Otherworldly Exhibition

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Otherworldly Exhibition CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
Wounds in the world left by indomitable hunger create unseen passageways for strange and impossible things to wriggle their way to reality. The most deranged see beauty in the indescribable merging of existences.
Coordinates X: 1451, Y: 150, Z: -963
Suggested Level 104
Required Quest A Journey Further
Length Long
Difficulty Hard
General Information
Time 10m
Wave Amount 9
Mobs Groveling Forgottens (Lv. 95)
Void Grubs (Lv. 100)
Smidgens (Lv. 100)
Grafter Propagules (Lv. 101)
Seedlings (Lv. 101)
Reality Rejects (Lv. 102)
Bog Creatures (Lv. 102)
Inhuman Attendees (Lv. 104)
Burning Trichomes (Lv. 104)
Duneshifters (Lv. 104)
Smoldering Sponges (Lv. 105)
Bone Sculptures (Lv. 105)
Void Soul Roamers (Lv. 106)
Grafted Soul Roamers (Lv. 106)
Veil Painters (Lv. 106)
Crabs of the Red Sands (Lv. 106)
Reality Sculptors (Lv. 107)
Vacuous Visitors (Lv. 108)
Bilious Pigments (Lv. 108)
Burning Caskets (Lv. 109)
Void Transplanters (Lv. 109)
Dark Beast Idols (Lv. 110)
Grotesque Puppets (Lv. 110)
Null Genesises (Lv. 110)
Giga Goos (Lv. 110)
Glow Bulb Herbages (Lv. 110)
Malign Rifts (Lv. ?)
Void Grafters (Lv. 111)
Boss Smoldering Chunk (Lv. 110)
Iconoclastic Artpiece (Lv. 111)
Null Structure (Lv. 112)
Flesh Collage (Lv. 112)
Upside Downer (Lv. 112)
Ravenous Abyss (Lv. 115)
Diminished Greater One (Lv. 115)
False Figure (Lv. 118)
2,500,000 XP
Null Plating
Tol Rune
Eldritch Outlook Key

Otherworldly Exhibition is a World Event found in a place isolated from the rest of the Silent Expanse, hidden behind a door in the area between Void Valley and the Eldritch Outlook.


Nine waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 5 Void Grubs
    • 2 Inhuman Attendees
    • 4 Smoldering Sponges
    • 4 Void Soul Roamers
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 2 Burning Caskets
  • Wave 2:
  • Wave 3:
    • 5 Inhuman Attendees
    • 4 Burning Trichomes
    • 12 Smoldering Sponges
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 1 Dark Beast Idol
    • 1 Smoldering Chunk
    • 1 Iconoclastic Artpiece
  • Wave 4:
    • 5 Void Grubs
    • 5 Reality Rejects
    • 4 Bone Sculptures
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 6 Vacuous Visitors
    • 2 Grotesque Puppets
  • Wave 5:
    • 5 Void Grubs
    • 5 Reality Rejects
    • 6 Inhuman Attendees
    • 12 Bone Sculptures
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 6 Vacuous Visitors
    • 3 Grotesque Puppets
    • 1 Dark Beast Idol
    • 1 Null Genesis
  • Wave 6:
    • 12 Void Grubs
    • 4 Reality Rejects
    • 8 Inhuman Attendees
    • 1 Veil Painter
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 1 Null Genesises
    • 1 Null Structure
    • 1 Flesh Collage
  • Wave 7:
    • 10 Void Grubs
    • 3 Bog Creatures
    • 2 Duneshifters
    • 8 Crabs of the Red Sands
    • 2 Reality Sculptors
    • 1 Giga Goo
  • Wave 8:
    • 10 Void Grubs
    • 5 Bog Creatures
    • 2 Duneshifters
    • 8 Crabs of the Red Sands
    • 4 Veil Painters
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 2 Bilious Pigments
    • 2 Void Transplanters
  • Wave 9:
    • 5 Groveling Forgottens
    • 3 Burning Trichomes
    • 3 Duneshifters
    • 4 Bone Sculptures
    • 1 Reality Sculptor
    • 1 Upside Downer
    • 1 Ravenous Abyss

