Silent Expanse Expedition

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Silent Expanse Expedition CBLootrunCampIcon.png
The base camp for this lootrun.
Suggested Level 101
Lootrun Chief
X: 991, Y: 77, Z: -781
Required Quests A Journey Further
Required Caves Eyeball Gauntlet
The Gwanari
Statue Opening
Spiteful Crossing
The Place Condensed
The Place Coalesced
Haze Cave
Loot Symposium
Caged Creatures
The Lantern Keeper's Abode
Blind Burrow
Lootrun Info
Min. Challenges 4
Total Starting
Starting Timer 4:00
Mob Scaling
(per Challenge)
+50% Health
+15% Damage
Mobs See List of Mobs
Daily Bonuses +100 Lootrun XP
+5 End Reward Pulls
+1 End Reward Reroll

The Silent Expanse Expedition is a Lootrun based in the Silent Expanse. The camp is in the Toxic Wastes, which therefore requires at least A Journey Further completed, along with all the caves in the Silent Expanse. Not counting the Spelunk challenges, there are thirteen challenges in total.

All of the mobs' HP is their base HP, and it will increase further in the lootrun.

Ruined Olmic City Challenges

Slay Mobs - Statue Necropolis

Statue Necropolis is a 4-wave slay mobs challenge located at 602, 83, -406. The mobs that are spawned per wave are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 2 Funerary Memorials
    • 2 Haunted Remains
  • Wave 2:
    • 2 Funerary Memorials
    • 2 Haunted Remains
    • 1 Gravekeeper
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Funerary Memorials
    • 2 Haunted Remains
    • 1 Gravekeeper
  • Wave 4:
    • 3 Funerary Memorials
    • 4 Haunted Remains
    • 2 Gravekeepers

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FuneraryMemorial.png Funerary Memorial 103 80,000 Charge Heavy Charge ✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Statue Necropolis
HauntedRemains.png Haunted Remains 103 70,000 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Multihit
✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Statue Necropolis
Gravekeeper.png Gravekeeper 103 210,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Explode
✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Statue Necropolis

Destroy - Puppetry Performance

Puppetry Performance is a Destroy objective located at 695, 86, -497, involving a lanky dark figure that appears to be the puppeteer behind the show. The Puppeteer has 500000 base HP, but does not move nor retaliate.

If the player is detected camping during the challenge, several Drift Dolls will spawn.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Puppeteer.png Puppeteer - 500000 Destroy Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Puppetry Performance
SoulfulPuppet.png Soulful Puppet 104 15,000 Melee - ✹ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Puppetry Performance
LooseMarionette.png Loose Marionette 106 29,000 Melee Knockback Immune
Heavy Meteor
✹ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Puppetry Performance
SoullessPuppet.png Soulless Puppet 108 39,000 Melee Blindness Immune ✹ Weak
✦ Dam
❋ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Puppetry Performance
DriftDoll.png Drift Doll 104 30,000 Melee
Knockback Immune ❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Puppetry Performance

Defend - City Statue

City Statue is a defend objective, in which the player must defend the titular object from an onslaught of mobs. The statue is located at [691, 92, -375], at the southern edge of the Ruined Olmic City. The statue has 160000 base HP, and must be defended for 50 seconds to complete the challenge.

Wisps and Whispers are fast mobs that will swarm the statue, and must be killed quickly or damaged enough to pull their attention away; less common Whisperers will also attack the statue, chipping away its health from a distance. Susurraters only spawn occasionally and will not focus on the statue, instead attacking the player. However, their damaging abilities will also damage the statue if they hit it, so they should be kept away from the center of the battle if possible.

