Pigman Set

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Pigman Set

Item Types Leather Helmet and Spear
Min. Level 16
Obtained Mob Drops, Loot Chests
Components Pigman Helmet (Level 15)
Pigman Battle Hammer (Level 16)

The Pigman Set is a set of armour that the player can obtain at an early level by killing Zombie Pigmen.

Pigman Helmet

Pigman Helmet

Item Information
Item Leather Helmet
Min. Level 15
Rarity Set Item
Powder Slots 1 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +80
Earth +5
Air -5
Strength Min: 5

Pigman Helmet is a level 15 leather helmet. Its identifications are as follows:

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Walk Speed   -3%  -5%
 % Earth Damage   +4%  +18%

Pigman Battle Hammer

Pigman Battle Hammer

Item Information
Item Spear
Class Warrior/Knight
Min. Level 16
Rarity Set Item
Powder Slots 1 ()
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Damage
Attack Speed Very Slow (-2)
Neutral 16-24
Earth 12-20
Strength Min: 5

Pigman Battle Hammer is a level 16 spear. Its identifications are as follows:

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +4
 Walk Speed   -4%  -8%

Set Bonuses

When multiple pieces of the Pigman set are used at the same time, the following set bonuses are applied:

Identification 1-Piece Bonus 2-Piece Bonus
Strength Points - +20
Bonus Earth Damage - +40%
