be aimed in all directions.
  • Total Damage: +15% (of your DPS, per hit)
  • ( Thunder: +15%)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Multitit
While Multihit is being used, the mob will move when you move and stay locked in front of you.
Blade Fury makes Multihit able to be aimed vertically up and down instead of just horizontally.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
More Marks
Increases your maximum Marks by +2.
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Marked
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Stronger Clones
Increase your damage by +15% while your Clones are active.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Echo
Min. Trickster Archetype: 7
This improves the damage penalty you have while your Clones are active from -60% to -45%.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Your Shurikens will bounce 1 time between enemies upon impact.
Range: 12 Blocks
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Shurikens
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 6
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
If an enemy has 4+ Marks, your next Multihit or Powder Special will deal +100% damage.
(15s Cooldown, per enemy)
Shadestepper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Shadestepper Archetype: 12
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Forbidden Art
Summon +3 additional Clones, but reduce your damage by -10% while your Clones are active. (+15s Cooldown)
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mirror Image
Min. Trickster Archetype: 8
Also makes Clones spawn at a 1 block further distance away from the player.
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Jasmine Bloom
After spending 40 Mana, an area underneath you blooms that damages enemies below it every 0.3s.
The duration is reset and the radius increases after every bloom. (Max 10 Blocks)
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Earth: 5%)
  • ( Water: 15%)
Duration: 5s
Area of Effect: +2 Blocks (per bloom, Max 10)
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acrobat Archetype: 12
Jasmine Bloom has a vertical range of 12 blocks.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Grants allies within 16 blocks +10% Overhealth whenever you hit a Lured enemy. (9s Cooldown)
The bonus health decays over 10s.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Delirious Gas
Min. Trickster Archetype: 12
Ability 0.png
Better Ricochets
Add +1 Max Bounce to Ricochets.
Acrobat Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Ricochets
Ability 0.png
Harvester will give +5 Mana.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Harvester
Ability 0.png
Better Marked
Increase Marked's damage bonus by +4%.
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Even Stronger Clones
Improves your damage by +10% while your Clones are active.
Trickster Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Echo
This improves the damage penalty you have while your Clones are active from -60% to -50%, or to -35% if Stronger Clones is also active.

Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - RIGHT
Summon a Totem that damages enemies around it every 0.4s.
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 12% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 6%)
  • ( Air: 6%)
Duration: 30s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
You can adjust the trajectory of your Totem's placement by looking up or down.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Relik Proficiency I
Double your Main Attack's beam speed and increase your damage when using a relik.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Totem
Reduce the Mana cost of Totem.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Totemic Smash
Your Totem will deal damage where it lands.
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Fire: 30%)
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Distant Grasp
Reduce your Main Attack's spread, and increase its beam speed by +33%.
Unlocking will block:
- Hand of the Shaman
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Leap towards your Totem.
Mana Cost: 15
Ability Points: 1
If you have multiple Totems active, Haul will send you towards the most recent one you summoned.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Hand of the Shaman
Your Main Attack will emit +2 extra beams.
(Increases your overall damage by +66%)
Unlocking will block:
- Distant Grasp
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 20% per beam. The damage of each beam still remains at 33%, allowing you to deal 166% damage with a single Main Attack.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - RIGHT - LEFT
Emit a rapid projectile that will explode and knock enemies away.
(Hold shift to pull instead)
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 80%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
  • ( Thunder: 20%)
Range: 18 Blocks
Area of Effect: 5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Haul
Reduce the Mana cost of Haul.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Haul
Branch 0.png
Ability shaman.png
Click Combo: RIGHT - LEFT - LEFT
Radiate an aura from your Totem that damages enemies.
Mana Cost: 40
  • Total Damage: 180% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Aura has a cylindrical hitbox that is 32 blocks tall, reaching 16 blocks above and below.
If you have multiple Totems active, an Aura will be cast from each one of them.