Very rarely, a Dusk Kantyr will spawn in the City Statue challenge for additional aid in combat. Another very rare mob spawn that can happen during this challenge is the spawning of the Ghost-Eater.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CityStatue.png City Statue - 160000 Defend Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
City Statue
Wisp(Level101).png Wisp 101 9,350 Melee - ✹ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
City Statue
Whisper.png Whisper 102 14,450 Melee - ✹ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
City Statue
Whisperer.png Whisperer 103 19,850 Ranged Teleport ✹ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
City Statue
Susurrater.png Susurrater 105 68,250 Melee Blindness Immune
Slowness Resist
Heavy Charge
Heavy Arrow Storm
✹ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
City Statue
DuskKantyr.png Dusk Kantyr 110 36000 Protect - ✦ Dam
✦ Def

Calcified Ligament
Eyeball Forest

Eyeball Forest Challenges

Spelunk - Eyeball Gauntlet

In this cave at 1088, 137, -145, there are 2 Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chests and a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest. They have no requirements to open, but instead need to be accessed by giving 6 different eyes to the altar before the door to them.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CryingEye.png Crying Eye 103 35,800 Neutral Ranged Heavy Weakness
Arrow Storm
✽ Dam
✽ Def

Crying Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Blue Eye
BleedingEye.png Bleeding Eye 102 26,800 Rapid Ranged Heavy Multihit
✹ Dam
✽ Def

Bleeding Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Red Eye
InfectingEye.png Infecting Eye 102 25,700 Melee Heavy Explode ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Infecting Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Green Eye
RampagingVelotante.png Rampaging Velotante 102 9,400 Charge Self-Destruct ✽ Dam - Eyeball Gauntlet, Green Eye
Irritatinggunk.png Irritating Gunk 100 7,800 Jumper Ranged - ❋ Def - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Green Eye
StalkingEye.png Stalking Eye 100 68,000 Melee Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
Watching Eye Eyeball Gauntlet, Yellow Eye
WatchingEye.png Watching Eye 100 7,000 Melee Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Stalking Eye

Watching Eye
From Stalking Eye
BlindingEye.png Blinding Eye 100 1 None Blind -
Blinding Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Gray Eye
DigestingEye.png Digesting Eye 100 11,100 Burst Ranged
Heavy Pull ✤ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def

Digesting Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Toothed Eye
DigestiveFire.png Digestive Fire 100 100,000 Melee Heavy Flamethrower - - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Toothed Eye
ShadingEye.png Shading Eye 102 33,000 Charge Vanish
Heavy Teleport
❋ Dam
❋ Def

Shading Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Black Eye
DyeingEye.png Dyeing Eye 102 33,000 Melee Explode
Dyeing Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
FieryHeart.png Fiery Heart 98 25,000 Support Flamethrower ✹ Dam - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
WateryHeart.png Watery Heart 98 25,000 Support Wave ✽ Dam - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
EarthlyHeart.png Earthly Heart 98 25,000 Support Meteor ✤ Dam - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
CrippledFearfulBunny.png Crippled Fearful Bunny 99 199 Scared - - 1 Dreading Eye Eyeball Gauntlet,
Orange Eye
DreadingEye.png Dreading Eye 102 25,000 Crawl Meteor ✦ Dam
Fearing Eye

Dreading Eye
From a Crippled Fearful Bunny

Spelunk - Spiteful Crossing

In this cave, a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest needs to be opened by defeating 3 mobs in the final room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
JealousSpiteful.png Jealous Spiteful 99 8,800 Ranged - ✹ Dam
✤ Def
- Spiteful Crossing
SpitefulFlatterer.png Spiteful Flatterer 99 10,000 Burst Ranged - - - Spiteful Crossing

Spelunk - Statue Opening

In this cave, a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest needs to be opened by obtaining 6 Statue Keys, dropped from the mobs spawned from the Mystical Statues.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MysticalStatue.png Mystical Statue 105 1 None - - One of the following: Statue Opening
AshEater.png Ash Eater 102 15,100 Melee Explode
Self Destruct
Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
StoneScolty.png Stone Scolty 102 8,700 Melee - ✤ Dam
Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
EvolvedStoneScolty.png Evolved Stone Scolty 105 15,400 Melee Heal ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
WeepingGranite.png Weeping Granite 106 31,300 Burst Ranged - -
Statue Key
From Mystical Statues

