Gateway Passage

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Gateway Passage TerritoryIcon.png
Access Points Portal on Gateway Island
Suggested Level 90
Involved Quests Fantastic Voyage

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The Gateway Passage is a hidden valley tainted by the influence of the Realm of Dern. The area is only accessible during the level 90 Quest Fantastic Voyage, in which the player and Relend uncover a portal to the Passage under Gateway Island. Although it connects Gateway Island to the Abandoned Mines in Wynn Province, and its landscape resembles that of the Silent Expanse, the true geographic location of the Passage is unknown.

During the quest, Relend states that he has been searching for the Gateway Passage to find an unnamed friend of his who entered it and failed to return; judging by the unfinished Sealed Letter found on the island, this friend is implied to be Bob. Additionally, a mysterious observer oversees the area, occasionally appearing as an illusion to the player. Upon finding Relend, the overseer reveals itself, spirits him to an unknown location, and expels the player from the Passage.


Gateway Passage is populated by a variety of flora and fauna, as well as organisms that blend the line between them. All appear to be inhabitants of The Realm of Dern (Such as the Myocardials), creatures touched by Dern (Such as Fallen Evoker), or things spawned of Darkness (Such as Vexing Guard).

There are few things native to the Gateway Passage, and many of the entities are simply passing through as a sojourner, or have invaded the space and carved out their own home. Among the invaders are The Myocardials, a peculiar breed of monster resembling an odd mesh of plant and heart muscle tissue.

Reproducing through budding, Myocardials grow to an uncanny height during their larval stage (shown in Myocardial Vascular), becoming frighteningly tall at a little over 21 feet or 6.5 meters, before detaching from these limbs as their wings mature, developing into Myocardial Drifter. In a last ditch effort of self defense, if a larval Myocardial has its limbs destroyed, they will combust in death to destroy their attacker and protect the rest of their species.

Myocardials are omnivorous, and envelop their food in a similar manner to an amoeba. Their diet consists of creatures smaller than themselves and flowers, notably the Antipollen Capitulum that sprout along the pathways of Gateway Passage, which may have travelled alongside them from their natural habitat as seeds.

Remains of Myocardials that have shed during their metamorphosis scatter Gateway Passage, with a few nearby the main path and the rest slumped over the debris floating in the black spaces beyond the large tears in the walls. From some of these shedding, players can harvest Myocardial Legs.

List of Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SilentOmen.png Silent Omen 95 1 Neutral Melee -
1 Omniscient Omen Gateway Island,
Gateway Passage
OmniscientOmen.png Omniscient Omen 95 10000 Ranged Teleport
Heavy Teleport

- From Silent Omens
AntipollenCapitulum.png Antipollen Capitulum 94 15000 Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune


- Gateway Passage
FallenEvoker.png Fallen Evoker 97 16000 Crawl Push


- Gateway Passage
GazeFromTheAbyss(Level99).png Gaze from The Abyss 99 32000 Crawl Heavy Multihit


- Gateway Passage
MalformedMyocardial.png Malformed Myocardial 96 10000
Blindness Immune

- From Myocardial Vasculars,
from Myocardial Drifters
MyocardialVascular.png Myocardial Vascular 96 24000 Melee Blindness Immune
Heavy Charge



1 Malformed Myocardial

Myocardial Leg
Gateway Passage
MyocardialDrifter.png Myocardial Drifter 100 28000 Rapid Ranged
Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Flamethrower


1 Malformed Myocardial Gateway Passage
MiasmicEyuard.png Miasmic Eyuard 92 10000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Meteor

- Gateway Passage
StrangeStalk.png Strange Stalk 96 14000 Melee
Knockback Immune

- Gateway Passage
VisceriteMaggot.png Viscerite Maggot 90 6000 Melee - - - Gateway Passage
PeculiarOne.png Peculiar One 90 63000 Melee

- Gateway Passage
VexingGuard.png Vexing Guard 94 24000 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge


- Gateway Passage
EldritchMesothelae.png Eldritch Mesothelae 100 34000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist


- Gateway Passage
LurkingMetasomal.png Lurking Metasomal 100 65000 Melee Blindness Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
Heavy Multihit


- Gateway Passage



  • Prior to the 2.0 Spellbound Update, the Gateway Passage was commonly referred to as the Gateway Realm. Officially, it was known as the Unknown.
  • The Antipollen Capitulum mob is a Dernic variation of the Antiflorets found in the Realm of Light.
    • A capitulum is a flower head, or a cluster of small flowers.
  • The name of the Myocardials refers to the myocardium, the muscle tissue of the heart.
    • Myocardial Vascular is also known as "nigel".
  • The name of the Eldritch Mesothelae refers to a small suborder of spiders.
  • The name of the Lurking Metasomal refers to the metasoma, an anatomical feature of arthropods. In scorpions, which the mob resembles, the metasoma refers to the tail.
  • Miasmic Eyuard is a portmanteau of "eye" and "guard".
  • The segmented skeletal remains in the latter half of the Passage belong to a large worm-like monster, possessing three-fingered hands and a skull resembling that of a whale.
    • These skeletal remains were fondly referred to as "La Creatura" during the development of 2.0.
  • Gateway Passage's appearance is inspired by the games Yume Nikki and Yume 2kki, where all manner of things seem to converge into one nonsensical area.
  • Gateway Passage contains areas themed after the Toxic Wastes, the Eyeball Cave in Eyeball Forest, the lower part of The Heart of Decay, The Void, Eldritch Outlook's courtyard, and The Nightmare Frontier from Bloodborne.