The Smoldering Chunk, Iconoclastic Artpiece, Null Structure, Flesh Collage, Upside Downer, Ravenous Abyss, Diminished Greater One, and False Figure must all be killed in order to successfully end the World Event.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GrovelingForgotten.png Groveling Forgotten 95 ? ? ? ? - Gateway Passage,
Otherworldly Exhibition
VoidGrub.png Void Grub 100 6,410 Melee Teleport - - Void Valley,
Monument to Loss,
Otherworldly Exhibition,
from Ravenous Abyss
GrafterPropagule.png Grafter Propagule 101 27,000 Melee
Knockback Immune


3 Seedlings Otherworldly Exhibition
Seedling.png Seedling 101 21,000 Jumper
Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge

1 Smidgen From Grafter Propagules,
Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing
Smidgen.png Smidgen 100 Invulnerable Melee Explode

- From Seedlings
RealityReject.png Reality Reject 102 45,775 Melee Knockback Immune

- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
File:MacularLarva.png Macular Larva 102 42,000 Jumper Charge

- From Unthinking Artists,
from Flesh Collage
BogCreature.png Bog Creature 102 ? Retreat Charge


- Void Valley,
Otherworldly Exhibition
InhumanAttendee(Hostile).png Inhuman Attendee
104 ? ? ?


- Otherworldly Exhibition
BurningTrichome.png Burning Trichome 104 35,050 Rapid Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Flamethrower

- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing
File:Duneshifter.png Duneshifter 104 ? ?
Blindness Resist



- Otherworldly Exhibition
SmolderingSponge.png Smoldering Sponge 105 ? Jumper Ranged -

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:BoneSculpture.png Bone Sculpture 105 ? Strafe Melee ?
- Otherworldly Exhibition
VoidSoulRoamer.png Void Soul Roamer 106 14005 Melee - -
Soul Essence

Glow Bulb Seeds
Void Valley
GraftedSoulRoamer.png Grafted Soul Roamer 106 ? ? -
- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:VeilPainter.png Veil Painter 106 ? ? ?


- Otherworldly Exhibition
CraboftheRedSands.png Crab of the Red Sands 106 17,600 Crawl Heal - - Void Valley,
Otherworldly Exhibition
File:RealitySculptor.png Reality Sculptor 107 ? Strafe Melee ?

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:VacuousVisitor.png Vacuous Visitor 108 ? Crawl ?

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:BiliousPigment.png Bilious Pigment 108 ? Ambush ?


- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:BurningCasket.png Burning Casket 109 ? ? ?

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:VoidTransplanter.png Void Transplanter 109 ? ? ?

- Otherworldly Exhibition
DarkBeastIdol.png Dark Beast Idol 110 ? ? Charge


- Void Valley,
Otherworldly Exhibition
File:GrotesquePuppet.png Grotesque Puppet 110 ? Strafe Melee
Knockback Immune

Slowness Resist
Heavy Charge


- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:NullGenesis.png Null Genesis 110 ? Charge Explode


- Otherworldly Exhibition
GigaGoo.png Giga Goo 110 ? ? -


- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:GlowBulbHerbage.png Glow Bulb Herbage 110 115,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Explode

- Otherworldly Exhibition
VoidGrafter.png Void Grafter 111 100,000 Crawl
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm


- Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite
File:SmolderingChunk.png Smoldering Chunk 110 ? Jumper Arrow Storm

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:IconoclasticArtpiece.png Iconoclastic Artpiece 111 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Pentimento Flame*
Apostate Flame*


- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:NullStructure.png Null Structure 112 ? ?
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune

Slowness Immune
Monochrome White*
Monochrome Black*

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:FleshCollage.png Flesh Collage 112 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Summon Larvae*



- Otherworldly Exhibition
UpsideDowner.png Upside Downer 112 ? ? Inversion*

- Void Valley,
Otherworldly Exhibition
File:RavenousAbyss.png Ravenous Abyss 115 ? ?
Knockback Resist
Summon Rifts*
Summon Grubs*

- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:DiminishedGreaterOne.png Diminished Greater One 115 ? Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm


- Otherworldly Exhibition
File:FalseFigure.png False Figure 118 ? ?
Knockback Resist
Blueshift Incineration*

- Otherworldly Exhibition