Spelunk - The Gwanari

In this cave at the southwest corner of the creature, you must defeat a Stomach Dweller to open a Tier 3 [✫✫✫] Loot Chest.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LeukocyticGrowth.png Leukocytic Growth 104 10,000 Melee - -
Sentient Leukocyte
The Gwanari
DigestiveAcid.png Digestive Acid 104 10,000 Ranged Knockback Immune - - The Gwanari
StomachDweller.png Stomach Dweller 105 31,500 Jumper Pull ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Def
- The Gwanari

Spelunk - The Place Condensed

In this cave, a Tier 4 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest needs to be opened by defeating That Which Condenses in the final room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BlankCrawler.png Blank Crawler 100 6,500 Crawl Heavy Vanish ✦ Def - The Place Condensed,
from Reshaped Blanks,
from That Which Condenses
VoidRift.png Void Rift 103 19,850 Crawl Heavy Teleport ❋ Dam - The Place Condensed
That Which Condenses.png That Which Condenses 105 233,750 Support Blindness Immune
Heavy Vanish
Heavy Pull
❋ Dam
❋ Def
6 Blank Crawlers The Place Condensed

Slay Mobs - Reject Grove

The Reject Grove is a 5-wave Slay Mobs challenge located at 895, 78, -530. The mobs that are spawned per wave are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 4 Reality Rejects
    • 1 Inferno Eye
  • Wave 2:
    • 4 Reality Rejects
    • 1 Dernic Siren
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Reality Rejects
    • 1 Inferno Eye
    • 1 Dernic Siren
  • Wave 4:
    • ?
  • Wave 5:
    • 6 Reality Rejects
    • 2 Inferno Eyes
    • 2 Dernic Sirens
    • 2 Spurned Woodsmen

Very rarely, a duo of Rare Mobs will spawn called Blossom Ocellus and Blossom Onmatidia.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RealityReject.png Reality Reject 102 45,775 Melee Knockback Immune ✦ Weak - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
InfernoEye.png Inferno Eye 104 20,500 Charge Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✹ Dam
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
DernicSiren.png Dernic Siren 104 30,650 Ranged Heavy Wave ✽ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
SpurnedWoodsman.png Spurned Woodsman 108 109,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Heavy Multihit
✤ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
BlossomOcellus.png Blossom Ocellus 100 120,100
Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Heavy Charge
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
BlossomOnmatidia.png Blossom Onmatidia 100 100,100 Ranged Blindness Immune
Arrow Storm
Heavy Wave
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove

Destroy - Spire of Eyes

Spire of Eyes is a destroy objective, in which the player must destroy the titular object while being attacked by mobs. The spire is located at [957, 93, -410], on top of a boulder in the southern Eyeball Forest. The spire has 500,000 base HP, and does not move or retaliate.

Flowering Panoptes and Pterygium Blooms are the fodder of the challenge, spawning in high numbers but generally not posing a significant threat. Scions and Gurana spawn less frequently, but the Gurana is especially dangerous, possessing abilities that can rapidly deal heavy damage in a wide area.

If you are detected camping, several Pollinated Watchers will spawn. Several Rafflesias will also spawn on the large tree near the Spire.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SpireofEyes.png Spire of Eyes - 500,000 Destroy Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Spire of Eyes
FloweringPanoptes.png Flowering Panoptes 101 18,700 Jumper - ✽ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Spire of Eyes
PterygiumBloom.png Pterygium Bloom 102 9,650 Melee Knockback Immune
Arrow Storm
✹ Weak
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Spire of Eyes
Scion.png Scion 104 10,200 Charge Pull ❋ Weak - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Spire of Eyes
Gurana.png Gurana 110 115,000 Jumper Knockback Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
❋ Weak
✤ Dam

Subjoined Brain
Silent Expanse Expedition:
Spire of Eyes
PollinatedWatcher.png Pollinated Watcher 107 100,000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Spire of Eyes
Rafflesia.png Rafflesia 112 232,000
Knockback Immune
Heavy Flamethrower
✽ Dam - Eyeball Forest:
Spire of Eyes

Defend - Forlorn Library

Forlorn Library is a defend objective, in which the player must defend a pile of Aged Tomes from an onslaught of mobs. The tomes are located at [866, 99, -336], at the southern edge of the Eyeball Forest. The tomes have ? base HP, and must be defended for 50 seconds to complete the challenge.