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 5.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 1.png
Nature's Jolt
Hitting the ground after using Haul will deal damage around you.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 90%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Haul
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shocking Aura
Aura will travel faster and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +20% (of your DPS)
  • ( Thunder: +20%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Flaming Tongue
Uproot becomes lashing flames, which hit 3 times but will not explode or knock back enemies.
  • Total Damage: -50% (of your DPS, for Uproot, per hit)
  • ( Damage: -15%)
  • ( Earth: -30%)
  • ( Thunder: -15%)
  • ( Fire: +10%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 1.png
Increases Uproot's and Haunting Memory's range. Hitting Totem with either will reset its duration.
Range: +6 Blocks
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 1.png
Rain Dance
While mid-air, your Totem will leave a streak of rain that damages enemies under it every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Water: 30%)
Duration: 6s
Area of Effect: 3.5 Blocks (Line-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Casting Totem repeatedly will spawn more streaks of rain, but mobs can only be damaged by one streak at a time.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Puppet Master
Your Totem will summon 1 Puppet every 3s (Max 3). They throw knives at nearby enemies every 0.5s.
  • Total Damage: 20% (of your DPS, per knife)
  • ( Damage: 16%)
  • ( Earth: 2%)
  • ( Air: 2%)
Duration: 30s
Range: 16 Blocks
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Totem
Min. Summoner Archetype: 3
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will spawn Puppets. However, having more Totems does not increase the maximum amount of Puppets you can have.
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Lunatic
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Lunatic.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Aura is decreased and you gain a damage bonus at the cost of reduced resistance.
Mana Cost: -30%
🛡 Effects: +35% Damage Bonus to Self
-20% Resistance Bonus to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 2
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Ability 3.png
Sacrificial Shrine
Your Totem will siphon 2% of your Health every 0.4s and transfer it into a Blood Pool.
Aura will use 15 points of Blood Pool to deal +35% damage and heal all allies.
Total Heal: 25% (of your max health)
Unlocking will block:
- Regeneration
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Totem
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 3
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will drain siphon your health. Additionally, casting Aura will spend 15% of your Blood Pool for each of your Totems, and each boosted Aura will heal allies.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Enemies hit by Nature's Jolt will be slowed down.
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Nature's Jolt
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Aura
Reduce the Mana cost of Aura.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uproot
Reduce the Mana cost of Uproot.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Once Aura reaches its maximum range, it will bounce back and deal its effects a second time.
Sacrificial Shrine will heal 40% less health.
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
When an Aura boosted by Sacrificial Shrine rebounds, it will heal and do damage a second time, at no additional Blood Pool cost.
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
More Puppets I
Increase your maximum Puppets by +1.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Ability 2.png
Haunting Memory
When you switch Masks, throw your previous one forwards. If it hits an enemy, it will attach for a short time and debuff them. You will not receive the effects of your Mask until it returns.
  • Total Damage: 130% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 130%)
Range: 14 Blocks
🛡 Effects: -15% Damage Bonus to Enemies (from Lunatic)
-15% Resistance Bonus to Enemies (from Fanatic)
+30% Slowness to Enemies (from Coward)
Duration: 4s
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Totem
Increase your Totem's area of effect.
Area of Effect: +4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Blood Connection
If you are outside of your Totem's range, Haul will teleport you to it.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Haul
If you have multiple Totems active, Haul will send you towards the most recent one you summoned, teleporting you if you are outside that Totem's range.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Exploding Puppets
When your Puppets have 3s left, they will charge towards enemies at high speed and explode.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Fire: 50%)
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Hymn of Hate
While wearing the Mask of the Lunatic, killing an enemy with Aura will cast a new Aura at its location, dealing -50% of its damage.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
If you have Sacrificial Shrine, the additional Auras will attempt to spend 15% of your Blood Pool to boost its damage from 50% to 75% and heal players. The heal amount is not affected by Hymn of Hate.
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Hitting enemies with Uproot or Haunting Memory will inflict them with Whipped. Your Summons will focus Whipped enemies and deal additional damage to them.
