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NPC Info
X: 3915 Z: -3406
Species Dragon
Location Far Above the Clouds

Farcor, also known as the Wise One, is an ancient dragon who can be met high above the Kandon-Beda during the Far Above the Clouds Secret Discovery.


Prior to the Fracturing of the Ahms region in 0 AP, Farcor roamed the region, bestowing his knowledge upon any who asked. The ancient Villager civilization of Ahms worshiped him as a god, alongside the Ahms Colossus itself; Farcor attributes the growth of their power to his own guidance and assistance.

Despite Farcor's warnings in the years leading up to the Fracturing, the Ahms civilization did not heed the danger posed by their Colossus. When it finally malfunctioned, destroying itself and shattering the Ahms region, he judged them arrogant and undeserving of his wisdom, and left the newly-formed Sky Islands behind.

In the millennium since Farcor's departure, he has remained above the clouds, watching over the events of Gavellian history. Several years ago, a person implied to be Bob sought out his wisdom, and ultimately stayed with him for some time before embarking on a mission directly into danger. Farcor also warns of the possibility of another Fracturing in Gavel, caused by the degenerating behavior of the Canyon Colossus.


Farcor can be met by completing the Far Above the Clouds Discovery, then following the road through the clouds to the end of the area, where he resides. Reaching the clouds requires
Glowing Bean Sprouts obtained from the Sky Castle, which was built by the Ahms civilization before the Fracturing.

After speaking to him, Farcor gives players
Wealth or Knowledge, a book originally brought to him by Bob from Llevigar. The book can be sold to the Literature Merchant in Ahmsord; alternatively, it may be taken to Llevigar's Secret Library to unlock hidden dialogue with the Llevigar Archivist.


On your first conversation:

  • Farcor: Ah... So another has sought me out. What is it you seek, human? Wealth? Power?
  • Farcor: I am afraid you will be sorely disappointed... I will offer you neither.
  • Farcor: If you have found your way here, you must know my story. I left Gavel a millennium ago...
  • Farcor: Your people were not to blame what befell this land. None of those who yet remain below can take the whole blame, truly... But still, they all had their part to play.
  • Farcor: I have seen the Doguns fall, have watched as the Decay twisted the land below. I remember, too, what those Elves had done, all those years ago...
  • Farcor: You are not the first to visit me, nor, I suspect, you will be the last. And when you leave, I will humbly await the next.
  • Farcor: I regret that you came all this way for no reward... Perhaps I will gift you this book. It reminds me of the days long past, before all this tragedy came to pass...
  • Farcor: Now, human, leave me to rest. I have lived a long life, and I am very weary...

On subsequent conversations:

  • Farcor: Hm... You are still here? Not many have stayed after hearing what I have to say. None, but one...
  • Farcor: Have you come to seek my wisdom, then? What is it you have come for?
    • [1] Can you tell me what the Ahms region was like before it fractured?
      • Farcor: The Ahms region... It was my home and domain, once. Before those fools refused to listen to my warnings.
      • Farcor: And a great land it once was. Similar to the Canyon which still lies to the west, yes, yet... Simpler. Greater. The walls did not shift, for their Protector had not yet encountered a threat it could not handle.
      • Farcor: I roamed the land and gave my wisdom to any who would ask. They grew wiser, and they grew more powerful, all with my assistance...
      • Farcor: Truly, I should have seen the signs long before the Fracturing. They were growing arrogant, and thought that they knew better than me.
      • Farcor: And so, even as I warned them of incoming calamity, they chose to embrace their Protector. Not of their creation, no... But it was theirs nonetheless.
      • Farcor: And as their Protector failed them, and fractured their land into pieces... They fell back on me. They sought my wisdom once more. They did not deserve it. So I left.
      • Farcor: ...I suppose it is unfair to claim they all deserved that calamity. One section of the region, inhabited by folk unlike the others... They heeded my warnings. They prepared.
      • Farcor: I do not know what came of them, after the Fracturing. Perhaps they, too, fell into the deep Void below. And yet... They prepared. They listened.
      • Farcor: Hm. My apologies, I have been rambling on for far too long. I thank you for indulging this old man and his stories.
    • [2] Is there anything I can do to fix the Sky Islands?
      • Farcor: You would wish to restore this land...? Hm... No. No, I do not believe this can be done. It has been lost for far too long...
      • Farcor: Ah, but that does not mean things cannot improve. I know now that the Doguns have been freed, and the dwarves have ceased their war.
      • Farcor: And yet, a threat lies on the horizon. That which fractured this land... Without direct action, such a fate awaits this realm once more.
      • Farcor: If you aim to repair that which has been broken... I would advise you to move quickly. This land does not have long left before it all fractures anew.
    • [3] What do you know about the Void below the Sky Islands?
      • Farcor: Hm... I have not descended into that dangerous abyss, for I fear the beings from between would not take well to my presence.
      • Farcor: From what I can discern, it feels... strange. It is not of our realm, nor is it of the three which clash eternal. It is distinctly other.
      • Farcor: I would urge you to stay alert if you choose to explore that place. Danger lurks in the unknown.
    • [4] You mentioned someone else who stayed to talk to you.
      • Farcor: Ah... Yes. He came seeking my wisdom, many years ago. Though he did not plan to stay long, his visit soon became an extended stay.
      • Farcor: It is... A light in my memory of millennia. We spoke of much, while he stayed here. He had theories and observations, and he sought my wisdom to confirm them.
      • Farcor: I am unsure what came of him. His plans, as he spoke of them, would take him directly into danger. As he departed, he promised he would return if he succeeded.
      • Farcor: ...As you would imagine, I have not seen him since. I worry for his safety, but I trusted his capabilities. I remain hopeful that, someday, he will come to me with good tidings. Until then, I will wait.
    • [5] I just wanted to say hello.
      • Farcor: ...I see. Thank you for your kindness, human. It seems to be a rarity, these days...


  • Farcor's name and appearance are based on Falkor, a "luck dragon" in Michael Ende's 1979 novel The Neverending Story.
  • Before the 2.0 Spellbound Update, Farcor was involved in the level 97 Quest The Fortuneteller. The quest was removed in that update, and its content was recycled into the new Sky Castle, and the Secret Discoveries Far Above the Clouds and Llevigar's Secret Library.
    • According to the library in Kandon-Beda, it was assumed that the story of Farcor was a fable, invented to explain the Fracturing of the Sky Islands.