Immolatists will primarily focus on the tomes while Biblioclasts and Willful Ignorants will focus on the player, although their attacks can also damage the tomes.

Several other immobile Biblioclasts will also appear on the fringes of the arena of the challenge, serving as anti-camp mechanics. These Biblioclasts can also spawn outside of a lootrun.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AgedTomes.png Aged Tomes - ? Defend Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Forlorn Library
WillfulIgnorant.png Willful Ignorant 101 25,000 Jumper - ✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✹ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Forlorn Library
Immolatist.png Immolatist 104 76,555 Melee Knockback Immune
✦ Dam
✹ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Forlorn Library
Biblioclast.png Biblioclast
(Lv. 103)
103 55,700 Charge Flamethrower ✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✹ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Forlorn Library
Biblioclast(Lv110).png Biblioclast
(Lv. 110)
110 78,650 Melee
Flamethrower ✦ Dam
✹ Def
- Eyeball Forest:
Forlorn Library

Toxic Wastes Challenges

Spelunk - Haze Cave

In this cave, a Tier IV Loot Chest must be opened by defeating a Toxic Creeper in the final room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ToxicCloud.png Toxic Cloud 101 7,500 Melee - ✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Haze Cave
ToxicCreeper.png Toxic Creeper 107 30,000 Melee Heavy Weakness ✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Haze Cave

Spelunk - Loot Symposium

In this cave, two Tier III Loot Chests must be opened by defeating all 4 Conaedi Guardians in the final room.

Very rarely, a mob called the Gilded Eyefolk can spawn here.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Toxamine.png Toxamine 104 13,000 Jumper - ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Loot Symposium
ConaediGuardian(Water).png Conaedi Guardian (Water) 106 25,200 Melee Teleport
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def

Granitic Key
Loot Symposium
ConaediGuardian(Thunder).png Conaedi Guardian (Thunder) 106 28,400 Charge Web ❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✤ Def

Granitic Key
Loot Symposium
GildedEyefolk.png Gilded Eyefolk 110 115,000 Charge Arrow Storm
✹ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Loot Symposium

Spelunk - The Place Coalesced

In this cave, a Tier IV Loot Chest must be opened by defeating That Which Coalesces in the large room at the end.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
InvadingToxin.png Invading Toxin 103 15,000 Melee Knockback Immune ✽ Weak
✦ Dam
- The Place Coalesced,
from Toxified Rocks
ToxifiedRock.png Toxified Rock 104 147,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Self Destruct
✤ Dam 3 Invading Toxins The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedSheep.png Toxified Sheep 104 7,250 Charge - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedArthropod.png Toxified Reshaped 106 32,450 Ranged Heavy Weakness
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
1 Toxitack The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedGiant.png Toxified Giant 107 621,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Explode
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- The Place Coalesced
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase1).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 1)
108 100,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push
✤ Dam
✤ Def
1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 2) The Place Coalesced
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase2).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 2)
108 22,000 Scared Charge
- 1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 3) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 1)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase3).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 3)
108 100,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push
✤ Dam
✤ Def
1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 4) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 2)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase4).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 4)
108 22,000 Scared
- 1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 5) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 3)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase5).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 5)
108 60,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- From That Which Coalesces (Phase 4)

Slay Target - Sludge Locus

The False Respite is a Slay Target challenge located at 907, 129, -998. The target that must be slain is the Garadon. The following waves are how the mobs spawn:

  • Wave 1:
    • 2 Carious Scroungers
    • Garadon
  • Wave 2:
    • 3 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 3:
    • 3 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 4:
    • 3 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 5:
    • 3 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 6:
    • 4 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 7:
    • 5 Carious Scroungers
  • Wave 8:
    • 5 Carious Scroungers

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CariousScrounger.png Carious Scrounger 101 30,700 Melee - ✤ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Sludge Locus
Garadon.png Garadon 115 213,000 Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Sludge Locus

Defend - Collapsed Passage

The Collapsed Passage challenge is a defend objective, with the passage needing to be defended for 40 seconds. The passage has 160000 HP and is at 821, 123, -895.