🛡 Effect: +20% Damage Bonus to Summons
Duration: 10s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Ability 0.png
More Puppets II
Increase your maximum Puppets by +2.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: More Puppets I
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Fanatic
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Fanatic.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Totem is decreased and you gain a resistance bonus at the cost of reduced walk speed.
Mana Cost: -65%
🛡 Effects: +35% Resistance to Self
-35% Walk Speed to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 3
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Ability 1.png
Vengeful Spirit
Your Totem will give all players in its range a damage bonus.
🛡 Effect: +20% Damage Bonus to Allies
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Switching between Masks 2 times will give you 30 Mana.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Double Totem
Increase your maximum Totems by +1. Totem and Aura will do 40% less damage.
Regeneration and Sacrificial Shrine will heal 40% less health.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Min. Summoner Archetype: 2
Having multiple Totems active will change the ways your spells work: Haul will send you towards the most recently summoned Totem, and Aura will emit a wave from all of your Totems at once.
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Totem
Reduce the Mana cost of Totem.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Storm Dance
Enemies hit by Aura will be pulled towards your Totem.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS)
  • ( Air: +30%)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Blood Moon
For every 1% Soul Point Regen you have from items, gain +5/3s Life Steal. (Max +1000/3s)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Every 0.4s, your Totem will heal every player within its range.
Total Heal: 1% (of your max health)
Unlocking will block:
- Sacrificial Shrine
Ability Points: 2
If you have multiple Totems active, each one will heal players, stacking if a player is nearby multiple Totems at once.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Haul
Reduce the Mana cost of Haul.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Haul
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Aura
Reduce the Mana cost of Aura.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Aura
Branch 2.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Totemic Shatter
While wearing the Mask of the Fanatic, your Totem will shatter upon impacting the ground, rapidly triggered 8s worth of its effects.
Regeneration will only heal 50% of its usual amount.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Twisted Tether
When hitting an enemy with your Main Attack, use 1 point of Blood Pool to add Tethered to them.
Tethered enemies will take damage for every 2% Health you lose. (Max 20%)
  • Total Damage: 35% (of your DPS, per 2% health)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Range: 24 Blocks
Duration: 5s
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 7
Health lost from getting hit, triggering negative life steal, and Sacrificial Shrine will all damage Tethered enemies.
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Totem
Increase Totem's damage.
  • Total Damage: +4% (of your DPS, per tick)
  • ( Damage: +4%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Totem
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Masquerade will trigger after -1 less Mask switch. Reduces mana bonus by -10.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Masquerade
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 6
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Crimson Effigy
Hitting your Totem with Uproot or Haunting Memory will summon an Effigy that will attack enemies and push them towards your Totem.
  • Total Damage: 100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 75%)
  • ( Water: 25%)
Duration: 60s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Summoner Archetype: 8
Effigies can attack mobs every 0.3s, and can follow them at a speed of 10 blocks per second.
Branch 0.png
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Mask of the Coward
When casting Uproot, instead wear the Mask of the Coward.
(Shift + Uproot to remove it)
While wearing this mask, the mana cost of Haul is decreased and you gain walk speed at the cost of reduced damage.
Mana Cost: -50%
🛡 Effects: +80% Walk Speed to Self
-10% Damage Bonus to Self
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 7
Having Mask of the Lunatic, Mask of the Fanatic, or Mask of the Coward will completely replace Uproot, making you unable to use abilities such as Crimson Effigy or Blood Sorrow.
Unlike Arcane Transfer, Uproot still retains its Mana cost when you have a mask ability unlocked.
Uproot will always cycle masks in the order Lunatic, Fanatic, Coward, and removing a mask will always start you back at Lunatic again.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Fluid Healing
Increases Aura's healing by +0.3% for every 1% Water Damage Bonus you have from items.
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Ability 1.png
Maddening Roots
Uproot will slow down enemies.