Engulfed Miners and Gastral Scavengers will primarily target the rubble, while the Respirators will target the player, although their attacks can damage the objective.

Several Carious Hatchers will found near the rubble if the player is detected camping.

Very rarely, a mob called the Bloated Respirator will spawn.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CollapsedPassageRubble.png Collapsed Passage Rubble - 160,000 Defend Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Collapsed Passage
EngulfedMiner.png Engulfed Miner 102 28,900 Crawl - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Collapsed Passage
GastralScavenger.png Gastral Scavenger 104 66,375 Melee Meteor ✹ Weak
✦ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Collapsed Passage
Respirator.png Respirator 105 100,000 Charge Heavy Push
Heavy Pull
✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Collapsed Passage,
from Bloated Respirators
CariousHatcher.png Carious Hatcher 100 10,700 Melee
Heavy Explode ✤ Def - Toxic Wastes:
Collapsed Passage
BloatedRespirator.png Bloated Respirator 105 46,800 Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Push
✦ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
1 Respirator Silent Expanse Expedition:
Collapsed Passage

Defend - Melting Architecture

The Melting Architecture challenge is a defend challenge, with a mob called the Vestige of the Obelisk needing to be defended for 40 seconds. The vestige has 160000 HP and is located at 1016, 94, -1052.

Lesionary Sacrificers and Parsons will primarily target the vestige, while Lesionaries and Terra-Tomas will focus on the player, although they can also damage the vestige.

Very rarely, a duo of mobs will spawn called the Lesionary Sagittarii and the Lesionary Warlock.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
VestigeoftheObelisk.png Vestige of the Obelisk - 160,000 Defend Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Melting Architecture
Lesionary.png Lesionary 104 20,425 Crawl - ✹ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
LesionarySacrificer.png Lesionary Sacrificer 105 31,500 Melee Multihit ✹ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
LesionaryParson.png Lesionary Parson 106 21,650 Rapid Ranged - ✹ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
Terra-Toma.png Terra-Toma 110 295,000 Crawl Blindness Immune
Heavy Flamethrower
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Pluripotent Tissue
Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
LesionarySagittarii.png Lesionary Sagittarii 115 104,100 Ranged Charge
Arrow Storm
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
LesionaryWarlock.png Lesionary Warlock 115 127,100 Melee Heavy Explode
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture

Void Valley Challenges

Spelunk - Blind Burrow

In this cave, a Tier IV Loot Chest must be opened by defeating 5 mobs at the end.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheUnsighted.png The Unsighted 107 16,700 Ranged Heavy Pull ❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Blind Burrow
KontyricMole.png Kontyric Mole 108 17,500 Melee Heavy Slowness
Heavy Weakness
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Blind Burrow
ParanoidAmblyop.png Paranoid Amblyop 108 34,700 Jumper Heavy Teleport ✦ Def - Blind Burrow

Spelunk - Caged Creatures

In this cave, a Tier IV Loot Chest must be opened by defeating all 3 Volatile Hosts.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AdultLidin.png Adult Lidin 101 9,350 Ranged - ✹ Dam - Caged Creatures
VolatileHost.png Volatile Host 101 9,350 Melee Flamethrower ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
4 Lidin Fledglings Caged Creatures
LidinFledgling.png Lidin Fledgling 101 6,700 Melee - -
Explosive Mass
From Volatile Hosts
LidinCaretaker.png Lidin Caretaker 101 9,350 Melee Weakness - - Caged Creatures