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Coward
When switching to the Mask of the Coward, damage and knock nearby enemies away.
  • Total Damage: 200% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 200%)
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Coward
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 7
Ability 2.png
Blood Rite
When any player takes damage within your Totem's range, 35% of the damage taken proportional to your maximum health is added to your Blood Pool.
(Max 10 points per hit)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 9
Health that you lose to Sacrificial Shrine will be affected by Blood Rite, essentially increasing your Blood Pool gain by 35%.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
More Effigies
Increase your maximum Effigies by +1.
  • Total Damage: -20% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -10%)
  • ( Water: -10%)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Crimson Effigy
Min. Summoner Archetype: 8
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Fanatic
When switching to the Mask of the Fanatic, you and your allies are given a temporary resistance buff. (8s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: 70% Resistance Bonus to Allies
Duration: 3s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 10
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Tether
Increase Twisted Tether's damage.
  • Total Damage: +15% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +15%)
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Twisted Tether
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Triple Totem
Increase your maximum Totems by +1. Totem and Aura will do 50% less damage.
Regeneration and Sacrificial Shrine will heal 50% less health.
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Double Totem
Having multiple Totems active will change the ways your spells work: Haul will send you towards the most recently summoned Totem, and Aura will emit a wave from all of your Totems at once.
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Invigorating Wave
Aura will temporarily increase your Summons' attack speed. Players hit will gain +5 Mana.
🛡 Effect: +30% Attack Speed to Summons
Duration: 2.5s
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Aura
Min. Summoner Archetype: 3
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Seeking Totem
While wearing the Mask of the Fanatic, your Totem will move towards you, unless you are within its range.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Mask of the Fanatic
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Frog Dance
When wearing the Mask of the Coward, Haul will bounce you off of the ground 3 times at an increasing speed and will deal damage to nearby enemies.
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 110%)
  • ( Water: 40%)
Area of Effect: 3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Coward
If you have Nature's Jolt, it will only trigger after you land from the last leap from Frog Dance.
Branch 3.png
Ability 0.png
Larger Blood Pool
Increase your maximum Blood Pool by +30 points.
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Sacrificial Shrine
Ability 3.png
When you or your Summons kill an enemy, gain +1 Max Puppets for 15s. (Max +8)
Summoner Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Puppet Master
Min. Summoner Archetype: 12
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
Chant of the Lunatic
When switching to the Mask of the Lunatic, reduce the defenses of nearby enemies. (8s Cooldown)
🛡 Effect: -15% Resistance Bonus to Enemies
Duration: 3s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Mask of the Lunatic
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Blood Sorrow
Uproot will spend 70 points of Blood Pool to cast a destructive beam that chains between enemies and allies, and damages enemies every 0.2s.
(You cannot use your Main Attack, Aura, or Uproot while in this state)
You and any allies within the beam will receive +2% Overhealth per hit. Bonus health decays over 10s.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Water: 20%)
Duration: 4s
Range: 24 Blocks
Acolyte Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Acolyte Archetype: 12
While casting Blood Sorrow, you cannot use your Main Attack or Aura, but you can use Totem and Haul freely.
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Uproot
Reduce the Mana cost of Uproot.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Uproot
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
After saving 200 Mana from your Masks' mana reductions, switching Masks will cause you to become Awakened for 20s, giving you the upsides of all Masks at once with no downsides.
Switching to an attached Mask while Awakened will immediately recall the Mask back to you.
Ritualist Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Uproot
Min. Ritualist Archetype: 12


  • Ability trees, points, and shards were added in the 2.0 Spellbound Update alongside Archetypes.
  • On the Ability Tree UI, there is Ancient Wynnic that translates to the following:
    • On the top of the Ability Tree: Hone Your Skill
    • Around the Archetype Descriptions: Archetype
    • On the bottom of the UI: Master the Tree
  • On the icon of the Ability Tree on the Compass Menu, the letters "AT" can be read in Ancient Wynnic, which is an abbreviation for the tree.