Spelunk - The Lantern Keeper's Abode

In this cave, a Tier IV Loot Chest must be opened by defeating The Lantern Keeper.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheIgnited.png The Ignited 109 2,000 Jumper - - - The Lantern Keeper's Abode
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 1) 103 10 Melee - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 2) The Lantern Keeper's Abode
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 2) 103 100 Melee - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 3) From Rekinded Unsurmountable (Phase 1)
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 3) 103 500 Melee - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 4) From Rekinded Unsurmountable (Phase 2)
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 4) 103 2,000 Charge - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 5) From Rekinded Unsurmountable (Phase 3)
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 5) 103 15,000 Charge - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 6) From Rekinded Unsurmountable (Phase 4 and 6)
RekindledUnsurmountable.png Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 6) 103 25,000 Melee - - Rekindled Unsurmountable (Phase 5) From Rekinded Unsurmountable (Phase 5)
TheLanternKeeper.png The Lantern Keeper 109 119,000 Melee Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Teleport
✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✹ Def
- The Lantern Keeper's Abode

Slay Mobs - Exiled Garden

The Exiled Garden challenge is a Slay Mobs challenge that takes place at 1095, 136, -1139. The mobs that are spawned per wave is as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 1 Exiled Planter
    • 1 Exiled Reaper
  • Wave 2:
    • 1 Exiled Planter
    • 2 Exiled Reapers
  • Wave 3:
    • 1 Exiled Planter
    • 3 Exiled Reapers
  • Wave 4:
    • 2 Exiled Planters
    • 2 Exiled Reapers

A mob called the Cultivator will fly above the arena, and will summon Bulb Seeds near the player if they are detected camping. The Bulb Seeds will later turn into a Glow Bulb Herbage.

Very rarely, a mob called the Tainted Crop will spawn in this challenge.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ExiledPlanter.png Exiled Planter 106 32,450 Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune
Heavy Teleport
❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Exiled Garden
ExiledReaper.png Exiled Reaper 108 109,000 Melee Knockback Resist
Heavy Multihit
❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Exiled Garden
TheCultivator.png The Cultivator 110 Invulnerable Melee (Flying) ? - ? Silent Expanse Expedition
Exiled Garden
File:BulbSeed(ExiledGarden).png Bulb Seed ? 72600 Melee (Stationary) Knockback Immune
- 2 Glow Bulb Herbages Silent Expanse Expedition
Exiled Garden
(From The Cultivator)
TheTaintedCrop.png The Tainted Crop 115 250,000
Burst Ranged Teleport
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Vanish
Heavy Pull
✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Exiled Garden

Slay Target - False Respite

The False Respite is a Slay Target challenge located at 1117, 105, -1087. The target that must be slain is the Exemplar. The following waves are how the mobs spawn:

  • Wave 1:
    • 3 Lost Eyefolks
    • 3 Starlight Witnesses
  • Wave 2:
    • 3 Lost Eyefolks
    • 3 Starlight Witnesses
    • Exemplar
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Lost Eyefolks
    • 4 Starlight Witnesses
  • Wave 4:
    • 5 Lost Eyefolks
    • 5 Starlight Witnesses

If the player is detected camping, several Void Grafters will spawn.

Very rarely, a mob called the Stargazer will appear in this challenge.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LostEyefolk.png Lost Eyefolk 108 11,400 Charge - ✤ Weak
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite
StarlightWitness.png Starlight Witness 110 24,200 Melee - ✦ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite
Exemplar.png Exemplar 115 265,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Arrow Storm
✹ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite
VoidGrafter.png Void Grafter 111 100,000 Crawl
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite
Stargazer.png Stargazer 112 ?
? ? ✹ Dam
✹ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
False Respite

Slay Target - Graveyard of the Thousand

The Graveyard of the Thousand is a Slay Target challenge found in the Void Hole located at 1115, 86, -992. The target that must be slain is the Bone Monstrosity. Unlike other Slay Mob challenges, an active threat is present at the last wave, Tornadoes, which launch a player up into the air and also deals a lot of damage to them. The waves are how the mobs spawn:

  • Wave 1:
    • 7 Risen Ancient Ones
    • 2 Bonic Pinchers
  • Wave 2:
    • 5 Risen Ancient Ones
    • 5 Bonic Pinchers
    • 2 Blazing Souls
  • Wave 3:
    • 7 Bonic Pinchers
    • 3 Blazing Souls
    • 5 Weeping Souls
  • Wave 4:
    • 3 Blazing Souls
    • 5 Weeping Souls
    • 1 Bloated Soul
    • 5 Spindly Stalkers
  • Wave 5:
    • 5 Weeping Souls
    • Bone Monstrosity

After the challenge is complete, the following dialogue appears:

  • An explosion has occurred somewhere in the arena...

After the explosion happened, the player can exit the graveyard.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BonicPincher.png Bonic Pincher 105 7,500 Melee - - - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand
RisenAncientOne.png Risen Ancient One 107 23,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
✤ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand
BlazingSoul.png Blazing Soul 108 8,150 Rapid Ranged
- ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand
WeepingSoul.png Weeping Soul 110 12,100 Melee - ✽ Def - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand,
from Bloated Souls
BloatedSoul.png Bloated Soul 111 81,000 Melee Heavy Charge ✽ Def 3 Weeping Souls Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand
SpindlyStalker.png Spindly Stalker 114 40,600 Charge Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand
BoneMonstrosity.png Bone Monstrosity 115 265,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Flamethrower
✽ Weak
✹ Dam
❋ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Graveyard of the Thousand

Destroy - Gateway to Nothing

The Gateway to Nothing is a Destroy Challenge found in the eponymous territory. The Perfect Void must be destroyed in order to complete the challenge.

If the player is detected camping, several Burning Trichomes will appear.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PerfectVoid.png Perfect Void - 500,000 Destroy Objective - - - Silent Expanse Expedition
Gateway to Nothing
NoOne.png No One 105 23,025 Charge - ✽ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing
RealityNegator.png Reality Negator 105 36,000 Melee Heavy Teleport ✽ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing
Nihilist.png Nihilist 107 80,000 Melee Heavy Vanish
✤ Weak
❋ Dam
✽ Def
- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing
BurningTrichome.png Burning Trichome 104 35,050 Rapid Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Flamethrower
✹ Dam - Silent Expanse Expedition:
Gateway to Nothing


  • The False Respite and Graveyard of the Thousand each have their own unique lore:
    • The mobs in the False Respite are fanatic worshippers of their 'god', the Exemplar, after all of them were cast to The Void. Their bodies are shown to make up parts of the Exemplar.
    • The Graveyard of the Thousand is actually an Olmic graveyard, with all of them, except the Bone Monstrosity, having been Olmic before they died. In fact, even along the wall of the graveyard is a massive Olmic skeleton.
  • Exemplar and similar mobs at its challenge are related to the Greater One and Little One mobs from The Nameless Anomaly (Raid).
  • Starlight Witness is related to the Nocturnal Witness mobs from The Nameless Anomaly (Raid).
  • The mobs near Toxic Bounce are both pun-portmanteaus.
    • Lesionary is a combination of Lesion and Legionary.
    • Terra-Toma is a combination of Terra and Teratoma. This references the fact that the entirety of the toxic wastes biome being a living creature melted into the earth.
  • Behind their Ritualist masks, Biblioclasts appear to be Olm who have been tainted in some way by darkness.
  • Lesionary Sacrificers, and only Lesionary Sacrificers, are able to see invisible players and players in spectator mode.
  • Exiled Planter, Exiled Reaper, and Spurned Woodsman are all similar creatures.
  • The name of Exemplar and Immolatist are references to enemies from Darkest Dungeon 2.
  • Respirators are the bodies of miners that have been mutated to serve the purpose of respirating for the Toxic Wastes itself. Their lungs are bloated to the point they have broken the ribs caging them.
  • If you try to enter the Graveyard of the Thousand while not in a lootrun, the following message plays: "An invisible force prevents you from entering this void hole, you should find other void holes to enter."